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the implementation of muhadharah

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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One of Al Islam Islamic Boarding School's efforts is to conduct extracurricular activities. So the conclusion is that the muhadharah implementation is a way to increase the speaking skills of students at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School. Al Islam Islamic Boarding School interprets Islamic values ​​associated with human life.

Research Focus

An example of achievement is from high school, there is the first winner in male Indonesian speech, third winner in male Arabic speech, third winner in male English speech in Pekan Olahraga dan Seni (PORSENI) JATIM 2019. The following example is the first winner of the speech Arabic contest in Ponorogo in 2020. Then in 2023, some students got the first winner in the speech Arabic contest in PORSENI JATIM.

Statements of the Problems

Objectives of the Study

Significance of the Study

The result of this research is expected to contribute to adding knowledge especially in the field of muhadharah related to public speaking at Al-Islam Islamic Boarding School. The result of this research can hopefully provide information about the all-encompassing factor that can improve student public speaking through muhadharah. Moreover, students know the factor through which they can improve their public speaking skills by applying muhadharah.

Organization of the Thesis

Public speaking is the art of speaking in front of an audience or group of people. Public speaking is the activity of speaking about a topic to a group of people.36 Speaking can also be considered a model of communication. The form of the inhibiting factors of public speaking is the existence of self-anxiety.

Previous Research Finding

According to Sulistyarini and Zainal at Anna, signs of anxiety are a stage of fear, speech anxiety, depressed feeling, fear of being evaluated and monitored by others.43 One of the main points of public speaking anxiety is that speakers do not have confidence in public speaking. . The second study that relates to this research is a thesis by Fima Riska Oktari, "Strategi Pelatihan Muhadharah Terhadap Amabilidad Berpidato Santri Pondok Pesantren Darul Falah Teluk Betung Bandar Lampung". The result of this research is that muhadharah can improve speaking ability.45 The difference between this reference and his research is that this reference analyzes three languages ​​in muhadharah, but in this research there were four languages.

The third study related to this research is Rauf Tetuk Barruansyah's paper entitled “The Use of Impromptu Speaking Technique to Improve Students' Speaking Ability in Fourth Semester Students of STIBA Persada”. The result of this research is that the use of impromptu speaking technique has a significant effect on the improvement of students' speaking ability.46 The difference between this reference and his research is that this reference focuses on impromptu, but this research is more than one method of speaking in muhadhara. Using Impromptu Speaking Technique to Improve Students' Speaking Ability in Fourth Semester Students of STIBA Persada.

The result of this research is that the students respond positively to the method used by the trainer, there are improvised and direct methods and the students already have many achievements, especially in speaking English.47 The difference between this reference and this research is that this research is analyzed the application of muhadharah but in reference to the focus of English speaking. The result of this research is that students have some challenges in public speaking, they are linguistic and non-linguistic problems such as anxiety, fear, fluency, pronunciation. 48.

Theoretical Framework


Research Setting

In this research, the researcher chooses Al Islamic Boarding School as the place to conduct this research. This school was chosen by the researcher because this school is multilingual in the use of language which includes Indonesian language, Arabic language, English language and also Javanese language. Based on observation, this school uses strategy as a solution to the problem of public speaking, which is muhadharah.

This research will be conducted from February to March to guide the research and conduct the research in Al Islam Islamic Boarding School.

Data and Data Source

Gay and Peter state that secondary data is second-hand information.57 In this research, the secondary data was documentation.

Data Collection Technique

Before collecting data using interviews, the researcher must prepare, such as a set of questions to collect information from the respondents. Because of asking questions as a tool for gathering information, the researcher makes a note in a book and records the result of the interview with the respondent. A structured interview is planned in advance so that the researcher knows which question will be given to the respondents in this form of research instrument.

Three types of interviews were used in this study to collect data on the implementation of muhadharah to improve speech. Observation is a data collection method where the researcher acts as an observer and records the phenomena that occur. Hamersley and Atkinson at Hani's thesis said that observation is a process of collecting data that is used openly to collect, to observe a place and people at the research site.63.

Since observation is a complex systematic process of collecting data, it also has advantages and disadvantages. In this study, the researcher used observation to collect data on the general condition in Al Islam Islamic Boarding School. Documentation is a way of collecting data such as notes, books or other things that can add information about the phenomena being researched.

According to Donald, documentation is a variety of written, visual materials, and physical materials that include artifacts of the author.65 In this research, the researcher used documentation to collect information that relates to muhadharah, such as photos during muhadharah, and archived notes that relate that support the result of the interview and the observation.

Data Analysis Technique

This is like selecting the main information, concerned with the important information by looking for the theme and pattern of the topic research. In this research, the researcher collected data through interviews, observation and documentation, after which the researcher transcribed it and presented it in the descriptive form. In displaying the data, it can be in the form of narrative text, graphs, matrix, networks and chart.67 3.

The final step of data analysis is drawing a result or conclusion from the data. If the conclusion is supported by solid evidence when the researcher returns to the field, the conclusion can be considered reliable. The purpose of the conclusion in this research is when the conclusion can answer the research question in this research.

Research Validity

Research Procedure

  • The Implementation of Muhadharah in Building Students’ Public Speaking Ability at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School
  • The Supporting Factors and Inhibiting Factors that are Found in Implementing Muhadharah in Building Students’ Public Speaking
  • The student's speech preparation and delivery as an orator in muhadharah at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School

As a result of the research conducted, the researchers obtained data on the implementation of muhadharah to build students' public speaking ability at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School. The implementation of Muhadharah to build students' public speaking ability at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School Speaking Ability at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School. Based on the research of Al Islam Islamic Boarding School, the researcher found some information.

Muhadharah at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School applied four languages, there are Javanese, Indonesian, English and Arabic languages. So students can give a good impact on the society after graduating from Al Islam Islamic Boarding School. It is based on an interview with Ustadzah Miftah as an English teacher at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School.

Muhadharah has become one of the efforts made by Al-Islam Islamic boarding schools to build students' language skills. It is based on an interview with Avida Syifa Rohana Dewi, a student at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School. It is information from Ustadz Amal Sa'dani as a teacher, he also graduated for the first time from Al Islam Islamic Boarding School.

Every Saturday from The participants of muhadharah are all students of Al Islam Islamic Boarding School. Then, give trophies and certificates to the winners of the MTQ competition in the speech branch held at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School. These four methods are found in the muhadharah implementation at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School.

Figure 4. 1. The school structures of Al Islam Islamic Boarding School  B.  Data Description
Figure 4. 1. The school structures of Al Islam Islamic Boarding School B. Data Description


  • The Analysis of the Implementation of Muhadharah in Building Students’ Public Speaking Ability at Al Islam Islamic Boarding
  • The Analysis of the Supporting Factors and Inhibiting Factors that are Found in Implementing Muhadharah in Building Students’ Public
  • The Analysis of the Students’ Speech Preparation and Delivery as an Orator in Muhadharah at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School
  • The Implementation of Muhadharah in Building Students’
  • The Supporting Factors and Inhibiting Factors that are Found in Implementing Muhadharah in Building Students’
  • The Students’ Speech Preparation and Delivery as an Orator in Muhadharah at Al Islam Islamic Boarding

Muhadharah at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School is an activity that develops students' public speaking. Muhadharah is considered a cottage culture because it has existed since the establishment of Al Islam Islamic boarding school. At Al Islam Islamic Boarding School, each muhadharah club has different rules when it comes to setting rules.

In the implementation of muhadharah, Al Islam Islamic boarding school also uses reward and punishment. The analysis of the students' speech preparation and delivery as a speaker in Muhadharah at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School Orator in Muhadharah at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School. It is related to the implementation of muhadharah at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School, they do not decide.

The implementation of muhadharah at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School has been implemented since the 1960s. The preparation and delivery of the students' speech as orator in Muhadharah at Al Islam Islamic Boarding Orator in Muhadharah at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School. In addition, the orator must choose one of the four methods used in Al Islam Islamic Boarding School.

In Al Islam Islamic Boarding School, the place is in the school environment while the audience is students.


Where is a speaker has made use of body language such as hand gestures, emphasizing important words and also using a clear voice that can be heard by the audience. The researcher hopes that this research can be useful for the further researchers to increase their knowledge about the implementation of Muhadharah in building the speaking skills of students. The differential effect of tangible reward and praise in intrinsic motivation: a comparison of cognitive evaluation theory and operant theory.

Student Responses to the Implementation of the Impromptu Speech Practice to Improve Students' Speaking Skills in Critical Listening and Speaking 1 Grade.” 2016. The application of speech in improving the speaking skills of students in the third year of SMA Muhammadiyah 6 Makassar. 2018. The Noble Quran (King Fahd Complex for Printing the Holy Quran Madinah KSA).

Nurlita, Rini.” Faktor Penghambat yang Mempengaruhi Keterampilan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa (Studi Kasus di PBI UIN Ar Raniry)." 2018. Analisis Kemampuan dan Kesulitan Mahasiswa Dalam Public Speaking di Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar." 2018. Saputra, Riyadi, “Analisis Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris Siswa Tingkat SMA/Magister di Kabupaten Dharmasraya”, Jurnal RESIDU, Bagian 2.

Implementation of English speaking as an extracurricular program to strengthen the public speaking skills of students at MAN 2 Ponorogo.


Figure 2. 1. Theoretical Framework
Figure 4. 1. The school structures of Al Islam Islamic Boarding School  B.  Data Description
Tabel 4. 1 Clubs of muhadharah at Al Islam Islamic Boarding School.


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