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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

The researcher hopes that this thesis is useful for the researcher in particular and the readers in general. The researcher conducted research in MTs Negeri II Surakarta specifically on ninth grade C in the academic year 2022/2023.


  • Background of the Study
  • Identification of Problem
  • Limitation of Problem
  • Problem Statements
  • Objectives of the Study
  • The Benefits of the Study
  • Definition of Key Term

Video project as students' speaking task applied in English speaking teaching in MTs N II Surakarta. These research findings are expected to be able to motivate students to learn English, especially in speaking skills.



  • Definition of Speaking
  • Function of Speaking
  • Basic Types of Speaking
  • Speaking Factors
  • Speaking Indicators
  • Problem of Speaking
  • Speaking Performance
  • Teaching Speaking
  • Teaching Speaking Activities

According to Thornbury (2005), the factors that affect the students' speaking ability easily or difficultly, divided into three. Speaking is a productive language skill, it is about how the students produce the language orally.

Challenges in Speaking Performance

  • Challenges in Learning Speaking Performance
  • Challenges in Teaching Speaking Performance

In order to make the students have high self-confidence, the teacher should give positive encouragement to the students. From the problem students face in speaking, it becomes a challenge for the teacher to deliver teaching material so that the students can receive it well.

Types of Video Recording Task

  • Video Feedback
  • Video Project Work

Therefore, a video project is a task given to the students by a teacher where the task is to create the daily activities of the students. Video cameras can be an invaluable tool in facilitating project meetings that keep students in focused contact with members of the target language culture.

The Advantages of Video Project

Video cameras can be an invaluable tool in facilitating project meetings that put students in direct contact with members of the target language culture. 2002) stated that by using audio-visuals, the lack of opportunity in foreign language environments to interact with native speakers can be minimized due to exposure to many types of scenes, situations and accents, as well as voices. It can be concluded from the assumption that video can be used as a tool to practice communication using the target language and to show a real experience of native speaker communication with the help of audio and visual devices provided by video.

The Problems of Video Project

2002) stated that by using audiovisual, the lack of opportunity to interact with native speakers in foreign language environments can be minimized due to the exposure to many kinds of scenes, situations and accents as well as voices. Students had to divide the project into several phases needed to plan each phase of the project implementation.

Task Assessment

  • Component of Task
  • Video Project Assessment

According to Nunan (2004) said that the environment is where the task takes place in or outside the class. Procedure relates to the instruction or direction of the task given by the teacher.

Table 2.1: Scoring Rubric
Table 2.1: Scoring Rubric

Previous Study

This research was conducted to investigate students' perception of using video project as an assessment of students' speaking English. This research was intended to know how the implementation of video-based project on students' speaking skills.


  • Research Design
  • Research Setting
  • Subject and Object of the Study
  • Technique of Data Collection
  • Technique of Analysis Data
  • Trustworthiness of Data

The teacher gave the students the task to make a video project based on the material given by the teacher. The teacher asked the students: "Who wants to give feedback on the video project shown?". Based on the above statement, the setting is to determine the location of the video project.

The teacher asked the students to create a video project as a speaking task about the procedure text, the teacher explained the instructions of the task. Most of the components of the video project contributed significantly to the students' speaking ability. The teacher asked the students if they could show the video project in front of the class.

The next activity was the teacher asking the students to show the video project in front of the class.

Table 3.1 Research Schedule
Table 3.1 Research Schedule


Research Finding

  • The Implementation of Video Project in Speaking Performance
  • The Challenges of the Implementation of Video Project in

Based on the above statements, the aim of the assignment is to stimulate the students to speak English. The teacher then asked the students What is the title of the procedural text?. Based on the above statements, the task's input is to develop the students' speaking skills.

According to the above statement, the input of the task is the provision of speech indicators to the students. The role of the teacher can help students achieve their goals in the learning process. According to the results of the above interview, the challenge in the stage role of the teacher acts as a moderator.

Based on the result of the interview above, the challenge at the activity stage is the editing of video project.


The purpose of the video project affects the student learning process, especially in English speaking. The aim of the video project is to develop the language skills of the students to use English appropriately. Prepared the material related to speaking before asking the students to create their video project.

Then the students asked to create a video project topic after teaching some of the material." The teacher also showed the video project of the native speaker so that the students get more information. Then asked the students to create a video project topic after teaching some of the material.

The teacher showed the examples from the previous video project about the procedure text from the previous students.



The implementation of video project in speaking performance Based on the implementation of video project, the students were given freedom in their actions, both in the room or outside classroom activity to achieve their goals so that the students can explore their knowledge. The lessons were delivered by some previous video projects, handouts as references for the students before creating video project. The students can participate in their group and make a discussion, such as giving comments from their classmates.

The implementation of a video project gives the students more opportunities to practice their English speaking skills through video viewing, group discussion and making a video project. Based on the challenges in the implementation of a video project, in the selection of the topic, sometimes there is material that has been taught before, so that the topic is repeated again by the students. When the students are given the freedom to choose a place, the teacher cannot directly see what they are doing.

During the creation of the video project, the students faced several challenges in speaking such as: lack of motivation, lack of confidence, fear of mistakes and shyness and lack of vocabulary.


  • For The Teacher
  • For The Students
  • For The Researcher

Therefore, a teacher should know the video material well and establish communication with other teachers about the topic that will be taught to the students to avoid repetition of the given topics. Therefore, students must overcome their fears and manage their time as efficiently as possible to complete video project assignments correctly. Even though they are speaking in front of the camera, the videos that the students produce still do not flow naturally because the students still feel nervous about what they want to convey.

Students need to pay attention and more while teaching the learning process so that they can easily understand the material given by the teacher. There were still many weaknesses in the theory or method due to the limited skill of the researcher. The researcher also understood that this research paper made little contribution to learning to speak.

Students' perception of a video project in their speech class: A study of grade 11 students of SMAN 1 Kasihan.

Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) Nama Madrasah : MTs N 2 Surakarta Kelas/ Semester : Kelas IX/ Ganjil Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Tahun Ajaran. Siswa dapat membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks proses mengenai langkah-langkah/langkah-langkah membuat suatu produk atau. Guru memberikan contoh teks prosedur dari buku pelajaran sebelumnya untuk siswa dan video proyek.

Guru mengajak siswa menyimpulkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks prosedur. Mahasiswa dapat memberi dan meminta informasi terkait iklan penawaran barang, jasa, layanan publik dan lowongan. Guru mengajak siswa menyimpulkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada contoh berita.

The teacher asked the students to read and understand the sample procedural text in the textbook. The teacher asked the students to discuss with their friends about the example of the procedure text in the textbook. The teacher gave the next exercises on the next page of the textbook as the students'.

At the beginning of the meeting, the teacher greeted the students and first asked their condition. After showing the previous video project, the teacher asked the students to identify the structures in the procedural text. The next activity was that the teacher asked the students to make a video project as a speaking task about the procedure text, the teacher explained the instructions for the task.

After the students finished answering the teacher's questions, the teacher asked the students "Who will give feedback on the video project shown?".

Peneliti : Apakah Bu Sunarni menyiapkan materi terkait materi speaking sebelum meminta siswa membuat proyek videonya. Pembantu: Ya, saya menyiapkan materi yang berkaitan dengan pembelajaran berbicara sebelum meminta siswa untuk membuat proyek video mereka. Peneliti : Apakah Bu Sunarni juga memberikan indikator berbicara sebelum meminta siswa untuk membuat proyek video sebagai tugas berbicara?

Narasumber: Ya, saya memberikan prompt berbicara sebelum meminta siswa untuk mengerjakan proyek video sebagai tugas berbicara mereka. Peneliti : Materi apa saja yang diberikan Bu Sunarni kepada siswa terkait tugas video project. Peneliti : Apakah Bu Sunarni juga meminta siswa untuk memberikan umpan balik pada proyek videonya masing-masing?

Peneliti : Apakah Ms. Instruksi atau arahan Sunarni diberikan kepada siswa sebelum atau dalam proses pembuatan proyek video.

Apakah Anda mendapatkan kosakata tambahan saat berbicara di depan kamera dibandingkan dengan berbicara langsung di depan kelas? Apakah Anda merasa lebih bersemangat ketika mendapat tugas berbicara di kelas bahasa Inggris melalui proyek video? Apakah Anda merekam video berulang kali untuk menghindari rasa takut akan kesalahan saat membuat proyek video.

Apakah Anda lebih termotivasi dengan tugas proyek video karena Anda juga dapat berlatih menggunakan teknologi dan mengasah kreativitas Anda.


Table 2.1: Scoring Rubric
Table 3.1 Research Schedule
Table 3.2: Close-ended Questionnaire


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