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teaching reading by combining porpe (predict

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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**) Armilia Riza Pembimbing atau Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat



Makalah ini ditulis bertujuan untuk membantu mengatasi salah satu dari sekian banyak permasalahan yang ada dalam pengajaran membaca (reading) pada sekolah menengah pertama(SMP). Selain itu makalah ini juga dimaksudkan sebagai masukan bagi guru-guru bahasa inggris dalam melaksanakan pelajaran membaca sehingga siswa tertarik dan termotivasi untuk belajar membaca khususnya teks deskriptif. Dalam makalah ini penulis membahas bagaimana pengajaran membaca melalui penggabungan strategi PORPE dan strategi STAR. Dengan strategi ini mempermudah guru meningkatkan keinginan siswa dalam membaca dan mempermudah siswa dalam memahami isi bacaan. Ada beberapa langkah yang digunakan dalam penggabungan dua strategi ini secara garis besar. Pertama , guru memberikan brainstorming melaui beberapa gambar yang berhubungan dengan teks yang akan dibagikan kepada siswa. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengaktifkan pengetahuan siswa yang terdahulu (past knowledge) agar mereka mudah dalam memahami isi teks. Kedua, siswa diberikan waktu untuk membaca teks dan mengumpulkan informasi tentang teks dalam bentuk outline. Ketiga, siswa diarahkan membuat pertanyaan prediksi (predict question) dalam bentuk esai. Keempat, siswa diarahkan untuk mengevaluasi tugas yang mereka buat;

pencocokan antara jawaban dan pertanyaan dan informasi yang didapat dari teks. Penulis mengharapkan agar penggabungan strategi-strategi ini bisa menjadi panduan bagi guru dalam mengajar membaca.

Key word : Porpe Strategy, Star Strategy


*) penulis

**) pembimbing



Reading is an important language skill that should be mastered by the student, because in every subject in learning English the students have to read the text. Most of materials in teaching learning process are printed in English.

However, in fact the students have some problems in learning reading activity, especially in reading. Based on the writer’s observation during teaching practice at Junior High School (SMP PGRI PADANG), those problems are caused by some factors. Based on those facts above, it is important for the teacher to find out the appropriate learning strategy for the students to improve the students reading comprehension. There are some learning strategies that can be used by the teacher, such as PORPE (Predict, Organize Rehearse, Practice , Evaluate), STAR (Survey, Take answer, Reread), Gallery Walk strategy, and Reporting Back strategy. First, PORPE is a strategy to guide students to behave like effective readers who have some awareness and control of their own cognitive activities while they read and study. Second, STAR strategy is a such way to help students in interpreting the passage content. Third, Role Play strategy is a strategy used to encourage learners to make connections between their past experiences, the content currently being studied. Fourth, Riddle strategy is generally a question devised to require clever or unexpected thinking for its answer riddles may be considered a form of brain teaser. So, the teacher is expected to select an appropriate and effective learning strategy in teaching reading. Fifth, Gallery Walk strategy is a discussion technique that gets the students out of their chairs and into a mode of active engagement. Sixth, Reporting Back strategy is a particular strategy which expects the learners to report back what they did during reading process (learning process).



There are many theories that inform about what the reading definition.

Although each theory derives from different experts, all those theories are related to each other. In the following paragraphs, the writer tries to explain several theories about the reading itself.

According to Seyler (2004) reading is process obtaining meaning from or constructing meaning from words or cluster words. This theory proves that reading is an activity to get the existed or insisted information from passage, text, and any other of reading sources. Insisted meaning can be gotten from the text directly and it is written in the text. Then, existed meanings are not written in text directly, but it is constructed from the readers’ critical analyzing while and after reading.

Moreover, Smith (2004) cites that reading is never abstract, meaningless activity, and involve feeling as well as knowledge and experience, while reading the readers can interpret meaning, so that the reader will understand. It means that reading is a process to construct an understanding which is called as a comprehension. A comprehension comes from process interpret meaning by finding the information and ideas from the text.

Then, Linse (2005) says that that reading is a set of skill which involves making sense and deriving meaning from printed words. Reading means not only focusing eyes and mind to the printed words but also involves a sense and feeling of motivation while reading. Thus, the readers enjoy the reading activity and feel excited.

After discussing the nature of reading above, the writer can clarify that reading is an active process to search, gain, and deriving meaning from printed words or text which involve sense and feeling during doing the reading activity. In


3 reading, the readers seem can communicate with the writer, the good reader not only focus on printed word but also can feel and see what is the text talked about. Thereby, reading can be an enjoyable activity.


Process of Reading

In learning a foreign language, teaching reading takes an essential part.

When students begin to learn this language they will start with acquiring in the language. In this case, teaching reading s a process making students understanding a unit of printed words presented by teacher.

There are some experts’ idea that discuss about teaching reading

According to Usman (2000) Teaching reading is very important part of language learning process. By teaching reading, the teachers help students to master the text and understand the text. If there is no teaching reading class, the students get difficulty to get the meaning of the text. This theory explainsthat teaching reading is a process to help students understanding the text. In this case, the teacher can be a reading motivator and evaluator.

Teaching Reading

teaching reading is the way how the teacher teaches reading to the students to make them understand the printed words mean. Teaching reading is expected to lead students find and comprehend every single ideas and information. Teaching reading also provides a situation for the teacher gives chance to the students to analyze what the writers’ purpose in the text, so that they can get meanings, messages and informations from what they are reading.

Then, in teaching reading the teachers should be creative in designing the teaching and learning activities.

Descriptive Text

Descriptive text is one of the types of texts are studied in high school.

According to Rugyamnan (2000) Descriptive text is a text which say what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. It means, from this text the reader will get easy understanding about something or someone describing.

Generic Structure of Descriptive Text There are some theories about generic structures of descriptive text.

According to Mukarto (2002), Descriptive text has two main parts; identification and descriptions. Identification is the opening of the paragraph. From identification the readers will know the topic of the text.

Description is the rest of paragraph which contains of qualities or characteristics of the topic.

Porpe Strategy

PORPE is one of strategy which is most effective in teaching reading process.

It can make students active in learning to get knowledge into application especially reading. PORPE is also one of the most basic ways to facilitate students to get understanding and comprehending in reading activity.

According to Sejnest (2002), PORPE is a comprehensive strategy system for studying and learning content areas. In this strategy students encourage to be active readers who can identify the information for a series written passage into a good comprehension. In brief, this strategy makes students active and have motivation in reading activity.

Procedure Of Porpe Strategy

There are some opinions about PORPE procedures strategy. According to Sejnest (2002) PORPE has some strategies as follow;


4 1. Predict.The students generate

potential essay questions based on the material. Think of questions that use key essay words (explain, compare and contrast, describe, give example).

2. Organize. Summarize materials by organizing key ideas into an outline and provide specific examples to support ideas.

3. Rehearsal. Recite information from the outlines or graphic organizers and provide some specific examples to support ideas.

4. Practice. In this step the students practice composing or answering essay, type questions. The student response with the outline or graphic organizers they developed.

5. Evaluate. The students evaluate their predict questions and answer, check to see if it is accurate and thorough. Go back to The ideas simply to consider how the teacher might evaluate the students answer. It may necessary conduct several sessions where the students listen to, read and discuss.

Advantages of Porpe Strategy

PORPE Strategy has many advantages for the students and the teacher in reading process. According to Sejnest (2002), PORPE is a comprehensive strategy system for studying and learning content areas. In this strategy students encourage to be active readers who can identify the information for a series written passage into a good comprehension. In brief, this strategy makes students active and have motivation in reading activity.

Furthermore, Wong (2004) cites that PORPE is a strategy was designed to

help students when required to take essay examinations. It means the strategy will be useful for the students in doing essay which consist of text. The text in essay examination is usually long and difficult to interpret.

In addition, Vaughn (2007) defines that PORPE is an effective strategy to lead student extracting passage, code, or symbol into a comprehending meaning. In brief, the strategy will lead the students get the comprehension meaning from what they read from the text.

From the explanation above, the writer concludes that PORPE is a strategy to motivate students in learning reading which is designed effectively to reduce the students’ difficulties in reading. So that by applying this strategy the students can get the information and comprehend the text.

Star Strategy

STAR strategy is an active learning strategy that is used to improve students’

reading comprehension. There are some definitions of STAR strategy are given by some experts. According to Veil (2000), STAR strategy is a way to help students in interpreting the passage content. It considers printed words can be deriving understandable meaning for the students.

Procedure of Star Strategy

STAR Strategy (Survey, Take answer, Reread) is an active learning strategy used to improve students ability in reading. There are some opinions about the procedures of this strategy. According to Veil (2000) consists of some steps ;

1. Survey. The students asks to read the passage and analyze the information of the passage ad formulate possible question that might be asked

2. Take answer. Students are encouraged to make possible answer of the passage questions they made


5 3. Re read. The students instruct

to reread the passage and call their memories to relate any information they get from passage

4. Evaluation. The student guide to evaluate the quality of the question and answer they made.

Advantages of Star Strategy

STAR strategy gives advantages for the teacher and the students in reading process. According to Veil (2000), STAR strategy is a way to help students in interpreting the passage content. It considers printed words can be deriving understandable meaning for the students.

Then, Maccini and Hughes (2000), states that STAR is a strategy to encourage students extracting reading essay, build creativity, and critical analysis. In brief, this strategy not only help the students in comprehending the text but also stimulate their creativity and critical analysis.

Furthermore, Karen (2002) reveals that STAR strategy is a way that aimed to integrate presented information with existing knowledge and experience. It means, intended to promote deep understanding by prompting the learner to put the material into his or her own words and relate it with their knowledge.

Based on the theories above, it can be concluded that STAR strategy (Survey, Take Answer, ReRead) is a way to teach reading for improving the students ability in understanding and comprehending the text and printed words materbial. From applying this strategy the students will be able to interpret the information from essay text.

Teaching Reading By Combining Porpe and Star strategy

The writer tries to combine PORPE Strategy with STAR Strategy because PORPE has weekness can be combining with Advantages STAR strategy. After the

writer reads each of the procedures in each strategy, the writer decided to combine both strategies. Both strategies which the writer chose from several procedures based on the experts. The writer combines these strategies by choosing each procedure from the experts and unites the procedure into a good strategy as the writer wants. In PORPE strategy the writer chooses the procedures from experts Sejnest (2002), In STAR strategy, the writer concludes the procedures from Veil (2000), The writer combines these strategies to help the teacher teaches the lesson about reading skill easily also to help the students more understand in learning. These strategies will be applied in whilst teaching at elaboration, confirmation and in post teaching, so these are the procedures of the combination both strategies:

There are nine steps which must be paid attention by the teachers in applying this combination strategy.

1. The teacher explores the student’s background knowledge about the text which will be given, it can be picture or video.(PORPE) 2. The teacher gives the text and

asks the students to read the text with critical analyzing.(STAR)

3. The teacher asks the students to predict the possible essay questions that might be asked and also find the correct answer for that questions. In this procedure the teacher should make help students to raise synthesizing, analyzing, and application question as more as literal. The teacher can introduce them to a glossary of the common words used in essay questions.(PORPE) 4. The teacher asks the students

to organize the information needed to answer predict questions, to make them easy


6 in organizing information the teacher asks the students to make an outline or semantic mapping.(PORPE)

5. The teacher asks the students to recall and recite memory devices.(STAR)

6. The teachers ask the students to compose their essay questions and start to type it.(PORPE)

7. The teacher asks the students to share their predict questions with their classmates.(STAR) 8. The teacher asks students to re

read the text. From this activity the students are expected to find the real

answer of their


9. The teacher asks the students to evaluate their work by making a report which consist of the questions, answers, and also correction.(PORPE) DISCUSSION

In teaching reading by combining PORPE and STAR strategy for the first grade of junior high school students, the teacher has to consider some aspects to make students comprehend about the text.

It is caused by teacher who uses two strategies in one time. These aspects consist of vocabulary, background knowledge of students, and comprehension. In combining procedures of these strategies, the writer uses intra procedures because the procedures of strategies are taken randomly. In this chapter, the writer will discuss two points, they are preparation and procedures of teaching reading comprehension by combining PORPE and STAR strategy for the first grade of junior high school students.


Based on the discussion on the previous chapter, the writer can make conclusion that reading is one of the skills which should be mastered by the students.

Through reading, the students can get useful information to improve their knowledge. The students will spend much time for to read and get understanding from text they read. In this case, the teacher can combine of PORPE and STAR strategies in teaching reading.

PORPE is a strategy to motivate students in learning reading which is designed effectively to reduce the students’ difficulties in reading. Then, STAR strategy (Survey, Take Answer, Re Read) is a strategy to teach reading for improving the students’ ability in understanding and comprehending the text and printed words material. These two strategies will be combined to teach reading comprehension. Each strategy has procedures, but in applying the writer combines the procedures of PORPE and STAR at the same time.

Furthermore, by combining PORPE and STAR strategy in teaching reading the students will be easy to understand the text. Critical analyzing and predicting questions encourage the students to find out what the text tells about. The students get the chance to learn actively by sharing ideas (questions) with their classmate. Those activities make the students enjoy and interest with the lesson.


Karen. 2002. Reading and Learning to Read. New York: Rotledge

Linse, T Caroline. 2005. Practical English Language Teaching. New York: Mc Graw Hill Inc.

Maccini and Hughes. 2000. Sudent Technique Engagement. San Fransisco:

Jossy Bass


7 Manzo. 1990. Content Area Reading.

London: Merill Publishing Company Nation. 2009 Teaching EFL/ESL Reading and Writing. New York: Rotledge

Nunan, David. 2003. Practical English Language Teaching. Singapore: Mc Graw Hill Inc

Puguh. Description Text. Retrieved from http:www.shvoong.com/reading-

writing/2099897-defeniti-aspect-reading Rambe. Teaching Writing and Reading Descriptive Text. Retrieved from www.uam..es../../topic%202%2otext%20a nd2otext%20%types

Ruyamnan. Definition of Descriptive, Report, Narrative, Procedure, and Report Tex. Retrieved from


Defenitiondescriptive/text type

Smith, Frank. 2004. Understanding Reading; Psycholinguistic Analysis of Reading and Learning to Read. London:

Lawrence Ellbaum Associates

Vaughn. 2007. Tools for Learning Reading Comprehension. London; Routlegde Veil. 2000. Learning Reading Actively.

New York: Mc Graw Inc

Wong, Bernice. 2004. Learning about Learning Disabilities. United Kingdom:

Elsevier Inc


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