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View of The Influence Of Online is Against Public Transport Users in Urban Area Surabaya

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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The Influence of Online is Against Public Transport Users in Urban Area Surabaya

Salsabila Syahda Larasati, Sapto Budi Wasono

Civil Engineering Study Program, Of Engineering Faculty & Computer Science, Narotama University Surabaya, Indonesia

jerukmanis245@gmail.com, sapto.budiwasono@yahoo.com Abstract

The urpose of this research is (1) to know characteristic transportation which relevant (2) to know this minimum standards of service there a effect passengers in choosing a online in the city of Surabata. The sampling techniques used is acidental sampling and purposive sampling, with the methods the data using a questionnaire. Processing and analysis of data using descriptive analysis and analysis linear regression multiple, by spreading the questionnaire to respondents were 100. And other data analysis used for the research/this is slovin formula to determine the total sample, the validity, erliability test with use some help software microsoft ecel and SPSS 26.0.

The result of description analysis 100 socioeconomic characteristic of respondents users of travelling dominated by women and the age range of 17-25 years, senior high school/last school education, private employees monthly income to Rp. 2.000.000 – Rp. 3.000.000 and analysis of the users of the use the work, and why choose the mode or use/ticket is. In this research, there are four variable free/independent namely the fare (X1), the services they provide (X2), travel time (X3), and variable bound/dependent namely (Y1) public transport users.

Indicating that the online taxi (X1) of 0.33 or 3.3% influence significantly to public transport users (Y1) in the Surabaya city.


Linear Regression Multiple, Online Motorcycle, Public Transport, The Influence.

1. Introduction

In Indonesia there are some means of transportation that has been much used, especially in Surabaya city.

As the technology, so the important role of transport as a means of support in daily life can not be integral to meet the needs and achieve a goal. The city of Surabaya is one of a metropolitan city in East Java, whose teritory covered large considerable administrative, is more or less 32.6 hectares that develops into the city of commerce and services, made the activity of residents daily needs very much in need of rapid access, especially in the field of means of transport..

A great variety of modes of transportation which has been available that is, public transportation, transportation online and personal transportation. Public transport in Surabaya consisting of public transportation and city buses. Reported those of community and the city economy is growing social levels Surabaya his every day is much higher, that is why it is traffic congestion in Surabaya could not be avoided because one of the causes of is the existence of public transportation that is not yet optimal in term of serve passengers, resulting in the passengers interested in transportation service online that is happening its use namely grab or motorcycle taxi operator online to acomplish a purpose his journey.

Often we see a conflict from a public transportation and the online rider that its exixtence wa deemed to be a competitor by the public buses result in a decline in income. There are comunities of still see in terms of tariff/fee, whether more cheap, more expensive or standard as in general. Basically online transportation or motorcycle taxi operator were written among the laws of the online , in line with the act 22 / 2009 about traffic and public transport , a motorcycle is no included in public transport because included in public transport is a passenger car, bus car , and freight cars .This research was intended to know what factors affect the selection of the online motorcycle , as well as the influence of ojek everything that went online against public transport users in the area of a city Surabaya.

2. Theoritical

2.1. Previous Research

2.1.1. Nyoman suta widnyana , made novia indriani , “Analysis The Influence Of The Quality Of Service For Satisfaction Aksebilitas Tourists Transportation Users Turtles Bus Route Badung District”

1. Problems



Are the relationship between the quality of services with satisfaction accessibility travelers on transportation service users ?

2. The discussions

Regression analysis a liner and the worship of idols and analysis a correlation in which aims to understand what is the relationship between the quality of services with satisfaction the transportation users aksebilitas tourists .Then produced a model regression as follows: y = 2,047 + 0,185x1 + 0,178x2 + 0,332x3 + 0,213x4 + 0,116x5.

2.1.2. Yogie Prakasa, Rohani, Hasyim, “Analysis Of The Factors Influencing The Online Motorcycle Taxi in Mataram City”

1. Problems

Are income, the, distance and private vehicle ownership, influences the motorcycle taxi kota mataram program ?

2. The discussions

Meant that the variable tariff , income , and the number of family members a positive correlation to motorcycle taxi services online in kota mataram , while distance and private ownership has a negative correlation .As a whole the independent variable influential as much as 77.8 % , 22.2 % the rest influenced by other factors.

2.1.3. Muhammad Rizka Nur Adha, “An Analysis Of The Impact Of The Online Motorcycle In Urban Areas Of Modes Of Public Transportation ( Case Study: Users Of Public Transport In The City Of Medan )”

1. Problems

How the online motorcycle public transport to urban area ? 2. The discussions

Based on the analysis of the data in representative , the presence of online have a negative impact on motorcycle taxi driver income of conventional public transport with the decline in income , to the total number of 20 respondents were all drivers experienced a decline in income after the arrival of the online motorcycle.

Based on the research first and problems in the field now so this study aims to to know what affect passengers in choosing online motorcycle.

2.2. Multiple Linear regression Analysis

This method a viable model an equation that define the connection one variable do not free / response Y with two or more variables free / predictor ( x1 , x2 , ... xn ) . The object is to predict the value of one variable do not free / response y when the value of one variable free predictor ( x1 , x2 , ... xn) known.

Y = a+b1X1+b2X2+ ... +bnXn Description :

Y : Variable do not free

a : Constant

b1,b2, ..., bn : The regression coefficient X1, X2, ..., Xn : Variable free


71 3. Research Methodology


Flow Diagram

Figure 1. Flow Diagram Research

3.2. Research Locations

The research phase 2 survey was conducted in different locations and public transports to withdraw the primary and secondary data or data of the respondents.Both the place is Intermoda Terminal Joyoboyo Surabaya City and Terminal Purabaya Bungurasih.

4. Discussion and Research

This research there were respondents is public transport users throughout surabaya .With the number of respondents in the spread of the questionnaire about 100 respondents , based on the formula slovin with n equal to the amount of the population 1 years in november , can be seen in table the following :

Table 1. The Number of Public Transport Passengers year 2021 The Number Of Passengers Urban Public Transit 2021 In Surabaya City

January February March April May Juny

844 5.175 6.344 18.321 11.701 16.607

July August September October November December

7.125 11.736 13.339 15.273 16.104 -

( )



The first stage of this research is that is performed in the practical .Valid data an instrument it is said , if each item questions able to describe something that will be measured by the instruments .Was obtained through the practical way mengkorelasikan or connecting each value of an attribute of with a sum of overall value .Where characteristics that have significant impacts by the total number of value characteristic of shows that capable of being explained karakteristik-karakteristik is discussed .To get r table determined from existing literature .Are the main distribution r table significant value :

Table 2. The Recapitulation Result The Validity Users Of Number of Attributes Rtabel The Information

Questions Value Count



X1.1 0.195 0.874 Valid



X1.2 0.195 0.947 Valid



X1.3 0.195 0.919 Valid



X1.1 0.195 0.818 Valid



X1.2 0.195 0.842 Valid



X1.3 0.195 0.635 Valid



X1.1 0.195 0.768 Valid



X1.2 0.195 0.655 Valid



X1.3 0.195 0.800 Valid

Reliability test done after the validity .Is performed to gain an understanding of the question of the consistency that has been declared valid on the validity .A statement from respondents said consistent when the result of reliability testing said it is reliable or trustworthy.

Table 3. The Recapitulation Result Reliability Test Users Of Number of Attributes Rtabel The Information

Questions Value Count

1 Variable X1 0.195 0.899 Reliabel

2 Variable X2 0.195 0.629 Reliabel

3 Variable X3 0.195 0.896 Reliabel

The result of a whole the practical in table 0.0 valid it is said , because each one of the characteristics of users of who has analyzed received a value of r count & gt; r table .Next phase is linear regression analysis and the worship of idols .The results of linear regression and the worship of idols as using software the tools spss 26.0 as follows :

Table 4. The Results Of The Multiple Linear Regression


Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients

B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 4.807 1.289

Tariff (X1) 0,33 0,259 0,039

The service (X2) 0,246 0,194079 0,233

Travel time (X3) 0,16 0,250 0,18

Can be seen in table above the constant value (α Value) 4.807 of and for the value of (β) 0.33 while services (β value) 0.246 of travel time and value of (β value) 0.16 so it can be exploited the regression equation is linear multiple as follows :

Y = 4.807 + 0.33X1 + 0.246X2 + 0.16X3



Table 5. The Constant Value Of Multiple Linear Regression

Information Value

β1 (represent X1) 0.33

β2 (represent X2) 0.246

β3 (represent X3) 0.16

From table the recapitulation of the above , it can be seen that all the variables free to have an influence on variables bound .Of each variable free having big the influence of various sects .The following are table free variable influence on variables bound in the percentage :

Table 6. The percentage of the variable influence free Independet Variable Value

X1 3.3%

X2 2.46%

X3 1.6%

From the table above , it can be seen that free variable that has an effect on variables bound is the highest X1 , namely tariff.

5. Conclusion

1. The analysis of the descriptive characteristics 100 socioeconomic to users of the online motorcycle travelling dominated by women and the age range of 17-25 years senior high school/last school education, the kind of job, private employees the monthly income. Rp. 2.000.000- Rp. 3.000.000. While the analysis characteristic of the users of the online motorcycle aimed at work, why choose/ticket is the mode of use.

2. Having performed the validity and reliability test and the process of linear regression multiple calculation using analysis that the data in a can of deployment has been in the contents of by users of that the other factors affect passengers in choosing a free online obtained from variable (X) enormous influence over users of the (X1) is obtained value of 0.33 or 3.3%.


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