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Academic year: 2023



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Siti Latifah*)

**) Syayid Sandi Sukandi, S.S, M.A Pembimbing atau Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan

Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat


SITI LATIFAH (NIM:10040175), Pengajaran Writing Dengan Menggabungkan Strategi INQUIRY CHART dengan PRAISE-QUESTION-POLISH di Sekolah Menengah pertama, Makalah, Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat, Padang, 2015

Dalam pembelajaran menulis banyak permasalahan yang dihadapi siswa mulai dari pemilihan topik, pengembangan ide tulisan sampai menghasilkan tulisan. Banyak hal yang bisa dilakukan guru dalam rangka membantu siswa tidak hanya menghasilkan tulisan tapi juga melewati proses menulis itu, salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan strategi pengajaran yang tepat. Penggunaan satu strategi dalam pengajaran menulis membuat proses pembelajaran menulis tidak sampai pada akhir pembelajaran menulis itu sendiri sehingga perlu dilakukan penggabungan dua strategi yang saling melengkapi. Penggabungan INQUIRY CHART and PRAISE-QUESTION-POLISH strategi dalam menulis teks khususnya teks narative dilakukan untuk mengembangkan ide menulis dengan menerapkan INQUIRY CHART strategi. Strategi ini bertujuan untuk membantu siswa mengembangkan ide dan opini dalam menulis teks atau paragraph yang baik. Pembelajaran selanjutnya dilakukan dengan PRAISE-QUESTION-POLISH strategi. Strategi ini mempunyai langkah-langkah yang mudah dalam penerapannya. Dimulai dengan siswa memberikan saran terhadap tulisan teman sebangkunnya yang nanti berguna untuk membantu siswa dalam memperbaiki tulisan yang sesuai yang nantinya akan dikembangkan menjadi sebuah paragraph yang baik dan benar.

Dalam menyusun kalimat siswa dibantu oleh sebuah draft yang ada di dalam strategi ini dalam menyusun sebuah teks yang benar. Strategy ini juga dapat membantu guru bahasa inggris untuk mengetahui bagaimana kemampuan siswa dalam mengembangkan ide nya serta menghasilkan sebuah tulisan.

Keywords: writing, INQUIRY CHART, and Praise-Question-Polish


** Pembimbing Introduction

Writing is one of indirect communication activities where people can convey feelings, ideas, expression, and sharing something to another.

Writing is one of the four skills in language learning besides listening, speaking, and reading. In

writing activity, the writer must learn how to communicate his or her ideas, in order to make the readers understanding what is told about. Writing activity seems one of difficult subjects for the student in a language class.

Then, writing is a complex skill which needs the writer’s thought and opinion. This skill


2 also requires other elements in writing, such as grammar, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation. In connection with those elements of writing, grammar and vocabulary are both of important and give influences in written form and are also needed because the students has to choose and arrange words to make a good sentences. In addition, spelling and sentence must be considered to write a good written form that is appropriate with the paragraph.

Furthermore, based on the writer’s experience on teaching practice, the writer found some problems in writing activity. The problem came from the students and the teacher. First, most of them had difficulties to select, combine, arrange and develop sentences to be a good text. Besides, they also had problem with continuity in writing a text and using best word and sentence. Meanwhile, most of the students became reluctant to write because they were afraid of doing big mistakes and it made them get difficulty to generate the ideas and to express what they thought and felt in the well written form. Besides, many students could not be good writers like the teacher expectation because they did not have enough vocabularies and best grammatical or best spelling so that, they could not develop their idea in writing. It means that, if the students just know a few words in English, the students could not write effectively and easily.

Second, the problem came from the teacher. The writer sees that the strategy that was used by the teacher was the teacher just asked the students to write the text based on the topic that has given by the teacher without some guidances such as brainstorm the background knowledge of the students related to topic that will be written.

Because of that, the students confuse and did not know how to begin

writing and got difficulty to develop their ideas to be a text. The other problem was the teacher could not teach by using the creative media or various media to make the students interesting about the material, and also the students did not understand about the material itself. So that, the teacher could not deliver the information to the students clearly.

A. Process of Writing

Students need to understand that writing involves many steps and constant revision. It means that to get a good result in writing the students should follow some stages in written form.

As stated by Allman (2000:36), “there are some stages of a good writing process; they are prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading and

publishing”. They can be clearly explored in the following part.

First, prewriting is activities to generate ideas for writing. The students can write by using of discussion, questions, games, illustrations and brainstorming activities. There are activities involve in prewriting; think about who will read your writing; and then form ideas, gathering information, brainstorm, read, observe and think about what you want to say and how you want to say it.

Second, drafting is the process of writing.

At this stage, the teacher allows your writer to focus on expressing thoughts and feelings. Some activities can follow in drafting such as; organize your thoughts; choose ideas and develop them;

sequence your ideas; write your first draft; and get feedback from others.

Third, revising is re-evaluation for content and style. The teacher teaches the students to consider the suggestions of their peers, re-arrange ideas and make to change their writing more clear.

Some activities will be instructed in revising, they are; re-read what you wrote; consider what others say about your work; and add or delete parts, select better words.

Fourth, proofreading is a process of checking grammar, spelling, capitalizations, mechanics and neatness. The following activities will do in proofreading they are; make sure all sentences are complete; check spelling, capitalizations and punctuation; look for words used incorrectly; and recopy the work neatly and correctly.

The last step is publishing in which is the process of sharing writing with audience.

Publishing the writing may take any number of forms such as, displaying it, reading it aloud, binding it into a book, recording it on tape, performing it, illustrating it and setting it to music or talking about it with others. It means that the process of writing needs some stages to make a good writing they are prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading and publishing. Therefore, the students can know and understand how the process to make written text.

Publishing refers to put the writing in a final finished format where it can be shared with others. It means that the process of writng that will be done in some stages such as, prewriting, writing, revising, editing and publising to make written text and the students know what must be there in writing, Meanwhile, Linse (2005:105) “has different opinion about writing process that will be instructed in some stages; first, prewriting can be as simple as a drawing activity, or it can be woven into a discussion between the teacher and learners.

Then, teacher reviewing what the students have been doing related to writing and asks a number of questions to focus on what they have already done.


3 Second, writing is the next step after prewriting that is to get thoughts and ideas down on paper related to the chosen topic. Third, revising is a process of occurring when a writer looks for feedback from the teacher or another student and have a tendency to think that once words are down on paper”. Then, editing is process of the students need to know how to write using standard conventions of spelling, grammar and punctuation.

The last step is publishing; it is the process after a piece of writing has been edited which is ready to be published. Publishing refers to put the writing in a final finished format where it can be shared with others. It means that the process of writing that will be done in some stages such as, prewriting, writing, revising, editing and publising to make written text and the students know what must be there in writing.

So many stages to write well such as, prewriting, revising, editing, and publishing, as an English teacher do not just to make students know what must be there in their writing this theory is Different from Kuta theory (2008:201) states that

“there are some stages in the following of writing process such as:

“First, prewriting choice refers to a process of clustering, mapping, and free writing, brainstorming and using a graphic organizer.

Second, focus is similar with thesis that is one sentence or main ideas for paper. Third, plan for paper is process of text pattern or topic and details for each paragraph. Fourth, make first draft or rough draft with errors. Fifth, peer editing is the process of reading draft aloud to peers for them to listen for a purpose. Sixth, revision is a process of making change to improve paper. Seventh, proofreading is correcting error and making sure all makes sense.

Eighth, final draft is errors free paper. Ninth, self- evaluation is the process that writes 1 or 2 sentences explaining what you learned in this assignment. Tenth, highlight special features as directed or use”

it means that writing process will be done in some stages, prewriting, focus, plan, first draft, peer editing, revision, proofreading, final draft and self evaluation. All of them must be instructed in process of writing in order make the students’s understanding how to write an acceptable written text”.

In conclusion, writing is a process or activity that generates their ideas and thoughts on paper. Not only the students

explore their ideas

but also the students choose the best words and sentences to be better in written form itself. In addition, writing also needs some stages of writing process start from prewriting, writing, revising, editing and publishing that can make a good written form to the readers.

B. Teaching Writing

In teaching writing we need to know how the process to write something or describe something. The writer have some steps or stages how to teach writing to the student to make good writing and be better in their life. Because writing is one way to develop what we want students to say, all that they can pour in an essay in their writing. Because students are still very young it's easier to hone their ideas, especially if their works can be easily understood and be a paragraph which is very nice and neat.

To make the teaching of writing was easy to understand, the teacher should be able to give a sense of fun and joy when teaching writing, because to make a paper, students must be familiar with what they should do and do when writing, According to Tompkins (2000: 9)” there are five stages in teaching writing. They are prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.

Prewriting stage is the getting-ready-to-write stage.

There are three main activities in this stage, they are choosing the topic, considering purpose, audience, and form, and also generating and organizing ideas. The second stage is drafting. In this stage, the focus is to get ideas down on paper.

It is time to pour ideas in draft, with a little concern about spelling, punctuation, and other mechanical errors. The activities in this stage are writing a rough draft and writing leads. The third stage is revising. The word revision means “seeing again”.

The above quotation means that in this stage, the writer clarifies and refines ideas in their composition. Revision is not just polishing writing.

It is activities from writer to add, substitutee, delete, and rearrange materials. The fourth stage is editing. This is the stage of putting the writing into its final form. It is about how to make the writing readable. The focus of this stage is on the mechanic which refers to the commonly accepted conventions of written Standard English. The last stage is publishing. It is the final stage of writing:

publish the writing and share it with appropriate audience. Sharing writing is a social activity where students can develop sensitivity to the audience and confident in themselves as authors”.

In teaching and learning process in writing the teacher must know the purpose of writing subject, because to make students more understanding the teacher must clearly in


4 explaining the material. Moreover, Coffin et al (2003:56)” propose there are three approaches in teaching writing. The first, writing as text, it has the similar meaning with a writing is a product.

This approaches focus on the text that the student made. The second, writing as process, as it is known in making a writer have to known the process of writing in order to get a good result of writing. Therefore, in this approach the writing also focused in the process of writing that consist of some steps such as prewriting, writing, revising, and publishing. The last step is writing as social practice. Here, educational background, ethnicity, culture emphasized and gender can influence the writer in making their writing”.

It can be concluded that in teaching writing, the teacher needs to help the students in producing their writing. The students have some difficulties in constructing ideas and expressing their ideas in writing form. The teacher has to guide them in organizing topic become sentence and put their ideas on writing, fix the language patterns and develop their thinking skill. The teacher also direct the students to combine paragraph and make them coherence each other. In other side the teacher has to correct the students writing and to repair their errors become good paragraph.


1. Definition of INQUIRY CHART Strategy

Strategy can be used by the teacher as a way to get the teaching process run well. It can help the students to do their writing process clearly. Inquiry Chart strategy is one of the writing strategies that can be used by the teacher to combine the learning process in doing select, arrange, develop ideas to be a text based on multiple sources has.

Ogle & Klemp (2007:20) states that inquiry chart is a strategy helps students understand that author vary in how they present information and interpret event. It means, this strategy to increase students curiosity about the actual information and they can develop their ideas to compare information with any sources.

Meanwhile, Buehl (2014: 123) explains that inquiry chart strategy is emphasize research as a process of inquiry based on a reader’s curiosity, rather than a mere collection of isolated bits of information. It means inquiry chart build students curiosity and helps to focus their learning in writing. They are tool for documentation a student’s thinking, and they serve to guide their learning.

Moreover, Dolores betran et all (2013:125) argue that inquiry chart is a data table that assists students in organizing information they retrieved from a wide range of materials. This strategy works

well in classroom where teacher require students to engage in group research using multiple sources of information. The students use I-Chart because they can record of text, making references to their research question, categorize information and synthesizing numerous facts and ideas for report writing.

Finally, the writer concludes that inquiry chart strategy is a strategy that enables students to generate meaningful question about a topic organize their writing. The students can integrate prior knowledge or

thoughts about the topic with additional information found in several sources.

2. Procedure of INQUIRY CHART Strategy Moreover, Buehl (2013:123) says that there are several steps should be followed by the teacher to apply the Inquiry Chart Strategy. The first one is select a topic studied in the curriculum and brainstorm the student’s think about this topic they might be wondering. The second one is introduce the I-Chart by modeling how to use this tool to organize information on chart paper or the chalkboard. Also provide students with individual blank I-Charts.

The third one is brainstorm any preexisting knowledge about the topic. Ask students to offer what they know or have heard about the topic and have them indicate which question on the chart this information might answer. The Fourth one is provide access to a variety of materials, including websites, newspaper, and magazine articles, for students to consult to answer their target question. The fifth one is ask students to synthesize information from each question into a summary. The sixth one is students are now ready to write about their topic, and they proceed to discuss each question and the information that relates to it.

3. Advantages of INQUIRY CHART Strategy

This strategy gives the significant advantages, so that the teacher can apply it in learning process and get the good writing by the students as a result.

Buehl (2013:123) explains the advantages of inquiry chart strategy are provided: first, as students become more independent, they can develop individual I-Chart that focus their inquiry and organize their notes. Second, students writing are less likely to be rambling compendium of facts.

Third, students receive guided practice in synthesizing and summarizing information. Fourth, students use multiple sources that provide a variety of information. Finally, this strategy is especially well suited for web-based inquiry project.


5 Furthermore, Antonacci & O’callaghan (2011:143) state the advantages inquiry chart strategy is help students in developing question, accessing and organization information for understanding, reporting and presenting research finding. It means students can identify the questions of the topic they are searching through information. So that they can understand the information it has on its compare through a variety of sources.

In addition, Beltran & Sarmiento (2013:125) add the advantages inquiry chart were developed as tools intended to stimulate students thinking by exploring multiple sources of information. Besides, students can find out and compare the actual information from various sources. Not only, has inquiry chart strategy developed students’ curiosity in finding the actual result of the data.

In conclusion, Inquiry Chart strategy is an important strategy that can help the students to improve their writing ability in learning process.

The strategy include to support in writing something by providing multiple sources in one topic. By the variety informations become the topic that is writen is so meaningfull and clear. Moreover it is provided a chart which contains several questions to answered. So that, it makes them easily to write.

B. Praise-Question-Polish Strategy

1. Definition of Praise-Question-Polish Strategy

Strategy can be used by the teacher as a way to get the teaching process run well. It can help the students to revise students writing. PQP strategy is one of the writing strategies that can be used by the teacher to combine the learning process in doing select, arrange, and develop ideas to be a good text based on multiple sources has.

It is supported by Lyons Housel (2002:118) that Praise Question Polish strategy is a good strategy for peers to edit each other’s writing work.

This strategy is used for students to have pair work activity to edit their writing draft before they do further writing. It is also a kind of revision strategy to edit such text. In this case, praise is to state

“what do you like best “, Question is for stating

“what question do you have “, Polish is to state

“what kinds of addition or corrections are needed”.

Moreover,Jeffrey (2002:78) explains that praise question and polish, praise: this is what I really liked about the presentation. Question: here are questions I had about the presentation. Polish:

here are suggestions that could make the presentation even better in the future, research question, categorize information and synthesizing numerous facts and ideas for report writing.

Haney (2010:10) defines Praise Question Polish (PQP) as a beginning strategies used during the writing process. Its purpose is to assist the students edit their writing by focusing feedback under three headings: praise question and polish.

Praise is for what the students like about the authors writing style or ideas. Then, questions are for confusion the improvement of the text being revised.

Finally, the writer concludes that PQP strategy is a strategy that enables to revising writing of students. The students can integrate prior knowledge or writing properly in best grammatical and best word in best sentence.

2. Procedure of Praise-Question-Polish Writing Strategy

In addition, kaminsky (2010: 1) adds that the procedures of applied PQP consist of following steps:

A. praise

1. the students work in pair or group to give a response on their friends writing draft

2. The students revise each other about their work and give a comment into several suggestion 3. The students can use the

comments below:

a. “My favorite part is….”

b. “….sounded very effective...”

c.” you were really clearly (vivid, sensitive) about…

d. “tells me about…

B. question

1. The students give some question if they think there are some confusing parts in their friends’


2. The students use suggested comment below:

a. “could you help me to see that better..?”

b. “would you consider adding (taking out, changing)?

c. “What if you moved this word or phrase?”

d. “I’m not sure I understand this part clearly”

e. “What about if you change the sentences patterns, like this…

f. Polish


6 3. The students may add some

additional part or they wants to correct any parts that they think are wrong.

Based on the expert explanations above the writer choose one of the procedures which proposed by kaminsky (2010: 1) because this procedures will make the students more easy to write their idea into written form and then the students will developing the idea easily through several questions in their curiosity.

3. Advantages of Praise-Question-Polish Strategy

Many expert have discuss the advantages applying praise question-polish strategy in teaching writing. In addition, lewin (2003:38) explains that the advantages of praise-question-polish strategy are to critique of the writer or author. Critique does not only mean what you do not like, but also you can explain what you like in the writing. After you explain it, you should give some suggestion for improvement the writing. This will produce a good writing because of revision made in the text using the opinions of other people, so, many suggestions on the text.

A. The Result of Combining INQUIRY CHART Strategy and Praise-Question-Polish Strategy

In this chapter, the writer would like to discuss about the application of teaching writing by combining INQUIRY CHART Strategy and Praise- Question-Polish Strategy. The combination of INQUIRY CHART Strategy and Praise-Question- Polish Strategy can help the students to guide and generate their ideas into written form. Teaching writing with INQUIRY CHART strategy can help the students to develop their ideas that attention seventh aspect like, pick an idea, organize their taught, write and say more, topic sentence, give at least three reason about the topic, explain about the reason in more detail, end with a good concluding statement. Then Praise-Question-Polish strategy can be used by the teacher to involve students writing down the central idea support by the details around that have been connection to make a complete paragraph and revise the students writing.

In this paper, the writer will combine INQUIRY CHART Strategy and Praise-Question- Polish Strategy in teaching writing Narrative text.

Narrative is A narrative text is a story that is created in a constructive format that describes a sequence of fictional or non-fictional events. Then, generic structure of Narrative text are:Orientation, Complication, Resolution. In this paper the writer chooses the combination procedures Buehl (2013:123) for INQUIRY CHART strategy and Kaminsky (2010: 1)for Praise-Question-Polish. In combining Inquiry Chart Strategy and Praise Question-Polish Strategy in teaching writing

Narrative Text, in this paper, the writer will mix-up the procedure of that strategy where for the first activity will be started byselect a topic studied in the curiculum and brainstorm the students think about the topic they might be wondering.. The second activities the teacher introduce the inquiry chart by modeling how to use this tool to organize information on chart paper or chalk board. Also provide students with individual blank inquiry chart. The third activity the teacher braintorm any prexisting knowledge about the topic, Ask the students to offer what they know or have heard about the topic and have them indicate which question on the chart this information might answer. The fourth activity, the students Provide access to a variety of materials, including websites and newspaper and magazine, articles, for students to consult to answer their target questions. The fifth activity, the teacher Ask students to synthesize information from each question into a summary.

The sixth activity, teacher guides Students are now ready to write about their topic, and they proceed to discuss each question and the information that relates to it. The seventh activity after students make I-Chart, the teacher asks students to do PQP process to revise their sumarry. Then eighth activity, The students revise each other about their work and give a comments in several sugestion, Question, and students may add some additional parts or they want to correct any parts that they think are wrong. The last activity, the teacher Ask the students to make correct assigments after their friend check their writing.


Writing is one of the language skills that should be mastered by the students. Through writing, the students can express their feeling, opinions and ideas into written form. There are many texts that can be developed in written form, but in this paper the writer chooses report text.

Moreover, to help the students in producing a good writing, the teacher has to use a suitable and good strategy in teaching and learning process. The teacher can use one strategy or combine two strategies to be applied in teaching and learning process but in this paper the writer uses Inquiry Chart strategy in teaching writing. The teacher can combine Inquiry chart and Praise–Question-Polish strategies to improve students’ revising in writing.

By Inquiry Chart Strategy, the teacher focuses on helps students understand that author vary in how they present information and the students can revise the correct information. It means that this strategy shall increase students curiosity about the actual information and their can develop their ideas to compare information with any sources. And by using Praise-Question-Polish Strategy the teacher helps students understand how to revise the paragraph. Praise-Question-Polish ask students to


7 experiment with different ways of putting words and ideas together. It means that where the students make a good Paragraph, they should know about how to do best paragraph. So, the students can develop their writing well. Through this strategy, students are also asked to work in group received feedback each other after that. Then, the teacher leads the students in organizing their mind to build connections with the material to produce a Paragraph. So, the students can communicate and share their ideas each other among groups presentation in the class. These strategies can stimulate students’ knowledge to start writing.

Topic and drafting. Therefore it is needed to combine the strategy with another strategy which leads the students to the end of writing process.

The strategy which is chosen to be combined with Inquiry Chart is Praise-Question-Polish strategy.

Praise-Question-Polish is a writing strategy that involves revising writing down the central idea supported by the details around that have another ide from their friends for connection to make a complete paragraph. In combining Inquiry Chart strategy and Prais-Question-Polish strategy for teaching writing of Narrative text, the steps of both strategies will be completed each other. Those strategy can be applied in pre-teaching writing activity and whilst teaching activity. In pre- teaching the students think about the topic will be focus on. For Narrative text, the activity will be started by identifying the generic structures of the text from thesis statement, arguments and recommend. Those strategy is applied in whilst – teaching writing strategy where the students are guided to do drafting, revising and editing. The teaching writing activity will be ended by evaluating the students’ writing result.


Based on the conclusion above, the writer gives suggestion as follow: Firstly, as a good teacher, she or he should have an interesting strategy in teaching and learning process. It means that the teacher has to avoid the monotonous strategy while delivering the lesson. Combining Strategy is one of the best ways to avoid it.

Through this paper the writer suggests to English teacher to use the combination of Inquiry Chart and PQP strategies in teaching writing. In using combination of

this strategy the teacher uses report text as material that will be taught.

Secondly, besides interesting strategy, the teacher should be more active and creative to give contribution for the students whether in delivering the lesson, finding the interesting topic and another supporting tool in teaching and learning process. Thirdly, the teacher can help the

students to solve the problems found in writing. Finally, the students ought to realize that writing is not simple activity to do. Thus, they have to increase their ability in writing by expressing their thought, opinion, feeling and ideas into written form.


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