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Academic year: 2023



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M. Takdir Rahmat T1, H. Hamzah Machmoed2, Nadya Nurhidayah Nurdin3

1STKIP YPUP Makassar, Email: takdirrahmat34@gmail.com

2Universitas Hasanuddin, Email: hmzmachmoed@yahoo.com

3STKIP YPUP Makassar, Email: nhadhyeannn@gmail.com


The objective of the research was to find out the improvement of students’ speaking ability by using Stand Up Comedy Video. This research employed pre- experimental design which one class was given pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The total sample were 22 students and it used purposive sampling technique. The instrument was speaking test to measure the students’ speaking ability in learning process by using Stand Up Comedy Video. The result of the data showed that Stand Up Comedy Video was effective in improving students’ speaking ability. The findings indicated that using Stand Up Comedy Video as method in teaching speaking was able to improve students’

speaking ability. It was proven by the mean score of the students’ post-test was higher than the students’ mean score in pre-test (3.06>5.65) and the level significant 0.05 with degree of freedom was 21. Based on the result of data analysis, Stand Up Comedy Video can improve the students’ speaking ability and it is effective to make the students active in learning speaking. Thus, can be concluded that using English Stand Up Comedy Video was successful in improving the students’ speaking ability.

KEYWORDS: Speaking ability, Stand Up Comedy Video.


Language has a significant function in communicating a purpose to another person during communication. Language will allow people to communicate their thoughts and feelings. Life, communication, and language are inextricably linked. There are various areas where language can be used, including education, society, politics, economy, and culture. Speaking is one of the means of communication (Nursyamsi 2006:1).

Knowing more about language ability will greatly improve our chances of understanding others, being understood, and receiving what we want and need from those around us (Jamlan 2008:1). Speaking is said to be difficult to learn even though it is crucial to human existence. By speaking, people can communicate with others who often struggle in social situations to express their ideas, arguments, and feelings in a communicative manner.

English is a foreign language in Indonesia. The four fundamental language skills of hearing, speaking, reading, and writing should be studied as part of the integrated process of learning a foreign language. We utilize it to communicate our feelings, needs, and desires through speaking and writing as well as to learn our surroundings by listening and reading. We have a far better


128 chance of understanding others, being understood, and receiving what we want and need from those around us if we are more fluent in another language (Jamlan 2008:1).

Speaking is thought to be difficult to learn, despite the fact that it is crucial to human existence. Speaking allows people to communicate with one another when they otherwise might find it difficult to express their thoughts, arguments, or feelings in a communicative manner.

Sometimes a person can understand what is being said, but they are unable to articulate it. Low practice, low motivation, a lack of communication and interpersonal skills, as well as low self- confidence, may all contribute to this. A person should ideally be able to produce an expression if they can understand it.

Based on initial observations at SMK 6 Makassar, there are several problems of learning English, such as their lack of Vocabulary to learn, they lack motivation in and they are not Fluency in speaking and also low self-confidence of students in speaking class, and they are shy to speak English in front of their friends. Besides that, the teacher is not able to realize the students' problems in speaking and cannot create a good situation in the teaching and learning process in the classroom. From the reasons above, the researcher wants to improve students' speaking skills ability through media. The use of media in the learning process today is not just an option.

Video media has a function as learning media, namely the function of attention, the function of affective, cognitive and compensatory functions (Arsyad, 2003). Selection of video as media dissemination of innovation in addition to being able to combine visuals with audio toocan be packaged in various forms, for example combining face-to-face communication with group communication, using text,audio and music.

According to Sudjana and Rivai (1992) the benefits of video media are: (1) can foster motivation; (2) the meaning of the message will be become clearer so that it can be understood by students and make it possible mastery and achievement of delivery objectives Learning videos that are intended for make it easier for students to understand subject matter is not always in accordance with the needs and desires of students. In multiple systems, learning videos only used as supplementary material for handouts, not professionally prepared for present the material thoroughly (Hauff and Laaser, 1996).


The researcher use as pre-experimental method one group pre-test and post-test. the pre- test will be administer before the treatmened to find out the students prior knowledge and post- test will be administer after treatment to massure the effect of the treatment.

The population of this research is the second grade students of SMK 6 Makassar. There are 10 classes of second grade .The total numbers of students are 385 students. The researcher choose second grade of SMK 6 Makassar class A. It consists of 20 students. The sampling technique is purposive sampling technique, this sample is chosen because each students of this class have a low speaking in English.

The researcher choose second grade of SMK 6 Makassar class A. It consists of 20 students.

The sampling technique is purposive sampling technique, this sample is chosen because each students of this class have a low speaking in English. The researcher conduct pre-test before treatment. It is aim to find out the students’ speaking skill by using video comedy. This test the researcher do to know the speaking of the students in the classroom. After doing the Pre-test, the researcher will be give 6 meeting of treatment. The researcher gives a post-test after giving treatment. This aims to see if there is an increase in speaking ability after being treatmented.


129 To find out the students’ skill in speaking using Stand up Video media the researcher apply some procedures as follow:

1. Scoring the students’ answer

There are five components to scoring the speaking of students’ pronunciation, vocabulary, fluency, grammar and comprehension.

Table of Scoring Aspect 3.1

Aspect Score Qualification


5 If speech is fluent and effortless as that of native speaker.

4 Denote that if it is always intelligible though one is conscious of a definite accent.

3 Refers to pronunciation problem necessitate concentrated listening and occasionally lead to misunderstanding.

2 Indicate that it is very hard to understand because of pronunciation problem most frequently asked to report.

1 Shows that pronunciation problem so serve as to make conversation unintelligible.

Table of Scoring Aspect 3.2

Aspect Score Qualification


5 Make few (if any) noticeable errors of grammar or word order.

4 Occasionally makes grammatical and/ or word order errors which do not, however, obscure meaning.

3 Occasionally makes grammatical and/ or word order errors which do not, however, obscure


2 Means that a student usually doubt and often forces into silence by language problem.

1 Means that speech is so halting and fragmentary as to make conversation virtually impossible.


130 Table of Scoring Aspect 3.3

Aspect Score Qualification

5 The use of vocabulary and idiom virtually that is of native speaker.

Vocabulary 4 Indicates that sometimes a student uses inappropriate terms and or rephrase ides because inadequate vocabulary

3 Refers to using frequently the wrong word, conversation somewhat limited because of inadequate vocabulary

2 Denotes that misutilizing of word and very

limited vocabulary make conversation quite difficult.

1 Means that vocabulary limitation so extreme as to make conversation virtually impossible

Table of Scoring Aspect 3.4

Aspect Score Qualification

5 If the speech is fluent and effortless as that native speaker.

Fluency 4 Refers to speed of speech seems rather strongly affected by language problem.

3 Make frequents errors of grammar and word order, which obscure meaning.

2 Grammar and word order make

comprehension difficult must often rephrase sentence and/or restrict him to basic pattern.

1 Errors in grammar and word order to severe as to make.

(Harris 1974)

2. Calculating:

poor Less enough Good excellent

Pronunciation 1 2 3 4 5

Grammar 1 2 3 4 5

Vocabulary 1 2 3 4 5

Fluency 1 2 3 4 5

Total 25-50 51-69 70-80 81-90 91-99

3. Compute the frequency.



P = Fq

x 100%



P: Percentage from the student video Fq: Number of frequencies

N: Total samples

(Sudjana, 2000) 4. The score of speaking skill base on the five elements can compare in percentages follows:

a. Pronunciation… ... 20%

b. Grammar… ... 30%

c. Vocabulary… ... 30%

d. Fluency… ... 20%

e. Comprehension… ... 20%

Total percentage ... 100%



The result reported in based on data from 22 students. The results of the study were collected through students' scores on the four components of speaking. Namely accuracy, pronunciation, correct grammar and correct words. The data of these findings were analyzed into the formula for the average score and the student scores were classified from categories without improvement to improvement. The test formula was used to analyze the significance using a video recorded by the students themselves.

Table 4.1

Poor Less enough Good Excellent

Pronunciation 1 2 3 4 5

Grammar 1 2 3 4 5

Vocabulary 1 2 3 4 5

Fluency 1 2 3 4 5

Total 25-50 51-69 70-80 81-90 91-99

Table 4.1 describes the composition of the assessment in the study as well as the formula used by the researcher.


132 Pre-test result (Table 4.2)

No Nama Grammar Vocabulary Pronoun Fluency

1. S I 3 3 2 2

2. D R 2 1 1 2

3. D M 3 2 2 3

4. N R 2 2 2 2

5. A Z M 3 3 2 1

6. D I T 2 2 2 1

7. F A S 2 2 3 1

8. R A 3 2 3 2

9. C T B 2 2 1 1

10. A A H 2 2 2 2

11. S 1 2 2 1

12. S A H 3 3 3 3

13. R A D 2 3 3 3

14. N A E P 3 2 3 2

15. M S 2 1 2 1

16. J 2 1 2 2

17. Y T T 2 2 2 2

18. N A A 3 1 2 2

19. H M 2 2 2 2

20. K R 1 2 1 1

21. B 2 1 2 2

22. N F 1 2 2 2

In the pre-test, it was proven that the students' ability was moderate before being given treatment. Researchers try as much as possible to improve student learning outcomes when doing treatment, In order to get maximum results, researchers offer treatments that may be different from the others.

The function of treatment is to obtain optimal results and students are able to express students' interest in speaking using stand up comedy videos.

Table 4.3 (Post-Test Result)

No Nama Grammar Vocabulary Pronoun Fluency

1. S I 3 3 4 4

2. D R 3 3 3 3

3. D M 3 3 3 2

4. N R 3 3 3 2

5. A Z M 4 3 3 3

6. D I T 3 3 3 2

7. F A S 3 3 2 3


133 Almost all students experienced a fairly good improvement after being given treatment, as evidenced by only three students who scored 2, the rest were in the value of three which is the standard value.


The result was indicated from the achievement in pre-test and post-test and showed that selecting proper material is matter in progress of learning oral activities especially for speaking skill. The material is importance due to the (Nurdin, N.N & Halim, N (2021). Therefore the teaching and learning process by using English is also supported with various material such as stand up comedy video with selected theme, such as:

Daily activity favorite places. These theme showed that student speaking improved better for first treatment to excellent in the fourty treatment, the student could explain what they got.

Statistics from there vocabularies which where only 20% at the in grammar the changes that occurred were not so significant from the 4 meetings that the student's development went through, this tends to be slightly influenced by English as a second language and also the language culture that is accustomed to using dialect from 5% is only able to touch the figure of 10% this can be seen when delivering the results that obtained in videos, students often reverse the arrangement of sentences According to the possible way to stimulate students to speak is possible by giving those with broad exposure to authentic languages through audio- visuals stimuli and with opportunities to use language (Richards & Renandya,2002: 209).

In vocabulary, the increase in students is quite significant because stand up comedy videos provide space and opportunities to express and tell their daily lives From different perspectives, spiced up with a few comedic jokes, from the total population, which initially only had limited abilities, the figure is 17% now post treatment. first to fourth increase for the better the number 45%,The use of stand-up comedy videos from YouTube is also very influential, which according to Almurashi (2016) that youtube can be a good material to incorporate english lesson, improve their performance, play a vital role in helping pupils understand their english lesson and can also advance their understanding of english.

Clarity of pronunciation refers to how well someone can utter words or other language.

It has to do with the Oxford Dictionaries. According to this, pronunciation refers to the manner in which a language, a specific word, or a sound is uttered. A description of the data gathered from the students' speaking accuracy in pronouncing the previous term demonstrates that students' speaking abilities have improved based on previous findings. This is supported by the average value and the percentage of student results on the pre test and post test. This is also proven by the

8. R A 4 4 3 3

9. C T B 3 3 3 2

10. A A H 3 2 3 3

11. S 2 3 2 2

12. S A H 4 4 4 4

13. R A D 4 4 4 3

14. N A E P 4 3 3 3

15. M S 3 2 2 2

16. J 3 2 2 2

17. Y T T 2 3 2 3

18. N A A 3 2 3 3

19. H M 2 2 2 3

20. K R 2 2 2 2

21. B 3 3 3 3

22. N F 2 2 2 2


134 average score of students speaking in the post test (5.65) is greater than the pre-test (3.06) with the percentage of improvement (84%). to improve their pronunciation in a descriptive picture. in terms of videos that students make and some practice in front of the class. This too similar to the statements of Pop, Tomuletiu, & David (2011), they state Voice recorders have been introduced and used in various ways in language teaching in an effort to give students the opportunity to produce spoken output "because they allow language students to practice and improve their abilities "speaking skills outside the classroom while receiving feedback show".

There is an increase in students' speaking fluency. Based on the table, it shows the difference between the pre-test and post-test mean scores after conducted a treatment where the average score of students' speaking fluency in the pretest was 6.4% and the pretest was 8.41%.

After analyzing the results of the pre-test using formula, has gotten the percentage increase of students about 31%. He shows that the application of English stand up comedy video used in learning to speak is effective. This happens because English stand up comedy provides an interesting way of learning English speak so that students have high confidence to speak and express their opinions opinion on the topic. This too similar According to Tileston (2005, 55) the components of creativity are fluency, namely the ability to generate a number of ideas, and elaboration, namely the ability to develop, issue ideas.


Based on the results of research and discussion in the previous chapter, The results of data analysis can be seen that almost all students have increased although not significantly but the application of the English stand up comedy method is quite effective. It was explained that in the pre-test there were 7 students or 35% classified as having more ability than the others as evidenced by, 14 students or 65% classified as having sufficient ability, and no student classified as quite proficient. In the post- test, almost all students experienced an increase of 21 or 99%, classified as experiencing an increase, in the post-test given the researcher assumed that the success of building emotional closeness played an important role in increasing students' abilities in this study where a sense of comfort was able to make students receive lessons well and apply them. its also pretty good.

This strategy is applied to teach English to improve students' abilities and interest in speaking skills of second grade students of SMK 6 Makassar in the 2020/2021 academic year.

This strategy encourages students' participation and interest in speaking to be better than before.

A significant difference was shown by the method applied and the results of the post test and pre test.

The English stand up comedy strategy in teaching speaking is effective in increasing student participation and interest. By using English stand up comedy, teachers must be more active in socializing with students and must be creative and made interesting in presenting lessons so that students are interested in learning English. The English stand up comedy strategy in learning to speak really helps them to increase students' participation and interest in speaking.

This strategy provides opportunities for students to communicate their ideas and thoughts.

Therefore, the strategy in the English stand up comedy strategy can be used by students to get good achievements. This learning provides a new breakthrough in learning, especially using videos in the English learning process, because the assumption of learning English is difficult and scary to turn into fun and enjoyable. Students' problem is in organization and lack of participation and interest in speaking. So, when they can't understand, they can choose this strategy.

It is recommended for future English researchers to use English stand up comedy to make students active and participate in teaching speaking. So to influence student learning outcomes, appropriate cooperative learning is needed. In this case, the research suggests to teacher, especially in teaching speaking using English stand up comedy. It is very suitable to be applied


135 in the classroom and effective to increase student participation and interest. Communicate activities between teachers and students and improve classroom management.On the other hand, researchers also found weaknesses in the application of the English stand up comedy method in teaching speaking, such as: first, the difficulty of finding the right vocabulary for puncline funny point of jokes). English stand up comedy develops direct communication in conveying the concerns experienced by students. In addition, this strategy can motivate students in public speaking, this strategy provides opportunities for students to present their ideas and thoughts.



Carter, J. 2001. The comedy bible. texas: atria books.

Dean, G. 2013. Step by ste stand up comedy how to writes jokes. united states: greg dean's comedy system.

Dean, G. 2013. step by step stand up comedy how to improve & routines. united states : greg dean's comedy system.

Dewi, F. S. 2016. Improving studnets speaking skills by using video clip at second grade of man 1 bandar lampung. lampung: Faculty of teacher traning and education lampung university bandar lampung.

Harris, M 1974. Effect Of Speaking Mode On Temporal Factors In Speech. the journal of Accoustical society of america. htm. Retrieved on 6 th January 2011.

Helitzer, M. 2005.Comedy writing. ohio: writers digest book.

Kurniawan budi santoso 2016 I read he say “Wilson (1983:5) defines speaking as development of the relationship between speaker and listener”. (in Risnadedi, 2001: 56-57)

Ladouse. 1991. Whole brain. oxford: Oxford University Press. Lamerton, J. 2001. Public speaking. london: esseential book.

Mustika, A. 2013. The effectiveness of using video in teaching speaking for the eight grade students of smp 1 manisrenggo. Yogyakarta: English education department faculty of languages and arts Yogyakarta state university.

Nurdin, N. N., & Halim, N. (2021).Student's Perception on Learning Materials and Learning Strategis of Writing Class. Ethical Lingua: Journal of Language Teaching and Literature Nursyamsi 2006:1. For indonesia, english os a foreign language Jamlan 2008:1.Speaking can find in spoken cycle especially in Joint Construction of Text stage (Departmen Pendidikan Nasional, 2004).

Sudjana, 2000. Classify media into six general categories.


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