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Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

First of all, the writer would like to express her sincere gratitude to Allah SWT., the Lord of the Universe who has given her the opportunity and courage to carry out this skripsi as a partial fulfillment of the requirements to complete her studies and achieve the rank of Sarjana . Pendidikan (S.Pd.) from the Department of English Education of the State Islamic Institute of Tarbiyah Faculty (IAIN) of Parepare. The teachers of the English Education Study Program for their guidance during the writer's years of study. The 9th grade students of SMPN 2 prepare in the academic year especially for 172 research participants for their dedication and enthusiasm during the research.

Students' perception towards teaching strategy used by English teachers at SMPN 2 Parepare (supervised by Hj. Nurhamdah and Amzah Selle). In the initial study, it was found that students' perception about teachers plays an important role in supporting the learning process in the classroom, therefore the researcher conducted this research with the aim of studying students' perception towards teaching strategy used by English teachers in SMPN , to describe. 2 Prepare. The findings of this research revealed that students of SMPN 2 Parepare have a positive attitude towards teaching strategies used by their English teachers.

Moreover, the data analysis showed that the students' perception is in the very positive classification which grade ranges from 91-120. In addition, this research showed that English teachers at SMPN 2 Parepare have implemented the eight characteristics of effective teaching strategies proposed by experts.

3.2  Table of Sampling from Isaac and Michael  45
3.2 Table of Sampling from Isaac and Michael 45


Problem statement

Objective of the research


Previous Reseacher findinngs

Conceptual Framework

Pupils' perception is the opinion, experience and knowledge of pupils, which they have gained by observing the teacher's learning strategies in school. The dependent variable is students' perceptions, and the independent variable is English teachers' teaching strategies. We used a questionnaire to collect data on students' perceptions of the teaching strategies used by their English teachers.

The average score in the previous subchapter showed that the classification of students' perception towards their English teachers' teaching strategy is in the very positive classification. The purpose of this study is to describe students' perceptions of their English teachers' teaching strategies. Students' perception towards teachers who develop good relationships with students is measured in the questionnaire in items number 1 to 5.

Students' perception of teachers changes students' activities in the classroom is measured in questionnaire items number 14. 93Nurul Fajriah, et.al, "Students' perceptions of teaching strategies, personal competencies and schools", English Education Journal (EEJ). ), page 19. Students' perception of teachers who give understandable explanations is measured in questionnaires number 15 to 23.

Students' perception of teachers who provide time for practice is measured in questionnaire items number 24. 96Nurul Fajriah, et.al, "Students' perceptions of teaching strategies, personal competencies and schools", English Education Journal (EEJ), p. .20. Students' perception of teachers provides feedback and evaluation is measured in questionnaires number 26 to 30.

98Nurul Fajriah, et.al, "Students' Perceptions of Teachers' Teaching Strategies, Personal Competence and School Spaces", English Education Journal (EEJ), p.20. Students' and teachers' perceptions of effective teaching in the foreign language classroom: A comparison of ideals and assessments. Students' perceptions of teachers' teaching strategies, personal competence and school spaces.” English Education Journal (EEJ).

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework of the research Students’ perception
Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework of the research Students’ perception


Operational Denifination of Variables

Research Design

It is designed in a survey method that includes seeking information from students regarding the students' perception of teaching phenomena in SMPN 2 Parapare through questionnaire.

Location and Duration of the Research

Population and sample

Since the number of population is large, the researcher took some students as a sample by using simple random sampling technique. In selecting the sample, the researcher used the table of sampling determination developed by Isaac and Michael.85 The table developed by Isaac and Michael indicates the number of populations from 10 to 1,000,000 with three levels of significance namely 1%, 5% and 10%.

Instrument of the Research

Procedure of Collecting Data

Technique of Data Analysis

This is done by relating the range of the average score to the internal consistency assumed in the questionnaire. The internal consistencies applied in the classification of perception are very positive, positive, negative and very negative.89 The Likert scale calculated that the range of those classifications with an interval value is 30 and the maximum score is 120. To test the hypotheses tests, the researcher compared the result of the average score with the classification of perception in table 3.3.

If ρ < 60, H0 is accepted and Ha is rejected (SMPN 2 Parepare students have a negative perception towards the teaching strategy used by their English teachers). If ρ > 60, Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected (SMPN 2 Parepare students have a positive perception towards the teaching strategy used by their English teachers).

Table 3.4 Scale for Students’ Classification of Perception
Table 3.4 Scale for Students’ Classification of Perception



The data from the questionnaire show that the materials taught by some teachers were not regularly related to the everyday life of the students. 94Dk Yusimah Pg Hj Amjah, "A study of teacher strategies for developing students' interest in learning English as a second language" Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, p.189. In addition, teachers pay a lot of attention to students' vocabulary and tell them how important it is for speaking.

97Nurul Fajriah, et.al, "Students' Perceptions towards Teacher's Teaching Strategies, Personal Competence, and School Facilities", English Education Journal (EEJ), p.21. Based on the results and discussion of this research, it can be concluded that the students' perception of teaching strategy used by English teachers in SMPN 2 Parepare is positive and their positive perception will lead them to a better participation in the learning process in the English class. . Teachers need to evaluate their teaching strategies to make students more motivated in learning English, as students' perceptions are affected by teachers' teaching strategies.

Following teachers' teaching style will not help them learn, but helping teachers to set the learning environment based on students' needs will result in good classroom management and cooperation. For the next researcher, this research is still basic research, which only describes students' perception towards their teachers' teaching strategy in English subjects. Researchers in the same or expanded field may seek to relate the findings of this study to another learning phenomenon such as student achievement and attitude or teacher persistence in teaching.

Although the researcher did not measure that correlation, students' attitudes toward learning and teachers' attitudes toward teaching demonstrate such possibilities. Students' Attitudes Toward Teachers' Use of Activities in EFL Classroom.” International journal for academic research in business and social sciences. Students' Perceptions of Their Teachers' Mathematics Teaching: The Case of Ghana.” International online journal for educational sciences.

Students' perceptions of classroom activities: Are there three grade-level and gender differences?” Journal of Educational Psychology 94. Students' perception of teachers' teaching styles and use of learning strategies in teaching English. Eralingua: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Asing and Sastra. Applying philosophy-based language teaching approach to improve students' speaking skills.” ETERNAL English, Teaching, Learning, and Research Journal 4.



Although the finding showed that students have a very positive perception regarding teachers' teaching strategy, some suggestions should also be considered by teachers, students and the following researchers. Considering the eight characteristics of effective teaching strategies is better to help them. A fun situation is a teaching and learning process that is comfortable for teachers and students.

For students, when learning English in the classroom, students can be involved in suggesting to teachers what materials or methods suit their learning styles. Perception of teacher knowledge, attitude and teaching skills as predictors of academic achievement in Nigerian school. The Characteristics of Effective Teachers of English as a Foreign Language as Perceived by Students at a Korean University.” Australian Journal of Teacher Education.

Contextual Contextual teaching and learning: why it is and why it is here to stay. Students' perception of good education.” International magazine for new trends in art, sports and science education. Students' views of the instructor-student relationship in the college classroom. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.


3.2  Table of Sampling from Isaac and Michael  45
Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework of the research Students’ perception
Table 3.1 Distribution of Students in SMPN 2 Parepare
Table 3.4 Scale for Students’ Classification of Perception


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