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using jumbled paragraphs technique to improve the


Academic year: 2023

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Aminah (1993) pointed out that there are four factors that influence the low performance of the students in reading comprehension. Some of them are the low interest in reading, and the students' lack of vocabulary. Pictorial Image” pointed out one of the potential functions when the pictures accompany the text material is to facilitate understanding of the text.

Does the use of the Jumbled Paragraphs technique improve the students' reading comprehension in the first year of Students of Yayasan SMA Perguruan Islam Makassar in the academic year 2014-2015?”. The purpose of this research is to find out whether the first year of Yayasan SMA Perguruan Islam Makassar academic year students have better understanding of narrative text in Using Jumbled Paragraphs Technique to improve students' reading comprehension. This research is under applied linguistics which is limited to the comparison of students' performance in a narrative text using Jumbled Paragraphs Technique to improve students' reading comprehension in the first year of Students of Yayasan SMA Perguruan Islam Makassar Makassar in 2014-2015 Akademi year.

Readers will interpret the text in the light of their experience and understanding of the word. Wiked in his article "Reading Comprehension" defines comprehension as a "constructive process" because it involves all the elements of the reading process that work together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind.

The Concept of Reading Comprehension

Prado & Plourde (2005:33) state that reading comprehension is not a one step or easily acquired skill. Hornby (1998) states that reading comprehension is not only reading aloud, but reading is also established to understand the meaning of words, sentences and paragraphs, sensory relationships between ideas. In Alexander, Anderson stated that comprehension is a special type of mental process that readers grasp through the active internal construction of meaning from interaction with the material they read.

Mayer (2005), states that reading comprehension is the understanding of a text being read, or the process of "constructing meaning" from a text. Comprehension is a "construction process" because it involves all the elements of the reading process working together as a text is read to create a representation of the text in the reader's mind. Miller (2003) states that reading comprehension is the ability of students to understand, when they read they must not only be able to read the words fluently but also tell the story correctly.

From the above explanation, we can conclude that reading comprehension is an active recognition process of the reader to construct the meaning of the text. In other words, reading comprehension is the process of understanding the author's massages by combining the meaning of the text and the images in the mind of the reader.

The Concept of Narrative Text in Reading Comprehension a. The Definition of Narrative Text




It consists of events that lead to the solution of the problem, which is called the solution.

The Definition of Paragraphs in Reading Comprehension

It has a topic sentence and supporting sentences that all relate closely to the topic sentence. The paragraph form refers to its overall structure, which is a group of sentences that focus on a single topic.

The Definition of Jumbled Paragraphs


Firestone (2003:01) says that a paragraph is a short piece of writing that is about seven to ten sentences long. To help students understand a text, Image is one of the ways to relate the reader's images in his mind to the author's massage. First, Jumbled Picture Stories is a technique used to help students understand a text by rearranging the picture stories into an appropriate order based on the text they have read.

Second, Jumbled Paragraph is a technique used to help students recognize the picture stories by reorganizing some paragraphs into a systematic system based on the order of picture stories that they have recognized.

Theoretical Framework





Research Design

Population and Sample 1. Population

Variables and Indicator 1. Variable

Research Instrument

Technique of Data Analysis

To find out the standard deviation of the students' reading performance for those who were taught through jumbled paragraphs, the researcher applied the following formula:. The percentage of the students' Reading Comprehension was identified using the formula as follows.


The reading for some ideas in the pretest is 3.85, which is classified as poor, on the contrary, the average score in the posttest is 7.2, which is classified as good, and student development is 75%. The average reading score for specific information in the pre-test is 4.25, which is classified as poor. On the contrary, the average score in the post-test is 7.8 which is classified as good with 83% development.

The average score of students in literal reading comprehension, which is the result of the calculation of both indicators, is 4.05 in the pretest, which is classified as poor, and 7.5, which is classified as good in the posttest with a percentage of 85%. This means that students' literal reading comprehension developed after processing with the jumbled paragraph technique. To know the level of significance of pre-test and post-test, the researcher used t-test analysis at significance level (p) = 0.05 with degree of freedom (df) = N – 1 where N = number of subject (20 students), ​​then the value of the t-table is 1.729.

Table 2 shows that the literal reading comprehension indicator's t-test value was greater than the t-table. It was said that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected and the alternative hypothesis (H1) was accepted. Thus, if the t-test value was higher than the t-table at the significance level 0.05 and degrees of freedom (df) 19 (N-1= 20-1), the alternative hypothesis (HI) would be accepted and the null hypothesis (HO) would be rejected.

On the contrary, if the value was lower than t-table at the level of significance 0.05 and the degrees of freedom 20, then the alternative hypothesis would be rejected and null hypothesis would be accepted.

Table 2. The Comparison of T-test and T-table Score of the Students in     Reading Comprehension
Table 2. The Comparison of T-test and T-table Score of the Students in Reading Comprehension


The description of the data collected using the reading test, explained in the previous section, showed that the student's direct understanding of meaning was developed when reading. The student's score on ideas 77 in the pre-test was different from those on the post-test 144, meaning that they developed between before and after treatment. The student's score on Specific Information 85 in the pre-test is different from the post-test 156, meaning it had developed between before and after giving the treatment.

The student's average score of 3.85 for ideas was rated as poor, and for specific information it is 4.25, which is classified as poor in the pretest. And the mean score of students' ideas in the post-test became 7.2, which was classified as fairly good, and 7.8 in specific information, which was classified as good. The result of the calculation of the average score of the indicators was the student's development of literal reading comprehension, the calculation result was 4.05 in the pre-test, and then it became 7.5 in the post-test with 85%.

The development of students in literal reading comprehension was also shown by the comparison between T-test and T-table values ​​of indicator. After calculating the students' scores on the indicator of literal reading comprehension in the pre-test and post-test also explain the classification of the students. After carrying out the treatment, the students' post-test score classification changed 2(10%) students got excellent, 1(5%) students got very good, 6(30%) students got good, 3(15%) students got fairly good and 8(40%) students were fairly classified in ideas.

Seeing the change of students' development classification proved that the use of Jumbled Paragraphs Technique had developed students' literal reading comprehension in reading comprehension. This method can help students to develop their thoughts to get idea or find important information in the reading process. In the pre-test, there were some students in answering the question about getting idea and finding important information about.

The students' reading comprehension improved in the post-test, allowing the content of their reading comprehension to be understood.



It is suggested to the English teacher to use the interesting environment to teach the students to read. The teacher should invite and increase students' interest and motivation for learning by manipulating different ways to present productive skills, including reading skills. The Correlation Between Reading Comprehension and Reading Speed ​​of the Sixth Semester Students of the English Education Department of FBS UNM.

Appendix A.1 The students' row scores from pre-test Appendix A.2 The students' row scores from post-test. Appendix A.5 The Student's Average Score Of The Pretest And Posttest Appendix A.6 The Percentage Of The Students' Development In Literal. The student's average score of the pretest and posttest in reading for some ideas.

The average score of the student in the pre-test and post-test in reading for some specific information.

Table 2:  The Comparison of T-test and T-table Score of the Students
Table 2: The Comparison of T-test and T-table Score of the Students


Table 1. The Mean Score of the Students’ Literal reading Comprehension in   Pre-test and Post-test
Table 2. The Comparison of T-test and T-table Score of the Students in     Reading Comprehension
Table 2:  The Comparison of T-test and T-table Score of the Students
Graphic  2. The Improvement of the Students’ Summarizing


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