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Academic year: 2023



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First of all, the writer would like to thank Jesus Christ for His great blessing, His protection and His amazing works in the life of the writer, so that the writer can complete this study as a requirement for completing the Internal Examination of Teachers and Teachers. Training Faculty of Nommensen HKBP University Medan 2018. Juliper Nainggolan, M.Si as Head of Teacher Education (FKIP) Faculty of Nommensen HKBP University Medan. The writer realized that this research was still far from perfect, for the next opportunity the writer will try to improve it through internal research.


The Problem of the Study

The Objective of the Study

Practically, the author's most important goal in writing the study is to use and practice her knowledge, and she would also like to enrich and improve her knowledge of English, especially about object tourism in Tomok. To know how people in Tomok use English as daily communication with tourist. To learn about the problems that Tomoko residents face when communicating with tourists in English.

The Scope of the Study

After analyzing the data, the writer found some errors in the use of English in Tomok. So that a writer would like to prepare a conversation that good grammar is used. So that the writer would like to prepare the conversation so that good pronunciation is used.

After analyzing seven (7) data, the author found that the guide has grammar and pronunciation errors. After the author analyzed the data eight (8), the author found that The Koki of restaurant in Tomok less in the mastery of English vocabulary, so their pronunciation mistakes. After analyzing the data, the author found that the people in Tomok mastered less English vocabulary and grammar, many mistakes.

From the data above, the author found that the people in Tomok less in the mastery of English vocabulary, so their pronunciation and grammar many mistakes.


Tomok as an Object Tourist in North Sumatra

According to Mahmud Bangkuru (2001:572) says that Lake Toba is one of the world's largest lakes in Southeast Asia (1,707 square kilometers) and one of the deepest (450 meters) in the word, located in northern Sumatera. As you sit and enjoy the view of the picturesque mountains set against the cool clear lake, you will feel the cares of the world melt away. Many visitors prefer to take the more scenic option and stay on the massive island of Samosir in the middle of the lake.

The island's natural beauty means it's also an ideal place to visit and get away from it all. The original home of the Toba Batak, this island has many stone tombs and traditional villages. The market day is Monday and Saturday, but Saturday is the livelier of the two (Mahmud, Bangkaru 2001: 270).

At the intersection of the main road and the harbor road in Tomok, climb the stairs to the top of a small hill.

Object Tourist

Based on the above definitions, the writer concludes that a tourist is one who travels from one place to another for pleasure or culture, one who stays overnight usually in a guesthouse motel. Based on the above definition, the writer concludes that pronunciation is the way of pronouncing something, the changes of the articulated expression in the words and the pronunciation of the particular word or sound. Based on the above definition, the writer concluded that grammar is a part of the study of language, namely the forms and structure of words and can be used to correct or incorrect in speaking or writing.

Based on explanations above, the author can conclude that the vocabulary refers to the words that have meaning and as an essential component and basic of language ability to communicate effectively. To complete this study, the author needs research field to complete the author's paper and the research design in this study is descriptive research. Based on the above opinion, the author has the population of the study is the merchant who sells things to the tourist.

Based on the definition above, the author concludes that sample is the representative of the population that took the quantity as evidence of the quality or character of students. In this study, the author took 11 people Tomok in commercial area to be the sample. After analyzing the data, the writer finds that the souvenir seller makes grammar and vocabulary mistakes and makes no pronunciation.

It was found that the seller of the retailer in Tomok less in the mastery of English vocabulary, so their pronunciation and grammar have many mistakes, namely after the writer analyzes the data two (2). In the conversation between the seller and the tourist in Tomok, the writer discovered that the seller did not have much vocabulary. Of the five (5) conservation records, the writer found no grammatical errors because the souvenir seller can understand what the tourist is saying.

From the pronunciation analyses, the author concluded that the data has seven (7) five the error pronunciation. In data ten (10) the writer found some error vocabulary namely "two, one" and the correct vocabulary is two or one. The author knows that there are many foreigners who visit Tomok every month.

North Sumatra

English Pronunciation

The way in which a linguistic unit is usually spoken or on the basis of analogy would probably be spoken by persons amplified by education or otherwise speakers worthy of imitation. William Morris says that pronunciation is the act or manner of articulating a word, or a phonetic transcription of a given word. According to Paul Procter, pronunciation is the way in which (a particular language) is pronounced and the way a language is pronounced by a particular person, or the words of a language.

We can use simple vocabulary words on simple grammar structure that make people understand us, but we can't use them. In addition, good English pronunciation will make people understand us easily and be willing to listen to us. Pronunciation refers to the way a word or a language is spoken, or the way someone utters a word.

When one is said to have "correct pronunciation", it refers to both within a particular dialect.

English Grammar

We will say that we learn English only for communication, although we speak English with a strong accent, native speakers can understand us, that's enough. Further according to Paul Procter et.al grammar is the rules by which words change their form and combine into sentences and the correct or especially incorrect use of these rules in speech or writing. People sometimes describe grammar as the rules of a language; but in fact no language has rules.

When we use the word rules, we imagine that someone first created the rules and then speaks the language, like a new game. Many people in the world speak their own mother tongue without having studied its grammar. But if you're serious about learning a foreign language, the long answer is yes, grammar can help you learn a language faster and more efficiently.

When you understand the grammar (or system) of a language, you can understand many things on your own without having to ask a teacher or watch one.

English Vocabulary

  • Vocabulary Classifications

Language Focus

  • Asking Opinion
  • Giving Opinion
  • Giving Suggestion

Apparently can be used to say that the speaker got his/her information from someone else (and may not guarantee that this is true). I think/feel/think/guess and in my opinion/point are used to make opinions and statements sound less dogmatic. So to speak, more or less, at least and kind of used to show that by speaking very precisely, or to soften something that might upset other people.

According to http://www.eslgold.com/speaker/giving_directions.html, here are some examples of sentences and phrases in giving directions in English: (First) enter this street (for….block). Among all the above supporting theories, it is mentioned and described to enrich the English knowledge of the people of Tomok about using the correct English in English grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.

Research Method

The Population and Sample

  • Population
  • Sample…

According to William Morris et al., the sample is a fraction of the total number of cases with certain characteristics; a sample consists of a limited number of cases selected for research from a given population. The extent to which generalizations based on sample data can be considered applicable to the overall population.

The Instrument of Collecting Data

The Administration of the Study

Data Analysis



3 Chisel /cisel/ The pronunciation is wrong, because people in Tomok did not learn pronunciation before. After the writer analyzed the conversation in data five (5) above, no errors were found in the use of vocabulary because all vocabulary words are simple and understandable. For this data (data 8), the writer did not find any mistakes in the use of vocabulary and grammar mistakes, because the waitress used simple vocabulary and the waitress used a word of everyday vocabulary, so the waitress can speak English well and use good grammar in conversation.



It is suggested to the leader, especially people in Tomok, to use English correctly in all aspects such as grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary, so that the tourist will be happy to visit Tomok. It is suggested to the other writer to further develop his grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary skills as it will enable the speaker or writer to communicate in English. Tiur: Retailer's seller Lorine: Tourist from German Hans: Tourist from German Margareta: Tourist from German Conversation.

Linda: Bali is crowded but Lake Toba is calm I prepare Lake Toba Lady: Why do you choose Lake Toba to visit.


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