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Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh

Penelitian ini menguji persepsi siswa tentang penggunaan lagu pop bahasa Inggris untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata pada keterampilan berbicara di SMA Negeri 02 Buay Bahuga. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan kriteria lagu pop bahasa Inggris untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata dalam kemampuan berbicara, untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan lagu pop bahasa Inggris dalam proses pembelajaran, dan untuk menganalisis siswa. Penelitian ini menguji persepsi siswa tentang penggunaan lagu pop bahasa Inggris untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kosa kata keterampilan berbicara di SMA Negeri 02 Buay Bahuga.


Q.S At-Taubah Ayat 40)


Background of Study

In the preliminary survey, the researcher conducted classroom analysis to obtain data on how engaging students are in the learning process using English pop songs; the grade used for the preliminary survey was the twelfth grade. The researcher conducted interviews with several teachers; in the learning process, the songs used were usually slow or medium tempo, the lyrics were written on the blackboard or played with a mobile phone, usually the song was played twice in the learning process. In the learning process, when students do not feel bored, accepting the material can make it easier for them.

Problem Identification

Based on data above, it can be deduced that the score of vocabulary mastery it is still low, it is evidence of 30 student; there are 15 categories in the poor category 50, 0%, because the standard minimum score is 65. In this study, the researcher will use songs such as the song of Michael Jackson You Are Not Alone; I have a Dream from Westlife and the song by John Legend All of Me as the alternative media, because the song can create a pleasant learning process and make it easier to remember the vocabulary. Therefore, the researcher is so spirited to use the above explanation as a basis for research, and the researcher is inspired to conduct research by finding out The Students' perceptions on the use of English pop songs to improve vocabulary mastery for speaking ability in SMA Negeri 02 improve Buay Bahuga.

Focus Of Study

Research Question

Purpose of The Study

By using songs as a learning tool, we hope that students will be more interested and motivated to learn English. For other researchers, the result of this study may be a reference to use other techniques or methods in vocabulary learning and to find yet another way or technique to make students feel interested and fun in vocabulary mastery of speaking skills.

Prior Research

  • Vocabulary Mastery
  • Technique in Teaching Vocabulary
  • Speaking Ability
  • Kinds of Songs
  • Function of Song
  • The Use of English Pop Songs to Teach Vocabulary For Speaking Ability Ability
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Songs to Improve Speaking Ability in Learning Process

In all language teaching, vocabulary is one of the important variables, students must constantly memorize the vocabulary is different. In learning we have to know the meaning of the word itself and can automatically use it in words. It can be deduced from the pronunciation, spelling of the word, grammar and meaning are some indicators of vocabulary mastery. 16.

In presenting the vocabulary, the teacher should also transfer the meaning of the words. Students can then understand and use the transfer meaning or complete vocabulary sentence above.


Object of Study

Time and Place

Data Collecting Technique

The interview for the teacher conducted by researcher to answer question number two that is how to use English pop songs to improve vocabulary Student's speaking ability. The indicators for interview with the teacher at SMA NEGERI 02 BUAY BAHUGA academic year 2020/2021. Observation is the process of collecting data rather than collecting open-ended first-hand research data to observe people and places in a research site.49 The researchers did this observation to get the data to answer questions number one and number three, ie. What are the criteria for English songs to improve students' vocabulary mastery.

Indicators of measuring songs for the learning process at SMA NEGERI 02 BUAY BAHUGA academic years 2020/2021. So we can conclude that documentation is a record of information in the form of documentation. Written information such as song lyrics used, teacher's answers to the interview and questions asked during the interview, in addition to other documentation such as photos during the interview, photos during the learning process, photos of some students talking in front of the class and videos of the interview at the time.

In addition, the researcher obtained the data from the school such as the total number of students, teachers and the condition of the school as well as the organizational structure of SMA Negeri 02 Buay Bahuga.

Data Analysis Technique

This is in accordance with the answers to the questionnaire given to the students, the students agreed that “English songs should have simple lyrics to make them easier to understand, so that the meaning of the song is also easy to understand, the students agree and enjoy more if the teacher uses pop. In addition, "the songs used in the learning process should also be repeated often in their delivery so that they are easily remembered by the students and to help the students understand the new vocabulary acquired by the students by using the song". In the process of providing the song, the lyrics of the song should also be given in written form so that the students will improve.

The meaning of the song used can be an external motivation for the students to feel the feeling of learning in a fun way and not burden them. The selection of songs must be adapted to the abilities of the students in the class or future students. If the song used is appropriate and has the criteria for using the song, the learning process will also go well.

Songs used in the learning process can be a variation of the teaching method, as the use of songs can be adapted to the students and they are easy to acquire and repeat. Songs can also be used at the end of the learning process to make the students more relaxed. With a song used in the learning process, it can be a learning motivation for students; students also understand the correct pronunciation of English vocabulary more easily, so that they can more easily practice it outside of study hours.

Therefore, the use of the song must be accompanied by the lyrics of the song.”

Figure I.3 Analysis Components of Miles and Huberman Model
Figure I.3 Analysis Components of Miles and Huberman Model

Research Discussion

The character of the song found below is that the song can affect the atmosphere or situation in the classroom, with the song, students feel excited because the song can make the atmosphere more comfortable and relaxing. The use of songs in the learning process is one of the unique learning techniques, and it ensures that students do not get bored while studying, so that students can more easily accept the teacher's material. This is supported by a statement from Nambiar explaining: “Songs have been part of the human experience. 67 Imliyana, Dkk, "The effectiveness of using English pop songs in teaching vocabulary in Smp".

Furthermore, Futonge also said that "songs are a good tool that can be used in teaching because songs can provide relaxed learning and can make the learning process more fun for the student."68. The other character of the song is that the songs can help to improve other skills that the students have, by using songs in the learning process, the students not only get additional vocabulary, but also unconsciously the students learn to practice other skills, these skills include the ability to pronounce good and accurate vocabulary. Therefore, the way of using the songs is also very important because it affects the students in following the learning process and creates a learning atmosphere.

The researchers conducted observations with the help of a questionnaire to students and obtained the results that most of the students were very enthusiastic and felt happy during the learning process using songs. Therefore, the use of songs in the learning process is considered very useful for students in learning. The criteria for the songs to be used include; songs used in the learning process should be selected first, the use of songs should be adapted to students, songs should have a tempo that is not too fast, and have a polite meaning for students.

With the use of songs in the learning process, students have the motivation to learn, not only that songs can also be a medium to make students learn without feeling burdened with materials and assignments.


Nanda, "Improving Student's Speaking Ability through Western Songs at Junior High School", Journal of English Language Teaching, Vol. Džanić, Nihada Delibegović "The Effect of Using Songs On Young Learners and Their Motivation for Learning English", An Interdisciplinary Journal NETSOL, Vol. Faliyanti, Eva. "Effect of English Song on Students' Vocabulary Mastery and Students' Motivation", Premise Journal Vol.

Febria Afiah Rahmah, “Effectiveness of Using English Songs from YouTube for Students' Vocabulary Mastery”. Imliyana, Dkk, “Effectiveness of Using English Pop Songs in Teaching Vocabulary in Smp”. Kalsum, Umi Batu Bara.” Improving Students' Vocabulary Mastery Using English Song in Eighth Grade Mts Islamic Zending Medan.

Limbong, Roimma “Enriching students' vocabulary with English pop songs”, JET Journal of English Teaching, Vol. Sari, Fiky Puspita "The effectiveness of using English in improving students' fluency in SMP Negeri 1 Purbolinggo". Suri, Elda Marta "Improving Students' Vocabulary Mastery by Using Songs in Sixth Grade of State Elementary School of 45 Bungo Pasang Padang", EDU RESEARCH; Jurnal Pendidikan, Vol.1 No.1 July 2012.

Yuliana, Nafisah “Improving students' speaking ability by introducing quantum teaching method for the tenth grade students of Man 2 Karanganyar in the academic year August 2018.


The staff and teachers names of SMA Negeri 02 Buay Bahuga can be identified as follows;. Do you think that students' interesting learning process can improve them to master vocabulary. Do you notice the difference in the atmosphere when you teach using songs and not using songs.

Why did you decide to use songs in the learning process instead of using other media such as puzzles or games?

Table criteria of songs
Table criteria of songs


Figure I.3 Analysis Components of Miles and Huberman Model
Table criteria of songs
Table Perceptions of student


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