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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh





Liza Hendrawati*)

**) Melvina, S.Pd, M.E Pembimbing atau Pengajar Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat


Makalah ini ditulis bertujuan untuk membantu mengatasi permasalahan siswa dalam pengajaran menulis (writing) pada tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA). Masalah yang dihadapi siswa SMA diantaranya adalah siswa kesulitan dalam menulis. Ini disebabkan karena siswa tidak dapat mengekspresikan ide, mengembangkan ide menjadi sebuah tulisan yang bermakna, dan dapat dimengerti oleh pembaca. Selain itu, makalah ini juga bertujuan sebagai masukan bagi guru-guru bahasa Inggris dalam melaksanakan pengajaran writing sehingga siswa tertarik dan termotivasi untuk belajar menulis khususnya descriptive text. Dalam makalah ini penulis membahas dua strategi yang dikombinasikan untuk membantu siswa menulis yaitu strategi Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) dengan strategi Quick Write.

Strategi ini mempunyai langkah-langkah yang sistematis dalam penerapannya seperti: siswa memilih topik yang menarik dan sesuai yang nantinya akan dikembangkan menjadi sebuah teks. Sebelum menyusun kalimat, siswa menggali informasi yang berkaitan dengan topik dan menyusunnya dalam tabel. Setelah itu, siswa menyusun informasi tersebut menjadi teks. Kemudian, hasil tulisan mereka itu mendapat kritikan dari teman sekelas dan penilaian dari guru. Adapun kelebihan penggabungan strategi ini adalah siswa akan memiliki kemampuan menulis secara individual berdasarkan langkah-langkah yang jelas dan dibantu dengan tabel dalam menulis sebuah teks yang benar. Dengan demikian, mengkobinasikan Question Into Paragraph strategy dan Quick Write strategy diharapkan bisa membantu siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas dalam mempelajari maupun memahami konsep menulis dan bisa menulis dengan baik.

Key words: question into paragraph strategy and quick write strategy


** Pembimbing


2 Introduction

Writing is an instrument of thinking that allows students to express their ideas, thought, feeling, and opinion in written form. In writing of Senior High School students can communicate and express their ideas about something and also their feeling. They have started to study writing since the first year. They have begun to write a paragraph. In writing activity, the students must learn how to communicate their ideas in order to make the reader understand what students ‘are telling about.

Therefore, writing has important role and teaching writing should become priority in teaching process.

Based on writer’s interview with English teacher at SMAN 1 Lengayang, writer found that are some students who have difficulties in writing.

Actually, the problem comes from two factors;

students and teachers. The first problem comes from the students themselves. In writing activities, some of them get difficulties in developing their ideas and hard to find information in the text, becauce some of students have lack grammar, punctution, vocabulary, and coherence. So, they are difficult to express information and ideas that they get in writing. It resulted in the students have low motivation in writing; it means they do not pay attention in class writing. The second problem comes from the teacher. Some of the English teachers often use inappropriate strategy to teach writing or media such as only use a single chart or discussion which is not accurate and will give low motivation for the students in writing.

Referring to those problems, the teachers are required to use some appropriate strategy for teaching writing. Teacher as educator has to motivate them and try to be more creative. There are many strategies that can be used by the teachers in writing. Some of them are RAFT strategy, which emphasized on role of writer, who will be audience for the writer, how the format of writing. Then, outline strategy which ask students to make outline about text, and develop this outline become summary. Then, Question into Paragraph (QuIP) strategy, it is a strategy as to provide a framework for structuring to invite research and writing. After that, Quick Write strategy, it is strategy to help the students discover ideas for writing. Finnally, writer proposes to combine Question Into paragraph (QuIP) and Quick Write strategy to minimize problem above. Writer choose both of them because will help students in almost similar ways, where they make students enjoy in learning writing and make students easier to develop their idea because they are make question about what are they want to know from picture or text. Then, these strategy have same purpose that is to help studentds develop their idea.

Review of Related Literature

There are many statements about writing’s definition which defined by many experts. As Johnson (2008:203), define writing is having ideas, organizing ideas, and communicating ideas. It means, writing is an activity to express and convey all the ideas you have your mind to make the reader understand what you tell in the form of writing.

The threw of writing, writer can communicate with the reader, because not all of them can express their ideas directly to others.

Then, Richard (2003:88) writing is seen as the product constructed from writers command of grammatical and lexical knowledge, and writing development is considered to be the result of imitating and manipulating models provided by the teacher. It means, writing is a command and armful of grammatical and lexical knowledge. Because writing have contained about punctuation, grammatical, spelling, and etc. That cannot be separated in writing, which will make it into a language writing good and be understood by the reader. In addition, writing to be better by teachers who will guide the student use of grammatical good and true.

Moreover, Allman (2003:88) writing is the mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to express them, and organizing them into statements and paragraphs that will be clear to a reader. It means, writing is feelings that work to present the ideas, so we can make some good paragraph. In order for the reader to understand with what was present by the author.

Based on some theories from the experts above, the writer can conclude that writing is some activity which can express and convey ideas in a paragraph and in writing have grammatical form, punctuation, spelling, etc in order to be a good language and understood by the reader. Besides writing is a job that comes from feeling that was written into a paragraph. To be a good paragraph should guide a teacher to be able to produce a good language and clear to the reader.

a. Comprehension

1) Understand too to respond to conversation initiations or topics nominations. Thus understanding as keys of comprehension.

2) Understand quite well normal educated speech directed to him or her, but requires occasional repetition or rephrasing. To make understand should need repetition or rephrasing.

3) Understand everything in normal educated conversation, except for very colloquial or low-frequency items or exceptionally rapid or slurred speech.

Understand is something normal except who low –frequency.


3 4) Understand everything informal and

colloquial speech to be expected of an educated native speaker. Understand is something expected in educated native speaker.

Moreover, Matsumoto (2011:141) states components of speaking include the social unit, social setting, and participants; the language variety and unit of study; the quantity, frequency, topic, content, tone, and manner of speech; the purpose and outcomes of speech, and the norms of interaction and interpretation of speech. The sentences means the component of speaking that may be used to analyze speech and speaking in any given society.

Referring to the explanations above, it can be concluded that some of components speaking such as pitch, tone, timbre, accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, range, accuracy, interaction, coherence, rehearsal, feedback, engagement, content manner and purpose and outcomes of speech. In points that the students should attend components of speaking, it is useful to make the others easy in understanding the conversation. In addition, the teacher should apply these components in teaching speaking.

Process of Writing

Referring explain above, writing is a process conveying ideas in the written form. It means that there are some activities in the writing process. To help students have the ability in writing, teacher should teach the students how to write at the writing process. There are many experts who describe about a process of writing.

According to Harmer (2001:258) writing process is more complex than this of course, and the various stages of drafting, reviewing, redrafting, and writing, etc. The process of writing are drafting, reviewing, redrafting, and writing. Drafting is an activity to describe an idea of what will be written on our thinking. Then, reviewing is the step where writers reviewing about the content, connections, assessing impact, and editing. After that, redrafting is the step where writers redesign of the sentence to be into a good sentence and true. Final step is writing, writing is the step where writers write about ideas that are owned into a paragraph is good andright.

Then, Allman and pallow (2000:36), a process approach to writing instruction involves five stages: prewriting, drafting, revising, proofreading, and publishing. Prewriting is just thinking about something that will be written before writing about something or topic. Then, drafting is some step where the writers write about an idea that would be developed into a paragraph.

After that, revising is some step where the writer repair and replace the less true sentence into a sentence which is understandable. Such content,

relationships, etc. Next step is proofreading, proofreading is some step where the writers is correct and check on grammatical, spelling, punctuation to become a good and true paragraph.

A final step is publishing, publishing is the make the other people know about the results of papers have been written by the author.

After that, Richards and Renandya (2002:304) the process approach to writing, this comprises four-based stages: planning, drafting, revising, and editing. The first step is planning, planning is the step where the writer plan about to be created or written. Then, drafting is a step in which writing describing what will be written in outline form. The next step is revising; revising is the step where the writer is evaluated on content, relationships and style in a paragraph. The last step is editing, editing is some step after revising and editing the direct writer of grammatical, spelling and punctuation who are in a paragraph.

In conclusion, the process of writing consists some activities in various stages. Students should be drilled to work sequentially According to call now the stage, so they can build, increase of, and develop their writing skills and produce a good text as well.

Teaching Writing

In teaching writing, the teacher does not only teach about how to put words into a piece of paper but also students can enjoy the activity and have the ability on it. According Caswell and Mahler (2004:3) teaching of writing is provides opportunities for students to develop clear thinking skills. It means that, students are less developed the idea in speaking, in writing they will get opportunities Reviews their idea into a paragraph and can be read by the reader.

Moreover, Urquart and Mclver (2005:2) define teaching of writing is unique in this way, it is beneficial both teacher and students, serving as communication vehicle, assessment tools and intellectual exercises. It means that, teaching writing is a tool for students to be able to communicate its ideas to the teacher. Then the teacher can also correct about grammatical, spelling, punctuation, etc of students.

Furthermore, Nunan (2003:92), there are some principles of teaching writing items, namely:

1. Understand your students ‘reasons for writing.

2. Provide many opportunities for students to write.

3. Make helpful and meaningful feedback.

4. Clarify for yourself, and for your students, how their writing will be evaluated.


4 Teachers should follow the four principles above. It is important for the teacher to understand the goals of writing that is to be done in the class.

Then, students should be given as writer enough time to do practice writing. After that, the teacher revises and evaluates the writing of students objectively.

In summary, teaching writing can help the students when they want to write, because it makes students to understand how to write clearly. It also a way to the make the students can be easy to express their ideas into some paragraphs. The teacher gives feedback and response to students that should make good writing and discuss how much wrong when they write in writing. The teacher evaluates how many the students’

achievement in writing form. Besides, teaching writing can improve the students to produce good writer and can publish or share to the public in the class.

Componet of Writing

In writing, students should consider to some aspect such as how to spelling the words, how to use punctution, how to use grammar, how to use vocabulary, and how to express idea.

Moreover, to know detail about writing, there are some experts that divide some components of writing. According to Mather (2009:8) the components of writing including language, handwriting, spelling, usage, vocabulary, and text structure. Handwriting is the person's writing created with writing utensils. After that, the spelling is defined as the proper way to write a word, using the correct order of letters. Then, vocabulary word is that all of the uses for writing.

A final, text structure is how the authors construct a sentence that is made based on a good sentence structure. So in writing, the writer must consider of component, which component that makes the paragraph written into good and easy to understood by the reader.

Meanwhile, Davis (2008:292) says the mechanisms of the writing such as; grammar, vocabulary, content, coherence, and cohesions represented to them at the stage call now as the essential components of any written text. Grammar is how the author to arrange the words into sentences that so well. After that, the content of content creation that is good, clear, and easy to understand. Then, coherence is a good selection and the related sentence from paragraph to paragraph so that no idea sprang. Finally, cohesions is the grammatical and lexical linking within a text or sentence that holds a text together and gives it meaning. So, this part needs to consider which component was complementary and dependent in writing.

In addition, Leockho (2009:1) says punctuation, grammar, and spelling. These three

components of written work often present difficulties for both teachers and students. It means that, punctuation, grammar, spellings are third component which is present in the current teachers and students wanted to write. A part that must be considered by them when want to write a paragraph. So it becomes a good works great in making paragraph.

Referring to the explanations above, it can be concluded that some of components writing such as grammar, punctution, spelling, coherence, cohension, content, and vocabulary. In points that the students should attend components of writing, it is useful to make the others easy in understanding and write of paragraph. In addition, the teacher should apply these components in teaching writing.

Paragraph Into Question (QuIP) Strategy Question into paragraphs strategy is one of many strategies which are used in teaching writing, where this strategy is used to assist students to develop their ideas. There many experts who explain the definition of Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) strategy. According to Sadler (2011:27) Question into Paragraph (QuIP) strategy is the strategy provides a framework to initiate research and writing structure. It means, this strategy ask students to create a framework in the form of questions about the topic given by the teacher, and the students are asked to develop answers to these questions into a paragraph and based on the structure of writing.

Then, McLaughlin (2012:252) Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) strategy is a strategy to improve comprehension of informational structure.

It means that, this strategy asks students to improve understanding of structure information held. The structure of this information in the form of answers to questions that are found then developed into a paragraph.

In addition, Kelsey and Rowan (2013) Question Into Paragraph to strategy which students are taught how to use questions to research answers from multiple texts and incorporate them into a coherent paragraph. It means, this strategy asks students to find answers to questions related to the text. And describes the ways in which students can easily answer the question, so that it becomes a paragraph.

From the definition above, it can be concluded that the Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) strategy is the strategy to improve and develop comprehension of shaped frame into a paragraph on the found of answers about questions. And then, these strategies help students to develop their ideas into a good paragraph and accordance with the topic given by the teacher.


5 Procedure of Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) Strategy

There are some procedures of Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) strategy that will help the teacher to apply this strategy in teaching writing.

There are many experts who state procedure of Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) strategy.

According to McLaughlin (2012:251) explains that the procedure of this strategy into six stages:

a. Invite students to choose a topic to explore a write the topic at the top of the QuIP grid. In this step, the teacher invite to students to develop a topic and write a topic in the table.

b. Ask students to generate and write on the grid three broad questions related to the topic. In this step, the teachers ask students to write three questions related with the topic.

c. Students should locate and read two sources to find the answer to their questions. The students write the titles of the sources in spaces provided on the grid. In this step, the students to find answers to their questions from two difference source.

d. Student’s record answers to the question in the spaces to-provided on the grid. It means that, the teachers asked to students to write the answer in table.

e. Students synthesize information into a paragraph. It means that, the teachers asks to students gather information and develop into paragraphs.

f. Student’s reviews their paragraph share in pairs or small groups.

Students share and discuss about paragraph by the group.

So, the steps of Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) strategy is started from explaining about the rules in Question Into Paragraph. Then continued by ask to student make three questions related to the topic. After that, ask to students found the answers about these questions and developed into a paragraph. And finally, students share and discuss paragraph with his friend in group.

Then, Sadler (2011:27) say, there are six steps to use Question Into Paragaph (QuIP) strategy.

a. Assign or have students choose a topic to explore. The teachers ask to student choose the topic for to explore.

b. Show the layout of the QuIP grid and have them write reviews their topic at the top. The teachers ask to students write a topic in the table.

c. Have students come up with three question related to reviews their topic and write them in the grid. Students write three questions relating to an existing topic.

d. Students should choose to search their question, these students may be selected from a list or you have approved of sources depending on the topic and reading abilities of the students. Students choose a source that will be used as a search for answers of the questions.

e. As students research, they record answers in the grid. After the grid has been completed. Students are to copy the answers in the table.

f. Students write an informational paragraph that they share with a partner or a small group. The teacher asks students to make a paragraph and share with friends.

In conclusion, these steps are started from choosing a topic and write in the table. Then, the teachers ask students to make inquiries relating the topic. Furthermore, students find the answers of questions and make framework of the response developed in a paragraph. And the last, the student discussed with the group about the paragraph.

After that, Wiesendanger (155) says procedure of Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) are:

1. Interview Grid. Instruct students to begin by determining their overall topic.

2. Outline. Use the complete grid to provide a smooth transition to the creation of outlines.

3. Paragraph. Model of students the process of creating an overall topic sentence by reviewing their question and responses.

In conclusion, the first steps the teacher displays a grid, and identify existing topics.

Afterwards, the students were instructed to create an outline. Outline is made in the grid. Lastly, students are instructed make a paragraph of the outline that has been made. The outline was developed into a clear paragraph.

The procedures of Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) above shows that the strategy is systematic strategy that can improve the student's ability in writing. It will help students to manage and compose their ideas. It also can contribute student's communicative competence in written form. From some procedures Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) strategy above, the writer wants to use procedures by Sadler (2011:27) because his explanation of Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) Clearly more strategy and can be applied in teaching writing process.


6 Advantages of Question Into Paragraph (QuIP)

Each strategy has some advantages in implementing it when teaching learning process.

When the teacher chooses the strategy, they have to see and compare it with the other strategy. It is very important for them to increase their way when they are studying. If the teacher does not have a strategy in teaching learning process, the students will be bored and the class will be monotonous for them.

There are some advantages of Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) strategy. According to Maureen (2012:215) Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) provide a good way for us to organize information.

In the other word, this strategy makes the students are more easy to generate or organize to information in the text.

Quick Write Strategy

Quick Write strategy is one of many strategies which are used in teaching writing. This strategy is used to assist students develop their ideas. Teachear give a clue or topic about something that will be written by students and students develop it by a write of things relate with topics that have stated by the teacher quickly intervening in a limited time.

There many experts explain the definition of Quick Writes strategy. According to Antonacci

& O'challaghan (2011:139) Quick Write strategy is to facilitate students understanding of informational text through the use of a set of integrated language activities. It means, a facility used by teachers for language activities students, so that the students understand the information in the text.

Then, Kucer and Silvia (2013:152) Quick Write strategy is effective in helping students to explore the variety of class subjects. It means that, an effective strategy used by teachers for a variety of subjects. This strategy can be as a tool for carry out the teaching and learning process in a variety of subjects such as English.

In addition, Bowers and Keisler (2011:46) Quick write is this strategy provides students with the opportunity to write everything they know about specific topic. It means that, this strategy gives students the opportunity to write all the topics that they know and convey all the ideas they were thinking.

Based on theories above, it can be concluded that the Quick Write strategy is one of teaching writing strategy that has a Quick Write where the teachers facilitate students by using this strategy, so that students can be understand and know the information in a text. And this strategy asks to quickly respond to students about to be written. Then, this is a simple and interesting writing strategy to be applied in classrooms.

Procedure of the Quick Write Strategy

Quick Write strategy has purpose to help students easy in writing. There are procedures that should Followed by it users. There are many experts who state procedures of the Quick Write strategy. According to Kucer and Silvia (2013:152) say the procedure of Quick Write strategy are:

a. Discuss with the students that the purpose of a quick write is to help them discover ideas of writing. The teachers explain about the purpose of the Quick Write strategy to cover the idea of the author in teaching learning process.

b. Ask the students to start writing about any topic that comes their mind. Tell them how much time they will have for the quick write lesson strategy. The teachers ask students to write about a topic that is in their thinking. By determining how much time they need.

c. If students have a difficult, time thinking of something to write, ask them to write. If the student is difficult to think of something that would be written. The teacher asks them to write.

d. Allow the students opportunity to share the ideas they have explored in their quick write. The teachers provide opportunities for students to share ideas that have been developed in a quick write.

e. Discuss with students when it might be helpful for students to engage in a quick write, such as when they do not know what to write next, when having difficulty thinking of a writing topic, when having difficulty expressing their ideas. Then, students are allowed to discuss with her friend when they were unable to develop the idea further.

So, the steps of the Quick Write strategy here started from explaining about purpose of this strategy, and then the teachers ask students to write any topic in their mind. After that, students are given the opportunity to develop his idea to write a quick with the time given by the teachers. And finally the students are given the opportunity to discuss with her friend when they found difficulty in developing his idea.

Then, Bowers & Keisler (2011:46) say the procedures of Quick Write strategy are:

1. Provide a prompt on upcoming content and give students five minutes to write about the topic.

2. At your signal, ask students to turn to partner and share their quick write.

3. Collect the quick writes and use the information as a reassessments to develop the unit of study.

In conclusion, these strategies give students the opportunity to have a voice and are


7 restricted by time. After the students were ordered to gather with friends, and after it was ordered to write quickly what they share. Then all that is written the information collected and developed into the subject matter.

After that, Patricia (2002:140) says the procedures of Quick Write strategy are:

1. Provide an overview of the content that will be studied. The teachers gave an overview about contents of the text to be learned by students.

2. Help students to activate their prior knowledge through the followings:

a) Ask a probing question related to the readings. Ask students to investigate questions related to what they read.

b) Have students respond to the question through a brief whole class or small group discussion.

Students respond and discuss the answers to these questions with the group.

c) Direct students to take three minutes to write all they know about the topic. The teacher provides a follow-up question that is intended to further the jog their minds about knowledge related to readings. Teachers give students time to write everything they know about the topic.

3. Ask students to write quick completed their share with the class and use their responses to assess their prior knowledge to help them establish goals for reading the text. Asking students to complete his share in the classroom.

From the steps above that stated by some experts, it can be concluded that the Quick Write is some strategy that can be used location within the teaching and learning process of writing. The teacher gives an overview of the topic to be learning. Then the students were asked to write everything that is in their minds about the topic being studied with a time limit. After that, the teacher asks the students to discuss with a group or class in front of the paragraph that they make.

Finally, the writer chooses steps that stated by Kucer and Silva (2013:152) as the step that will combine with Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) strategy.

Advantages of Quick Write Strategy

Each strategy has some advantages in implementing it when teaching learning process.

When the teacher chooses the strategy, they would have to see and compare it with the other strategy.

It is very important for them to increase of their way when they are studying. If the teacher does not

have a strategy in teaching learning process, the students will be bored and the class will be monotonous for them. There are some advantages of Quick Write strategy.

According to Alteiri (2010:45) the benefits of a quick write is its flexibility.

Modifications to this exercise Allows all students to respond to the best of their abilities. It means that, Quick Write strategy has benefit flexible depending on the situation. The purpose these strategies in teaching and learning process are giving order to change to the students, so that they give respond with good ability.

Then, Coe (2008:1) benefits of Quick Write strategy are:

1. It is a non-threatening and quick activity.

2. It encourages writing and promotes reading-writing connections.

3. It facilitates critical thinking skills.

4. It Allows students to collect thoughts and to briefly respond to the reading learning.

In summary, the advantages Quick Write strategy is interesting strategies that are useful for students in construct paragraphs. Students will be guided with steps. And this strategy give times for students write quickly but this strategy none treating to students. And then this strategy ask to students briefly respond.

Combination between Question Into Paragraph and Quick Write Strategy

In teaching writing, the teacher can combine Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) and Quick Write strategy. This combine strategy can make a student easier to write paragraph and know how to find the important information about topic.

In combining those strategies, the teacher should creative, so the students are not focusing when they write a text in writing. Based on the experts’

theories about Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) and Quick Write, the writer chooses from Sadler (2011:27) Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) and Kucer and Silvia (2013:152) Quick Write. The writer can combine the procedure of Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) and Quick Write strategy, as follow:

a. Discuss with the students that the purpose of a quick write is to help them discover ideas of writing. The teachers explain about the purpose of the Quick Write strategy to cover the idea of the author in teaching learning process. (Q.W)

b. Assign or have students choose a topic to explore. Tell them how much time they will have for the quick write lesson. Tell them how much time they will have for the quick write lesson strategy. The teachers ask students to write about a topic that is in their thinking. By determining


8 how much time they need. (Q.W and QuIP)

c. Show the layout of the QuIP grid and have them write their topic at the top. The teachers ask to students write a topic in the table. (QuIP)

d. Have students come up with three question related to their topic and write them in the grid. Students write three questions relating to an existing topic.


e. Students should choose to search their question, these students may be selected from a list or you have approved of sources depending on the topic and reading abilities of the students. Students choose a source that will be used as a search for answers of the questions.


f. As students research, they record answers in the grid. After the grid has been completed. Students are to copy the answers in the table. (QuIP)

g. Students write an informational paragraph the teacher asks students to make a paragraph and share with friends. (QuIP) h. If students have a difficult, time thinking

of something to write, ask them to write. If the student is difficult to think of something that would be written. The teacher asks them to write. (QW)

i. Discuss with students when it might be helpful for students to engage in a quick write, such as when they do not know what to write next, when having difficulty thinking of a writing topic, when having difficulty expressing their ideas. Then, students are allowed to discuss with her friend when they were unable to develop the idea further.(QW)

j. The student share with a partner or a small group about paragraph that us write.


DISCUSSION Teaching Preparation

Before start teaching and learning process, the teacher should make some preparations. It is the most important thing that should be done by the teachers because the preparation can make the teaching and learning process become success.

There are some preparations that should be prepared teachers such as teaching goal, selecting material, time allocation, and media.


Pre- Teaching Activity (10 minutes)

Pre-Teaching is the first activity that should be applied by the teacher before coming to the class and also make of students ready to study. In this

phase the teacher gives brainstorming though series of the pictures. Then, the students and teacher looks at a picture of current topic for example actor. They say what they caracteristic of the actor.

Whilst-Teaching Activity (65 minutes)

In this stage, the teachers explain about the purpose of the Quick Write strategy to cover the idea of the author in teaching learning process.

The teachers ask students to choose a topic and write a topic that is in their thinking. By determining how much time they need. The teaher show and ask to student make a layout of QuIP grid and write a topic at the top of table. The teacher asks the students to write some questions relating to an existing topic and write at the table. The teachers ask to students choose a source that will be used as a search for answers of the questions.

Teachers ask to the students write information into paragraph and the teacher asks students to make a paragraph and share with friends. The student discuses with friend when it might be helpful for students to engage in a quick write, such as when they do not know what to write next. The student share with a partner or a small group about paragraph that us write.

Post-Teaching Activity (10 minutes)

Post-Teaching activities are final section activity. In this activity the teacher conclude the material and give reward to the students.


Based on the previous chapter, it can be concluded that writing is one of the language skills that should be mastered by students. Writing is not an easy activity for students; sometimes they get problems to express their ideas, opinion, and feeling. In other words, they have ideas, but do not know and do not understand how to explore or put their ideas into good writing. Those are caused by limited grammatical, limited vocabulary, and background knowledge they have, also inappropriate strategy that choose by the teacher when teaching. Because of that, to minimize those problems, the writer combines two strategies to get better result in teaching. This paper the writer combines Question Into Paragraph strategy with Quick Write strategy.

Question Into Paragraph (QuIP) is one of many strategies which is used in teaching writing.

Question Into Paragraph strategy is the strategy that helps students to develop their ideas. This strategy is asking them to develop the points of question that they write. This point is developed into a paragraph. Then, by using the Quick Write strategy, the teacher can help the students give a clue about a topic or something that will be written by students and students develop it by a write of things relate with topics that have stated by the


9 teacher quickly intervening in a limited time. As the result, the students become an easy to follow the steps in developing their ideas in order that writing activity can be effective.


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CONCLUSION This study is conducted to seek the answers to the following questions; what speech act does a teacher use in a virtual classroom and what are the meanings of the