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Academic year: 2023



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Tessa Mulfadina1)

(E-mail : chacha_maricha27@yahoo.com )

(English Education Department, STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, Jl. Gunung Pangilun Padang) (E-mail: stkip_pgripadang@yahoo.co.id)

Sri Imelwaty, Ph.D2) and Rika Afriyanti, M.Pd3)

(Email: Imelwaty05@yahoo.com Email: rikaafriyanti21@gmail.com)


This research was conducted as it was identified that student was uninterest in reading persuasive text. The purpose of the research was to identify and to descripted the factors that make the students uninterested in reading persuasive text. This research used qualitative approach. The participant in this research was sixth students at grade XI at SMA 9 Sijunjung. The research used purposive sampling. While means the sample were taken by research question needed. The results of this research found five factors that make the students uninterest in reading persuasive text, uninterest in english, limited understanding of english vocabulary, uninteresting topic, the length of the text, unfamiliar with the purpose of the text.It can be conclude the factors that make the students at SMA 9 Sijunjung come from outside and inside of the students itself.

Key word : Reading Interest,Persuasive Text.


Reading is one of english skills that should be acquired by all student at second grade who want to learn english in SMA 9 Sijunjung. In reading there will be an interaction process between reader and text. The reader will get some information from the text that is taken for certain purposes, like to answer the question that are related to the text. This is common activitity that happens in the reading process.

Furthermore there are two target that can be achieved through reading. First, reading aloud refers to the ability of the reader to read the text loudly by understanding the punctuation. And second, reading comprehension refers to the ability of the readers to grasp the meaning of the text. In the school , reading comprehension is the main purpose of teaching reading. It is proved by curiculum KTSP (kurikulum tingkat satuan pembelajaran) at Senior High School about reading skill which states that the student have to able “memahami makna teks tulis fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk procedure dan report untuk berinteraksi dalam konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari”. It means that the students must be able to understand the text to comprehend the purpose of teaching reading in order to get a good achievement in the class.

Then, one of the factors that affect student achievement in reading is their reading interest. If a student has a high interest in reading, the students will be able to read and comprehend the reading material. Also, they will be easy to understand the text and able to get the main purpose of teaching reading itself.

In real condition, based on the researcher’s interview to the teacher at SMAN 9 Sijunjung , the teachers said that the students have low score in reading. The students do not have interest to read the persuasive text. its make they can not to answer the question about the text. And also the students can not achieve the minimum standard achievement in the set, especially students in the social sciences.


2 In addition, Khairuddin (2013) supports that

reading interest determine reading score. It can be seen from his research at SMK Belara which found that from students had a rather low interest in reading english reading materials as most of them have never read english reading materials and did not have any preferred genres or type of english reading materials. Its means, the student do not read the reading material because they do not have an interest to read the reading material. The lack of interest in reading will affect the performance to be achieved by the students. Learning achievement will be difficult to achieve because the students do not have interest in reading.

Based on the problem above, reading interest is important to make student understand about the reading material. In the process to get their a good result in learning process. This is the reason why the researcher interest to identify students’

uninterest in reading in persuasive text at second grade of SMA 9 Sijunjung

Due the explanation above, the researcher formulates the research question allow : “What are the factors that make the student at SMA 9 Sijunjung are not interested in reading persuasive text?”


There are some experts who define the reading. Grabe and Stoller (2002) who defines that reading as the ability to draw meaning fro m t he print ed page and int erpret t his info rmat io n appropriat ely (p.9). it exp la ins t hat reading process means not only “read” but tries to make int eract io n between t he reader and the text. It deals with how the readers convey the meaning through the written symbols and process them into their mind.

Based on the experts’ ideas above, it can be concluded that reading is a way to get an information about something and to get a meaning from the text.

Reading is a process in our mind to get something from the text and in the process accepting it called as receptive skill. There is an interactive process between reader and a text that automatically lead the readers into comprehension

Reading Interest

Interest in reading will motivate the student to read the reading text when the learning process.

Reading interest is an interest in someone to read a passage, text, or books. According to Mc Kool (2007) reading interest is defined “as readings done when students are outside the school compound.” It means

that reading is done by the students outside the school. The student have interest in reading when they finished the school. They read something not only in the school but also when they finished the school.

Another expert, Grabe (2003); Stansberry (2009) in Khairudin (2013), “reading interest is also linked to academic succes as students who love to read will be able to write well and have more ideas which will make them more creative and innovative.”(p.162) It means that students who have little or not interest in reading will not be able to write a better academic’s writing, because they do not have many ideas to write.

From the statement above, its can be concluded that interest in reading is the student's interest in reading is done in a time and place that is not specified in advance. Students who have interest in reading will not be forced by others to read the books. Besides, they will have good writing because they have many ideas after reading. And also if the student have high interest in reading it can be influence their motivation to read english text.

Types Of Interest

The purpose of interest to make the student have a sense to read the text when the teachers give a reading material. According to Hidi and Anderson (2000) state that “Individual interest refers to an individual’s relatively enduring psychological predisposition (preference) to re-enrage in particular classes of object, events, or ideas over time and is content spesific”. (p.12) it means the individual interest have relatively with psychological, if the student do not have interest its may come from their self in the particular classes of object, events, or ideas.

However, according to Hidi (2006) state that

“situational interest is for most part externally sustained, where as individual interest is typically self regulated”. (p.4) It means in situational interest the student will have continued situation when they still do not have interest with the material. Student interest influence from the situation in the. If the class can make the student to read the text, they want to read, but if it not, the student not interest the text because of the situation in the class.

Persuasive Text

A text with a purpose to persuade the reader agree or disagree with the statement in the text its called persuasive text. according to O’Keese


3 (19900 state that “persuasive text is a text is

persuasive when the author’s intent is to change to reader’s attitude or behaviour.” Its means a persuasive text will persude the reader to change behaviour and attitude. It same when the students read the persuasive text they will change to be something.

In addition, Syamsudin (2009) define

“persuasive paragrapgh whose contents are trying to grab the reader’s attention”. Means that persuasive text take the readers attention to do as the auther’s tell in the text. Furthermore, Katharina (2014: 47) define there are several genres that are persuasive : Analytical Exposition, Hortatory Exposition, Argumentative Discourse, Discussion. Analytical exposition as a text that elaborates the writer’s idea about the phenomenon surrounding. Hortatory Exposition argues that X ought or ought not to be or should or should not be the case. Argumentative Discourse is designed to convince readers of the acceptability of a point of view and to provoke them into an immediate or future course of action by presenting logical, interrelationship ofpropositions or arguments/reasons. Discussion text is a text that presents the points for and against the topic of the text.


In this research, the researcher will conduct this study into qualitative research. According to Gay and Airasian (2011) “ qualitative research is the collection, analysis, and interpretation of comprehensive narrative and visual (i.e, nonnumerical) data to gain insights into particular phenomenon of interest. “ (p.7). The researcher describe about the factor that make the student are not interested in reading english text. The problem is found at SMA N 9 Sijunjung. Therefore, the researcher will use qualitative descriptive research.

According to Sandelowski in George (2004, p.8)

“qualitative descriptive research is a study approaches generate diverse descriptive accounts of phenomenon while limiting abstraction to the level required to summarize and present data to its intended audience”. The researcher gather the data from the student at SMA 9 Sijunjung as the participant by using qualitative descriptive reseacrh.

The researcher plans to chooses only 6 participants for this research . It is supported by Lodico, Spaulding and Voegtle (2010) that states “qualitative research typically selects only one or a small number of individuals to study”. (p.145). In this research, the researcher will choose the second grade of SMA 9 Sijunjung as the participant in this research. Because

based on the observation with the teachers and the students before, the second grade of SMA 9 Sijunjung have low interest in reading in persuasive text. The researcher will use purposive sampling as a technique to choose sample. According Lufri (2007) state, “purposive sampling is deliberately selected sample based on certain characteristic needed in the study” (p. 86).

In addition, Ary et al (2009) In qualitative studies, the human investigator is the primary instrument for the gathering and analyzing of data(p.424). So, in this research, the researcher will choose the researcher itself as the instrument and choose the interview as the second instrument.

In this research, the researcher will use inductive approach which has several types of qulitative data analysis. Thomas (2003, p.5) explains procedures used for inductive analysis of qualitative data such as :

1. Preparation of raw data files (“data cleaning”)

Format the raw data files in a common format (e.g., font size, margins, questions or interviewer comments highlighted) if required. The researcher will format the interview in a common format to inteview the student about their reading interest in english text.

2. Close Reading of Data

In this step, the researcher read again the data that have researcher transcript, so that researcher can understand about it.

3. Creation of categories

The research identifies and defines categories or themes. The upper level or more general categories are likely to be derived from the research aims. In this research, the researcher will describe the difference data that appear from the students.

4. Continuing revision and refinement of category system

The last step is the reseacher will find the result of students’ reading interest in english text in this last steps.



Finding from this study, the researcher found five categories. It made by the researcher because this research was inductive analysis. The researcher would explain the factors that make the students are not interest in reading persuasive text when the researcher done interview and analysis the data.

The key findings with reference to research question (“what are the factors that make the student are not interest in reading persuasive text?”) are discussed. The researcher has done the interview with the students who answered that they were not interested to read persuasive text. The reseracher found the information related to the students were not interested in reading persuasive text. The first is uninterested in English. The second is limited understanding of english vocabulary. The third uninteresting topics. Fourth, the length of the text.

The last unfamiliar with the purpose of the text.

Based on the interview above, the researcher found 5 factors related students interest in reading persuasive text.

First uninterested in english, the participant A give the reasons, the students are not interested to read persuasive text because students do not like in learning English. And then, the students do not like to read the english text.it made the students not interest to read the persuasive text. Second, limited understanding of english vocabulary. Some students do not know about the vocabulary in the text. the students said they can not understand many vocabulary. In this text many vocabulary they do not know and the students hard to understanding the meaning of the vocabulary. The participant D also can not understand many vocabulary in this text. And then the other participant, give the reasons, she do not know the vocabulary because many vocabulary in the text not familiar with them. This reason influence their interest to read the english text. The other participant also give the reason, the particpant is hard to translate the vocabulary one by one. This reason also influence their interests to read the persuasive text. Third, unintersting topic , the participant give answers the factors that make not interest to read the persuasive text because the topic is often happen in Indonesia. This reason made the participant not interest to read, the text is often happen in Indonesia.

Fourth, the length of the text, Also comes from other participant, the text is too long to read. The participants are not interested to read the text. That makes they cannot understand the text. Fifth, unfamiliar with the purpose of the text, the

participant E gave answer of uninteresting to read persuasive text because the participant do not know the purpose of the text, thus it makes the student are not interest to read the persuasive text.

Based on the explanation above, there are five factors that researcher concluded which related to the students’ interest in reading englsih text. First, uninterested in English. Second limited understanding of English Vocabulary. Third , uninteresting topic. Fourth, the length of the text.

Unfamiliar with the purpose of the text. Related to the literature in chapter 2, there are two types of interest, Individual interest and situational interest.

From the interview the researcher found some factors that influence students interest that also from individual interest and situational interest. But the researcher more specified the the factors that researcher found from the interview. Students’

interest in reading persuasive text is importan to inlfuence their interest to read and understand the english text.


Based on the result of interview, the researcher can give conclusion based on students interest in reading persuasive text at SMA 9 Sijunjung. The students have some factor that influence themself to read the persuasive text. the factors come from the student itself and from the outside of the students. The factors come from the students . Actually this factor comes from their feeling, they do not like to learn English and do not like to read the english text, thats are the reason. And then, factors that comes from the outside of the students. The students do not interest to read the persuasive text because from the vocabulay and the text. The student hard to translate and do not know the meaning of vocabulary. Then, the students said they are not interested to read because the text is too long and the students do not know the purpose of the text. so that the students are not interested in reading persuasive text.


The researcher would have to extend her special gratitude to Sri Imewaty Ph.D and Rika Afriyanti M.Pd as advisor and coadvisor who gave ideas, suggestion and guidance rof this reaserch.


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