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Academic year: 2023



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Felisitas Roliana Seriyani1, Antonius Ali Wutun2, Sri Yulianti Ardiningtyas3

1STKIP-YPUP Makassar, Email: felisitassriyani@gmail.com

2STKIP-YPUP Makassar, Email: aliwutun@gmail.com

3STKIP-YPUP Makassar, Email: sriardiningtyas@stkip.ypup.ac.id


This research to aims to know the improvement of students writing ability by combining Brain Writing and Running Dictation strategy could improve students writing ability. This research used a pre-experimental method with one group pre-test and post-test design. The population was the second grade students of SMA Kartika XX1 Makassar and sample was 26 students by using purposive sampling technique. The data analysis shows that there was a significant difference of students’ writing achievement, where the mean score in post-test was higher than pre-test (75.62>51.31). The result of the t-test value was higher than t-table value (8.162>2.060). It can be concluded by combining Brain writing and Running Dictation strategy I learning descriptive text could improve students’ writing ability at the second grade students’ of SMA Kartika XX1 Makassar.

Keywords: Brain Writing and Running Dictation, Writing Ability.


One person can speak or talk with another person by using language, and there are many languages in the world. There are two categories of languages: national languages and international languages. Language is an essential tool for human communication with each other. English's status as an international language has led to an increase in the number of people studying it around the world. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing are the four skills necessary to communicate effectively in English. These skills can be broken down into two categories: productive skills (such as speaking and writing), and receptive skills (such as listening and reading) (reading and listening).

The ability to articulate our thoughts in writing is one of the most important aspects of this craft. It is reasonable to anticipate that the research will play some role in the process of constructing large ideas that will later be connected to form sentences as part of the writing process.

According to Ningrum (2013), writing has been shown to support others' language skills. It indicates that writing is a difficult skill to teach and learn because it requires a wide range of abilities on the part of the student. Writing is one of the language skills that is used for expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings in the form of written language, as stated by Aminatun (2018). Writing is one of the skills that is used. According to Jufri (2014), one of the skills taught in language classes is writing. Writing is one of the ways to communicate with other people, making it one of the English skills that is important to learn because it is one of the ways to communicate with other people.

According to the curriculum that was implemented in 2013, students are required to acquire knowledge of two different types of texts. Both monolog text and functional text are included here.


48 A monolog text is one in which the purpose is not to engage the readers in conversation but rather to present information or provide entertainment. Examples of different types of text include narrative text, descriptive text, text in the form of a report, and analytical exposition text. A functional text is one that is typically utilized for providing day-to-day information. The functional text might be something like an announcement, an advertisement, a greeting card, or a notice. The aforementioned texts are utilized in the routine activities of humans.

However, because there are so many issues, students lose interest. To begin, the students have trouble coming up with a topic for their writing assignments. In spite of the fact that they possessed the idea, they are incapable of writing coherent sentences. When it comes down to it, the students have some trouble completing their writing assignments when their teachers ask them to write about their own personal ideas. When the researcher participated in the teaching practice program at SMA Kartika Wirabuana XX1 Makassar during the academic years 2019/2020, they discovered the same conditions. Moreover, the English students seemed very confused when they have to start to write, most of them cannot write, at least the first time. This phenomenon, of course, caused by some possible factors. The students’ confusion may come if they do not have any ideas, or they could not arrange the vocabulary and grammar into proper sentences. Even, most English students have no courage to writes probably because they are unclear about punctuation. The students are challenging to express their idea and their thought when they are required to write text.

Expository writing, persuasive writing, descriptive writing, and narrative writing are the various types of writing texts that can be used to teach students in writing class in order to help students improve their writing abilities during the learning process (Meer, 2016). Furthermore, according to Donovan (2017), there are eight characteristics of good writing. These characteristics are as follows: 1) Clarify and Focus; 2) Organization; 3) Ideas and Theme; 4) Voice; 5) Language (word choice); 6) Grammar and Style; 7) Credibility or believability; and 8) Thought-provoking or emotionally inspiring.

A There are a variety of strategies that have been established so far with the purpose of instructing pupils in the art of writing. The Lifeline strategy, the Hamburger strategy, the Mind Mapping strategy, the Looping and Flower method, the Raft strategy, and the Running Dictation strategy are some examples of these types of approaches. One of the many strategies that the researcher offered was called Brain Writing and Running Dictation. The researcher also suggested a few more ways. The application of this strategy is strongly suggested for a variety of convincing reasons that are discussed more below. According to Smillie (2004), Brain Writing is a natural alternative or a complement to traditional face-to-face brainstorming, and it frequently produces more ideas in a shorter amount of time than does traditional group brainstorming. Additionally, Brain Writing can be done individually or with a group. According to Case (2013), in order to fully appreciate the reading, listening, and writing activity known as Running Dictation, one must first become familiar with the concept of book dictation. In addition to the improvement of students' knowledge of the aim of writing and the structure of their ideas, this methodology offers the option for students to engage with one another and work together, which is one of its many advantages.

The Brain Writing strategy can give many advantages to the students and teachers in teaching writing to improve students writing skill. First, this strategy can help the students in organizing ideas and understanding the purpose of writing. Next, this strategy will help the students to connect their personal experiences to new information from the subject area. On a sheet of paper, the students can express and share their ideas and work collaboratively with peers to plan the writing.

Meanwhile, Running dictation can be one of interesting technique to improve students’ writing skill. Running dictation is a fun technique that can be adapted in a number of ways and it is fairly easy to prepare, explain, set up, and adaptable. Dictation activities also promote the conscious learning of structures. Students performing dictation exercises are generally required to transcribe the text as accurately as possible, and follow up work usually involves various kinds of correction


49 activities which focus directly on form (Nurdianingsih and Rahmawati, 2018). Thus, in order to answer the problem statement of this research, the researcher intends to conduct research by using the combination of Brain Writing and Running Dictation strategy in teaching writing.


In this study, a pre-experimental design was utilized, and both the pre-test and post-test were administered to a single group. According to Gay (1992:298), the only form of study other than the experimental method that can truly examine hypotheses about cause and effect linkages is the experimental method. This indicates that the researcher utilized a single group of subjects for this investigation. The researcher carried out two tests: one before employing the Brain Writing strategy and another after utilizing the Running Dictation technique. Because the researcher intended to determine potential causes and effects between the dependent and independent variables, she opted for a design that included a pre-experimental phase. The researcher decided to concentrate her study on just one class by only administering the pre-test and post-test to members of one group. A pre-test is given to participants in an experiment to measure some attribute or characteristic that the researcher assesses for them before the group receives treatment, whereas a post-test is given to participants in an experiment to measure some attribute or characteristic that the researcher assesses for them after the group receives treatment. Both of these tests are administered by the researcher (Creswell, 2008:301). Presented in the following table, which provides a representation of the experimental design:

Table 3.1 Design of one-group pretest and one posttest

Pre-test Treatments Post-test

Y1 X

(Independent Variable)


(Dependent Variable)

This study's population was the second-grade students of SMA Kartika Wirabuana XXI in the 2019-2020 academic year, which consists of four classes. The total population was 102 students, divided into two classes: social (IPS-1 and IPS-2) and science (IPS-2) (IPA-1 and IPA-2). The total number of students in the social class was 55 (IPS-1, 25 and IPS-2, 30), while the total number of students in the science class was 45. (IPA-1, 26 and IPA-2, 20). Meanwhile, this study used a purposive sampling technique to select one class of IPA as the study's sample. The total sample size was 26 science students (IPA-1). The researcher chose this class because the students lacked writing skills, particularly in descriptive text.

The pre-test and post-test of this study each consisted of a written examination, which served as the study's instrument. The students' prior knowledge was to be evaluated through the use of the pre-test as its primary objective. A post-test was given to the students to determine their ability to write descriptive text after treatment using a combination of the Brain Writing and Running Dictation strategies. The pre-treatment test was conducted to collect data, and the students then took a post-treatment test to determine their ability. The writing of the students was graded according to Jacobs et.al’s (1981) scoring profile, which was based on the five components of writing.

Jacobs et al. developed one of the most well-known and widely used analytic scales in the field of English as a Second Language (ESL) (1981). The Jacobs et al. scale evaluates scripts based on their content, organization, language use, vocabulary, and mechanics. The scale was developed by Jacobs and his colleagues. The five characteristics are weighted differently, with content


50 receiving the most importance (30 points), followed by language use (25 points), organization and vocabulary receiving the same amount of weight (20 points each), and mechanics receiving the least amount of focus (five points) (5 points). This scale has been adopted by a variety of writing programs at the college level, and it is accompanied by training materials and sample compositions to ensure that users are able to learn how to apply the scale in a reasonably short amount of time.

After collecting data from pre-tests and post-tests, the data will be evaluated using a statistical instrument (SPSS version 21.0) by comparing the students' pre-test and post-test scores. The pre- test data consisted of the students' scores prior to being taught Brain Writing and Running Dictation.

The vocabulary post-test data consisted of student scores after being taught Brain Writing and Running Dictation. To evaluate the data, the researcher utilized the paired sample T-test method to compare the data pre-test and post-test in order to measure the significant differences in the students' vocabulary score before and after being taught Brain Writing and Running Dictation.


The result of this research the description of students writing ability based on the five components of writing; they are content, organization, vocabulary, language use, mechanics and rate percentage of students, pre-test and post-test scores, the mean scores, t-test value, and the hypothesis testing.

Table 4.1 The Classification, Score, Frequency and Percentage in Pre-test and Post-test

Classification Score Pre-test Post-test

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Very Good 85-100 0 0 6 23,07

Good 75-84 1 3,84 8 30,76

Fairly 65-74 5 19,23 10 38,47

Poor 55-64 4 15,40 2 7,70

Very Poor 00-54 16 61,53 0 0

Total 26 100 26 100

The detail of paired sample statistics is presented below:

Table 4.2 The Paired Sample Statistics

Mean N Std.

Deviatio n


Error Mean

Pair 1 posttest 75.62 26 9.126 1.790

pre-test 51.31 26 12.454 2.442


51 According to the statistics in the table below, the mean score of the five components in the post-test was greater than the mean score of five components in the pre-test.

Table 4.3 The mean score of the five components in pre-test and post-test

No Component Mean Score

Pre-test Post-test

1. Content 16.77 23.19

2. Organization 10.15 14.96

3. Language Use 10.85 17.31

4. Vocabulary 11.77 16.96

5. Mechanic 1.77 3.19

When comparing the t-table value to the level of significance (D) = 0,05 and degree of freedom (df) N-1 =26-1. Based on the t-table shown above, it can be concluded that the t-test value (8.162) was greater than the t-table value (2,060). In other words, 8.162>2.060 indicates that the null hypothesis (Ho) of this thesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was acceptable because there was a significant difference between the students' pre-test and post-test writing ability in descriptive text through Brain Writing and Running Dictation strategy.

Table 4.4 T-test result

Variable T-Test T-Table

X2-X1 8.162 2.060


According to the results of the data analysis and the findings presented in the previous chapter, it is possible to draw the following conclusion: The implementation of the Brain Writing and Running Dictation strategies has the potential to improve students' writing ability in descriptive text at the second-grade level at the SMA Kartika Makassar institution. After compiling all of the data, it became clear that there was a significant gap between the students' pre-test and post-test levels of writing ability in the descriptive text. Furthermore, the students' post-test scores were significantly better than those of the students' pre-test scores. The hypothesis t-test revealed that the value 8.162 was greater than the t-table value of 2.60. It indicates that the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted rather than the null hypothesis (Ho) of this thesis. This is due to the fact that there was a significant difference between the score that the students obtained in the pre-test and the score that they obtained in the post-test. While the mean score on the pre-test was 51.31, which placed it in the poor category, the post-test mean score was 75.62, which placed it in the good category. The advantages of utilizing the Brain Writing and Running Dictation strategy include the fact that it is simple to prepare, that it scored with good consistency, that students can be interactive and collaborate, and that students can have fun while learning how to write.


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