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Background of the Study Speaking is an interactive process of constructing ideas includes the production and reception, and processing information (Brown, 1994


Academic year: 2023

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A. Background of the Study

Speaking is an interactive process of constructing ideas includes the production and reception, and processing information (Brown, 1994; Burn & Joyce, 1997). Means that speaking is such an activity to produce the ideas orally to the audience. In addition, speaking is the ability to utter a sentence to convey or express intentions, ideas, opinions and feelings that are developed and arranged in appropriate with the needs of the listener so that what is conveyed can be understood by the listener.

Based on Bailey and Savage (1994:7) cited in Fauziati (2010:15) stated that speaking is the most demanding skill in Learning English as the foreign or second language. Therefore, through the appropriate method that used by the teacher student can mastered the speaking skills as expected. However, speaking is an activity that occurs spontaneously. Therefore, speaking strongly influenced by the circumstances in which speaking activities take place or what is the context that guided the running of this activity in appropriate ways. For example that when we talk about toys as a topic, it can be believed that things discussed will not to be far from their thoughts about toys. Back to the main point why students should be encouraged to be able to speak in English because language are useful when used frequently.


Moreover, speaking is skills that are more practical and should be mastered by the students, because it is a productive skill and the basic competencies that students must achieve according to the syllabus’ assessment. Students not only learn theoretically about speaking but they also have to practice it more often.

Indeed, teacher to consider that there are not all of the student have the same interest in speak in English. According to Munjayanah (2004:17) cited in Fitriani 2016:106) state that learners have their own difficulties in learning the language, improving speaking is not easy for the students. In Indonesia, as English is adopted as a foreign language, therefore it is not easy to learn it. Usually students most common problem in Indonesia is that they were often felt doubt to speak in English in classrooms and worried of making mistakes or simply shy due to the mistakes. Then, they cannot think of something or they cannot speak about what they are trying to speak. Last, the students are not interested to participate actively in speaking English even though in a classroom or a small group on their class.

In this case, we need to stimulate the student to become interested in use of speaking. So, as a teacher we must try to find a lot of ways to encourage students interest in use of speaking in English. For the first thing that we have to know in order to stimulate the student for habitually using English as part of their daily languages is the instance by our self. We have to give an example as a role model in class, no need to expect much or burdening them to use speaking in English for the rest of their activity. We can stimulate them in a simple way first and in a little scale or place for an example is in a small group classroom. Make a little group to discuss a simple things first but frequently to make sure that the student become


Of course there are many things or main topic to started the discussion, that is why use a simple theme that is related to their daily life or anything that can be searched in their environment easily.

Furthermore, related with students speaking performance that is the use of Project Based Learning as the method to encourage the interest of students speaking because this method allowing “students to design, plan, and carry out an extended project that produces a publicy exhibited output such as a product, publication, or presentation” (Patton, 2012:13). Through PBL, the learners are engaged in purposeful communication to complete authentic activities (project-work), so that they have opportunity to use the language in a relatively natural context (Haines, 1989, as cited in Fragoulis, 2009) and participate in meaningful activities which require authentic language use (Fragoulis, 2009).

1) Reason for Choosing The Topic

The researcher choose “The use of Project Based Learning Method to Encourage Students Interest in Speaking” as the topic of this final project proposal with the following reasons :

a. Speaking is very important for the students, because in speaking students can share information and ideas through oral and speaking as the foreign or second language in school, so they have to be mastered speaking performance well.

b. In learning or teaching speaking, the students should actively practice speaking English to improve the quality of students speaking, because people can be able to speak well if they use it in frequently ways.


c. Project-Based Learning method is one of the method that used in a small group to discuss a certain theme. Furthermore, the use of this method is to stimulate students thought in order to make them more creatively share their opinion in a free way to the others. Students actually have many things that they want to share to the other students but sometimes the don’t know how to speak it well when using English. That is why, Project Based Learning is one of the method that make them become more curious about the particular topic from teacher and as time goes by student be get used to this kind of method.

d. In a learning process especially nowadays, students are required to be more active in a class. The teacher as a facilitator, we have to facilitate them to think creatively and encourage them to become independent and be confident for speaking in English without any anxiety.

Pre-observation by researcher B. Research Question

Based on the backround of the study there are problems. This study will attempt to answer the following question :

a. Are Project Based Learning Method effective to encourage students’ interest to speaking in English?

b. What are the difficulties faced by the students in speaking performance?

c. What are the students response due to Project Based Learning techniques as a stimuli for their learning process?


C. The Objective of the Study

This study has objectives relating to the formulation problems above. They can be states as follows:

a. To describe the effectiveness of Project Based Learning in order to encourage students development and interest to speaking in English as their performances in a class.

b. To find and solve the problem or difficulties that faced by the students about speaking performance.

c. To expand students’ responses toward learning method (project-based learning) in teaching process.

d. To motivate students the importance of using English nowadays

D. Significance of the Study

The use of the result of the study:

a. For the teacher

1. Teacher can observe, assessing, and conduct a good strategy in helping the students to encourage their interest of using English speaking habits.

2. Teacher will be able to increase students new vocabulary during the learning process.

3. Teacher can motivate students that speaking in English is not that hard as they thought

b. For Student

1. It will be able to help and motivate students to improve theirs speaking performance

2. It will be able to increase students self-confidence


B. The Scope of the Study

According to the problems that have been formulated above, the study focuses to find out the effectiveness of using Project-Based Learning method as a teaching technique to encourage students interest in speaking English. This study also tries to explain the students responses toward the use of Problem-Based learning as the method of learning process. The author give a topic to be discussed by the students then make them to share their opinion to the other using English as the main languages, then teacher do evaluate in the end of the learning process.

C. Outline of The Study

This study consist of several chapter; but in this case, only mention about chapter I which consist of background of the study, reason for choosing the topic, research question, the objective of the study, significance of the study, the scope of the study, and outline of the study.


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