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Academic year: 2023

Membagikan "UNITED BAprrISTS,"


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Green Hill Church, Jnckson County, Ky.,





_ I _~ _ _ _ ~ _ _


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JACKSON COUNTY, Ky., October 5, 1883.

The Lau\'el River Association, of United Baptist, met this day in its Fifty SeCOlld Annual Session with the church at

Green Hill.

Jno. 'V. Moren preached the introductory sermon from Mark, Hi: 15.

After the sermoll a short l'ecess was had.

On reassembling the Association was called to order by Elder Hiram J ohllson, former Moderator.

Letters from twenty-six churches were theu presented and read, lUessenger':s llallles enrolled and statistics recorded.- [::lee table elsewhere.

'1'he A81:;Qciatioll now proceeded by private ballot to the elec- tion of officers which resulted ill the re-election of Eld. Hiram JOhllSOll, Moderator, D.'R. Brock, clerk and James I. Weaver lLSKistallL clerk.

On Illotion an invitation was extended for new churches. Let7 ten; were presented from the follOwing , churches: TelTel's Creek, Hibbanl llud Bald Hock. '1'he churches were received and l\lessellgers in viteu to seats.


letterH called for anu the following presen- ted. '

Lynn Camp.-LeHer and Messenger- J. C. Clause. Next meeting with the chnrch at Pleasant Gl'Ove, Whitley county, on Ji'riuay before the Lliru Saturday iu September, 1884.

::ltatistics: Baptized 70; total, 1,217.

Irvine.-No letter, but


Wm. Standifer, Roht.

Ambrose, Dauiel W ill'U, W m. Goodman and J acoh Miller.

'I'heir next session with the church at Cow Creek, Estill coun- ty, on Thursday before the third ::laturday in Sept., 1884.

lJuon'ViUe.-No letter, but Messenger: C. W. Hamilton.

'l'heir next'meeLing with the church at New Prospect, in Clay county, au Thursllay before the :lnd Saturday in September, Hl1:l4,

On motion all corresponding, and visiting, brethren are in- viteu to seats in tile Association.

Agreed that our next Af>sociation be lwld with the church at MI,. Ararat, KllOX county, beginning on Friday before the first ::latul'Cby iu October, 1884.

History of the church at ::lalem, presented and read by Jno.

W. lVloren, aliu ordered to be appended to the Minutes.

JOllH C.

McWhorter appointed, and requested to prepare a hititory of tl.J.e cl.J.urcll at J:>lea::!ant Grove, against the next mee- , tiug uf tlliti body. '

G-ip Wel.Lver was appointed to prepare a letter of correspon-



One Messenger from each church, with t,he entire delega- tion from Green Hill, are appointed a <'oll1mittee on Divine Services.

W. F. Bray, Joseph Weaver, T. P. McCracken, with the Moderator and clerkR, -are appointed:l cOllllllittee to arrange the business for the remainder of the sessiou.

After prayer, by N. E. Hammock, adjonrned nntil Saturday morning,




October 6.

The AssociatlOn met pursuant to adjolll"llmeuL

After singing and prayer, by A. G. Whitt, proceeded to busiuess.

On motion, the report of the committee on arnLng(llnents called for and read. A motion is then made and adopted to hear the report of the committee on Divine Services, which was read, adopted, and committee dii:HJhargp(l. Whinh report is as follows: Levi J ohn::;on and Warc1 to preach in tue fore- noon to-clay; Standifer aud Bray in the a.-ftemoon; McCracken and vVhitt at night; Estes, Hamlllock and Hiram J ohn .. on on Sunday.

The consideration of the report of the committee


ar- rangements resumed, report amended and adopted and com- mittee discharged.

On motion, the order of bJsiness is suspended in order to consider the application of the church, at Mt. Zion, (No.


for membership. The letter is presented and read, and, on mo- tion, the church is received and her l\Iessengers inviteJ to seats.

The Minutes of yesterd.ay read, correded and approveu.

Corresponding letter ·(lt1lJ.ed for, presouted, amended and adopted and the following Messengers appointed to cOl"respolJ- diug Associations:

To [/Jjlln Camp-EIrlel's [..levi Bl"oCk, \V. I.', BI'ay, B. I~'. Cttt(~hing, Wnl. Uheel\:, N. g. lfalnilloek, tLIHl hl'oLlIl'PIl JOS~l~ r{;tpiu"l,JoS:-5(' Nix and John BI'CWCl".

7'0 irvine-Ehlers \V. B. I.!.;stps,.J. B. Lewis,


P . .1\JcCl'acken, A. Ct. Whitt, Levi i:l'ock "lid WITI. Wisc.

1.u Bovnevitle-l'ads. \VJIl. \Vir-:e, 'V. V.li'jshcr, WIn. Uheek:,.r. B. Lewis, ~Tas.

Phil po!' 'tnt! hl'cl,ltl'cn Milton Sibert and A.llicl(s.

To ROI·' .. "a"tle-h:ld,',· A. G. Whit.t.

On motion, the request of Macedonia for


letter of dis- mission is gmnted.

Elder N. E. Hammack is selected to preach the llext annu- al sermon and W. B. Estes, alternate.

On motion, A. G. Whitt, T. P. McCrackell anu W. B. E::;teH

are appointed a committee to allswer a query from the cl.lUl"ch

Itt Little Goose. The committee retirerl alld brougbt ill the


followiug report: Query-"Do we, as an a'lsociation, fellow- ship a chul'ch that does not believe ill washing the daints feet?"



e, al; yOUl' committee, woulcl say that we think each church must determine for herself her duty in this respect, and would say further, that it hi1::l never been a practice of Baptists to make this a test of fellowship. Report adopted and commit- tee discharged.

On motion, it is agreed that we advise the churches to meet


the 29th and 30th of December next and devote those two days ill prayer to God for a revival of religion in all our churche,,;, alld thankgivillg for nast anu present blessing.

At Uri,,; point the busilleRs of the association was suspended to allow Elder Levi Johnson to present the. claims of the Orphan's Home. Brother Johnson took up a collection for tue Home, amounting to $6.60.

W. B. Estes and T. P. McCracken were appointed a com- mittee on nnance, who report the alIlount received for prin- ting, $22,50. The clerk reports ill his hanus $11.00 in all $33,-

50. - ... . .

Ordered that the clerk superintend the prillting and distri- bution of one thousand copies of tuese


and that we have our principles of union, rules of government and decorum, and also a circular letter written by Elder Wm. Hopper, on cuurch discipline, appended to tue Minutes.

On motioll, agreed to senel correspondence to Tates Creek Association, and appointed as Messengers, T. ·P. McCracken, B. F . Uatching, G. G. Barrett, Will. Cheek, John Petree and W. B. Estes.

Re8vlt'cd-'l'hat the thanks of this Association bc tendered the' brethren, sisters and f"iends, in the vicinity of Green Hill, fo,' their kindness and hos- pi tality c1 ul'ing our st,ty ill their midst.

Ou motion, ordered that we now adjourn to meet with the ./

clllll'ch at iYIt. Ararat, on Friday before the first, Satllnlay in"


October, 1884.

After singing (during which· time the brethren engaged in a general hand sllakiug in token of tuat love and good feolings


we think, characterized the proceedings of the body during tuis ::;e::;sion) the exercises were dosed witb prayer, u.v

Eld. Levi Johnson.



D. R BROOK, Olerlc, } L 1 K




Assistctnt Cle?'k.

Oll( 011,


On Suuday, the 7th inst., the staud was occupied by the

bretlJl'ell appointed, except Elel. II. Johnson, who had substi-

tLlted Elder Levi Jounson. A very large and well-behaved

audience had assembled ill the grove and listened with intor-


est to preaching by the Brethren.

The churches are all requested to state in their letters to the next Association the date of their constitution.

·D. R.

BROCK, (}lM-Ic.


JACKSON GO(JN~'Y, KY., uet. (i,ISH3.

'l'he Laurel River Association, of United Baptists. now in session with the church at Green Hill) sende.th greeting to the Assoeiations with whom she corresponds by her lI'lessengcr. (~ee Minutes.).

Dea,. Brelh,.en-\Ve are having a pleasant session. Our churches are well represented. 'Ve lmve received by baptism the past year 1~1 members. Ollr total membersbip is 2,330. \Ve are gla.d to 111Cet OUI' eOJTesponcling urcthrl'll;

our Associntjou is a.nxious to keep pp corresJ)ollcl011Ce with you and we uHk you 1iO send youl:lettors ancl1\lessongel's to OllI' next l~.sso{'ia,t.ioll, which ,viII be held with the church at "'It. Anu-at, in Knox county, Ky., un Richland Greel<, 12 miles .. orth of Barbonrville, on the RlLecoon road, OLl Friel"y before tbe first Haturday in October, IH84. We remain yours in l'hri"t.

Done by order of the Associntion. (lu' 'N

KA V 1":'1<', (', s.

Histol'Y of the Chm'th at Sillelll.

The UuhUed Baptist Ghurch atSalclll situated ltbont rO"1" mill'S east or LOIl- don, in Laurel county, was con~tillltcd froln a.n arlll of the elluI'ell a.tMt.

Plca.l;jant, Augm~t 7th, J8J7, with 1.7 1l1Clllbt'I'S, to-wit: Jhl.l'l'il-lOIJ H.ealJU;, .Jallo Itcams, John A1ay, Jr.) .Ja,nc J\lay, Hion Johnson, i\1arthn, .Juhnsoll, .Attl'oll Jol1n"on, John Lttw80n, Eliy,'thcth Lawson, LlcnJamill DUl"ham, W,n.' UIIT"- ham, 'l'eJupcrancc Durluul1, l\luseR D. Moore, lllLl'let. He~uns, }~valillC 1'4111<111- woou and H,euccca Vaughn, of which llUlIiu(}l' 7 )\.1"0 HLill living fLlId lucllIlJcn;

of the church. The above llamed'cl1ul"("1! waS cOllstituted U)lOIl the prill- ciples of the general union of tl1<" Unite([ Bavti"t, h.\' ,(,;1<1('1"' j),wid Weaver, George Bl"Ock and Hiram Get,teel. At the ~onstitutioll ()f t.ilo Ghul'cil ~}Ider

lIirttm Johnson was cnlLod to tile past<)I'a,. care of tllc \.·hlll'ch, and has 1'0- mained their pastor up to this date, a periorllof ~ti years. ,,;ion J0I111"0I1 wa.s alsocilosen deacon and still relnalns so. Hince tl\:lL time shehas had 5 dea- cons,13 of whom were ordained by ol"der of the eh ul"ch, to-wit: Sion .fll11I1SOIl,

Thos~ SealJron nnd H. U. Ual'l'iel'., She has had three Inillistcr~ ordain.eel, viz:

J. W. Moreu, l{obert Asberan<1 \Vlll. It. Check. ~i nce lIer constlLutioll she has received 318 members, dismissed 100, exel uded


restored 7,19 h" ve d icel;

her present membership is 17i,. Of the lUO dismissed LU went Into tho con- stitutio-n ot the church nt ShLte LIck, 12 into that at New Salem, 10 i !lto that at Long Branch, 41nto that at Mt. Salem. Four chlHches IHLYe been partly built out of ber. Since her const,itution she has passed through some RC!"iOllS

trouules, uut, througll the watehful care and wisdom of her good alld rlLith- fnl pastor, she has, uy the help of God, eO)llC through tllcln u,II, fiJ'lu).\' cling- ing to "the faith once delivered te the f'aints," soshc nlay say: "1'he Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of tl'ol1hle.~' Hhc ha!-) bad Dlany joyou:-:;

seasuns of ingathcl'illf!;". ~o 1l1UY she Kay: "llithol'to llath the Lord helped us," for wbich may his name be praised forever. YOllrs, B('sprctfull.v.

J. W • .l\lOREN.

P. S.-Rlle joined thp Laul'ol River Associa.tioll in tho SHIJlP year' silO WUH cousti tutec1anc1, so far as the record Shows, IIns never rai lell to be repre- scniP(1 tn the aKsoniaUQll since sho lJeea.lnc (l InelnlJ('" of thn,t hody .

. J. W. JI.I •



On Chnrch Discipline:

The tI,·st. we propose to notke is Matthew, 181h ,·h,lpt(·r.l!i,lH alld 17 verses.

'.rhis is nn oflclHie of one ngainst, ~tnothcr, find if.; ei Lhel' public or pri vate, find t'Ollllllitt,cd on his pm;:-;oll, property nt' charac1er; if prj vate, the otrc 11 (I (;ti is not to HC'l]ualnt any person wiLu. fl,single Cil't"UtHKta.n<..'o or t,lle eaRe uuLil he has first, wjt.h the utmost tenderness and fa.ithfulness, labored for repon- tancein thootlondel',and jfhe~jv(,H hinl satisrn.ct-ioJl it ought fore\,('1' to f(.'l11.ain a secret. But if be fails to g-ivl' satisfacLioll, thOll, and tben only, is he to acC) uainL others, and ilt thi" time only two ,tl1([ tlJese are to be 1 alum with hinl to assist hil11 jn rccluiJlliJl~ Llie OfrendE'l'j antl if t.lIif.i adJt10n1tloll,


also, ha. 110 effect, the whole matter is to be brollght before the Church, which Is alRO t.o labor with the offender and admonish him, and If he shows no marks of "epentance and fails to give satisfaction, the Cl1lll'cll is then, aC('ording to the laws of the Kingdom, to pass the awflll sentence of cxcom- mnnicat,jon. It aJ..>pears evident, also, that if a member, either in pllbllcor IJl'ivate, has .inned ag<Linst the people or the world. and the knowledge of it comes to any member, he onght to inquire into it f"om the ottender and t.ho offended and labor with "II possible zeal and wisdom, that the wound may be healed. If he proves successflll, he has gained his brother; if not, take one 01' two more and try every method your utmost wisdom can sug- gestfol' his recovery and their satisfaction. If neither has the desired effect lay it bcfore the Ch urch ,,"d let It deCide the case by expelling or restoring him, as his cOllclnct slHtIl be.-1 Cor., 5 chapter andl! verse we re"d: "But now I have wrlttcn unto yon, not to keep company if any man that is call- ed a brother be a fornicator," &c. The Apostle is no less express I n the fol- lowing than he has been in his statement of the crimes. With such an of- fender we are not to eat at the Lord's table; h" is to be tried according to the scriptures and pnt from among us,-13th verse. This is evidently a case diflerent from the otllers.

There are no first and second steps to be taken and the reason is obvions.

The crimes are supposed to be known to the cofnmunlty and therefore pri- vate labor is unne('essary. ,"V hat is then to be done? The time of trial Is to be tixed anel the offender cited to attend and make his defense, if he has any. j\ simple statement of the crime ought to be made by the Moderator, or President of the mectlng, that. all the members may clearly understand It, and the (,ifender know in what light we view his conduct. After that, some one WllO is well acqnalnted with matters of that kind, should la,y be- fore him the nature <oJf his ollcnge and the awful consequences connected therewith, and tben w"rn and entreat him, with the utmost plainness and affection, to retul'll from his folly; but if he persists in his ·former course, then put him from among you; 01', if he repents, forgive him. If the crlme~

of such persons be public, they ought to have their trial publicly and Iile ex- pelled in thc pre:ence of the congregation; or If not expelled, and in order to be restorcd, they mu,t confess their wrong and not only to the Church, but also in public before those who know them to have been guilty of con- niving at foily ..

A m,\n that is an heretic, after the first and second admonition reject.

Titus, ~d chapter and lOth verse. By the conncction In which this verse stands, we see th"t


heretic is one who propounds foolish questions and disseminate sentiments cOlltl'9ry to the fundamental principles of religion.

If he ollers his sciRmatic doctrines in the p,'esence of the Church, she ought to reprove or admonish him In the presence of the ass~mbly. If to an In- dividual member 01' members, he or they ought to tell him the nature and cOllsE'qnences of the course he is pursuing, and entreat him to quit it, but If he neglect" to harken, they must bring ttJe case before the Church



ought to admonish him by SOllle mernber who possesses much ski I and wi,(\om in sueh labors. If he stiil persists in slich unscriptural conduct he must, without dehty, be rejected 01' cut ott' from the body as a dead member, in the prcsence of the whole congregation. ~ Thes., ad chapter and 6th verse.-"Now we command you, bretbl'Cn, in the name of onr Lord Jesus Christ., that ye withdraw yourselves from every brothel' that wall,eth disor·

derly and not after the traditions YE' recei"ed from us." This dltters from ali the yreceedin g cases. 'rhey were to withdraw themselvcs from hIm, In- stead 0 exvelling hirn, as jn the a.bOY0 rJirp.ctiolis. "Yet count hiul llot as an enelny, but adrnonish hinl as a urother,"-verse 10. '"1'el1 iliJn lovingly the reason why YOll shown him tbe sin here specified, was a neglect of their own temporal business,and the meddling unlawfully in the bnsiness of oth- ers, for we fear there are 80111e who walk amongyoll disorderlYl "forking not at ail, but are busybodies, verse II. \\rith snch we are not to keep compa- ny, that he may be ashamed. Verse 14; 0" wlt.hdraw ourselves as In verse U, wconght to teach them by precept and example, that they aredoillg wrong, and ought to work with thell' own hands, and quletir eat their own bre"'d, but to not keep compa.ny with him must simply be that we do IIOt com- mune \vitb him in the ordinance


the house of God; therefore he is pa,'- tially expelled, oJ', for the present, suspended froro the privilegE'S of church communion, yet hept under the admonition of the church to which hE' belongs. This bears but little resemblance to either of the preeE'ding di- rections, for in one of them the person was to be rejected, and in another, to be ~ounted asa heathen man anda,publlcall. l':iucha Illannerof treating them appears very different from admonishing as a brothe,', but that a sep- aration according to uospel diSCipline may take place, some ruling member of the Church. a deacon would be a proper persoll, must tellhlm piainly and with tenderness that his manner of Ilving Is unscrlptuul. 'rhey must also


lay before iJinl the n0c(ls~~it,Y of rlilligPl1c'p and fl'agality. [f he "('-

... ceivcs ann. pra('tji(~es t.he ll,cl1nonition aCTordillg t.o the tle~jgl1, h~:, IHUSt. he

... admitted to f('lIo"'sllip ag-uill, but if la.' l'efus(>s and llf"g'lc~~t.s to olJPY t!10 ex-

hortation, t.hen exclude hin1 as n tnlll~g:l'e:-::-;{)I' of tht? law of (~od. (fal. Hitll chapter 1st. verse: Bn.·thren,if alnan he overtni';(,ll in fa.ulL, :re which are Hpil'itlln..1 J'c~tore'~ueh <.1 ono jn t.he spil'i t (.If lllea ku(}:-;~, ('Ollsilh1ring tlly".,'11', lest tllon al~o be tempted, Four tlli ngs arc ",urI h,l' of ()b~(",'ati,," ill II", Apostles dil'ection-}, the pel'soll<': ,vho arC" to l'esiol'(' lhe otr(~Il(lcl',-tiHJ'y

wilien are spirit.ual; that is, they ,vllo haye the ~pj ri L of ('hl'ist, for )J01H~ oLiJ- ers are competent judges of thi:;.; or ~tny eUHe t11nt eOlnes lwfol'c the Clll1l'cli. 21lu. These arc to restore hilU, to pertunll all JH'l"l:'~Sarr lahor wHhlllli,ll, and if it has the desired eln~cl, grHnt hiltl th<:il' fcllo\\ ~hi p and f<1\,ol'; ;;, the llHU1- ncr in whiell this is to be done-in the spirit of Hll'[\klll'~X-all 11 a 1':-:11 ~a,\~illgs

nnd tlll'catcnings are to be eUl'efully avuiclell,the :-)l)irit of hUIIli.\JlH.r and ten- derness exereised toward hint, aurl a.lso tenlp"I':.t1l we do 01' Hay (;()ueel'lJinI{- bin1 and tIle 011ellSCj 4, considering tbyst'lf i(,f't thou also he tl'lllpletl, l{'f:'- mClnbor that you arc expoRed to the sante HIUU'l', or HIlOliwo" Cljll:.llJy a:-: da.n- gerous, recollect that although he has fallen, ,YOll are lIot hl',Yulld the rcaeh of tenlptaUoll, therefore lHHl:-:t not, hut l>C' hunil>iC'; and although Ill' onght to borcstol'cu. upon confe~si(,n and C01l11°ition, yet if Ile take:-; no e<ll'c\\'Htch agaiust such faults, uut falls into thenl ao~aiJl and ag-ain, then' ('all be 110 donut that sueh ought to b(~ CX('llHlt.Hl. 11' the ('hurch ret-ai 11:-; }lCl'~OIl:-; ill fel~

lowsllip wbo froHl tilne to tin1.e fall illto thoIr fOl'JllCr heseUill;.{ ~im.;, -when tl1pl'e i~ litLle or no pt'ooabiLiLy of tl,cil' dOIng hCLLul'j we siJonld ~i\'f' Lhe ell- ell1.Y oecasion to lJlasphclllC, ueithcr WOlLd thei l' te'l rs u 1l<1 (~Oll fl':-;:-;i0 H!'4 alter the case-IOL' other 111eu have tcal'~ alld cOl)f(!ssiol1s too, aBci 'yl!t Wl~ tlo not suppose they ought to ll,we" pl;Lce ill L1w dIUI'd!. '\latt, J~tll """ptUl' HI"[

22(1 verse: Tllcll c .. 1..1ne Pcttpl' tu llillt and ~aid, Lord hllw oftl'lI shall lilY bl'other !-;in against B1U Hnd I fOl'gi no~ hi Ill, UII ti I Se'~L'n ! ilill.--'~? .Jeslls 1-'<1 id UI1- to hiln, I ~n,y not unto t~cc until seven tiIlles, hut ulltil :-;e,oellty tilllC':-; SeYI.'ll.

.A.lso, Luke 17th ehapter ad and .. Hh vor:-:u:-.: Tukt, hl'(-'d LO your::-;eh-'l'=", if Lily bl'OthCl' t,rcspass agaillHt thee rebuke hillt, and if be repent forgiyc hint. fll tbo 1il'st HCl'iptul'e we aro taug'ht that 110 tt\1'1nin 11 t1III hf'l' of otl'ens<.:'s khall cxetude H, perSOll fronl our fellowshilJ, if he Ol'illgr..; the fruih; of g'clluilH.' I'P- l)Putn.nce afterwnrds. \VitlJou t n'pcn tan<:c lie iH Ilot to C'xpl.'eL forgi VCllP:-:K eiLllcr frOll1 Vod 01' his poupl", In iIlatthew Otll ('Ii;_ptUl' :llltll~tlt w'rHe our Lonl has taug;ht us to pl'a,)': Forgive ll~ ()tIl' delds or tl'ospa~ses. Af.\ it. IX l'PJI- dcred in verse 1;)1 hcn' \\'~e al'C taught tn f(H'!.!,"h'(~ oillers on thf' S~\llle pl'ill(oi- piC a~ w(\ ;\sJ\: H tor oursl'lypx, uul· we IIcitiH'l' OXj.H'('{ HII)' ask tlwL (toll will rOl'give us without I'l~P(,lIta.IH'P, anll if We al'" to I"ur,!.;ivt.' otlwr:-; on the SHine gl'oUllll Wlo} (no;!~ iI· 1"01' onr::-;l'Iv('s, we arc 110t. tHHllldlo lloitllni('l'is UH'YI'l')H1Ilt, for repelltance in tltl' l))'l'('('t'dill~ v('no)(' i:-; ~tated ns till' olll~o ('ollfiit.ioll Ilf forgivl'IlC:";S, UOI' eould our Lord so I-'(JOIl unsay H.lIeh :tIl illlPOl'tHllt t rllLh, by UOll111Ul.IHliH~ 11 if' (\ iSl'iplei' to forgoj v(' :11l oll"eIlt\<'1' wilell lifO Ollis f.;:1 ill I I"l'PPIl I, aud yot. without tlw I(~al'it :ll)/lear-anf'(' of 1t11111ilily, or ('oillritioll, hUI it" lip

tUl'n again saying', ll'clwnt ~ I'y turning we Hl~\'y lllHlpl"l'il!lllri rl'IJt'Il/:lllc'l',and SHying I l'UIH'lIt, it nUlllife:-;talhHl of it), i [ so, tiliH uil'l'eiion is ('(luall,v ~tl'()lIg­

tHHJ. ClPHl' as 01(' othel', and IH~{,cls lH) flutll('l' ('OTllllliillL \\'(' HI'(.' nut to wtdt ill idle SURpcllse for f'u<:h :t l'l'lwlltaneu and ('oIlTc'ssiol1, for, s:liill CI}1°i~t., j,holl sha.lt 1'(!'IJuke hinl. rrlH~ lUaUIWI' ill whieh our Lord jJl't'htl'l'R his ~l1hj('c,t, HC'eHl:-:; to Htld JOI'(,C' and terrol' to the {'OlnnWIH1 it~(\Jr. 'l'ai,e IH'C'(} 1.0 you!'- Helves, aH 111uc-11 as if tlf! illLU :--ai<l tLtl'I'C' is I1IJ dn!,v yllll Hr(' in ~l'l'Ht(,l'di.\ng-t.--'l' of np.glt'eting, :t.lll.l yet t.hel'o if-: nOlle ,you C)W(l to Illoln1s tllat is of 1I10l'C inl- pOl'tanee, So, HiHtOt'H and hn't,IJl"en, i'an'\\'(.'IJ.

l'l'in(:lple" of UnioJl,

1. ,V c boUcve ill one ltving-an(l t,I'lH~ fiod-lllt' Fa UH'l', Hon :tntl Iloly U host, equal ill eHSen(~C, vowel' aDd g-Ior.r; 'y(ot, t.ill'St' :H'P not. U1I'ce hut OBI~ (jf)<lo

~, We bolio'-o We xeriptttr(', of llip Olt! "1t(1 ':-<ew '1"','l:tlllUlltS ""0 Lho IVol',l of Voll, and the only inl'allilJlc rull' f!1' j'lIith lIltt! pr:l('\ic<',

:3. \Vo bl'lit.~ve in the fall of . .:\(1:1111, allrt thU\'olTnpl,ion of hUlltan Il:JI.UI'('j and t.he impotcnqy of mUll to l'l'('OVCI' hi1llHC1,f I,.\' his ('I'C'alul'('ahilit,\',

,1. \Yc believe tbat f.;inn(,l'H arc Justilie,l in tile ~ight of Ood only hy the ri(,"hteollHn.e~s of Jcsu~ l:hrist iJll})lltr'ti to thelll,


\VO lwliove the :--;ainls wU] continue in H f.;j,a!JP of gnt('(', (1.n<1 t.hat not 011(' of them slmll tinnily [)t' lost,

fl, \Ve believe t1H'rc will be a l'('suITP('tion of tl1C d":1d, and g(>IH'l'~ll judg- ment and that ttl(o ilappilu'St:)of tlH.' rig-ht.POllS anti t lie Plllli~l\lnel1t (If lhe

wi"ket! will be eterllal. -

7, \Ve helieve that the vi~ihle Chul'c'h of Christ. i:-; a ('Ollg-l'l'g-:ltiOIl of fnith- fll] persons who have attained ft~llowshi]J wi1 h ('~"11 IIthL'r (11ul huy<..' gi Ven


1IH'ITHWlVl'H up to the Lord :lnd one anothel', havioA" ngreed t.o keep up [t

li nti I.)' (li~dpUlie H~rC('alJ~l' to the I'ules 01' th0 UORpcd.

S. \\"'e ht'iiC'y(' it 10 l)c till' dUl~P of all ehlll'('hC's tOfnakcan ai>rirlgelncnf.of Lheir principii's n~ \lcdul'l~ll frolll the :.;criIJtnl'(lk, a:-; their COYC'llant or COllw :-;ii t 111 ion.

!l. W" h(dieY,' that ,JCKll' Cllri,t is the greaL head of the Church, anel tll .... t t!I\' ~::(JYE:'rl1nHlllt is willi the lJod\T.

111. "\\'e ( ... licY<; tllnl Baptislll nilel the Lord', Rupper arc orelinanee~ of the Lord, <lIHl to Iw l'o'JItinlH'(llJ,v hi,,;; ('llu)'('1\ lI.11tilliis !;()l'ond eon1ing.

11. \\'l' 1>"li('\"o 11"1t Ii'll!' lJcli('\-cl'S are the only jll"OperSulJjcc'(S of baptism, and 1..IlHt i 11l11ICl'sion is tIlt' propel' Illudc.

l~. \\'e h('1ieYc we have uo rigl;t to admit anyone tocommnnc with us litL Ill" LOJ'd', tahle hut orc1crly bnl'ti1.ell chul'eh llIcmuers,

I;). We l)l'Ihve it to Ill' thl' dut.y of all churehes Lo keep a churcll bool, and

rl'cord of theirotUcial elilll'C'h a<:t~.

Rule;; of Decol'nm

1. The AssQciation 'h~,1l he open ell and closcd by prayet". .

2. (jne llt'r;;On Oldy 'hall '(>l'nk at a tllne, who sball, wben 11e JS ahont


Jnake any l'tJl1Hll'k~. l'iHe fl'Ol1l his sca.t and addl'e~s the l\loderator. . 8. The ppl'son 8pcak i n_~·, I"l1al1, not, while oecupying the tloOI', be intcl'l'npt- ell oy any OllC' eX!'I.'plth" ~Iod('l'ntorunti.l he is elone speaking, nor sh,tll tpe Modemt",' interrnpt any member Ot" prohibit him from spealdng until he gives light on ttl(; "uiJject, unle," he should violate these rules of decot"um.

I. Thl' speakel' shall stric·tly uclhcre.to the suuject, ane). shall In no wise, l'{'tieet 011, ortnakl' ren1<ll'J,s on the illlpcl'fections of the person that spoke IIdo!'e him, uut shall raidy stnlc Lhe facts ih thc case anelconvey hIs ideas as neal'\\' as he ('all.

i;. ~o i)l'rson sl:>aJl al)l'uptly abs.mt himself from the Association wIthout leave.

G. ;\0 person shall "peak more than thrce timcs on any subject without 1eave fruul til,> J\.SKoejn Lion.

7. ·:So memoer "hall hnve tllc liherty of laughing 01' whispering during !Jus- iness or pnbHc Rj1enking in the ASRociation.

K. :So member of tile A~~ociatlon shall address anothcr iu any other ap- T>l'II:<UOll tha" that of hmther.

\I the namos of the ~ev(,I'all1lemhers of the Associat,ion shall be ent"olleel hy till' el('rl< and (';1ll<'tl over a' OftOIl as thc .\sso{'iation shall require.

10. '1'h(' Mo(1<'m(ol' ~I"d I he en!.iU<'tl to the 'ame privileges of spcech I1S an- other UWIlli>('l', l>r()vi<ierl tbe eh,!ir is 1l1led, !Jut he shall havc no votc unlcss

Ib(~ Ass:~(wi:tUon if'" oqunlly divic1{'fl.

11. Any j)4'I"SOJl Inakillg" a Inot-ioll, nnd iL heing sC('onclC'd, Rl1all lJC tal{~n

U IId{>r ("ollHic1t'rnt ion, llnlp~s wi thdrawn hy tlw persoll who nlnclo it.

I:? .\ny 1)(.'1':-;on being ill\'itl'd to a Rl'ftt with u!-: ancl ;lccppLing the' san10, Hila II h(~ H t Ii hprL,'''' t.o lila I((~ allY 11101 ion LhC'y nut.y t,1t i Il k 1))'OPf'[" fol' 1 he hC'l1- ('lit, of tll(~ Asso(·iatioll.

null'S of tlUYf>J'lIlfH'nt.

I. 'I'll<' .'\"O(·j"t,ion ,l1all 1)(' COIll!)'J'Crl of chtll'('heH of the United Hap!.iHt


~, Tho A:;:sf)(~ia1.ion, wll(~n convoned, ~hnll ('onsi~t. of ln0rnbel'K dci(lgat,orl h,Y the (lillC:.'I·(,lIt ("!Il1l'('.IH'~ in OUI' Fnion! ,vho, hping duJy ('lIW:H'll to l'('pl'escui them in t.ilU AHt-;(wiatiol1, and prod uc'j ug fnn}) t,I1('1 r l'PH}>L'eii ve ell Vl'eiles loL- ll-'I'R ('('rtifying-111l'il' nPJlointllu'llt., HliaLl he ('ntitlcd Lo Hcats.

:l. I'n the Iettt'I" from th!' (lifrerl'"t ('j1lJ1'{'11(" sllallue cxpr('ssed thcir m<'l1l- hpI's in fellowsh j p, t.hose tmptiz{'(l, r('('eiv('d hy lett.er', (1 iSllli!:.:secl, ('XC1lHlcd, a.nd (l<'lHl :-::illt"c the last A~c;so('iat.il)l1 .

j, The Il1C'lnl)('l's IhuH ('Ollv(\Il(·d ~hn.JI have nopoworovcl'Go("1's heritage;

no]' shall tilt·.," illft'ing-C' on the iJlt.{·I'IHtil'ight,."'l of t.he chur(']l, but, shall eon·

~dd('I' HI1l1 ~I(lvisc fot' thu g-olll'l'aj gOOf1 Q,"f the Union.

G. The: Ass()('iolltioll, Wh(\11 ('onvuucd, Hllall be governed hy a l'egulal'rIee·

Ol'lllll, anu shall hH,V(~ a. .Modpratol' and ('Jerk, ('hosen by tbe suffrages of the

llleHillf.'rS tll('I'l prt'f';Cn1,. '

Ii. The Assoeiatioll 'hnll hayo·l1o pOIV0r to tako up 1111)' matter of herself, hut all Illatt('r~ for c:olIsiocl'l.Ll.ion Inl1~t. he prcs{\ntecl "by sOlno ChUL'ch tt"" u.

IllPlll hel" of tile .\ss(H'iutioll.

7. A IIHtjOl'ity Hhall full' in nil ("n.~('~. (,X('('pt in receiving chnl'(~he8 and

<li'{)ppin~ thl'lll ont.


All1('IH11Il('nl,s mH~'I)(' 1Il!1<1(' to the n])o\,(' plnn wlH~lI(!\-C1" the AssocJu- fl<.ellis it np(·!':..;~ar~·.



~u .. "' . .... . . .. . ... • •• ·· \i ; ~ r ~ ; ~[r · L.


~dkj","'.vr"i~"ii'.... ... . ... . .. . . ... . .... . ...• .. .

Bald Hoek ... .,: ... , .... ;:.. 13 25'H. P. Brewer, W. T. Holt Cane Creek ... , 1. L .. ,.... :!4 5(J,Eld. H. F' Catching. Uraig's Creck ... 10

r ... '

3: ... '.... 23 8.'i:Eld. W. F. Brey. Brothers John Brewer and Beryl Hubbard. 'D I lireen HIII... 8, 2: 2 9: 11. ... 105 lOO,Wll'I. Wise. T. J. Hellard, J. W. Davis, Joshua Parrot.t, Wiley Wise and H. C. av s. GrasMY j,;prings ...... : .. L .... , ... : .... 76 ... :Not represented (report of 1882 Hawk Creek... I, .... ' 1 ... ' ... ' ... : 42 7.'i:Merrltt Whitt, .Jr. . . Hazle Patch... 5' I, ... : .... ,... ~U 50 ~l. 111. Browner, I em ea.teel, . . Horse Creek ... 4' 2: ... 2: 4: 1· 10:1 1.10 Wm. Cottengin, Frank .Jarvl~;Mllt'on "Ibert, and A, Hicks, I-J;ibbar,d ...

<...; ... , . ..:- .. : .... II?

.IOO:Pleasant walker/.J. B. Wa.IKer.and David Woods. I'lbcrt~ ... , ... ,... 6:1 ... Not reprCf'ented .!eport 1882) L!bcrty. N~. 2...

8 ;

2 .... : ... ' .. :;' 2. ]]4 I.~):J.,L. Hor~esb~\ Stephen Moppln, Jason Collins. Caloway 1IIlse, Little (700se ... ,.... 5,2 1, 1 ~ .... 144 60,"". V. Fisher, 1. E. Philpot, J. R. Ponder and Jas Philpot, Long Branch ... 2, 1 .... : ... : 1 1 711 1.!iO'Alvls Burnett, Levi Vanghn, Davin Lueas. \Vm. Dces, alld J. F. Young. ;\Illcedonia ... : ... ...: 2 ... 1· 50 1.15:.'\. G. Wh!tt, W. J. Norton.,t and Jas. T. Herron, Mt. Pleasant... 2, ... 3 2 1 100 I.OO,T. P. Mc.CracKen, James Thomas. and John MardiS, MI.. Zloh ... : 3, .. -: 5. 2 2 48, 25:Samuel Weaver, B. Bennett, ;\It. Zion No.2 ... , ... ;... 36. 25 Louis Cunningham, Daniel ParKer} lilt. Amrat. ...

"c: ... : . .. '

3 5,:! 69' 60 H. P. Gilbert, Sterllng Edwards ana Felix Gilbert. New Salem ...


4:;.,: ... : 1 77 75J. Prof!ltt" T. Whltus, A. Brummett, J. T. Vaughan, P. Ham.mons H. & G Hl1bbard, Pleasa!'t Grove ... : 29,"-:-";LO 2 .... 107,. 1.00 John l. McWhorter, O. H. P. Mc:t0rter and Wm. McWhol ter, Pine Creek... ... 44 8OJ. J. Barrett and Evan Barrett, '-:1 . Pigeon Roost ... : 3:

5; ... :

1 1... 32, 50 Robt. Jones, John Petree and N. edsoe, Provldence ... i 16: 5! .... ' 6. 1. 1 182: 1.OOJ. M. BrOCK E. C. Anderson, DarIln Jones, ,,'m. Jones and John NiCKelson. Round Stone ... : ... ! .... ! ... '... 40' ... Not represented (report 1882, , Hough Creek ... , ... : ... : ... Jt ... 2 167: 1.00·Levl Brock, W. B. Estes, D. R. B'rock H. L. Johnson and John Chesnut. "Iatc Lick ... ! 2,.,., 2 3.2 78: 8OJ. R. Lewis, Jesse Rllple!~ Levi Maples J. T. Stillings, and Johnnie Stillings. Salem ... I,


1: Z. 2· 1 175' 1.00 Hiram Johnson, J. W. lVloren, W. R. Cheek, A. J. Jackson, W. Reams, S. JohnAon, Slate HilL ... ' ... ' .... 1: 1... 49 85S. M. Jackson,J. 1. Weayer. [and Aaron .Johnson. Rlnklng Creek ... : ... : ... : 1.... 31 50 Jesse Nicks. , Terrel's Creek ... : 1 ... · Ii .. .:... lH 3O.Attison BowlinI!', Thomas Mnrrel, Dan Hacker, Marcus Bowling. union ... , .... '. 2: ... \ ... 14 1.... 90' 75 N. E. Hammock, Jos. Weaver, G,lp Weaver, E. Ela~, J. C. Weaver, S. J. Gilbert, Union. Rockcastle ... : .... "':"': L. 49 75 Jason Robinson, Jacob Ponder, 1'. M. Ponder.

Totals ... 122'40

12 i 81 : 29 17

231823.30 ... . (,Hl'HlHEf'<. NAMEl'\ OF CHURCHER.



Dokumen terkait

Religious actors are thus increasingly part of development and transformation agendas,59 through a transition from a narrow technical/secular lens on development towards more nuanced