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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh




Bunga Mailina

English Departement, SKIPT PGRI SUMBAR, Bungamailina@gmail.com Yulmiati, S.S., M.Pd 1) , Dra. Yelliza, M. M.Pd 2)


Penelitian ini tentang bentuk pengaturan tempat duduk siswa yang digunakan guru dan pengaruhnya terhadap partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di SMP N 18 Padang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan qualitative research design. Peneliti menggunakan desain ini karena peneliti ingin menganalisa apa saja tipe/bentuk pengaturan tempat duduk siswa dan bagaimana pengaruhnya terhadap partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris. Dengan melakukan observasi,video dan wawancara terhadap guru dan siswa. Dari hasil penelitian, peneliti menemukan bahwa guru bahasa Inggris menggunakan tiga model pengaturan tempat duduk siswa yaitu model tradisional, model U dan diskusi. Tapi yang umumnya digunakan guru adalah model pengaturan tempat duduk model tradisional dengan memindahkan posisi siswa secara bergantian setiap minggunya. Peneliti menemukan, pada model tradisional siswa cukup aktif dalam berpartisipasi di kelas saat belajar bahasa Inggris karena, guru mengontrol kelas dengan baik. Untuk mendapatkan partisipasi siswa, guru memanggil siswa satu persatu berdasarkan absen siswa kemudian diberikan pertanyaan sesuai dengan materi yang sudah diajarkan. Sedangkan pada model U siswa antusias dalam berpartisipasi di kelas, ini terlihat ketika siswa aktif menunjuk tangan, memperhatikan guru dan disiplin dalam mengerjakan tugas. Guru mengontrol dan memberikan pertanyaan satu persatu kepada siswa dengan berjalan di sekitar kelas. Disamping itu, peneliti juga menemukan siswa duduk pada model diskusi, guru meminta siswa duduk berkelompok ketika guru ingin melihat kerjasama siswa dalam pembelajaran yang membutuhkan metode kelompok atau diskusi. Pada model diskusi, guru mengontrol siswa dengan melihat siswa saat bekerja dalam kelompok. Siswa disiplin dalam kelompok masing – masing dan diawasi oleh guru. Pengaturan tempat duduk siswa cukup berpengaruh pada partisipasi siswa jika guru mengawasi dan membantu siswa dalam berpartisipasi.

Dari ketiga model yang digunakan oleh guru yaitu : model tradisional, model U dan diskusi. Yang cukup berpengaruh terhadap partisipasi siswa adalah pada model U. Terlihat siswa lebih aktif dalam menjawab pertanyaan guru dan antusias menunjuk tangan saat diajukan pertanyaan dalam proses belajar mengajar.

Key words: Classroom Management, Seating Arrangement, Students’ Participation


Learning English is important for the students in junior high school. English subject is a part of material that will be done by the students of junior high school for their national examination. The students must build their English from the basic level of English to make them familiar and easy to understand about the material of English subject. Beside that, to support the teaching learning English process, all of the several aspects in the classroom should be concerned by the teachers to make the English class will be fun, condusive and comportable for the students. If the teachers can make the class comportable for the students, the teaching learning process will be run well. There are several aspects in the classroom management such as classroom environment, classroom seating arrangement and students participation


Seating arrangement as an important thing in the

classroom. The teachers need to consider the nature of the students. The teachers should arrange the students seating such a manner in guiding the students interest to the materials in the classroom. Thus, the teaching and learning can occur in the class as effectively as possible. The variation of seating arrangement will build the students participation in learning.

The teachers can apply the variations of seating arrangement in teaching learning process to get the students interest to participate in the classroom. The students participation is really needed in teaching learning proccess. The teachers will know how the students understand about the material that have been given by the teachers before from the students participation in the classroom. The students participation such as giving a comment, suggestion and asking a question related to the material that have been given by the teachers. Fritschner (2000: 342) says that student participation takes place by simply


attending class or by orally participating in class through comments or questions or even giving oral presentations


Winzer in Winatapura (2003: 9-12) states that better classroom setting influenced the student participation in the class and their seating arrangement also influence their limited time in doing the exercises that have been given by the teachers in the classroom. It means that, the students classroom setting as an important aspect to support the students in doing their exercises and will arise the student participation in the classroom.

Briefly, in this study researcher find out the type of seating arrangement and the influence of seating arrangement toward students’ participation in learning English at SMPN 18 Padang.


According to Groves (2009: 9), classroom management can be defined as the actions teachers take to create an environment that supports and facilities both academic and social-emotional learning and deals with how well the teacher organized the learning activities and classroom setting. It mean’s that the teacher as a facilitator controls not only the students academic but also emotional learning and how well the teacher organized the classroom will support the learning process.

For example classroom seating arrangement as a part in a classroom setting that should be concerned by the teacher.

Similarly, Becker in Savage and Savage (2010: 68) explain that, classroom management refers to your role as a teacher in creating a classroom environment where success is possible, included seating arrangement and students participation. And the participation of high school and college students in classroom discussion was influenced by seating arrangement as a part of classroom management. It can be concluded that, classroom management as a teachers role to creat the condusive and interactive class by variation of seating arrangement and students participation to make the students success in teaching learning process.

To sum up, classroom management is a teacher role in creating classroom environment that encourage students self-motivation, participation, and organized the class into interactive classroom. the teacher should be organize as well as possible to support teaching learning process in the class. The teachers as a people who has power to make a condusive classes for the students, should setting the class as much as possible to make the students and the teachers easy to interact and participate each other. Seating arrangement as a part of classroom management should set effectively by the teachers to support the students learning in the classroom. When the students seat with the variaton of seating arrangement, the students will get interest in teaching learning process. It will be support them to participate more in the classroom, because good classroom management will support the students to get interest in teaching learning process. when the students get interest in the material, it arise them to participate in the classroom.


Seating arrangement as an important thing in the classroom setting. The teachers need to consider the nature of the students. The teachers should arrange the students’ seating such a manner to guide the students interest in teaching learning process so the teaching and learning can occur in the class as effectively as possible. The teachers also need to ensure the participation from all of student in the classroom, with the variation of the seating arrangement it will help the teacher to build the students participation. A type of seating arrangement in learning is comfortable for a student but it is not comfortable for the other students. Some of students are comportable with their seating, such as the student who seat in front of the class are able to participate in the classroom, they can easily listen and pay attention to their teacher explaination than the student who seat at the back of the classroom.

Dunbar (2004: 3) suggests that students will be more successful seating next to those who possess positive attitudes towards learning.

Then, Pace and Price (2005: 19) explain that seating arrangement is one factor that is typically under teacher control. Classroom


seating arrangement significantly impacts on student behaviour, and there is evidence to suggest that it impacts on achievement as well.

Furthermore, Harris and Hill (2012: 193) note that seating arrangements dictate power and control as well as patterns of communication and further challenge that a fixed seating arrangement for the whole semester may allow students to develop their confidence and influence their attitudes towards learning. The point of this statement can be conclude that seating arrangement as a pattern communication and further challenge for the students to build their confidence and their behavior in teaching learning process.

Seating arrangements are important part that should control and as a power of the teacher to make the student comportable with their setting, giving participation and more active in the class. When the students comport with their classroom seating arrangement, it will build the students interaction between students – students and the students with the teachers. It will support the students more active in the classroom.


Types of classroom seating arrangement may use by the teacher to support the effective classes. When the teacher create the effective classes, the students will active in giving opinion and asking question in the classroom.

the teachers should find the way to make the students arise their participation in the classroom such as using the variation of classroom seating arrangement. There are some expert who said about type of seating arrangement that commonly use by the teachers:

1. Traditional Rows

The teacher can choose and use all the types of students’ seating arrangement based on the material in the classroom. According to Harmer (1998: 31) In orderly rows seating arrangement, both teacher and students can see each other clearly and can have eye contacts.

Maintaining discipline is easier in this seating arrangement. Teacher can also walk up and

down if there is anaisle and can have personal interaction with the students.

Traditional Rows Models (kelley, 2003).

Besides, Partin (2009: 04) has state that, the traditional seating arrangement in rows has lasted long because it is very functional for various classroom purpose. In this arrangement, the teacher can monitor the students’ behavior easily and minimize distractions as there is distance between the students.

It can be concluded that, Traditional rows seating arrangement as a teacher centre models in arrangement the students, the teacher easy to move and walk arround the classes and the teacher easily to see all of the activities that the students doing in the classroom. The teacher not only monitor the students behavior but also distracts the student distance each other.

2. Semi – Circular Horseshoe Seating Arrangement

Semi – circular arrangement McCorskey(2014)

According to Marx et al (1999: 259) states that, question asking was more frequent when the children were seated in the semi – circular arrangement. it can be said that, in semi – circular seating the student improve their participation in giving a comment in teaching learning process. The students more active in the class when they sit in the semi – circular models, because they can easily listen and pay attention to the teacher explanation about the material in front of the class.


Then, Wannarka and Ruhl (2008: 03), In a semi – circle formation students develop a greeter sense of community, ask more questions, interact with others students more often. It means’ that in semi – circle formation the teacher may build the student interaction between students and they can improve their participation such as give a comment, asking question and giving oppinion in the classroom.

Based on the theory of expert above, semi – circular seating as the best way in build the student interaction in the classroom with the other students, and the students improve them self to interact with others in giving opinion and asking some question. This arrangement help the teachers manage the students and build the students participation in teaching learning process.

3. Modular Seating Arrangement

Modular Seating arrangement (Kelley, 2003).

According to Harmer (2007: 22) the modular seating arrangement works best for student – student interaction and group activities. It can be said that, the Modular arrangement is the best way for the student in group activities and disscussion each other. it will be the best way for the student to build their interact with their friend in the classroom as a groupwork or team.

Then, Wannarka and Rhul (2008: 89) Modular seating as tutoring, peer teaching and cooperative grouping according to interest and activities. It can be explained that, Modular as a small group activities to make the student interest in teaching learning in small group and build their interaction among students.

Based on the explanations from the expert above, the researcher concludes that basic seating arrangement are Tradisional row, Horseshoe and Circle and Modular or

disscussion. Seating arrangement types can use by the teacher all the time based on the classroom and students need, but in arrange the students into seating arrangement style, the teacher should know about the condition of the classroom. Is there the space suitable with the arrangement style or not. The teacher can arrange the students into good seating arrangement in the class with combine student based on the quality of their study. Seating arrangement characteristic is important for the teacher, when the seating arrangement should use and what are the material can combine with the seating arrangement itself. As we know that, seating arrangement can move easily as much as possible space in the classroom to make the students inteactive in the class and build their interaction to participation in the classsroom



Participation is really needed in teaching learning process in the classroom. when the students giving their participation, it can be seen the material was delivered well or not to the students. Participation can be a comment, suggestion and the students achievement.

According Sastroputro (1995: 11) says that participation is take part of participate and contribute of energy and thought into an activity, such as the involvement of emotional or personal self. It means that, the peoples who has taking part and contribute their energy to an activity can be said they have participation to support the activity.Then, Suryobroto (2002:

278) Participation is derived from English languange which ‘participation’ is taking part or the involving. It can be concluded that, participation is taking part in some situation or in an activity. It can be concluded that participation is involvement of the individuals in a group situation that pushed them to contribute responsibility for their group in an activity by mental and emotional involvement.


In teaching learning process, student participation is an important thing. Because from the students participation, the teacher know how the student understand the material,


give comment and asking question for the teacher based on the material was explain by the teacher. Fritschner (2000: 342) says that student participation takes place by simply attending class or by orally participating in class through comments or questions or even giving oral presentations.This also includes how far students develop an on-task behavior and take effective part in the task or activity assigned to them. It is not, however, equivalent to student’s talking

time. It means’ that, the student participation

when the student giving comment, question and taking part in giving suggestion in the classroom. the student also giving oral presentation in the classroom.

Mulyasa (2004: 156) say that the student participation is often interpreted as student involvement in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning. It means that the student participation is the student interpreted in the planning, implementation and evaluation of their learning process in the classroom. The students taking part in all of the activity in teaching learning process. The teachers can say they have participation when they have contributions in planning, implementation and evaluation of the learning. In addition Wannarka & Ruhl (2008: 89) says that the students participation is rather measured by the quality of their comments and how far these comments contribute to the completion of the activity within their groups. It can be said that, the quality of the student comment will be affect to their contribution in their group. The students contibution in giving comment will be explain how far the quality of the students comment in group activity.

The student participation is a form of student significantly behavior in learning activities that totally constitute of a mental and emotional involvement of the students to encorage them to contribute and be responsible for the achievement of goal which is to achieve satisfactory academic achievement. all of the elements from the planning, implimentation and evaluation can be said as a students participation. Student participation has been divided by Dancer and Kamvounias (2005:

187) into five categories: student attendance, preparation, and contribution to class discussion, and group and communication skills. So, the students participation is all of the

planning, implimentation, evaluasion and students giving involvmen and giving their energy in a process of activities in a community.

Students participation is the students taking part in an activity that they showing by their action and emotional. The optimal learning will happen when the students participate with their responsibility in teaching learning process. The students are active in the class, When they have participation in the classroom.

According to Jerrold in Yeni Herawati (2008:13) states that participation can be realized by a variety of things, including:

1. The students active in the classroom

Active in teaching learning process, understand about teachers explanation, asking question that related to the material to the teachers, doing the exercise that given by the teachers and the students are able to answer the question from the teachers.

2. Students dicipline in learning

Doing the exercise based on the teachers explanation, on time to come to the classroom.

Hunkins and Savage (2009 : 89) give the following characteristics that have connection to active participation in constructivism point of view:

1. Students are allowed to ask questions.

2. Students are allowed to analyze, interpret and predict information.

3. The learner is the key player in the teaching- learning transaction.

4. The learners cannot passively accept information by mimicking others’ wording or conclusion.

5. Students connect new learning with already existing knowledge.

6. Learners actively seek solutions to problems and share ideas of what they constructed themselves.

The activities that have been explain above, the students knowlegde will get from their experience by themselves. Teaching learning process is the process that the students should active in the classroom.


Simmilarly, Suryobroto (2002:71) explain that, the students participation in teaching learning process showing by:

1. Doing something that make them understand able in teaching material.

2. Learning, process and find out how to get the knowledgment by themselves.

3. Learning in a group work.

4. Doing the exercise that given by the teachers.

To sum up the theory above, students participation in the classroom when they are active in the classroom, doing activity that have been given by the teachers in discipline and under teachers controls. Active in giving opinion, asking a question, active in groupwork and doing their exercise in the classroom.



There are some expert said about seating arrangement – student participation:

Ridling (1994: 67) notes that the affects of three different seating arrangements (rows, clusters, and u-shaped) on student’s interactive verbal behavior. He found that students using either clusters or u-shaped seating engaged in more interactive verbal behaviors than those in traditional row seating. He also said that alternating seating arrangements allowed teachers to make their lessons more active and collaborative among students. It can be concluded that, the cluster and U-shape engaged the students more interactive in verbal behavior in the classroom. When the students more interactive in the class, it can be seen the students participate in the classroom.

Bonus and Riordan (1998: 23) say that the seating arrangement must match the goal of the lesson. For example, if a teacher desired the students to be in discussion they should be in clusters or modular, whereas if the teacher desired individual on-task work the students should be in rows. Overall the teacher needs to become flexible with how the seats in the classroom are arranged. It means the seating arrangement should flexible with the goal of

the learning. The teacher can arrange the seating arrangement based on the students needs and support the teaching learning process.

Hartig (2000:80) found that students in a semi-circular seating arrangement asked more questions than students placed in rows. The viewed this as a positive outcome because children’s question-asking behavior enabled them to obtain clarification, and receive information. It can be said that when the teacher arrange the seating in semi-circular model it will arise the students participation in asking question in the classroom.

Winzer in Winatapura (2003: 9-12) note that better classroom setting influenced the student participation in the class and they seating also influence their limited time in doing the exercises that have been given by the teacher in the classroom. It means that, the students seating as an important aspect to support the student in doing their exercises and will arise the student participation in the classroom.

Next, Sadker and Sadker in Patchen (2006: 108) says that, where the students sit in the classroom can influenced their level of participation. The students seating as the aspect that will be help the students in giving participation in the classroom. it can be concluded that student seating can influenced the student participation in the classroom, when the students feel comport with their sit, it will affect the students to giving their participation in the classroom activity.

Then, Wannarka and Ruhl (2008: 89) note that, that row seating arrangement markedly decreased off task behaviors and increased on task behavior when compared to cluster.

However when a circular/horseshoe seating arrangement is used there increase in students participation. it can be said that row seating arrangement increased the student task behavior when compare to cluster, and the circular/horseshoe increase the student participation.

Wannarka and Ruhl (2008: 90) found that on-task behavior (e.g., hand raising, writing)


during independent work was greater when children were seated in rows than in groups or cluster. It means that the students has great performance when they sit in rows.

Participation of the students can see from the students performance in the class. When the students has a great performance, it can be said that the students understand well about the material that have been explain by the teachers in the classroom.

In line with theory above, Seating arrangement has a positive influence to student participation in the classroom. not only build the students participation but also increase the student beahavior, interaction and limited time in doing their exercise in the classroom.


The design of this research was qualitative research.The researcher choose this as her research design because researcher wanted to find out the fact about the type of seating arrangement and the influence of students’

seating arrangement to studens participation in learning English at SMPN 18 Padang. In this research, the researcher choose SMPN 18 Padang as the place to conduct the research and the researcher took the data by using purposive sampling. she choose the students who have taught in class VII8, VIII3 and VIII6 that used of seating arrangement by the English teacher based on her pre-observation.

Most of the students interview by the researcher to get the real data about students participation. The researcher was complete the research in three weeks, started on 31st august until 19th september 2015.

The researcher used observation checklist, video and interview as instruments to analyze about the type of seating arrangement and the influence of seating arrangement to students’

participation in learning English.After collecting the data process, the researcher did analysis toward the data based on the document.


The purpose of this article, data are reported in qualitative analysis.The research

question has been answered by observation, video and interview. It was used to answer the research question about what are the type of seating arrengement in learning English and how does the seating arrangement influence the students’ particiption in learning English?

1. Type of seating arrangement in learning English at SMPN 18 Padang

After explanation the observation, video included interview the researcher found that the type of students seating arrangement in teaching learning process. There are three type of seating arrangement that arrange by the teachers in learning English process. Seating arrangement types included Traditional row, U – Shape / Horseshoe and Disscussion. But, Generally all of the teachers commonly used the students seating arrangement in traditional model with rolling the students arround the class and automatically the students seating position already change the students sit in every week. It can be seen from the video and observation. The teacher only used the U – Shape and Disscussion model in one meeting.

It related to the students and teaching material needed. When the disscussion and U – Shape model should use by the teachers.

2. How does the seating arrangement influence the students participation in learning English

Actually, after the researcher observe in the classroom, took video and interview in teaching learning process. There are three classes that have been observe by the researcher VII8, VIII3, and VII6. The students has participation in the classroom. It can bee seen from the observation and video, the students has participation in each seating arrangement model. Because, all of the the teacher have a good classroom management, the teacher control the students by walked up and down in the classroom when the students sit in traditional model . When the students did not active in participation in the classroom, the teacher came to the students seating position and asked the students about the question above. So that, the students were active in the classroom. However in U – Shape model that used by the teacher in class VII8 or class 1 the


students more active in participation in the classroom, such as giving opinion, asking a question, and answer the teacher question directly related to the material that have been given by the teacher. But, it only used by the teacher 1 in one meeting. It is the same with the teacher in class VIII6 that used the disscussion model in the middle of the teaching learning process. It is related to the material needed. When the teacher need to saw the students interaction, the students arrange into modular or disscussion model.

In teaching learning English process, students’ participation related to the teacher control classroom management, because to avoid the students less participation, the teacher arranging the students seating arrangement in traditional model and rolling the students seating position every week in teaching learning English process. The students has participation and they have the same challenge to sit in every seating position in the classroom and based on the interview with the students, the students really enjoyed it. The teacher classroom control has positive affect to students participation in learning English. For example : when the students at the back of the classroom has less participation, the teacher asked them and called their name to made them has responsibility to their participation in the classroom. The teacher asking question by called the students one by one in the classroom to answered the question that have been given by the teacher.

In conclusion, the participation of the students arise when the teacher can manage the class effectively included all of the several elements in the classroom such as ; classroom seating arrangement. However, the students sit in every model seating arrangement, if the teacher can not manage the class as effective as possible. It is difficult to get the students participation. But, when the teacher can manage the class as a condusive and effective classes, it will arise the students to more active in the classroom. It is related to the real condition in this research, generally, however the students sit in traditional model , semi circular/Horseshoe or disscussion only, if the teacher can manage the class effectivelly it

build the students participation in teaching learning process.

The researcher found that there are three type of seating arrangement in learning English.

There are traditional row, U – Shape and disscussion, But the commonly used by the teachers only traditional model by rolling the students seating position arround the class.

In addition, the researcher also had found how does the seating arrangement influence the students’ participation in learning English.

The researcher found that, type of seating arrangement that really influence the students’

participation in learning English is U shape model. In this model the students more active in the classroom. But, it only used in one meeting. The students has participation when they sit in every type of seating arrangement and the teacher also support the students in every model of seating arrangement by control them arround the classroom. The teacher get the students participation by called the students’ name in attendance list to answered the question in the classroom and asked them one by one by walked arround the class. It was arises the students participation in the classroom.

Meanwhile, when the students arrange into U shape model, the students more active in the classroom. The researcher interpreted that they active in giving opinion and answer the teacher question. However this model only used by one teacher in one meeting. It can be seen from the observation and video recording the students more active in this model seating arrangement more than the students who sit in traditional model or disscussion. But, the teacher control as important aspect that build the students participation in the classsroom. It can be seen that the students has participation in every model seating arrangement when the teacher can manage the class as positive as possible to made the students active in the classroom.


Seating arrangement is one factor that typically under teacher control. There are three type of seating arrangement that commonly use by the teacher, they are


traditional row, U – Shape and disscussion.

This research tried to found out about the type of seating arrangement and how does the seating arrangement influence the students participation in learning English. source data of this research were conducted by observation checklist, video and interview of the students and teachers who have taught at class VII8, VIII3 and VIII6. After collecting the data, the researcher started to analyze the data. The analysis was done in some stages. Next, after the data being analyzed, the researcher took some conclusions of this research. Generally, the students seating arrangement that used by the teacher is traditional row arrangement. But, the students seating position were rolling everyweek by the teachers. To make the students have the same challenge to sit in every part of the seating position in the classroom.

Then, about the influence of seating arranegement to students’ participation, the researcher found that, the students has participation in every model of seating arrangement in the classroom that support by the teacher classroom management control.

But, the researcher found that, when the students sit in U shape type of seating arrangement the students more active in the classroom. It can be seen from the video, observation and also interview with the students and teacher.

Based on the result of the research, the researcher suggest that the teacher should support and help the students to participate in teaching learning English processs. For example: when the students has less participation, the teacher guide them to participation more such as active in asking a question, giving opinion and answer the question directly based on the teacher explanation. For the students, the students need to build their participation in every meeting of teaching learning English process. For the next researcher, this study need a lot of improvements. The next researcher can specified or relate to this research to other variable because some problem that had not been solved by the researcher.


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