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2017 Suri Inda Pratiwi 4513101048.pdf - Universitas Bosowa

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang berjudul “FACEBOOK SEBAGAI MEDIA ALTERNATIF UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN BERBICARA SISWA KELAS X SMA NEGERI 4 POLEWALI MANDAR” dan segala isinya adalah benar, hasil karya saya sendiri, tidak plagiat. Suri Inda Pratiwi, 2017 Facebook sebagai media alternatif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas X SMA Negeri 4 Polewali Mandar. Hasil penilaian dan pembahasan data yang diperoleh peneliti di SMA Negeri 4 Polewali Mandar adalah peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa selama menggunakan facebook.

Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan Facebook dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris efisien untuk meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 4 Polewali Mandar. Hasil evaluasi dan diskusi data yang diperoleh peneliti di SMA Negeri 4 Polewali Mandar yaitu adanya peningkatan prestasi belajar siswa dalam menggunakan facebook. Bab ini membahas tentang latar belakang, rumusan masalah, tujuan penelitian, arti penting penelitian dan ruang lingkup penelitian.


Millions of people access Facebook every day to connect with their family and friends, search for information or play games (www.newsroom.fb.com, 2014). As students spend more time socializing with their friends through Facebook, they have less time to study on their own in books or academic websites. Many teachers have applied social media such as Twitter and Facebook to teach that research shows that the use of social media can improve students' interest, which affects their learning achievement.

In SMA Negeri 4 Polewali Mandar, as the researcher's experiences, almost all students have Facebook account. They are expert enough to use all the features of Facebook like making status, giving comments and likes, uploading pictures and also having chat to increase their speaking ability. Therefore, the researcher is interested in researching SMA Negeri 4 Polewali Mandar by considering the problem faced and students' Facebook are inseparable.

Problem Statement

This revolution coincides with the exponential growth and access to smartphones and mobile devices that enable access to information in real time, at young people's fingertips.

Objective of the Research

Significance of the Research

The Scope of the Research

Previous related findings

The integration of Facebook in the English classroom as a supplementary learning tool can provide students with a real and natural environment of communication and it can improve their motivations. Pujianto (2012) conducted a research to find out the effectiveness of Facebook in teaching English speaking students. The result of the research showed that there was a significant difference in speaking performance between students who were taught through Facebook as instructional media and those who were taught through textbooks.

The group taught using Facebook as a learning medium achieved better English speaking skills than the group taught through textbooks. Kabilan et al. (2010) found in their research that students believed that Facebook (FB) could be used as an online environment to facilitate English learning. Nevertheless, teachers or language instructors must incorporate FB as an educational project with predetermined learning objectives and outcomes to make the learning experience meaningful.

Some Pertinent Ideas

From this statement, it can be concluded that pronunciation is the way in which students clearly produce spoken words when they speak. We can say that one of the keys to success in communication is the power of words. Fluency is the quality of speaking fluently and needs intensity or practices, talent, habit and correct speech.

Comprehension is the ability to understand an exercise aimed at improving or testing the understanding of a language in written or spoken form (Hornby, 1984). From the explanation above, the author concluded that comprehension is the students' ability to understand a task given by a teacher. With over 350 million photos uploaded every day, Facebook is the most popular place to share photos on the web.

Figure 1 Facebook Group 2. Photos and Video
Figure 1 Facebook Group 2. Photos and Video

Conceptual Framework

Only users can see the items you save unless they choose to share them with friends. Output: It refers to students' performance after teaching English by using Facebook and their interest in using Facebook in their learning. Students are told to join the group and they can post and share resources related to the topics they have already studied during the week.

The purpose of the experiment was to determine the extent to which students improved in English communication skills after using a Facebook group as a way to share resources and interact with their classmates.


This chapter describes the study design, study variable, population and sample, study instrument, data collection procedure, and data analysis technique.

Research Design

Research Variables

Population and Sample

Research Instrument

Procedure of Collecting Data

The test was the same as the post test in format and level of difficulty.

Technique Of Data Analysis

Very poor 1 Serious pronunciation errors, as well as many basic grammatical and lexical errors, there is no evidence that you have mastered any of the language skills and areas practiced in the course. His intent is always clear, but a few interruptions are necessary to help him with the message of the column or to ask for clarification. Very poor 1 Only small parts (usually short sentences and phrases) can be understood and then with considerable effort by someone listening to the speaker.

The Description of the Data

The mean grammar score is 1.92, the median is 2, the highest score is 3, and the lowest score is 1. Post-test result data can be seen in Table 4.2 below Table 4.2. It shows that Pronunciation mean 2.35, median 2.5, highest score 3 and lowest score 2, Grammar average 2.92, median 3, highest score 4 and lowest score 2, vocabulary average 2.5 median 3 highest score 3 and lowest score 2 fluency mean is 2.29 median 2.5 highest score 3 and lowest score is 2 and comprehension mean is 2.92 median 3 highest score 4 and lowest score 2 3.

A comparison of the test results can be seen in Table 4.11 under the pre-test and post-test results. From the table Percentage of pronunciation, it can be seen that no student had the categories excellent, very good, good and average, 3 students (21.5%) had a poor grade and 11 students (78.5%) had a very poor speaking performance before the examination. The grammar percentage table shows that no student had the categories of excellent, very good, good and average grades, 4 students (28.5%) with poor classification, 10 students (71.5%) with very poor speaking performance before the examination.

The percentage vocabulary table shows that no student categories excellent, very good, good and average5 students (35.7%) in poor classification, 9 students (64.3%) in very poor classification speaking performance before treatment. The percentage fluency table shows that no student categories are excellent, very good, good and average. The Percentage of co-understanding table shows that no student categories excellent, very good, goog and average. 5 students (35.7%) in poor classification, 9 students (64.3%) in very poor classification speak performance before treatment.

Post-test table shows that 3 students (21.4%) in very poor classification, 9 students (64.2%) in poor classification and 2 students (14.2%) in average classification. The table shows that the average score of students' speaking ability in pre-test is (9.52), which is classified as very poor. And the average score of students' speaking skills in the post-test is (13.85), which classification is average.

It can be concluded that there is little difference between the results of the student pre-test and post-test.

Table 4.8 Stadar Deviation Test Mean Score Standard Deviation
Table 4.8 Stadar Deviation Test Mean Score Standard Deviation


But, the reason why this research was not successful is because the standard score of SMA Negeri 4 PolewaliMandar is very high. In addition, this research would be held in the month of August, many summaries and agendas from schools such as debate, volleyball, football, etc. is taken in the hint.



The teacher should give the students the opportunity to express their ideas, in which the students can practice their speaking. Teachers can observe and provide support to students who are not yet able to speak.


Kompetensi Dasar


Tujuan Pembelajaran

Skenario Pembelajaran

Materi utama: Percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal dalam novel Aku Kau dan Pelangi Suri Inde Pratiwi.

Standar Kompetensi

Skenario Pembelajaran N

Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks percakapan transaksional dan interpersonal formal dan bersambung dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Ini merupakan salah satu persyaratan untuk memperoleh gelar sarjana pendidikan (S.Pd) di Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Bosowa Makassar. Siswa mengulangi apa yang telah dibacanya, kemudian peneliti mencatatnya, yang akan diunggah ke grup Facebook.

Bertemu setelah penantian panjang, bertemu setelah ribuan kalimat rindu terlontar, setelah jahatnya jarak dan hebatnya waktu yang memisahkan. Ada kue bertuliskan Selamat Ulang Tahun dan oasis super luas dengan patung bergaya modern di depannya. Feby tersenyum penuh semangat, meniup lilin bertuliskan angka 25 sambil memejamkan mata dan berdoa dalam hati, "Tuhan, aku tidak meminta apa-apa, aku hanya ingin berterima kasih kepada seseorang atas apa yang Engkau persembahkan hari ini."

Feby menoleh, menatap luasnya oasis yang memantulkan pancaran cahaya pelangi senja, "Oh ya, ya." Dia berkata sambil tersenyum. Hari dimana seluruh dunia menentang dan memisahkan mereka, saat dimana dia benar-benar percaya bahwa wanita ini akan menjadi wanita yang sangat berarti baginya.


Table of Percentage

  • Mean score of the students pre-test
  • Mean score of the students post-test
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Fluency
  • Comprehension
  • Khotimah Lauzah a. Pre-test
  • Jaya Kurnia Muhammad a. Pre-test
  • Lidyapitti Onna a. Pre-test
  • Daniel Tuwalu a. Pre-test
  • Shafaruddin Marhab a. Pre-test

One of the reasons Dirga falls in love with her is because when she smiles, she looks like emm. Danesaay when Febyy aaalreadyy birthdaydaaay Dirga gaiive sooome surpriiiise liiike cake with candle and flower. Say it too, Feby, happy birthday, Febyy wishes you all the best and I hope you grow up, because eh.

Picture of The Research

The use of role-playing method in the speaking ability of students in the second grade of SMP Negeri 34 Makassar, University "45" Makassar, Skripsi unpublished. The Effectiveness of Using Facebook in Teaching English Speaking to Adolescents (An Experimental Study on Eleventh Grade Students of SMK 2 Sinjai) in the Academic Year 2010/2011.



Figure 1 Facebook Group 2. Photos and Video
Figure 2 Facebook Photo 3. Facebook for every phone (Facebook Mobile)
Figure 3 Mobile Facebook 4. Messenger
Figure 4 Facebook Messenger 5. Save


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