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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



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Yogi Afri Yendra *)

**) Lili Perpisa dan **) Abri Yenti Staff Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tipe-tipe proses pembentukan kata-kata slang yang terdapat dalam film Freedom Writers. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti manganalisa tipe-tipe pembentukan kata-kata slang berdasarkan teori yang disebutkan oleh George Yule. Ada sekitar sepuluh tipe-tipe pembentukan kata yang dijelaskan oleh Yule yaitu: coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping, backformation, conversion, acronym, derivation dan multiple process. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Content Analysis. Sumber data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah dokumen yaitu naskah film dari film Freedom Writers. Setelah melakukan penelitian, terdapat sekitar 40 kata-kata slang yang digunakan karakter-karakter di dalam film. Dari 40 kata-kata slang yang ditemukan terdapat 7 tipe pembentukan kata yang membentuk kata-kata slang tersebut. 19 dibentuk melalui proses coinage, 7 melalui proses compounding, 5 melalui proses blending, 4 melalui proses clipping, 1 melalui proses acronym, 3 melalui proses derivation dan 1 melalui proses multiple processes. Proses yang paling dominan adalah proses coinage ditemukan sekitar 19 kata-kata slang.

Kata kunci: Slang, Word formation

*) Penulis

**) Pembimbing


Language is main thing of communication to communicate for all of the people around the world, without language people cannot convey message to others. Language can be used to express ideas, comments, feelings, experiences and information to other people. By using language, people can understand what other people mean and other people understand what people mean. Then, language can be built the relationship among people in the world.

According to Akamajian et al (2001: 287), language is divided into two parts, they are formal language and informal language. Formal language is standard language that people usually use in formal situation in spoken or written, while informal language is used in particular situation or it cannot be formal or casual situation in spoken. There are many kinds of language varieties used in informal context and one of them is slang. Slang words or phrases are typically very informal, and they

are usually restricted to a particular group typically teens and young adults as a marker of in-group status. Most are not new words but existing word that have acquired new meanings for some group (Denham and Lobeck 2013: 192). Slang is word which do not become a part of standard vocabulary or language and used informally.

Slang is used to show a special identity, to be popular to make easier and simple conversation. Thorne (2005), slang is language deliberately selected for its striking informality and is consciously used in preference to ‘proper’ speech (or, more rarely, writing). It usually originates in small social groups. For these groups, it is a private code that embodies their particular values and behaviour and reinforces their exclusivity. It can be said that slang is informal word that used usually in spoken language and it is created by a small social group to be a private code in communication to each other in that group.

Nowadays, the use of slang words can be found easily by people anywhere.


2 Media is as one of the factor that influences the spread of slang such as magazine, radio, newspaper, social network and movie.

Especially movie, it is a source of entertainment which popular for students and teenagers. Teenagers tend to imitate their favorite actresses and actors on the movie. They imitate the way of the actors speak because they think that this kind of words are very interesting. Most of teenagers imitate the slang words that spoken by the actors and actresses without knowing the meaning of words, how the words can be formed and it becomes their language.

One of the language development is creating new words by using word formation. Word is part of language which has important role in forming a language.

People use the word to make a sentence, but people sometimes don’t know where the words come from and people don’t know how the word is formed. Therefore, the new words or slangs are formed in some processes. Linguistically, the processes of forming the new word is called word formation processes. Richard and Schmidt (2002: 589) explain that word formation is the processes used in language for creation of new words. Other processes are sometimes regarded part of word formation.

It can be said that process of creating new words is mentioned as process of word formation. The words are created by processes of word formation.

According to Mohammed (2001:

26) word formation generally refers to the whole process of morphological variation in the constitution of words. The processes of forming the new word from the old word to the new word can use some processes for example: coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping, backformation, conversion, acronyms, derivation, prefixes and suffixes, infixes and multiple processes (Yule, 2006: 53-58).

Based on phenomena of language development in human life, the researcher is interested to conduct research about the slang word formation in the Freedom Writers movie. Freedom Writers is a 2007 American drama movie that is adopted based on true story of life from an English teacher.

The researcher chooses Freedom Writers movie because it is a popular movie, it has won Humanity Prize in 2007 for feature film category and has won Golden Camera, German in 2008. Freedom writers tell about

real life of teenagers in race war situation and it is about education. The story of this movie about a new teacher faces the students from different race, cultural, environment and background in race war situation that have not spirit to study.


In doing this research, the method that was used by researcher in conducting the analysis is Content-Analysis method. Ary et al (2010:457) states Content analysis is a research method applied to written or visual materials for the purpose of identifying specified characteristics of the material. The materials analyzed can be textbooks, newspapers, web pages, speeches, television programs, advertisements, musical compositions, or any of a host of other types of documents. The researcher uses content- analysis, because the data that the researcher uses and takes in form of movie script, the researcher will describe about types of words formation process of slang words in Freedom Writers movie script. So, this research has goal to solve the problem by analyzing the facts and data systematically based on the recent fact. The source of the data was the script of Freedom Writers movie.


There are 40 slang words that is found in Freedom Writers movie which is there are 7 types of word formation that formed those slang words. There are 19 slang words of total 40 slang words that are used in coinage process. In compounding process, there are 7 slang words. There are 5 slang words in blending process, 4 slang words in clipping process, 1 slang word in acronym process, 3 slang words in derivation process and 1 slang word in multiple processes.

1. Coinage

According to Yule (2006: 53), coinage is the invention totally new term or word, which can possibly come from the old to the new uses. It means that it is forming slang by creating new terms from the existing word. The most typical sources also are invented trade names for commercial product that become general terms.


The slang cop means a police officer, that is the invention


3 of totally the new term because the word cop doesn’t relate with a police officer. The slang cop was categorized in coinage process because it is the invention totally new term or word for the existing word that is police officer. The slang cop is used to replace the term a police.


The slang dope means excellent or best, that is the invention of the new term from the old use to the new use because the word dope doesn’t relate with excellent or best. The slang dope was categorized in coinage process because it is the invention totally new term or word, which comes from the old to the new uses.

2. Compounding

According to Yule (2006: 54), compounding is a joining of two or more separate words to produce a single form.

The combination of the words can be from some categories ( nouns, adjectives, verbs and preposition).


The slang homegirl comes from a joining two separate words.

This word is combined from two separate word that are home and girl to produce single word that is homegirl. It can be said that compounding process was applied because there is a joining two separate word to produce a single word in the process of forming the word. The slang homegirl means a very close female friend.


The slang bullshit comes from a joining two separate words.

This word is combined from two separate words that are bull and shit to produce single word that is bullshit. It can be said that compounding process was applied because there is a joining two separate word to produce a single word in the process of forming the word. The slang bullshit means nonsense.

3. Blending

According to Yule (2006: 55), blending is the process of combination of two separate forms to produce a single new term. Blending is typically, accomplish by

taking only the beginning of one word and joining it to the end of the other word.


The slang gonna of the dialogue is the result from two combining words that are going and to. The word gonna is formed from taking the beginning of word going and joining it to the word to. The meaning of gonna is a way of saying ‘going to’ in informal speech. It means that blending process was applied from this word because it was formed from is the process of combination of two separate forms to produce a single new term.


The slang ain’t of the dialogue is the result from two combining words that are tobe am and not. The word ain’t is formed from taking the beginning of tobe am and joining it to the word not.

Word ain’t means to replace am not, are not, is not, has not and have not for non standard or informal spoken. It means that blending process was applied from this word because it was formed from is the process of combination of two separate forms to produce a single new term.

4. Clipping

According to Yule (2006: 55), clipping is the process of forming new word when a word of more than one syllable is reduced to a shorter form, usually beginning in casual speech. It means that the way to create new word by cutting syllable of word.


The slang cause on the dialogue above is from because that was reduced to a shorter form by cutting the syllable of word. The word because was deleted into cause by cutting the beginning syllable of word. It can be said that, the clipping process was applied in this word because it is the process when a word of more than one syllable is reduced to a shorter form. The slang cause means because as conjunction in informal or casual speech.

5. Acronym


4 According to Yule (2006: 57), acronyms are new words formed from the initial letters of a set of other words.

Acronyms are formed by taking the first or initial of each words in a phrase and makes them as a word.


The slang PO consists from the phrase Probation Office or Parole Officer. It is created by taking the initial letters of P from probation word and O from officer in a phrase probation officer and reading them as a new word. It can be said that acronym process was applied in this slang word because it is formed from the initial letters of a set of other words.

6. Derivation

According to Yule (2006: 57) derivation is accomplished by means of a large number of small ‘bits’ of the English language which are not usually given separate listings dictionary. It is accomplished by addition of affixes in a word that derives new word. Derivation is a process of creating new words by adding an affix.


The slang homey derives from home word. It is formed by adding affix, which the home word is added a suffix –y on the end of the word to be home-y. It means that derivation process was applied in this slang word because it is a process of creating new words by adding an affix in a word. The slang homey means a close male friend.

7. Multiple Processes

According to Yule (2006: 58), multiple processes are possible to trace the operation of more than one process at work in the creation of a particular word. It means that multiple process apply more than one types of word formation in creating new word.


The slang coz on the dialogue above means a stranger.

The slang coz derives from cousin word that was reduced to a shorter form by cutting the syllable of word. The word cousin was cut into coz. Thus, clipping process was applied to this word. The word cousin means a stranger, that is the

invention of the new term from the old use to the new use because the word cousin doesn’t relate with a stranger. The word cousin was categorized in coinage because it is the invention totally new term or word, which comes from the old to the new uses. It can be said that there two types of word formation that was operated in creating this slang word. They are coinage and clipping process.


In conducting this researcher, the researcher used the theory of George Yule about types of word formation in determining the types of slang word formation in Freedom Writers movie. After collecting the slang words of the movie script and analyzing those slang words based on types of word formation, the researcher found 40 slang words that are used by the character in movie and found 7 types of word formation that form those slang words, they are coinage, compounding, blending, clipping, acronym, derivation and multiple processes. The type of slang word formation which mostly used is coinage process. It is about 19 coinage process of total 40 slang words. After that, there are 7 for compounding process, 5 for blending process, 4 for clipping, for derivation is about 3 and for acronym multiple processes in which each of them is about 1 of total slang words. The biggest frequency among those seven word formation is 19 that is the process of coinage.

This research was conducted to find out the types of slang word formation in Freedom Writers movie. The researcher suggested the others to analyze the types of slang word formation in different context because it will make different ideas and thoughts. So that, the study about slang word formation will be better in the future. In addition, this thesis can be references for the other researcher for related of studies, hopefully this can be useful to increase the knowledge of the reader about the types of slang word formation.



Akamajian et al. 2001. Linguistics: An Introduction to Language And Communication. Hong Kong:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Ary, Donald. et al. 2010. Introduction to Research in Education, Eighth Edition. Wadsworth: Cengange Lerning.

Denham, Kristin and Lobeck, Anne. 2013.

Linguistic for Everyone: An Introduction, Second Edition.

Wadsworth: Cengange Lerning.

Mohammed, M. A. 2001. Modern Swahili Grammar. Kampala: East African Educational Ltd.

Richards, Jack C and Schmidt, Richards.

2002. Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching & Applied Linguistics, Third Edition. London:

Pearson Education Limited.

Thorne, Tony. 2007. Dictionary of Contemporary Slang, Third Edition. London: A & C Black Publisher Ltd.

Yule, George. 2006. The Study of Language, Third Edition. Cambridge:

University Press.


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