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Academic year: 2023



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Problem Identification

Problem Limitation

Problem Formulation

23 Mofareh Alqahtani, "The Importance of Vocabulary in Language Learning and how to be Taught" in international Journal of Teaching and Education, (Saudi Arabia: King Khaled Academy), Vol.III, No. 3 / 2015, p.26. . forth in the sense that word lists are readily available to provide a basis for selecting a set of words to be tested.24. 31 Yasi Rahajeng Anindyajati and Abdul Salim Choiri, "The Effectiveness of Use Word Wall Media to Increase Science-Based Vocabulary of Elevd with Hearing Impairment" in European Journal of Special Eduction Research, (Indonesia: Sebelas Maret Uniersity), Vol.2 / 2017 , pp. The result of the students' activity in the teaching and learning process in cycle II.

Objective and Benefit of Study

  • Objective of the Study
  • Benefit of the Study


The Concept of Vocabulary

Meanwhile, Caroline states that language is made up of words, and vocabulary is a collection of words that an individual knows.4 Ur states that vocabulary can be defined as the words we learn in a foreign language.5 According to John, vocabulary is an inventory of an individual. Furthermore, according to Hanson and Padua, vocabulary refers to the words we use to communicate in oral and written language.7 Oral vocabulary is a set of words that we know the meaning of when we speak or read orally. John Dewey argues that vocabulary is critically important because a word is an instrument for thinking about the meanings it conveys.17.

The Concept of Vocabulary Mastery

In this research, the writer used a written test that consists of multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank test to know the student's . achievement. These are pre-tests designed to measure students' prior ability in vocabulary mastery before the writer begins teaching them using word-on-the-wall media, and post-tests to determine students' achievement in vocabulary mastery after the writer teaches them the vocabulary. students using word wall media. In assessing the student's mastery of vocabulary, the writer uses the theory according to Brown in John as follows:25.

The Concept of Word Walls Media

  • The Concept of Media
  • The Concept of Word Walls Media

Keep word walls separate if you also use a word wall for theme-related words. Be sure to provide enough practice so that words on the word wall become easy for students to automatically identify, read, and spell. Harmon, et.al., called steps instructional sequence for using the word wall: a. the choice of word to teach; b. introduce words; c. make connections with the words; d.

Action Hypothesis

From the observation sheet, the researcher learned about the results, performance and motivation of the students. In this research, the researcher observed the students' activities in the teaching and learning process. This was evident from the improvement of students' vocabulary assessment and students' activity in the teaching and learning process.


Variable of Research

Independent variables are those that the researcher chooses to study to assess their possible effect(s) on one or more other variables.40 In this research, the independent variable (X) is word walls. Yogesh Kumar defines "dependent variable as a factor that is observed and measured to determine the effect of the independent variable."41 This means that a dependent variable is a variable that depends on the independent variable and is the result of the influence of the independent variable.

Research Setting

Subject of Study

Research Procedure

  • Classroom Action Research

Regarding the type of action research, the researcher used collaborative action research so that there is a need for the collaborator or another participant who is an English teacher to help the researcher in this research. Classroom action research (CAR) has different designs, but in this research the researcher will use the Kemmis and McTaggart (1988) research design. In this part, the researcher did pre-test, treatment and post-test for the students.

The crucial things in the teaching and learning process are observed by the researcher. The last step in this process was the reflection where the researcher analyzes and discusses the observation sheet and the result of the teaching and learning process. The researcher analyzed and evaluated the amount of data from the task result and collected the data from the teaching and learning process.

Then, the researcher reflected by looking at the result of the observation sheet, the result of the task and the comments of the teachers. After comparing the distribution of pre-test and post-test scores, the researcher reviewed and reflected on the teacher's perspective and performance whether it was positive or negative. The researcher's procedure were: the problem set which in the researcher's subject, administered the pre-test to know the students' vocabulary mastery before doing the action research, the materials selected for the treatment, administered the post-test to evaluate the research result in action. and conducted the post-evaluation for the teacher, analyzed all data and reflected on the entire cycle.

By reflecting, the researcher can gain information about the strength and weakness of the action the researcher took.

Figure 1. Kemmis and Mc Taggart Model
Figure 1. Kemmis and Mc Taggart Model

Data Collection Technique

It was like in the first cycle there were 3 activities in teaching and learning process, pre-teaching, while teaching and post-teaching. In the observation, the researcher made the observation sheet which contained the list of students. Test is a set of stimuli that is given to the individual to obtain the response based on what is being assessed.46 In this research, the tests that were examined on the students consist of two types, namely pre-test and post-test.

First, students are pre-tested before being treated through the implementation of reciprocal teaching to assess their ability at the beginning. In this pretest, the researcher applies the objective test in the form of multiple choice and fills in the blank. Second, the post-test examines students after they are taught vocabulary using word wall media as a treatment to detect pre- and post-treatment improvement.

In this post-test the researcher applied the objective test in the form of multiple choice and fill in the blank. The researcher used documentation to obtain data about the school profile such as the history of the school, the number of teachers, staff members, students and the condition of SMP Negeri 10 Metro. In addition, the documentation was used to visualize classroom activity in the form of photographs.

Data Analysis Technique

It can be concluded that the use of media word walls can improve the activity of students in the classroom. The use of word wall media made the students' vocabulary score better than the pre-test.

Indicator of Success


Description of the Research Location

Based on the result of the students' pre-test, only 7 (25%) students passed the minimum standard criteria of 75.

Description of the Research Data


From the data above, it could be concluded that there was an improvement in the students' vocabulary scores from pre-test to posttest I. From the data above, it could be concluded that there was an improvement in the students' vocabulary scores from posttest 1 to posttest 2. From the explanation above was there an improvement in students' vocabulary scores from Pre Test to Posttest 1 to Posttest 2.

Hal ini berarti hasil posttest siklus II mencapai indikator keberhasilan, dimana 80% siswa mencapai nilai minimal 75 atau lebih. Teks lisan dan tulis yang menyatakan dan mengajukan pertanyaan tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang sedang dilakukan/terjadi saat ini. Mayoritas siswa mencapai hasil di bawah target minimum knowledge criteria (MMC).

Some of the students did not understand the vocabulary given by the researcher. The students understood the way and the rule to follow the researcher instruction, used word wall media. The students enjoyed doing the post-test 2 because they seem to understand the material the researcher gave them.

The students came in front of the class to write down the meaning of the vocabulary.



Siswa menirukan contoh interaksi dengan menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/kejadian yang sedang dilakukan/terjadi dalam bahasa Inggris dengan pengucapan, penekanan kata, intonasi dan sikap yang benar. Dengan bimbingan dan arahan guru, siswa mengidentifikasi ciri-ciri interaksi (ciri sosial, struktur tekstual, dan unsur kebahasaan) dengan menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang sedang dilakukan/terjadi. Sikap tanggung jawab, kerjasama, kepedulian dan kepercayaan yang menyertai tindakan menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/kejadian yang sedang terjadi saat ini.

Mampu memahami, menyatakan dan meminta teks lisan yang menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang perbuatan/peristiwa yang sedang dilakukan/terjadi pada saat itu. Siswa mampu memahami, mengungkapkan dan mempertanyakan teks lisan dan tulis, yang menyatakan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang sedang dilakukan/. Siswa diajar atau sering mendengar dan menyaksikan guru dan warga sekolah lainnya menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang sedang dilakukan/terjadi saat ini, dalam bahasa Inggris, dengan unsur bahasa yang sesuai dengan fungsi sosialnya.

Siswa harus meniru kebiasaan tersebut dengan menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang sedang dilakukan/terjadi dalam bahasa Inggris, dengan menggunakan unsur bahasa yang sesuai dengan fungsi sosialnya. Siswa mendengarkan dan melihat banyak contoh interaksi dengan menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang sedang dilakukan/terjadi dalam bahasa Inggris dari film, kaset, buku teks, dll. Secara bersama-sama, siswa mencoba menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung/terjadi dalam konteks pembelajaran, simulasi, permainan peran dan kegiatan terstruktur lainnya.

Siswa membandingkan ujaran menamai dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang sedang dilakukan/terjadi yang dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber yang tertera di atas. Siswa menggunakan bahasa Inggris setiap kali ada kesempatan untuk menyebutkan dan menanyakan tentang tindakan/peristiwa yang sedang dilakukan/berlangsung, di dalam dan di luar kelas, dengan unsur kebahasaan yang sesuai dengan fungsi sosialnya. Para siswa mendiskusikan masalah yang dialami ketika menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyebutkan dan meminta tindakan.


Figure 1. Kemmis and Mc Taggart Model


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