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The result if you never try?


Academic year: 2023

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This research aimed to find out the improvement of the students' reading in Creative Comprehension and critical comprehension by using RAFT Strategy at class VIII.b of SMPN 2 Manggarabombang Kab. The research findings indicated that the use of Role, Audience, Format and Topic (RAFT) Strategy can improve the students' reading comprehension. Appendix B: The result of Student Test in Cycle I Appendix C: The result of Student Test in Cycle II Appendix D: The result of the Student Activity Appendix E: The Student Test.

Table 2: The Improvement of Students’ Interpretive Comprehension…….32 Table 3: The Improvement of Students’ Reading Comprehension………
Table 2: The Improvement of Students’ Interpretive Comprehension…….32 Table 3: The Improvement of Students’ Reading Comprehension………


According to their teacher, this happened because the students have weak motivation in learning English and have no interest in attending class, especially English. Although the teacher has a strategy of the learning process in the classroom, but he was not able to make the students interested. Based on the above explanation, the writer is interested in observing the RAFT (Role Audience, Format, Topic) strategy in teaching and learning because it offers students a creative opportunity to demonstrate understanding (Santa, 1988:10) is flexible after reading. strategy that helps students analyze and reflect on their reading through personal writing.

Problem Statement

Objective of the Research This research aimed to find out

Significance of the Research

Scope of the Research

Procedure of teaching RAFT strategy

Students are taught the RAFT strategy and then complete each part of the RAFT chart. The four parts of RAFT can be as creative as the teacher wants to make them. There is a great chart that lists some possible variations for the four parts of the RAFT.

Table 2 : Example Table RAFT According to G.E. Tompkins, (2008) the  procedure of teaching RAFT
Table 2 : Example Table RAFT According to G.E. Tompkins, (2008) the procedure of teaching RAFT

The Advantages of RAFT

Will the time be the same as the time in the reading text or will it be different. The acronym RAFT is easy to understand, but harder to put into practice. Third, we tell students that RAFT is a way to present information about their reading, much like a book report.

The Concept of Reading Comprehension

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Kinds of Reading
  • Reason of Reading
  • Level of Comprehension
  • Reading Principles
  • Goals and techniques for Teaching Reading
  • Developing Reading Comprehension
  • Strategy for teaching Reading comprehension

Using the surrounding context can help students derive the full meaning of a passage. When students are reading and have a question about something, they can make a list of questions. The teacher seems to focus on questions that ask students what they know about the topic.

Classroom Action Research

Implementing Cycle 2 a. Planning

In this phase, the teacher has observed the students' activity in the learning process using the observation of the checklist to know the students' ability in reading. After putting the context data strategy into action, the teacher gave the students the assessment to familiarize the students with the reading comprehension in cycle 1. Reflection was the activity of critically evaluating the progress or change of the students and the teacher.

Research Instruments

4 The student's answer was complete, specific and correct 3 The student's answer was accurate but not complete 2 The student's answer gives details instead of the main idea 1 The student's answer was not correct but was attempted 0 The student did not attempt to answer the topic. 4 The student's answer includes at least 2 key details from the passage that support the main idea of ​​the passage. 3 The student's response includes at least 2 details with at least one key detail from the passage that supports the main idea.

1 The student's answer includes one detail that does not support the main idea 0 The student did not provide any details. The student has shown evidence of reading the source The conclusion reflects the reading of the source in developing an idea. it's great.

Data collection

Tecnique of data


  • The Implementation of the students in Role, audience, Format And Topic(RAFT) strategy
  • The Improvement of the Students’ literal reading comprehension through Role, audience, Format And Topic (RAFT) strategy
  • The Improvement of the Students’ Interpretative comprehension
  • The Improvement of the Students’ Reading Comprehension
  • The Observation Result of Students’ Activeness

Second, the researcher asks the students to answer the question based on the procedures of the RAFT Strategy. Improving students' literal reading comprehension through role, audience, format, and topic (RAFT) strategy Role, audience, format, and topic (RAFT). Based on the percentages above there is significant improvement of students using the role, audience, format and topic (RAFT) strategy.

To clearly see the improvement in students' reading comprehension, the following chart is presented. Therefore, there is improvement of the students in the literal sense and the objective can be achieved. Applying the strategy of using role, audience, format and topic (RAFT) in improving students' interpretive understanding is about summarizing and concluding.

The implementation of the Role, Audience, Format And Topic (RAFT) strategy in improving students' reading comprehension covered literal and interpretive. There is also a significant improvement in students' literal and interpretive reading skills. The results of the students' observations during the teaching and learning process improved significantly thanks to Role, Audience, Format And Topic (RAFT).

It shows that the use of Role, Audience, Form and Topic (RAFT) strategy can stimulate students' activity in the teaching and learning process.

Figure 1: The improvement of the Students’ Literal Comprehension
Figure 1: The improvement of the Students’ Literal Comprehension


The Improvement of the Students’ Literal comprehension

This is evidenced by the improvement in student participation in the first meeting of the 1st cycle, which was 48.52%. The result of the data analysis presented in the above finding shows that the mean score of the main idea of ​​the students was higher than the diagnostic test by cycle I and cycle II. With the students' score in Cycle II being higher than the diagnostic test and Cycle I, we suggest that the use of Role, Audience, Form and Topic (RAFT) strategy could improve the students' ability to recognize sequence details in reading comprehension significantly.

To see the achievement of students' literal comprehension scores at any level of the scoring classification, it is presented as follows:

The Improvement of the Students Interpretative comprehension

It turned 70. By seeing the result of the students in the cycle II which was higher than both diagnostic test and cycle, I indicate that the application of Using Role, Audience, Format And Topic (RAFT) strategy the students' ability to make a significant summary in terms of Notes.

The Implementation of Role, audience, Format And Topic (RAFT) strategy

In other words, teaching reading comprehension through the Role, Audience, Format And Topic (RAFT) strategy can improve the performance of the students in Class VIII of SMP Negeri 2 Mangara Bombang. Using the Using Role, Audience, Format And Topic (RAFT) strategy can literally improve the students' main idea and supporting idea among the second-year students of SMPN 2 Manggaraombang Kab Takalar in cycle 1 and the main idea for improvement is 54.32 % . The use of Using Role, Audience, Format And Topic (RAFT) strategy can improve the summarization and conclusion of students' interpretive results in the second-year students of SMPN 2 Manggaraombang Kab Takalar in cycle 1 and the improvement conclusion is 47.5% .




Pemahaman makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.Kompetensi. Mengidentifikasi secara tekun dan menyeluruh makna gagasan teks lisan fungsional pendek yang berkaitan dengan topik materi. Menjawab pertanyaan tentang makna gagasan yang terkandung dalam materi teks lisan fungsional pendek yang disampaikan dengan cara yang kreatif dan inovatif.

1. Menyimak dan menyikapi pendahuluan tentang makna gagasan dengan teks lisan fungsional pendek sesuai topik materi yang akan disampaikan. 2. Mendengarkan dan menjawab penjelasan tentang kosakata, tata bahasa: kata benda, kata benda, kata keterangan, kata kerja, kata keterangan, jawaban singkat, istilah dalam teks fungsional pendek dengan cermat dan kreatif. Memahami makna dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana yang berkaitan dengan Kompetensi lingkungan setempat.

Mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri teks fungsional pendek yang diberikan dengan bantuan guru secara cermat dan kreatif. Naskah percakapan di buku teks Rekam percakapan di kaset, CD, DVD, film...dengan hati-hati. . hal-hal yang dilakukan) dan interpersonal (sosialisasi), yaitu menggunakan rangkaian bahasa lisan yang sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat, melibatkan tindak tutur: meminta dan memberi pendapat serta menyatakan suka dan tidak suka, meminta klarifikasi dan menanggapi secara interpersonal . Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis fungsional pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis, akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berkomunikasi dengan lingkungan. makna dan langkah retoris dalam karangan pendek sederhana dengan. menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, lancar dan berterima. Mengembangkan langkah-langkah retorika dalam teks bercerita dan naratif secara kolaborasi 4. bercerita dan bercerita secara mandiri 5. Menulis teks pendek fungsional.

gambar   terkait  cerita 4. Rekaman
gambar terkait cerita 4. Rekaman

The teacher gives the students narrative task

The teacher asks the students to write down RAFT procedure

The teacher asks the students to look for the main idea each paragraph and supporting idea text below

The teacher asks the students to read the text above and pay attention on the underline words

Re read the text and understanding the meaning of the text

The students write RAFT’s table on the board and list possible roles, audience, formats and strong verb that are appropriate for the

The next morning she ran from the house when her aunt and uncle were having breakfast, she ran away into the forest.

The teacher asks the students to write down RAFT procedure

The teacher asks the students to look for the main idea each paragraph

The teacher gives the students narrative text below

Maya still misses her home friends, but communicates with them very often via the Internet.

The teacher ask the students to answer some questions below

I said no at first, but he really wanted me to have it, so I took it. The teacher asks the students to draw conclusions and write down the notes of the text. Most people live in high-rise apartments on different parts of the island.

Singapore's restaurants sell Chinese, Indian, Malaysian and European food and the prices are quite reasonable. One day she overheard her aunt and uncle talking about leaving Snow White at the castle because they wanted to go to America and they didn't have enough money to take Snow White with them.

Read the text above and pay attention on the underline words

Write down the underlined words into the column that has been provoded by the teacher

Find out the meaning of the words and write down into the column

Re read the text and understanding the meaning of the text

Answer the questions that have been provided!

She began to learn to speak like other children and practiced with her new friends at the factory in Bandung.

Answer these questions after read to a short story!

Standar Kompetensi Reading

Kompetensi Dasar

  • ndikator

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Materi Pembelajaran Terlampir

Metode Pembelajaran/ Strategy

Kegiatan Inti (PERTEMUAN I)

  • SUMBER/ALAT - Kamus
  • Standar Kompetensi Reading
  • Kompetensi Dasar
  • Indikator
  • Tujuan Pembelajaran
  • Materi Pembelajaran Terlampir
  • Metode Pembelajaran/ Strategy

Jelaskan pentingnya menguasai materi ini dengan baik untuk membantu siswa memahami teks lisan dan tulisan. Membaca nyaring adalah teks fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk deskriptif dengan pengucapan, tekanan, dan intonasi yang dapat diterima terkait dengan lingkungan sekitar. Membaca nyaring adalah teks fungsional dan esai pendek sederhana berbentuk uraian dengan pengucapan, tekanan, dan intonasi yang dapat diterima terkait dengan lingkungan sekitar.

Jelaskan pentingnya penguasaan materi ini agar siswa dapat memahami teks lisan dan tulisan.

Kegiatan Inti (PERTEMUAN I)

Siswa mampu membaca teks esai deskriptif secara kreatif dan kritis - Siswa dapat membaca teks dengan pengucapan dan intonasi yang benar.

Kegiatan awal Apersepsi

Kegiatan Akhir

  • Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Guru menyampaikan dan menjelaskan strategi dan pendekatan pembelajaran yang akan digunakan selama proses pembelajaran yaitu R.A.F.T. Siswa diberikan pembinaan berupa materi pemahaman teks deskriptif berbentuk teks esai dan bentuk teks deskriptif oleh guru. Siswa membuat tabel RAFT dan menuliskan kata-kata penting dalam teks dan mengembangkannya menggunakan strategi RAFT.


Table 2: The Improvement of Students’ Interpretive Comprehension…….32 Table 3: The Improvement of Students’ Reading Comprehension………
Figure 2: The Improvement of Students’ Interpretive Comprehension…….34 Figure 3: The Improvement of Students’ Reading Comprehension………
Table 2 : Example Table RAFT According to G.E. Tompkins, (2008) the  procedure of teaching RAFT
Table 8 : Scoring the students’ “correct answer” of the test by using this  formula


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