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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

To the Secretary of the Department of Language Education, Akhmad Ali Mirza, M.Sc. Pd., for his invaluable assistance in academic and administrative matters. Head of the study program of English education, Zaitun Qamariah, M.Sc. Pd., for her invaluable assistance in academic and administrative matters.


  • Background of the study
  • Research Problem
  • Objectives of the Study
  • Scope and Limitation
  • Significance of the Study
  • Definition of Key Terms

Third, Kahayan Market is one of the traditional markets in the municipality of Palangka Raya. The register that the author would investigate is the register of the vegetable seller in Kahayan Market, Jekan Raya Sub-district, Palangkaraya Municipality, Central Kalimantan Province, which the author would investigate is the Indonesian style used by vegetable vendors when they talk


Related Studies

According to Inderasari (2020, p.4-5) during the research "the characteristics of the use of register between waiters in Ayam Penyet Surabaya restaurant". The equation between this research and the research that I will do about the method, both using a qualitative descriptive method.

Theoretical Review

  • Register
  • Jargon
  • Intercultural Communication
  • Lingual Unit Form
  • Word
  • Affixation
  • Reduplication
  • Sociolinguistic
  • Traditional Market

The register form in the form of conversation or ajagiri dialogue is interpreted as later only in Indonesian. According to Wardhaugh in Baehaqie (2010, p.2), the register is a special vocabulary related to work and certain socio-cultural groups. According to Inderasari (2020, p.5), the register itself is a code in a language that is usually used and understood by certain groups or professions, such as registers found in waiters at Ayam Penyet Surabaya restaurant.

1) "PAPN-nya satu ya, kekebo!" in English it's "PAPN only one, wrapped please!" meaning of PAPN is Package Ayam Penyet Negeri in English is Package of State Penyet Chicken. Without communication, we can say that humans are lost in the wilderness of this life.

Theoretical Framework


  • Research Design
  • Subject of The Study
  • Source of Data and Corpus
  • Research Instrument
  • Data Collection Procedure
  • Data Analysis Procedure
  • Data Endorsement

The author eavesdrops on the vegetable seller without knowing about the purchase transaction. The documentation that the author would do is to take some pictures of the vegetable sellers during the interaction and during the interview. The conclusion was where the author looks for a conclusion to answer the solution to the problem.

In this study, triangulation was used by the author to evaluate the data collection, in addition to checking or comparing. Member checking was the data control process acquired from the author to the data provider.


Presentation of Data

The researcher asked the vegetable seller, as follows; how long they trade, how many customers come, is the language that is easily used to understand each other. There are 3 main questions that the researcher asks the vegetable traders, the list of questions is as follows. Thank God there are only customers, as long as they are friendly, they can have customers, that day there were 40 people who bought my aunt's vegetables".

Customers, thank God there are children, if the count is uncertain, there are 35, yes, at least 30, if the week is up to 40 people. Thank God, the customers are full of 30 and above, every day there are those who buy vegetables and more, this grated coconut can go up to 40 people a day because it takes a long time to grate this coconut, so people choose to buy them that are already minced.

Table 4.1 Interview
Table 4.1 Interview


The researcher also found that there was only one register of proclitic type in the sentence namely "harga seitu amun nukar partai kubari ai" is called proclitic because there is the word "kubari" where the word ku is of prolitic type, the register. is the word "partai". From all the contents of the research, the researcher also found that language is the most important communication tool that can facilitate all activities and language can be used everywhere in any form as long as they understand each other. From the research done by the researcher, the researcher found a unique find in one of the vegetable sellers namely in the shop of Mrs.

Martini, in a conversation between sellers and buyers of vegetables, the researcher understood from this sentence that it is a friendly relationship in speech. In Martin's store, there is a bargain, which is a sign of the friendly attitude of the seller to accept an offer that does not exceed the offer limit, the offer sentence is one bundle costs 4000 diks, if you take three bundles, the price from this sentence is saved meaning that the vegetable seller wants to his goods are running out quickly, and he wants to continue to have customers.


The analysis means that the registers found are interpreted with reason, because this register of vegetable sellers is not in the language dictionary, because the language register of vegetable sellers is used to facilitate communication. In the register of greengrocers, there are phrases based on words and phrases based on their structure, namely the noun phrases kangkung hutan and kangkung cabut and the word phrase for cabut, which belong to the exocentric phrases, the meaning of which is different if they are separate words. kangkung hutan adaka cil?. The vegetable seller's register contains phrases based on words and phrases based on their structure, namely the noun phrase sayur paku and the word phrases aku bungkus and and contains the number phrases for dua ribu Lombok, the noun phrase iwak karing, the adjective term for berelaan.

This word is very famous in the market, this word is very unique and makes the atmosphere comfortable. The sentence “segarnya wan bungas bungas ih”, the word bungas, indicates that the vegetables sold are still very well preserved in color, which does not mean the beauty of the woman.

The register found are


The phrase about brambang campur, merah putih 10ribu so the word brambang comes from the Javanese language, which in KBBI means red onion. This word is very well known, the banjar tribe often use the word brambang in the Kahayan market, the average banjar tribe uses the word brambang. The sentence of brambang campur, merah putih 10ribu so means the meaning of the word red and white red onion and garlic, because in order to facilitate communication in the Kahayan market, the word red and white is generally often used to describe the red and white Indonesian flag. d) "Down sop".

The sentence is tempe per selonjor daun tujuh ribu, in KBBI dictionary selonjor means to lean. This pulled spinach does not mean that the spinach is pulled out in the wild, but that this spinach is cultivated. f) "Saya bungkus satu".

The register found in the conversation 1 is

Based on the above register, register is found of the phrase jeruk soto harga naik sila sige, nalatama masih seribu lima sekarang sudah seribu tiga biji, menjulanya sila, soto oranges are limes, sellers usually call them citrus soto because it is often used for a food mixture called soto, this is a register form because it has a homonymous meaning, which can mean whole oranges in soto or orange-flavored water for mixing soup food. According to Bara (2020), soto is one of the Indonesian culinary icons, easily found in almost all regions of Indonesia in many different forms.

The register found in the conversation 2 are

The word Duit Penglaris from the sentence Duit penglaris banar bu lah intends to attract food so that the goods sold are sold out, but the word Uang Penglaris according to Endi (2010) can mean an amulet, spell or talisman that makes the goods sold out. The register diwa keatas from the sentence mau cepat diwa keatas sana jadi aku buka lebih pagi ai bu means that the merchant is a village far from the city and not an object rising into the sky.

The registers found in the conversation 3 is

There are phrases based on words and sentence structure in the register vegetable seller, namely noun from barang pengantin and adjective phrase from bungas langkar. The register found in the phrase oke bos ku, barang pengantin ni, barang penganting or bridal item means items that have a good shape and taste quality, it does not mean that the items are owned by a bride. Based on the register above, the register in the sentence means wah mantap, bungas langkar heh makasihlah, bungas langkar very beautiful, this word is usually used for a charming face, but in the market traders use this word for very fresh vegetables.

Terdapat frase berdasarkan kata dan frase berdasarkan struktur dalam register penjual sayur, yaitu frase nomina sayuran dan . Termasuk endosentris kata sampah dipisahkan dari sayuran, wortel, heh, dijual murah, ai ni nyaman busuk jadi sayuran, wortel, heh, dijual murah, ai ni nyaman busuk. Terdapat frase berdasarkan kata dan frase berdasarkan strukturnya pada daftar penjual sayur yaitu frase nomina sayur manis dan timbangan panas kemudian frase adjektiva mati kepayuan.

The register found in the conversation 4 are

The register found in the conversation 5 is

Daftar sayuran sisa berarti sayuran layu, yang layu biasanya dijual setengah harga. Sisa sayuran bukan berarti sayuran yang tidak dijual atau sisa, tetapi sayuran yang layu.

The register found in the conversation 6 are

Sweet vegetables are mustard greens, marketers or buyers often call them sweet vegetables, although the taste of green vegetables is not always sweet, some are bitter and slightly sour. Mati kepayuan is a Banjar language translated into Indonesian which means much wanted, generally the word mati means lifeless according to Umar (2016), death in the word means to have lost the power or ability to live and this is just like one has lost a number of organs, which makes one unable to feel or see anything. There are phrases based on words and phrases based on their structure, Lombok tiung and timbangan amas contain noun phrases and belong to the excentric phrase if Lombok and Timbangan are separated from their sentence from Lombok tiung turun harga bu ai to Tiung turun harga bu ai meaning is different, and from 30 ribu Lombok tiung per kilogram.

The register found from the phrase iya, aku langsung dari petaninya bu, 30rb Lombok tiung per kilogram timbangan amas, and Lombok tiung means cayenne pepper, but vegetable traders often call it Lombok tiung, tiung which means bird, because the tiung bird is good at singing, the spicy cayenne pepper is symbolized by the smooth chirping of the tiung bird, very unique. The register found from the phrase 30 ribu Lombok tiung per kilogram timbangan amas, and Timbangan amas, which means golden weights, means that when weighing the measure of the item being weighed, it fits perfectly, without any advantages or disadvantages of weighing.


Deepening knowledge in the field of linguistics, so that the author and readers can learn English more easily. To improve the quality of English teachers, especially in the field of sociolinguistics, it is time for future English teachers to study and deepen English to explore the richness of the English language. Register Pengasuhan Bayi di Kec. Banyumank Kota Semarang dan di Kec. Journal of Fakultas Bahasa and Seni UNNES.

Directive Action Pemasaran Sayuran di Pasar Alahan Panjang Kabupaten Solok Universitas Negeri Padang. Struktur kalimat bahasa Inggris untuk mahasiswa program sarjana non-bahasa Inggris di Fakultas Sastra Makalah Terbit: Universitas Padjadjaran.


Figure 2.1 Theoretical Framework
Table 4.1 Interview


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