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Academic year: 2023



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A transitivity analysis of descriptive text in the junior high school textbook entitled "English in Mind Second Edition - Student's Book Kelas VII", UIN Raden Mas Said, academic year 2022/2023. Keywords : Lexicogrammar; transitivity system; textbook; descriptive text Textbook plays an important role in the field of education. The research aimed to find out that process types are used in descriptive texts in the secondary school textbook; and the transitivity system that characterizes the descriptive text in the junior high school textbook entitled English in Mind Second Edition - Student's Book Kelas VII in terms of the essential lexicogrammatical features.

The data were taken from nine descriptive texts in one of the textbooks for grade VII. Of these types of processes, three types, the relational, material, and mental process, played an important and important role in the descriptive text. Also, four of the nine descriptive texts in the secondary school texts fully met the characteristics of important lexicogrammatical features.


  • Background of the Study
  • Identification of the Problems
  • Limitation of the Problems
  • Formulation of the Problems
  • Objective of the Study
  • Benefits of the Study
  • Definition of Key Terms

Based on the explanation above, the researcher wanted to conduct a research on A Transitivity Analysis of Descriptive Text in Junior High School Textbook Titled "English in Mind Second Edition - Student's Book Kelas VII". Therefore, the chosen topics of descriptive text in the textbook usually refer to the closest environment of the students. What are process types used in descriptive text in senior high school textbook titled English in Mind Second Edition - Student Book Kelas VII.

What is the transitivity system that characterizes the descriptive text in the junior high school textbook entitled English in Mind Second Edition - Student's Book Kelas VII in terms of the essential lexicogrammatical features. To know the process types used in descriptive text in the high school textbook titled English in Mind Second Edition - Student's Book Kelas VII. To find out the transitivity system that characterizes the descriptive text of the junior high school textbook entitled English in Mind Second Edition - Student's Book Kelas VII in terms of the essential lexicogrammatical features.


Theoretical Review

  • Review on Text and Context
  • Review on Systemic Functional Linguistics
  • Review on Transitivity
  • Review on Lexicogrammatical Features
  • Review on Textbook
  • Review on Descriptive Text

It can also be called as the purpose of the text in the long and short terms. Transitivity belongs to the ideational meaning, that is how language is used for presented experience or to organize, understand and express our perception of the world and our consciousness. According to Halliday in Haratyan (2011), transitivity is an important component in the experiential meaning of the clause because it deals with the transfer of ideas that represent process or experience (Haratyan, 2011, p.260).

The concept of process is expressed through verb groups, participants through noun groups, and circumstance through adverbial groups or prepositional phrases. This is shown in such structures when He marched them to the top of the hill. Halliday and Matthissen (2014) stated that mental process is about our experience of the world of our consciousness (Halliday & . Matthissen, 2014, p.245).

Location interprets the framework for the unfolding of the process in space-time: the place where it unfolds or the time at which it unfolds. From the definition above described by the expert, the conclusion is that a textbook is a specific textbook of the students who are. This means that the function of a textbook is actually as one of the teachers' visual aids when they teach and explain the teaching materials.

In addition, it also helps the students to gain a better understanding of the materials given by the teacher. Textbook is one of the important media for teaching and learning activity in the classroom, so it must have a good quality. Based on the definition of descriptive text above, it can be concluded that descriptive text is a text that describes people, thing or place, writing its physical appearance and characteristics of the object.

The last is that the description of the object is written from general to specific (Sudarwati, 2007). In English, the simple present tense is one of many variations of the present tense. Simply use the basic form of the verb: (I take, you take, we take, they take).

Figure 2. 2 Aspects of Context of Situation  The following is a definition of those aspects:
Figure 2. 2 Aspects of Context of Situation The following is a definition of those aspects:

Previous Related Study

The second previous study is entitled "Transitivity Systems Analysis of English of Vocational Profesional School (SMK) of Sosorgadong Textbook for Grade X and Its Relevance to Learning Language Teaching". The objectives of this research are to know and explain about (1) what are the elements of transition systems that characterize the English textbook for SMK 1 for grade X and (2) what is the importance of transitional elements (process and circumstance) with the learning of the English language . and learning processes. The research findings showed that the type of material process was the dominant type used, i.e.

Research problem 2 deals with research findings relevant to the teaching and learning of English. From the above research, the differences relate to the research design, the subject and the subject of the research. A third previous study is entitled "Transitive Analysis of the Short Story: The Narrative Heart" by E.

The focus of this research was to identify and explain the representation of different processes and circumstances used in the text, examining the frequency and types of processes used in the text. This qualitative research presented findings that all six processes were used in the story, but with equal frequency. In this research, they found different analysis data, the previous study used a short story as data.

A fourth previous research study came from Anni Marhamah and Mukhaiyar (Padang State University). The title is "Narrative Text Transitivity System in Indonesian Junior High School English Textbook". This research found that material process is the most dominant type of process in narrative text.

From the research above, the researcher found agreement in data collection of research conducting documents.


Research Design

Data and Source of the Data

Technique of Collecting the Data

Trustworthiness of the Data

The researcher used member checking as it is more effective and objective in validating the data. The process is used to determine whether the data in its category is true or not.

Techniques of Analyzing the Data

The data display phase takes the form of a short description using narrative text; it can also take the form of graphics, a matrix or a chart (Miles, Huberman & Saldana, 2019). In this case, the researcher displayed data that was analyzed and interpreted with the theory of transitivity system. The data also shown in the table of process type is used in descriptive text.

Table 3.2 Data Sheet Analysis of Process Types and Participant Functions
Table 3.2 Data Sheet Analysis of Process Types and Participant Functions

Research Findings

Based on the table above, the relational process is the dominant process type in Text 1. The relational process is used in the text to present qualities or attributes of people and objects (Busa, 2014. P.29). Based on the table above, the material process is the dominant process type in Text 2.

The material process is used in the text to represent an action that people do. Text 2 has specific participants who are 'the Siddique family and the Jackson family'. Based on the table above, the relational process is the dominant process type in Text 3.

The relational process is used in the text to present qualities or characteristics of people and objects. Based on the table above, the material process is the dominant process type in Text 4. Based on the table above, the material process and the relational process are the dominant process type in Text 5.

Based on the table above, the material process is the dominant process type in text 6. Based on the table above, the material process is the dominant process type in text 7. Based on the table above, the relational process is the dominant process type in text 8.

Based on the table above, relational process is the dominant type of process in text 9.

Table 4.2 Examples of Mental Processes Found in the Textbook
Table 4.2 Examples of Mental Processes Found in the Textbook


The finding shows that from nine descriptive texts in the textbook, only four texts meet the characteristics of descriptive text in terms of significant lexicogrammatical features. It indicated that the descriptive text in the textbook still does not meet the essential lexicogrammatical features of descriptive text. The research focuses on the analysis of nine descriptive texts in one of the junior high school textbooks for grade VII published in 2021.

The analysis focuses on the characteristics of the descriptive text in terms of significant lexicogrammatical features; and what process types are used when describing in the high school textbook. The transitivity system is used to analyze the data, as the analysis is based on the experiential metafunction of the text. For text 3, text 4 and text 7, it appears that the text does not have a specific participant in the descriptive text.

Therefore, when the teacher finds that the text seems inappropriate in relation to the characteristics of the genre, the teacher can decide whether it is acceptable or not and provide the students with information about the reason. For the future researcher, the analysis is only to explore the lexicogrammatical features of the text. It is therefore recommended that the other aspects can be explored in in-depth analysis such as in social purposes or schematic structure of the text.

Michelle Obama is an American lawyer, writer and wife of the 44th US President, Barack Obama. They live in the flat above the shop and Rani takes care of their two children. Calvin and his family sometimes watch TV in the evenings, but not very often, because the picture is almost never very good.

And while cycling, Rick sits on a special seat on the front of Dick's bicycle.



It has also been found that text 1 prefers to use verbal process with projection rather than material process to retell the event. Don't just strongly rely on the textbook even if it is established by excellent publisher. Daniel Jackson works in a factory in Manchester - it's not a bad job, but it's a long way for him to walk to work.

It is five kilometers long and five kilometers wide and less than a hundred people live on the island. But it means I can always go to school.' Mawar and her family never watch television – they don't have a TV. In orienteering you have to run and run, but you also have to discover where to go.



Figure 2. 1 Text in Context
Figure 2. 2 Aspects of Context of Situation  The following is a definition of those aspects:
Figure 2. 3 Relationship between Text and Context  2.  Review on Systemic Functional Linguistics
Table 2. 1 Process Types


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