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STRI newsletter

February 3, 1995 SMITHSONIAN TROPICAL RESEARCH rNSlTnITE - Apartado 2072, Balboa, Panama No.5


Tuesday, February 7. Jose Ram6n Perun~­

na, Safety Officer will present the film Reduce Your Risk

at the TC Auditorium, at 11:30am Abstrtlct This National Safety Council presenta- tion demonstrates personal safety tech- niques to guard against: mugging, car theft. carjacking, and other vehicle related crimes.



Thursday, February 9, Bambi seminar speaker will be Mirjam Wurth, University of Basel, at 7:30pm, on SCI.

TIlt Influence of tilt Rising COl in tilt Atmospllere on Plant

Transportation and dinner reservations with the SCI administrative office afe essentiaL



• 51 Secretary I. Michael Heyman and Therese Heyman, Feb 6-10, to visit STRilacililies, meet the staff and learn about on-going projects.

• Michael Retzer, Illinois National His- tory Survey, Feb 7-30 Apr, to work with Eldredge Bermingham, at Naos.

• Rafael Coma and Kiho Kim, Univer·

sity of Buffalo, NY, Feb 8·9 Mar, to work with Howard Lasker on the fertilization success among broad- cast spawning benthic invertebrates, at San Bias.

• Burton Lim, Mark Engstrom, Eamon O'Toole, Fiona Reid and Hanka Strat- mann, Royal Ontario Museum, Cana- da, Feb 8-22 Mar, to study the small mammal biodiversity and molecular phylogenetic of short-tailed fruit Bats (Carollia) in Central America. They will be stationed at Gamboa.

During their recent visit to STRl, Daniel Janun tHld Willllit:

HallwacJls, University of Pennsylvania, visited the Culebra Marille RUeI'Ve at Nao!>, where tllf!y were briefed by Neal C. Smitll UVOllt

STRl scientific researcll programs atld projects · · · Durante su re- cien/e visita a STRI, Daniel !anzell y Winnie Haflwachs, Ulliversidad de

Penllsylvall~, visilaron la ResenJa Marilla de Culebra eft Naos, dOllde {ueTOn atendidos par Neal C. Smith, quieti les habl6sobre los proyectos y progran/as de j1lvesligacioll de STRI. (Fot,,: M.A. GuerrG)


• Joseph Wright, Feb 8-13, to Vienna, Austria, at the invitation of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, to assist in evaluating a proposal (or the establishment of a canopy crane in South America, and to present a seminar about STR.l canopy research.


~ f1'm-• To Andrew and Cindy Martin, for the birth of their son,

~~ Owen latham Martin. on Jan 23. He weighed Bibs 140z.

• To Edgardo Cossu. and Mercedes Paniza, for the birth of their son Diego Arturo Cossu, on Jan 24. He weighed 7.Blbs To All STIlI Staff··· A TodD el Personal de STRI

During his visit to Panama, 51 Secretary I. Michael Heyman wiU give an address to all SfRJ personnel, on Wednesday, February 8, at 9:30 am, in the 1\.tpper Cenler Conference Hall. All are strongly encour- aged to attend · · . Durante su visita a Panama, 1, Michael Heynum, Secreta rio de fa Ilf5titucion Smithsonian, ofrecera UII me1lsaje a lodo e1 persc)1Inl de STRJ, eI miirClJles 8 de febrero a las 9:30am, ell SaMII de COllferendflS del Celltro Tupper. Todos estd" iI/vi/ados a flSis/ir.



February 3. 1995 SMITHSONIAN TROPICAL RESEARCH INSTrnrrE. Apartado 2072... Balboa.. Panama No.5


At the Tupper Center

Man, Feb 6 • Office of Human Resources Meeting, Large Meeting Room, 3:30pm

• STRI Briefing for 51 Secretary I. Mi- chael Heyman and Therese Heyman, Auditorium, Spm.

Tue, Feb 7 • Safety Seminar by


Ramon Perore- na, Auditorium, 11 :30am.

Wed, Feb 8 • Joint Commission on the Environment Meeting, Auditorium, 8:30am .

• Secretary Heyman's Address to all the STRI Staff, Conference Hall, 9am.

Fri, Feb 10 • Joint Commission on the Environment Meeting, Auditorium, 9am.

At the Culebra Marine Reserve Tue, Feb 7 Los Rios Elementary School

Wed, Feb 8 Iglesia Morada Sarita (Progmma de. Verano Fdiz Thu, Feb 9 Happy Kids

Fri, Feb 10 Colegio R.epublioo de. Vene.z.uela Sat, Feb 11 Boy Scouts, Group 35

Sun, Feb 12 Estudiantes del Curso de Ecologia, Primer blgreso, U.5.M.A.

At the Barra Colorado Island Station

Sat, Feb 4 Asaciaci6n Fulbright and Crupa COllser-

Sun, Feb 5 Thu, Feb 9 Sat. Feb 11

vaciorlista de PetlOtlOme

Visitors from U.S. and Panama City Secretary Heyman's visit

Asociaci6n {Xlra 10 CmlSl!nXlCiotl de Especies etl

Peligro de Exti"otin and lNRENARE, Satltiago.

Sun, Feb 12 American Ficld Scrvice-lntcrcultuml Program

For Pipeline Road Users

Partl UsuQ.rios del Vrejo CQ.mino del Oleoducto Starting Monday, February 13, repairs work will start at Pipeline Road. Driving will be allowed, yet caution is recommended ••• A partir del tUPles 13 de. febrero, se iniciar4n TefXlracia"es en el viejo oomi/lo del oleoducto. Se.

pemlitird entrar at sitio, pem se recnmieJlda tomilr las precaucianes rteCesanas.

Safety Officer New Home Phone Number NunJO Telifcmo del Direcl<>r de Seguridad lAbor.u


Ram6n Perorena, STRI Safety Officer, moved to Las Cumbres, and his new phone number is 68~1914

••• Jose Rnmon

Perurena, dirtclor de seguridad tabarai de STRI, se mud6 a Las CumUres,


su "ueva te-tifotlo residerl·



,I 68-1914.


At tlte Precolumbian Burial in Cerro Juan Diaz. Los Santos (ca A.D.500-600), til is young adult female was fauna last week in a rectangular tomb cut tllrougl' bedrock beneutl, a clay 1lOuse. floor. She wus buried 011 ller back and in fetal positiotl all top of 1l1arge black and red plate, wlJicl,l,ad been intentionally smasl,ed on tire grave floor. SI'e wore mo"ler~of-pearl and s/lCli jewelry, inducl- ing a beautiful turtle~sllaped pendant. A legged gri"ding table, or 'metate', was tllrown into ti,e grave before it was filled ••• En el Efltierro Pre.colombiflO ell Cerro /llall Dlaz, Los Santos (500-600 aJios D.C.), esta jovell adulta fur encolltrada la semana pasada ell UlUl tumba rectanglliar talfada

ell la roca madre, debajo del piso de arcilla de una vivienaa. Fue ell/e"ada de e5lXlidas Y ell una posici6n jelal, sabre UI' grail plato rojo y negro, el wal habia sido despedQZJ1do intenciontl/- mente. ell 1'1 fOlldo de fa lumba. Estaba ataviada COll prelldas de lUfcar y de concha, illc1l1yelldo Uti hermosa dije etl fonna de tortllga. Un 'met ate' file arrojado a In tumba mdes de que (isla

ful:st relle:lladn. (folo: MA ClU-nuJ


De la UniveTSidad de Panama (UDP)

La Farultad de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas de Ia UOP anuncia l.1s designaciones de Raul Amores como director de Centro de Ciencias del Mar y Umnolog!a, y a Janzel Vil1alaz como director del Departamento de Biologla Acu.1tka.


February 3; 1995 SMITHSONIAN TROPICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Apartado 20'l2.. Balboa, Panama No.5

Acknowledgment ••




1>upadio " f4 M"utistnJ " sa£tt

~ 2lU.f, 'PGrUIIIIIi J, 'Pan4md

Dr. Jra RubillOjJ Direc/(Jr dd Smiliuolliall E.S.D.

18 de tlltro dt 1995

El MilljSI~riQ dt Salud St sitnf~ sumlJmI!nit camp/(Jcido tn rtcibir 10 donocion de 10 txhibicioll, Ulm4gtllu COlltro t/ SidoH, cxhibjcioll tsta qut pruelllartmos til lodas las Provillcias del Pals. COli fOr de /levor 01 publico a rtflu:iollar sobrt Ult flogtlo qUt aftCla a 10 hUmllllilkJd.

Rtcibo lIun/ro ogradtcimitlllO elillombrt del Millis/tria dt Salud y dt fa PoblociQII PaliamelitJ.




Aiello, Annette. 1995. ''Los Insect05 de Panama." Suplemento ''Naturaleza Tropi- cal", No.9: 1-12, I..n Pmrsa, Jan 27.

Guerra, Marcos A. 1995. "Jardines de la Naturaleza" LA Prensa Oan 14): 16A Herrera. Li.1 Maria. 1995. ''£1 Libro Peces del

Pacifico Oriental Tropical: De la Frustra- don Nacio la Obra." ''Suplemento Espa- dos" No. 37: 2.lA Prenstl Jan 31. Keller, Bri.an O . .and J.ackson, Jeremy

B.C. (eds.) 1994. Evaluacion a Largo Plazo del Derrame de Petroleo en Bahia lAs MitlilS, Panama. In/orme S(ntesis.

Volumell I: Resumen Ejecutivo. Estudio OCS MMS 93-0047. Panama: Instituto Smithsonian de Investigaciones Tropi- cales. (Versi6n tradudda].

Levings, Sally C. and Garrity, Stephen D.

1994. "Effects of Oil Spills on Fringing Red Mangroves (Rhizophora Mangle):

Losses of Mobile Species Associated with Submerged. Prop Roots." Bulleti"


Milri". ScieJIce 54(3): 782-794.

Pennisi. Elizabeth. 1994. "Blackened Man- grove, Smothered Reef. Years later, Oil Still Sickens Tropical Coastal Ecosystems."

Science News 145(15):232-233.

On TIlursday, Tanuary 26, ml!mbers of tile PI,; Dl!lta Kappa Professio- nal TeaclJl!rs Association were bril!fl!d by Gl!Orgina de Alba about tile current and future programs at tlte Culebra Marine Exltibition Center

••• EI dla jueves 26 de e1lerO, Georgilla de Alba, STRI, expuso los programas preselltes y futUTOS del Celltro de Ex/libiciolle5 Marillas de Culebra, a miembros de la Asociacion de Maesfros Pro/esiOlUlIes Phi Delta Kappa.

(Fato; MA. GUemlJ



Standing amlract with SEMM ••• CorrlTato Pemumente con SEMM STRI has acquired a standing contract with SEMM (Ambulance Emergen- cy Service) to assist us during a medical emergency. In this contract SEMM will provide STRl with a stand-by ambulance service anywhere within the city of Panama on a per-all basis. The service can be utilized by staff with duty stations located at Allcon, Culebra, Naos, and the Tupper complex. Bel and Gamboa residents rely on PCC's Gamboa Ambulance Service (dial 119). In case of an emergency, in order to coordinate the appropriate response, you must contact:

• Jose Ramon Perurena, at 52-6188 (office), 69-1814 (home), or 27-6022 for radio communication

• Jose Carlos Espino, Diving Officer, at 28-4022 (office), 23-8301 (home), or 64-222210544J (beeper)

• or Ale~"lndro Arze, Security Officer, at 27-6022 (office), 26-2475 (home), or 27-6022, for radio communication.

In case, none of the above are available, you can call SEMM directly at 64- 1122. The operator will ask you your name and if you are an Affiliate?

You should answer: Yes, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute;

He/she will then ask the kind of service you need. For an ambulance with paramedics only, it is called a "traslado". ($50); for an ambulance



February 3, 1995 SMITIlSONIAN TROPICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE,. Apartado 2()']2, Balboa, Panama No.5

with a doctor, it is called "servicio cample- to" ($150); it is important to specify whet- her you need paramedics or a doctor so that there will be no eanfussion at the time of billing. There should not be too many poeple involved in the coordination of an emergency; it tends to complicate the situa- tion. For more infonnation. please contact J.R Perurena ••• Con el objetivo de asistir- nos durante una urgencia medica, STRI firma un amtrato pemumente con el Seruicio de Emergencia Midien M6vil (SEMM). Esle contrato establece que SEMM suminist rard al Instituto seruicio a toda hora y ell eunlquier silio de fa ciudad de Pano.mti cwmdo se Ie llame. £Ste servicio podrd Set utiiizado por el personal cuyo lugar de trabajo esti en Naos, Culebra y el complejo del Centro Tupper. Los residetltes en Ba"O Colorado y Camboo deberdn usar el servicio de ambulallc1a5 de 10.

Comision del Co.nat de Pannmti de Gamboa.

En coso de una urgenda medien, se deberd llamar a:

• lose Ramon PerUrelltl, director de seguri- dad laboral de STRl 0.1 52-6188 (oficilla).

68-1914 (residellcia' 0 at 27-6022 (garita en Tupper) para comullicacion por radio;

• ]osi Carlos Espino, diredor de buceo de STRI .1 28-4022 (oficiIlQ), 26-8301 (m;-

denciD), 0 .1 "beep<,," 64-2222{0544{;

0 AJejalldro Arze, director de segun·dad al 27-6022 (oficina), 26-2475 (residellaa) 0 a la garita del Tupper (27-6022) para cnmu- nicacion por radio.

Si lIinguno de ellos co~ltesta, se deberd llamar diredomente af SEMM af 64-1122. Ef/la operadora Ie pregwlfara su 1I0mbre, Sf es usted un aftlwdo. Q 10 que deberd cn'ltestar:


d lnstituto Smithsonian de lnvestigaci()- nes Tropicales. l..uego procederd a preguntarle soore qui clase de servicio necesita. Si usted requiere soiamente una ambulallcia COt! para- medicos, debtrd pedir un trasilldo ($SO.OC));

si requiere una ambulancia COil medico. debertf pedir un servicio cOHlpleto ($150).

Se debe especifico.r si sOlo necesilo. JXlro.m&1i- cos 0 un medico paro emlar confusiones a 10 hora de pagar. A la hOrD de coodinar una urgencia, es imporlante que sean pocas las personns que intervengan en /0 coordinacion, yo que, de /0 colltrario. la silund611 liende a compliCJJrse. Para mayores detalles. favor de comutl;01rse COIl I.R. Perurena.

On Wed, Feb 1, Stanley Heckadon, STru and RolJerto Gillan, INRENA- RE, ltd II tour for Panamllnian lJublic and private orgllnizations to

l'lant~tion Road, to establisll a new nature path through the forest of PlIrque Nilcionol Soberallia ---one of tile best places in tile world to obseroe tropiclll birds and wildlife.


pilth would conllect tile Summit Botllniclll GlIrdens to tI,e 'Iistone LAs Cruces Trllil ••• El miirClJies 1 de [ebrero, Stanley Heckadorl. STRl, y Roberto Galan, INRENA- RE, guiaron una gira al Camino de la Plan/acion para ()rgallizacioncs publiCl2s y primdas de Panamd, a fin de establecer WI nuevo 5elldero IIalural ell el Parque Nacional Soberanfa. UIIO de los mejores bosques del 11Iulldo 1Xlra obserrur aves tropica/es. £1 setldero ceJ1rJunicaria ellardill Botallico de Summit

COli el hist6rico romino de l.ns Cruces. (Foto: A. OIboJ/ao)


ProgranuJ de Gims GuUulas en los Jardines Bottiniros tkl Summit A partir del siibado 4 de febrero, hasta el domingo 30 de abril de los eorrientes, el Departamento de Educaci6n Ambiental de los Jardines del Summit ohecera giras guiadas a grupos de visitantes durante los fines de semana de lOam-12m y de 1pm-3pm. Las giras se brindaran a grupos de no menor de 5 visitantes ni mayor de 15. Para grupos organizildos de mas de 15, favor haeer arreglos previos 31 tel. 32-4854.

For Sale' •• Se Vende

Toyota Corona 1984, standard. white, ale, radio-casselte player, 4 doors. Good conditions $3.700. Interested call Andres Ramos of BCI at 51-1433, a.w.h . ••• Toyota Corolla 1984 de enmbios, blal/co. aire acolldicio·

nado. mdrios al1u11Iados, radio-Cl2sctera, 4 pucrtas. BUCllas condiciolles. $3,700.

Llamtlr a AI/dres Ramos, BCI, n151-1433, despues de homs de trabnjo.



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