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students' comprehension on correlative conjunction


Academic year: 2023

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Oktavia Riani

Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, STKIP PGRI SUMATERA BARAT,vinelagrils@gmail.com Pembimbing 1: Melvina, M.Ed Dan Pembimbing 2: Hevriani Sevrika, M.Pd


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pemahaman siswa dalam menggunakan 4 jenis Correlative Conjunction. Jenis penelitian ini adalah descriptif kuantitative.

Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah semua siswa SMA N 1 Lembah Gumanti kelas X tahun akademik 2014/2015 yang belajar Bahasa Inggris sebagai mata pelajaran peminatan. Sample dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa X sains 3 yang diambil dengan menggunakan cluster sampling setelah menentukan normalitas dan homogenitas kelas. Dalam penggumbulan data, peneliti memberikan test berbentuk multiple choices menggenai penggunaan correlative conjunction.

Berdasarkan data dari 34 siswa yang telah peneliti analisa menggenai pemahaman siswa terhadap pengunaan correlative conjunction dengan KKM 80 yang diterapkan oleh SMA N 1 Lembah Gumanti. Peneliti menemukan pemahaman siswa mengenai both/and berada pada skala (38,2%), not only/ but also (29,4%), neither/ nor (64,7%) and either/or (38,2%). Berdasarkan skala persentase diatas, lebih dari setengah siswa kurang memahami punggunaan Correlative Conjunction dalam kalimat.

Key Word: Correlative Conjunction,Students’ Comprehension I. INTRODUCTION

Grammar is one of the important aspects to arrange the sentences. According to Teschner and Eston (2007: xiii), grammar is the analysis of language elements that convey meaning. By using grammar, people were able to deliver their ideas and made others people easy to understand. There were many elements in grammar that had been used to make good sentences, one of them is conjunction. Conjunction is a part of writing components that have more function not only to connect ideas but also to arrange the sentences became meaningful. In other hand, Swick (2005:106) wrote that conjunction joins words, phrases, and sentences together. Therefore, conjunctions have function not only to join more words or sentences, but also to make good sentences.

Conjunctions also appeared differences or similarities in a sentence.

Based on interviewed with English teacher at SMA N 1 Lembah Gumanti who taught English as Peminatan subject on February, 27 2015. Researcher found phenomenon based on interview and data

that have been collected. The students were able to write sentences, but the students still confused while they must connected the sentences. Several of the students were able to connect words or sentences by using coordinating conjunction such as for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so ( FANBOYS), but several of the students also still confused to use conjunctions such as coordinating, subordinating.

For senior high school, where was English as Peminatan subject in curriculum 2013. Correlative conjunction became one of the materials that were needed for students to understand and comprehend. Thus, researcher wanted to analyze students’

comprehension on correlative conjunction in sentences. Researcher wanted to analyze in each kind of correlative conjunction such as both . . . and, either . . . or, neither . . . nor, and not only . . . but also in compound sentences. Researcher wanted to see how far students’ comprehension on correlative conjunction in sentences.



There are several varieties of sentences that can be used to express and deliver ideas.

People can make variations of the sentences by using kinds of conjunctions. Each kind of the sentences has a meaning. According to Sannon (2004:243), Mather et al (2009:145), Kaye and Stacie (2011:35) and Clark and Clark (2014:279) there are four varieties of sentences. It can be seen as follow:

a. Simple sentences: Simple sentence consists of one independent clause or a group of word that makes complete statement and can stand alone.

b. Compound sentences: It consists of two or more independent clauses that can each stand alone.

c. Complex sentence: It consists of one independent clause and one or more dependent clause. Dependent clause contains a subject and verb but cannot stand alone. The dependent clause starts with a word that shows the relationship between the two clauses.

d. Compound – complex sentence : It combines compound and complex sentences and consists of two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.

III. CONJUNCTION 1. Definition of Conjunction

Conjunction is a part of grammatical structure that is used in speaking and writing form. According to Downing and Philip (2006:278), coordination (conjunctions) is the syntactic relationship between units of equal status and often of similar form.

Refers to the experts above conjunction is a unit of words, clauses or sentences that have same structures. Conjunction also gives same meaning or different meaning in sentences. Conjunctions combine or link sentences that can be a foreground or signal for people to determine kinds of the sentences that can be used. Thus, it can make people aware to use kinds of conjunction when write sentences based on the equal status in a sentences.

2. Kinds of Conjunctions

Conjunction is one of writing components that people must aware to use.

There are several kinds of conjunction that can be used to deliver their ideas. By using conjunction, it can give variation of the sentences. According to Werterlet (2001:220), Allen (2007:26), Candler (2010:70) and Gleen and Loretta (2015:252) there are three principal types of conjunction. They are:

a. Coordinate conjunctions joins two words or groups of words of equal rank or order.

b. Subordinate conjunction will always introduce an adverb clause that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb in another clause.

c. Correlative conjunction consists of two parts, and each part immediately precedes one of the two elements joined by the conjunction.

IV . CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTION 1. Definition of Correlative Conjunction

People can deliver their ideas through two variations such as spoken and written form. People write the sentence to deliver their ideas and use variations of mechanical of the writing such as use variations of correlative conjunction. According to Wertelet (2001:220), correlative conjunctions are used in pairs or series.

Correlatives are intended to connect elements of equal value and must be positioned correctly in sentences to avoid confusion. In using correlative conjunction, people must aware to choose appropriate conjunction to shows the meaning. When people made error in using correlative conjunction, it can make miss understanding when readers read the sentences. People had to use appropriate correlative conjunctions, so it could make readers be easy to get the meaning of the sentences.

2. Kinds of Correlative Conjunctions Writing is an art because people have to create their ideas be good sentences.

Components of the writing are an important part to produce the good writing. People have to know how to use preposition,


conjunction and all of the aspect in writing components. One of the parts that people have to understand is correlative conjunction. According to Lutz and Diane (2005:123), Carnevale and Roselyn (2008:142), Swick (2005:106), Allen (2007:26) and Gleen and Lorreta explain the kinds of correlative conjunction that appears in the sentences. They are either.... or;

neither.... nor; not only.... but (also) and both... and. Faulty parallelism often occur in sentences that include conjunction. The phrasing following the second half of a correlative conjunction pair must be grammatically equivalence to the phrasing following the first half of the correlative conjunction pair. If a verb phrase follows either, for instance, a verb phrase mush also follow or.

Correlative conjunction can be used in several kinds of the sentences. It depend on ideas and what we wants to share for readers to make them be easy to understand the meaning of the word that be used. Therefore, refers from the explanation above, correlative conjunction is a kind of conjunction that be used in a pair. People cannot separate correlative conjunctions with theirs pair. If pair of correlative conjunctions be separate or change, it can make miss understanding.

V. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The design of this research was descriptive. The researcher had chosen this type because the researcher wanted to describe the students’ comprehension on correlative conjunction in sentences. As a Gay et al (2000:275) state that a descriptive study to determines and describes the ways thing are. The researcher implemented descriptive research because descriptive research was a research conducted to investigate condition of a particular object.

Therefore, refers on those statements, descriptive research was a process to collect the data based on the condition that happen in the field. Besides that, researcher used the quantitative approach in this research.

According to Ary et al (2010:420), Quantitative approaches Inquiry begins with a theory of the phenomenon to be investigated. The investigator identifies a

research problem based on trend in the field or on the need to explain why something occurs. It means that, quantitative research was carried out to obtain information .Thus, the researcher had used descriptive design because researcher wanted to analyze and describe about students’ comprehension on correlative conjunction in sentences especially in compound sentences at tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Lembah Gumanti.

In this research, the students of senior High school 1 Lembah Gumanti at tenth grade became population. The researcher took population from students’ natural science and social science of SMA N 1 Lembah Gumanti. The tenth grades of students’ natural science at SMA N 1 Lembah Gumanti academic year 2014/2015 was divided into three classes and social science was divided into four classes.

In this research, the researcher had used cluster sampling. According to Gay et al (2012:135), cluster sampling is interact groups not individuals are randomly selected. Any location which people found an interact group of population members have same characteristics. Thus, the researcher chosen cluster sampling technique to take sample of the population of the research.

Before the researcher took the sample, the researcher determined the students who have similar capability by determining the homogeneity and normality of population. In this research, the researcher had used writing test for instruments with multiple choices form. The researcher also measured item difficulties, discrimination power and reliability of the test.

The researcher used percentage formula that was proposed by Elifson and Sapsford in Martono (2015:246). Researcher used the percentage scale to describe students’

comprehension on correlative conjunction in sentences. Description gave representation toward students’ comprehension on correlative conjunction. It has a function to give information related the result of the research. Therefore, description be the important part of the research because it could determine the situation, condition or


ability of the sample after conducted the research. In discussion the researcher explain situation or condition toward students’ comprehension on correlative conjunction.


The researcher found the results after conducting the researcher and analyzing the data. That is about how is students’

comprehension on correlative conjunction in sentences. these were as follow:

a. Students’ comprehension on both/and

The data that researcher got from the test that researcher done. The researcher analyzes students’ comprehension on correlative conjunction. The result of the test showed the students’ comprehension on correlative conjunction. It showed that there were eight students (23,5%) got 100, eight students (23,5%) got 80, thirteen students (38,2%) got 60, five students (14,7%) got 40, and there was no students (0 %) students got 0. It gave general description for students’ comprehension on correlative conjunction at tenth grade students of SMA N 1 Lembah Gumanti in their comprehension related using Both/and was insufficient.

b. Students’ comprehension on not only/ but also

In measured students’ comprehension on not only/ but also as part of the correlative conjunction, the researcher found the data from the test. It showed nine students (26,5%) got 100, seven students (20,6%) got 80, ten students (29,4%) got 60, five students ( 14,7%) got 40, and three students (8,8%) got 20. In general description for comprehension on not only/

but also the students at tenth grade of SMA N 1 Lembah Gumanti was insufficient.

c.Students’ comprehension on neither/


The result of students comprehension on neither/ nor after the researcher took the test. It displayed there was no students (0%) got 100, two students (5,9%) got 80, twenty two students (64,7%) got 60, eight students (23,5%) got 40, and also two students (5,9%) got 20. The researcher made explanation of students’ comprehension on neither/nor also was insufficient.

d. Students’ comprehension on either/


After analyzed the students’ answered, it showed that the students’ comprehension on correlative conjunction as follow: one student (2,9%) got 100, five students (11,8%) got 80, thirteen students (38,2%) got 60, ten students ( 29,4%) got 40 , one students (11,8%) got 20, and the last two students ( 5,9%) got 0). It means that, based on the data that researcher got, it showed students’ comprehension on either/ or was insufficient.

2. Discussion

Based on the result in finding, the researcher give description where students’

comprehension on correlative conjunction was insufficient. It means more than half students cannot pass in this material and they also cannot pass on KKM that applied in SMA N 1 lembah Gumanti. There are two indication related the result that researcher found. First, the students cannot understand learn English subject. Second, the students think correlative conjunction was not need for them. Third, the teacher was not explaining the material clearly. Fourth, the teacher was not give the students exercise about this material.

Thus, based on the result above, the teacher and the students must aware about this materials because have function to make variation of the sentences. For later, we cannot separate between students’ natural science and social science because from the result they have same comprehension in learn English as peminatan subject especially on correlative conjunction.



Conjunction is a part of the grammatical structure that can be used for students to connect their sentences.

Correlative conjunction was one subject in English as Peminatan1 subject that must be taught for the students. There were four kinds of correlative conjunction that must students comprehend in uses them. There are both/ and, not only/ but also, neither/ nor and either/ or. The students must comprehend to use in compound sentences. It was one of the materials in Peminatan subject that students must pass and comprehend.

After analyzing the data from the students’ test, the researcher gave score for each kinds of correlative conjunction. The researcher could describe that students’

comprehension on correlative conjunction was insufficient. Therefore, the students’

need to pay attention on correlative conjunction, and if the students did not understand they could ask to the teacher again until they comprehend related to correlative conjunction in sentences OR discusses. The teacher also can give more excercises toward correlative conjunction to make students’ comprehend.


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