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Using Schoology Application as Media in Teaching English Grammar


Academic year: 2023

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The researcher applied the pre-experimental method with a pre-test post-test design of one group and collected the data by giving pre-test, treatment and post-test. This is quite worthy, the researcher expresses her gratitude to Almighty Allah SWT, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. The researcher wishes to express her deepest gratitude to those who have helped and supported her until the completion of this university topic.

Who has provided the researcher with guidance, correction and overall support since the initial stage of the manuscript until the completion of this thesis. All lecturers and staff at the English Department for guidance and assistance during the researcher's research year.

Graphic 4.1 Classification of Students (Pre-test)  ............................................................
Graphic 4.1 Classification of Students (Pre-test) ............................................................



Schoology is a website that web-shaped social learning is the same as in the classroom free and easy to use. The concept is the same as Edmodo, but in the e-learning thing Schoology, has many advantages. Therefore applications Schoology is the way in which teachers in a large communication open opportunities for students in the learning process to facilitate the discussion, teamwork as well as individually.

Many studies are already underway in the field of applied scholology as a medium for learning and teaching. Therefore, the researcher uses Schoology in the course as the target input and output of students in learning grammar, especially in the area of ​​preposition of time.

Problem Statement

Objective of the Research

Significance of the Research

Scope of the Research

This chapter reviewed the previous research findings, the concept of grammar, definition of grammar, teaching grammar, preposition of time, types of preposition, types of preposition, concept of Schoology, definition of Schoology, the use of Schoology, conceptual framework, hypothesis.

Previous Research Findings

Curriculum Review Schoology concluded that teachers can use the Schoology website to manage everyday classroom practices with the goal of improving student learning. Schoology has been highly recommended as a supportive and advanced tool in classroom management and successful teaching. There are similarities and differences with the research that will be done by the researcher.

The similar in terms of the implementation of Schoology as media in learning, to support the students learning and classroom management. But use the Schoology as media in learning grammar with the best fit. It can easily help the researcher to implement their students to understand the grammar.

Some Partinent Ideas 1. Grammar

  • Schoology

Therefore, the Schoology app will help students to master English grammar, because the researcher could apply our grammar knowledge in real life. As a teacher, the Researcher must master how to teach grammar to students. One of the above types will be used by the researcher as research material to improve students' grammar.

Use of in of preposition, The researcher uses in before months, years, centuries and long period of time. Using Schoology The researcher only needs to register accounts as Teacher and also register as students.

Figure  2.1.  Account  for  studentsor  teacher  :  Open  the  site  :  www.Schoology.com, Sign up as the instructor/ teacher
Figure 2.1. Account for studentsor teacher : Open the site : www.Schoology.com, Sign up as the instructor/ teacher

Conceptual Framework

The pre-test was administered before the use of Schoology in the classroom, so that the researcher can know the students' ability in learning prepositions, while the post-test will be given after considering the use of Schoology Application as a teaching strategy to access and examine the students' grammar, both before and after the test, which will be used to determine student performance after processing through the Schoology app.



  • Research Design
  • Research Variable 1. Independent Variable
    • Sample
  • Research Instrument
  • Procedure of Collecting Data 1. Pre-test
    • Treatment
    • Post-test
  • Technique of Data Analysis
  • Findings
    • The Effectiveness of using Schoology Application As Media in Teaching English Grammar English Grammar

The researcher asked the students to make biodata used of English words while giving an example of using Schoology. Then the researcher conducted the treatment using Schoology with grammar material of prepositions of time (in, on, at). In the final, the researcher asked the students to answer in their own words and answer the test/quiz in Schoology (post-test).

In data collection, the researcher used a test consisting of a pre-test and a post-test. The pre-test was done before using Schoology in the classroom, so that the researcher could know the students' ability to learn propositions, while the post-test was done after considering the use of Schoology Application as a teaching strategy to access and study the students .. grammar both before the test and after a test used to determine student performance after processing with the Schoology app. For the first session, the researcher gave a search test to the students. achievement before treatment.

The researcher administered the post-test to find out the value of the grammar through Skoology Application after giving the some treatments. After that, the researcher corrected the students' answer with Schoology application and analyzed data (the result of pre-test and post-test). First, the researcher gave scores for the students' results in the pre-test and post-test. First, the researcher gave scores on treatment, supported the gift of the score and answered the question from the text of the students in the pre-test and post-test.

The method used is Students‗ English grammar Preposition of time using Schoology application differed in Pre-test and Post-test. The data in Chart 4.1 showed the rate percentage and frequency of the students' grammar element from Pre-test. Sience the researcher was engaged in the treatment the researcher prepared everything necessary in the implementation of the.

Table 4.1 The result of students answer correctly of Pre-test (in)  English Grammar by using Schoology application
Table 4.1 The result of students answer correctly of Pre-test (in) English Grammar by using Schoology application


This showed that the result of the students. After the test of 20 students, there is 1 student who got the score 95, 8 students got the score 90, 4 students got the score 85, 5 students got the score 80 and 2 students got the standard score 75. The data in Chart 4.2 shows the percentage and frequency of students' English grammar from the post-test. The table shows that out of 20, 2 students (10%) are classified with the score 'Good', 9 students (45%) are classified with the score 'Very Good' and 9 students (45%) are classified with the score 'Excellent'.

From the table above, the researcher concluded that students understand more and made a significant improvement in applying students' understanding of grammar after using the Schoology App. Classification of students' average grades using the Schoology application (Pre-test and Post-test).


The data in table 4.9 show the result of the percentage of students Pre-test and Post-test.

No. English Grammar

The data of Graph 4.3 showed that the mean score from the pre-test and post-test of 20 students is 65.00 achieved before the test and 85.00 after the test, which is about 19% effective for improving students' EngliGrammar grammar using the application Schoology. To know the significance level of the pre-test and post-test values, the researcher used t-test analysis at significance level (p) = 0.05 with degree of freedom (df) = N-1 where N= Number of subjects (20 students) , then the t-table value is 2.09.

Mean score


Similar to previous researchers, Lee Kean Wah et al (2013) state that the Blended Learning Schoology approach has facilitated students in their learning through the interaction with the teacher and classmates and the resources provided. Furthermore, it can be inferred that it provides a new way of learning for students to engage and intensify their own learning. Schoology is an application that allows students in the learning process based on E-Learning. On the other hand, students' English grammar is supported by the average score of students on Pre-test and Post-test.

Before using Schoology, it was difficult for students to understand grammar even using Schoology. The average score of the students in the pre-test and post-test was 65.00 and 85.00, which are classified as good and excellent. They easily find the answer to the question posed by the researcher. Learning activities are more interesting and do not cause the students to sit for hours, so the motivation of the students is higher.

The students had the freedom to learn at their pace, place, and time (Sung et al., 2015). It meant that the treatment of using the Schoology application as a media in teaching English grammar to the experimental class was successful. Based on the previous findings on this matter, using the Schoology application can improve students' understanding of the materials.

Schoology was highly recommended as a supportive and advanced tool in classroom management and successful teaching. Students of SMAN 9 Makassar can easily understand the materials. The Schoology app was a good strategy in teaching English grammar because it helped students imagine in writing and also made students feel pleasant and enthusiastic in answering and understanding. After the given treatment, the average score of the students increases by 20% and the percentage increase, the score of the students is 85.00.


Based on the result of the findings, the researcher concludes that Schoology as Media in teaching English grammar in 11th grade of SMAN 9 Makassar is effective to improve students' grammatical skills such as preposition of time (in, on, on) after improve treatment by using Schoology applications. This was proven by the significant difference between student performance before and after the school year. According to findings and result calculation before treatment, the average score of the students is 65.00.

This research will become a new tool in the process of improving students' learning and achieving vitality. Finally, the researcher expected that this thesis would bring new views to all applicants and teachers of English. We hope that there will be other advantages of using Schoology Application as media in the teaching and learning process not only in Grammar but also in other skills.

The Effects of Integrating Diigo Social Bookmarking into School Learning Management System on EFL Learners' Autonomy and Use of Reading Strategies. Promoting learner autonomy through scholology m-learning platform in an EHP class at an Indonesian University. The Mastery of Conditional Sentences: A Case Study of the Students of the Faculty of Arts at Second Degree in Gunadarma University (doctoral thesis, Dissertation).

Understanding the blended learning experiences of English teachers in a TESL distance program in Malaysia.


Fill the blank on the paper that researcher has given



The Students’ Rating Score in Pre-test and Post-test


Mean score of the students in pre-test

Mean score of the students in post-test

Standar Deviation (Pre-test)

Standar Deviation (Post-test)

Test of Significant

The Distribution of T-Table

Post test



Graphic 4.1 Classification of Students (Pre-test)  ............................................................
Figure  2.1.  Account  for  studentsor  teacher  :  Open  the  site  :  www.Schoology.com, Sign up as the instructor/ teacher
Figure  2.3.  The  content  of  data:  First  name,  last  name,  Email,              Password, Confirm password, Register
Figure 2.5 Feature Recognition


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