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Academic year: 2023



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1444 H/2023 M







Submitted in partial fulfillment of the Requirements For Bachelor Degree of English Education





1444 H/2023 M








In the name of Allah, the most Gracious and Merciful, praise belongs to Allah Almighty. By his guidance and blessing, the researcher has accomplished the final research paper entitled “The Effect Of Using Word Wall Strategy Toward Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At The Seventh Grade Of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut”. It is a scientific writing to fulfill one of the academic requirements to finish the bachelor degree (S. Pd) at Department of English Education Faculty of Education and Teacher Training State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Then, shalawat and salam always be presented to the last mesengger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad SAW who has inspired and lightened many people up all around the world.

Appreciation and sincere thanks to my beloved parents, Mr. Joko Triono and Mrs. Wana, who has devoted all love and affection as well as moral and material attention. May Allah SWT always bestow grace, health, and blessings in the world and in the hereafter for the kindness that has given to the researcher.

Thank you so much Dad, Mom. Please keep becoming my inspiration.

The researcher would like to show her gratitude to all beloved people that have encouraged. Motivated even helped the researcher in finishing the paper.

They are:

1. Prof. Dr. Hairunas, M.Ag., the Rector of State of Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Dr. Hj. Helmiati, M.Ag., the vice-rector I of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Dr. H. Mas’ud Zein, M.Pd., the vice- rector II of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, Prof. Edi Erwan, S.Pt., M.Sc., Ph.D., the vice-rector III of State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau.

2. Dr. H. Kadar, M.Ag., the Dean of Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. Dr. H. Zarkasih, M.Ag.,



the vice Dean I. Dr. Zubaidah Amir, MZ, M.Pd., the vice of Dean II. Dr.

Amirah Diniaty, M.Pd. Kons., the vice Dean III, and all staff.

3. Dr. Faurina Anastasia, S.S., M. Hum., the Head of Department of English Education, who has given me correction, suggestion, support, advice, and guidance in completing the thesis.

4. Dr. Nur Aisyah Zulkifli, M. Pd., the Secretary of Department of English Education, for her guidance to the students.

5. Kurnia Budiyanti, M.Pd., the Academic Supervisor for his guidance to the students.

6. Riri Fauzana, S.Pd., M.Sc., my beloved supervisor who has given me correction, suggestions, support, advice, and guidance in accomplishing this thesis.

7. Toni Wahyudi Saputra, S.Pd., the Headmaster of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut, and his staff and teachers have given me their kindness as long as the researcher took the data.

8. Afni, S.Pd., as English Teacher of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut, who has given the writer guidance and advice in conducting the research.

9. The researcher’s beloved husband, Afdi Andi, S.T., who has always given support, advice and thank you so much for always being there for me whatever the condition is.

10. The researcher’s beloved friends, Nadya Rosalina, S.Pd, Zainila Saputri, S.Pd, Fitra Aryani Ningsih, Ainul Mardiah, S.Pd, who has always given support and advice to me.

11. The researcher’s C-Classmates, thank you for being my first family in English Education Department.

12. For all people who have given her the great support in conducting and finishing this paper that cannot be written one by ones.

13. Last but not at least, I want to thank me, I want to thank me for believing in me, I want to thank me for doing all this hard work, for having no days off, I want to thank me for never quitting many times. Thanks, myself.



Finally, the researcher realizes that this thesis is still far from perfections.

Therefore, constructive comments, critiques and suggestions are appreciated very much.

Pekanbaru, November 20th 2022 The Researcher,




Jessi Ayu Pratiwi, (2022): The Effect Of Using Word Wall Strategy Toward Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At The Seventh Grade Of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut.

Based on this preliminary research, it was found that seventh grade students of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut got difficulties to memorize unfamiliar words that they heard or read in the text, and got difficulties in understanding or comprehending the meaning of unfamiliar words. This research aimed to know the effect of using Word Wall Strategy toward students’

vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut.

The design of this research was a quasi-experimental. Therefore, this research used two class; control class and experimental class. The population of the research was seventh grade of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut. The object of this research was the effect of using Word Wall Strategy toward students’ vocabulary mastery. In this research, 44 students from 66 students were chooses as samples. To analyze the data, the researcher used paired sample t-test by using SPSS 20 version.

Based on the data analysis, from the analytical formula of Paired Sample T-test, it was found that sig. value for experimental class was 0.000. It can be stated that 0.000 < 0.05. It means the alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted, while the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected. It also was proved by finding of effect size formula was 0.9. It was categorized as large effect. It means that there was a significant effect of using Word Wall Strategy toward students’ vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut.



Jessi Ayu Pratiwi, (2022): Pengaruh Penggunaan Strategi Word Wall Terhadap Penguasaan Kosa Kata pada Siswa Kelas Tujuh di MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut.

Berdasarkan penelitian awal, ditemukan bahwa kelas tujuh dari siswa MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut, kesulitan mengingat kosa kata asing yang mereka dengar dan baca dalam sebuah teks, dan kesulitan memahami arti dari kata yang asing tersebut. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Strategi Word Wall terhadap penguasaan kosa siswa kata di kelas tujuh dari siswa MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut.

Design dari penelitian ini adalah quasi-experimetal. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini menggunakan dua kelas; kelas kontrol dan kelas eksperimen.

Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah kelas tujuh dari siswa MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut. Objek dari penelitian adalah pengaruh Strategi Word Wall terhadap penguasaan kosakata siswa di kelas tujuh dari siswa MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut. Didalam penelitian ini, 44 siswa dari 66 siswa dipilih sebagai sampel. Untuk menganalisa data, peneliti menggunakan paired sample t-test dengan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS versi 20.

Berdasarkan analisa data, dari rumus paired sample t-test, di temukan bahwa nilai signifikan untuk kelas eksperimental adalah 0.000. Itu bisa dinyatakan bahwa 0.000 < 0.05. itu berarti alternatif hipotesis (Ha) di terima, sedangkan nol hipotesis (Ho) di tolak. Itu juga dibuktikan dengan temuan dari rumust effect size adalah 0.9. Itu dikategorikan sebagai efek yang tinggi. Itu berarti ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari penggunaan Strategi Word Wall terhadap penguasaan kosa kata pada siswa kelas tujuh di MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut.




( ،يويتارب ويأ يسيج ٢٢٢٢

ىلع رادج ةملك ةيجيتاترسا مادختسا يرثتأ :) لصفلا ذيملات ىدل تادرفلما باعيتسا عباسلا

نلااكنجبا ةيملاسلإا ةطسوتلما ةيديملحا ةسردبم تونوب

ةيديملحا ةسردبم عباسلا لصفلا ذيملات نبأ فرع ،ةيديهمتلا ةساردلا ىلع ءانب

تيلا ةيبنجلأا تادرفلما ركذ في ةبوعص نوديج تونوب نلااكنجبا ةيملاسلإا ةطسوتلما عم مهف في ةبوعص اضيأ نوديجو ،صن في اهوأرقو اهوعسم اذهو .ةيبنجلأا تادرفلما كلت نى

تادرفلما باعيتسا ىلع رادج ةملك ةيجيتاترسا مادختسا يرثتأ ةفرعم لىإ فدهي ثحبلا .تونوب نلااكنجبا ةيملاسلإا ةطسوتلما ةيديملحا ةسردبم عباسلا لصفلا ذيملات ىدل لصفلا ؛ينلصفلا ثحبلا اذه في مدختسي ،كلذل .ةبرتج هبش وه ثحبلا ميمصتو جتلا ةطسوتلما ةيديملحا ةسردبم عباسلا لصفلا ذيملات هعتممجو .يطبضلا لصفلاو بيير ىلع رادج ةملك ةيجيتاترسا مادختسا يرثتأ هعوضومو .تونوب نلااكنجبا ةيملاسلإا ةيملاسلإا ةطسوتلما ةيديملحا ةسردبم عباسلا لصفلا ذيملات ىدل تادرفلما باعيتسا رايتخا تمو .تونوب نلااكنجبا ٤٤

لت نم اذيم ٦٦

.ثحبلا تانيع اونوكيل اذيملت

رابتخا ةثحابلا تمدختسا ،تناايبلا ليلحتلو -

جمنارب ةدعاسبم ةلقتسلما تانيعلل ت

رادصلإ ةيعامتجلاا مولعلل ةيئاصحلإا ةمزلحا ٠٢

للاخ نم ،تناايبلا ليلتح ىلع ءانبو .

رابتخا ةغيص -

رجتلا لصفلل ةيهملأا ةميق نبأ فرع ةلقتسلما ةنيعلل ت بيي

٢.٢٢٢ .

لاقي نأ نكميف ٢.٢٢٢

٢.٢٠ <

ةيضرفلاو ةلوبقم ةليدبلا ةيضرفلا نأ نىعبم كلذو .

ةملك ةيجيتاترسا مادختسلا اماه ايرثتأ كانه نإ لاقي ،ىرخأ تارابعبو .ةدودرم ةيئدبلما

ةطسوتلما ةيديملحا ةسردبم عباسلا لصفلا ذيملات ىدل تادرفلما باعيتسا ىلع رادج

اكنجبا ةيملاسلإا

.تونوب نلا









صّخلم viii






A. Background of the Research 1

B. Problem of the Research 7

1. Identification of the Problem 7

2. Limitation of the Problem 7

3. Formulation of the Problem 8

C. Objective and Significance of the Research 8

1. Objective of the Research 8

2. Significance of the Research 9

D. Definition of the Terms 9

1. The Effect 9

2. Vocabulary Mastery 10

3. Word Wall Strategy 10


A. Theoretical Framework 11

1. The Concept of Vocabulary 11

2. Word Wall Strategy 22

B. Relevant Research 28



C. Operational Concept 30

D. Assumption and Hypothesis 33

1. Assumption 33

2. Hypothesis 34


A. Research Design 35

B. Time and Location of the Research 36 C. Subject and Object of the Research 37 D. Population and Sample of the Research 37

1. Population of the Research 37

2. Sample of the Research 37

E. Technique of Collecting the Data 38

F. Technique of Data Analysis 42

CHAPTER IV DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS 44 A. Description of Research Procedures 44

B. Data Presentation 44

C. Descriptive Analysis 47

D. Inferential Analysis 54


A. Conclusions 58

B. Suggestions 59






Table III. 1 Research Design ... 36

Table III. 2 Population ... 37

Table III. 3 Sample ... 38

Table III. 4 Blue Print of The Test ... 39

Table III. 5 The Classification of Students Score ... 39

Table III. 6 Test of Validity ... 40

Table III. 7 Level of Reliability ... 41

Table III. 8 Reliability Statistic ... 42

Table III. 9 Effect Size Guidelines ... 43

Table IV. 1 Score of Experimental Class ... 45

Table IV. 2 Score of Control Class ... 46

Table IV. 3 Frequency Distribution of Student Pre Test Score of Experimental Class ... 47

Table IV. 4 Percentage Experimental Class Pre Test ... 47

Table IV. 5 Statistical Description of Students’ Pre Test Score ... 48

Table IV. 6 Frequency Distribution of Student Post Test Score of Experimental Class ... 49

Table IV. 7 Percentage Experimental Class Post Test ... 49

Table IV. 8 Statistical Description of Students’ Post Test Score ... 50

Table IV. 9 Frequency Distribution of Student Pre Test Score of Control Class ... 51

Table IV. 10 Percentage Control Class Pre Test ... 51

Table IV. 11 Statistical Description of Students’ Pre Test Score ... 52

Table IV. 12 Frequency Distribution of Student Post Test Score of Control Class ... 53

Table IV. 13 Percentage Control Class Post Test ... 53

Table IV. 14 Statistical Description of Students’ Post Test Score ... 54



Table IV. 15 Test of Normality ... 55 Table IV. 16 Paired Sample T-Test ... 55 Table IV. 17 Effect Size ... 57




Charts IV.1 Experimental Pre Test Histogram ... 48

Charts IV.2 Experimental Post Test Histogram ... 50

Charts IV.3 Control Pre Test Histogram ... 52

Charts IV.4 Control Post Test Histogram ... 54




Appendix 1 Lesson Plan

Appendix 2 Instrument of The Research

Appendix 3 Result of Posttest (Experimental Class and Control Class) Appendix 4 Documentation

Appendix 5 Recommendation Letters



A. Background of the Problem

Vocabulary is very important to convey the idea, express desire and feelings and to communicate with others. Vocabulary is one of the components, which supports the speakers in communication, whenever we want to communicate with other people using a language. According to Harmer (2002, p. 13) very little we can be conveyed without grammar, but nothing we can be conveyed without vocabulary. It means that vocabulary is the main element in communication. Carty et.al (2010, p.1) also stated that vocabulary is all about words. When we use language we use words all the time, thousands of them. If we know a language well, we know how to write its words and how to say its words. It means that vocabulary refers to the words that the students understand. If they know the words, the meaning and how to pronounce it, they will be able to use the language in speaking, reading, listening, and writing.

Someone uses vocabulary to listen, read, speak, and write effectively.

Students learn vocabulary indirectly and directly. They can express their ideas and comprehend other people idea if they have good vocabulary knowledge.

Therefore, vocabulary learning is an essential part in foreign language learning as the meanings of new words are very often emphasized, whether in books or in classrooms. It is a paramount importance to a language learner and central to language teaching.


Brown (2001, p.12) states a good vocabulary mastery is one of the most important aspects in learning foreign language because the ability of the langauge learners to read and to comprehend the subject is relatively determined by their vocabulary mastery. Having a lot of vocabulary helps learners to express their ideas easily.

Teaching vocabulary is one of the basic elements in achieving all four language skills. Cronsberry (2004, p.149) states that teaching vocabulary is such an important task in teaching English because vocabulary achievement is related to all language learning and it is concern to all four language skills. In teaching a language, a teacher might realize that could not apply only one or two strategies to all levels. In reverse, the teacher is required to be able to recognize the characters of their students and to select an appropriate strategy to them. The teachers have to be selective in choosing a strategy to introduce a learning material. A good teaching strategy would automatically facilitate them to get students’ interest in learning process. It can be conclude that vocabulary is very important and should be taught to the English learners.

Regarding the importance of vocabulary, some Junior High School students in Indonesia still have some problems, especially in vocabulary learning.

After updating the curriculum to become the 2013 curriculum, one of the 2013 curriculum initiatives was to eliminate English as a compulsory subject at the elementary school level (Azmy, 2020). English in Indonesia is only taught as local content at the elementary school level (Zein, 2017). This eventually becomes a new problem for teaching English at the next level, at



the Junior High School level. Where students are still adapting to the new material provided by the teacher, moreover there is no special material related to vocabulary in learning, the teacher only inserts teaching vocabulary in some appropriate materials, so that the lack of vocabulary mastered by students affects the effectiveness of learning in class.

MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut implements the 2013 curriculum (K13). Similarity, according to the competency-based curriculum, students must enhance their vocabulary by 1000–1500 words annually so that they can master about 4000 words in three years. Mts Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut is one of junior high school in Pelalawan region. Based on 2013 curriculum One of the purposes of teaching vocabulary is that the students are able to understand the purpose, text structure, and meaning of the vocabulary.

The types of the text that are thaught at the school are descriptive text.

It refers to curriculum 2013 in teaching vocabulary.A descriptive text is one of the text genres that must be taught while teaching writing to junior high school pupils, according to Curriculum 2013, the country's current educational curriculum (depdiknas, Indonesian Educational Department, 2013:70).

According to Wardiman (2008), factual genres include descriptive texts. Its societal purpose is to identify a specific individual, location, or object. Writing a description involves using words to convey sensory impressions and visual images. The purpose of a description is more frequently to inform readers about the appearance of something or someone or to encourage them to view


things from the researcher's point of view when it is included in another piece of writing.

Based on a preliminary research that was conducted at MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut on April 6, 2022, the researcher found there are many problems in learning vocabulary by the students, it is still difficult for them to memorize unfamiliar words that they heard or read in the text. They have difficulties in understanding or comprehending the meaning of unfamiliar words. They do not know the meaning when the teacher explains the material in English. The students could not pronounce the word correctly.

The students tended to pronounce the letters of the words and the students found difficulties in spelling the words. The students found difficulties in memorizing the meaning of the words. The general problem of learning and teaching vocabulary shows that teachers do not teach English vocabulary in a proper, efficient, and effective way. The common fact of learning and teaching vocabulary showed that the teachers did not teach English vocabulary in an appropriate, efficient and effective way. It was proved by the result of the writer’s pre-research that was conducted on MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut. English teachers still have not found the right method for teaching vocabulary in class, they are still guided by textbooks with a teaching system that is still monotonous. So, the new vocabularies that have been learned are soon to be forgotten because the students do not learn the vocabulary in context. It is difficult for them to use the words in daily conversation. Besides, it seems the method that the teacher used needs to be varied in order to



motivate the students in learning vocabulary. Therefore, the writer is interested in applying the Word Wall Strategy in teaching vocabulary. Based on the writer’s preliminary, the writer found the following phenomena:

1. Some students lack the motivation to develop their vocabulary mastery 2. Some of the students get low scores on English vocabulary

3. Some of students get difficulties to develop their vocabulary.

4. Some of students do not feel interest and enjoyable when learning the material especially vocabulary.

5. Some of students get difficulties in memorizing words

6. Some of students get difficulties to find the meaning of vocabulary

Based on the explanation above, it is clear that most of the students at the seventh grade of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut get difficulties in mastering english vocabulary because the students lack of vocabulary and they do not interest in learning English vocabulary because the strategy is not effective to make high interest in learning. Teaching English vocabulary for Junior High School needs appropriate strategy so they do not feel bored and they become active in the classroom. One of the strategies is a Word Wall Strategy. Using Word Wall Strategy to improve students’ vocabulary is an appropriate solution to solve the students’ problems. In this case, the researcher applied this strategy to help the students improve their vocabulary mastery. According to Jennifer (2008, p.3) a Word Wall Strategy is a group of words that are displayed on a wall, bulletin board, chalkboard, or whiteboard in a classroom. The words are printed in a large font so that they are easily


visible from all student seating areas. As Erin said interactive word wall show case selected words, they help teachers build a foundation for students vocabulary mastery, it also help students become aware of vocabulary in the world around them.

Some previous relevant research revealed that the word wall Strategy can be a good strategy to improve students’ vocabulary learning. Fatimah (2020) stated that Wall Strategy can help students easy to understand the content of the texts. They can use and have more exercises with the Word Wall to enrich their vocabularies in daily activities. Ramadhan & Zaharani (2021) also conducted a study about Word Wall Media on students’

vocabulary mastery. The results show that Word Wall Media can improve students' vocabulary in learning. Before using Word Wall Media, students' vocabulary mastery is lower. But, after this method is used, students' abilities about vocabulary mastery become better. Another study from Sipayung (2018) states that Word Walls can be an interesting medium that teachers can use to teach vocabulary in English classes, because students find it easier to remember and understand the vocabulary taught by teachers than using conventional methods such as memorizing.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher applied Word Wall Strategy to help the students master in vocabulary. Word Wall Strategy could be effective in enhancing students’ vocabulary mastery in teaching-learning process. Therefore, to complement the results of previous research related to the use of the Word Wall Strategy, the researcher is interested in conducting



research with the title, “The Effect of Using Word Wall Strategy toward Students’ Vocabulary Mastery at the Seventh Grade of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut”

B. Problem of the Research

1. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background and phenomena of the students’ difficulties and complexities, the problems of this research are identified on the following identifications:

a. Why do the students lack of motivation to develop their vocabulary mastery?

b. Why do the students get low score of English subject?

a. Why do the students get difficulties to develop their vocabulary?

c. Why do the students not feel interest and enjoyable when learning the material especially vocabulary.

d. Why do the students get difficulties in memorizing words

e. Why do the students get difficulties to find the meaning of vocabulary 2. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problems above, researchers need to narrow their focus to pay closer attention to certain issues based on the problem that has been noted above. The research focused on using the Word Wall Strategy as a medium to improve students' vocabulary in English. Because, so far, schools have never applied this strategy, but


there have been many previous studies that have proven that this strategy is very effective in increasing students' vocabulary mastery.

3. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the problem above, the writer formulated the problem in the following questions:

a. How is students’ vocabulary mastery taught without using Word Wall Strategy at the seventh grade students of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut?

b. How is students’ vocabulary mastery taught by using Word Wall Strategy at the seventh grade students of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut?

c. Is there any significant difference of using Word Wall Strategy toward students’ vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade students of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut?

d. How large is the effect of using Word Wall Strategy toward students’

vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade students of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut?

C. The Objectives and Significance of the Research 1. The Objectives of the Research

a. To describe the students’ vocabulary mastery taught without using word wall strategy at the seventh-grade students of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut.



b. To describe the students’ vocabulary mastery taught by using Word Wall Strategy at the seventh-grade students of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut

c. To examine whether there is a significant difference of using Word Wall Strategy toward students’ vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade students of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut.

d. To know how large the effect of using using Word Wall Strategy toward students’ vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade students of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut is.

2. The Significances of the Research

This research can give benefits and contributes in improving students’ vocabulary mastery by using Word Wall Strategy. Besides this research findings are expected to give information to the teachers about how to master the vocabulary by using Word Wall Strategy. Finally, this research findings are also expected to be useful and valuable for writer, teachers, and students.

D. Definition of the Term 1. The Effect

According to Richards (2002, p.175) effect is measure of the strength of one variable’s effect on another or the relationship between two or more variables. In this study, effect means the result of using Word Wall Strategy toward students’ vocabulary mastery of the seventh grade at MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut.


2. Vocabulary Mastery

Mastering vocabularies means mastering the meaning and the ways to use them in context. Cameron (2001) cited in Alqahtani (2015, p.22) affirms that as one of the knowledge areas in language, vocabulary plays an important role for learners in acquiring a language.

3. Word wall strategy

Cronsberry (2004, p.3) states that a Word Wall is a group of words that are displayed on a wall, bulletin board, chalkboard, or whiteboard in the classroom. In this study, Word Wall is the strategy to teach English vocabulary of the seventh-grade students at MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut.




A. Theoretical Framework

1. The Concept of Vocabulary a. The Nature of Vocabulary

According to Schmitt (2000, p. 4) if we are able to produce a word of our own accord when speaking or writing, then that is considered productive knowledge (passive or active are alternative terms). This can be assumed that people learn words receptively first and later achieve productive knowledge. This is common problem that occurs, but in language learning there are usually exceptions. Example of words are creatively translated (most are not in speaking mode) but are not received in written mode. As a part of teaching-learning as foreign language, vocabulary cannot be simply defined as a group of words. Some experts have interpreted the meaning of vocabulary in different points of view.

Vocabulary is the component of language that concerned with words and meanings. All languages have words. Some words can be used in a wide variety circumstances, but on others much more limited use. Nunan (2003, p. 135) state that words are clearly vocabulary which is a very important parts of language learning. The most useful English vocabulary depends othe goal of the learners. It is almost 1000


word families of English. Around 75 percent of the running words is used in academic text and newspaper, 80 percent in novels, and about 85 percent in conversation. It contains most of 176 function word families. In addition, Richards and Renandya (2002, p. 255) state vocabulary is a core component of language proficiency and provide much of the basis for how well learners speak, listen, read and write. It means that learning vocabulary is important as a part of learning English or other foreign languages since learners learn vocabulary first before they master more complex structure.

As one of the important element in the acquisition of a second language, vocabulary must not only be known and must be readily available for use. We know that people who have little vocabulary will face problem in communication in spoken or written language. Harmer (2007, p. 13) stated we learn without grammar very little can be conveyed, we learn without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. We can say almost anything with words with very little grammar. Most learners acknowledge the importance of vocabulary knowledge.

Learning is the process and acquisition is the end result of vocabulary development. Brown (2001, p. 436) states that the best internalization of vocabulary comes from encounters with the words within the context of surrounding discourse. Lexical forms now play a central role in the contextualized meaningful language. The learners are guided in a specific ways to internalize these important blocks of



language. They see vocabulary as being important part of language learning. And the most useful vocabulary depends on the goals of the learners.

Wallace (2017, p. 186), also mentions two main reasons about the importance of vocabulary. First, language exists in two forms, spoken and written and both of them need vocabulary to develop the existence itself. Second, vocabulary is needed for production in learning English as a foreign language rather than only needed for recognition it.

b. Kinds of Vocabulary

In learning vocabulary, people will experience development each year appropriate with their age. They continue to expand their vocabulary in adulthood. Richard (2000, p. 14) says in socialrole and mode of discourse taking place in adulthood, invocabulary there is continued development beyond the childhood years with adults constantly adding new wordsto their vocabulary through reading, occupation, and other activities. The primary period for conceptual development, however, is early childhood. Measurementof vocabulary knowledge is difficult and it is only approximately.

Vocabulary of adults has been variously estimated atbetween 10.000 words for non-academic adult to over 150.000 for a professional scientist. College students are estimated to understand some 60.000 to 100.000 words. William (2002, p.45) estimates that for spoken English the average person speaking on a telephone makes use


of avocabulary of only some 2.000 words. Meanwhile, for Indonesian learners who learn English as one of foreign language that is taught in school, they have limited wordsor vocabulary that they now or understand of the language. So, they experience low development in expanding thevocabularies. Mastering vocabularies means mastering the meaningand the ways to use them in context. Elfrieda and Mivhael (2011, p. 43) state There are four types of word classes in the vocabulary there are namely:

1) Noun is related with name of something like place, plant, people and others. For example: Lecturer, fan, chair, shoes, guitar.

2) Verb is can used to show the measure and condition of thing. For example: eat, read, take.

3) Adjective is a word that describe noun has grammatical property of comparison. For example: beautiful woman, good luck, short movies, and other.

4) Adverb is related with the how the process, time and where the thing happen. For example: yesterday, tomorrow, school and others.

According to Kamil and Hiebert (2005 p.3), there are two kinds of vocabulary. They are productive and receptive vocabulary.

1) The productive vocabulary is the words that are familiar or easy to recognize and these are often used by an individual, particular in writing and speaking.



2) The receptive vocabulary is the words that are less familiar to students as well as are considered being less to be used or the students may not use these spontaneous for they may recognize the words‟ meaning as they are reading and listening.

Moreover, Kamil and Hiebert (2005 p.3) also mention other kinds of vocabulary beside productive and receptive vocabulary. In this case, the oral vocabulary refers to the words that their meanings are known in speaking or reading orally, whereas the print vocabulary is,considered as the words of which their meanings, known in writing or reading silently.

According to Fromkin, Rodman, and Hyams (2003 p.73-74) classify words in a language in to two terms. They are:

1) Content word is the word used to express or describe things such as actions, object, attributes and ideas. It consists of noun, verb, adjective, and adverb.

2) Function word is a word that does not have clear concepts or meaning related to the word and it is only used in terms of grammatical function. It consists of preposition, article and pronoun.

According to Thornburry (2002, p 56) the other important aspect in vocabulary is the meaning of the words. One word has relation to other words. Categories such as follows: Synonym, antonym and Homonym. Based on the explanation above, the writer assums that the


students should be mastering vocabularymastery and understand all words of the language, such as : Noun, Verb, Adverb and Adjective.

The researcher alsosaid vocabulary mastery of English language should bemeaningful content, practicing to communicate with theirfriends and not only memorizing the words but practice thenew vocabularies with the others.

c. Component of Vocabulary

Vocabularies are classified into function and content of words.

The classification of word intended into nouns, pronouns, verb, adjective, preposition, conjunction, and interjection, in classification of the words are categorized as follows:

1) Adjective is a word used to add to the meaning of noun.

2) Adverb is a word used to add something to the meaning of a verb, and adjectives, or another adverb.

3) Preposition is a word used with a noun or pronoun to show how the person or thing denoted by the noun or pronoun stands in relation to something else.

4) Pronoun is a word used in place of nouns.

5) Verb is a word used to say something about some person, place, or thing.

6) Noun is a word used as the name of a person, place, or thing.

7) Conjunction is a word used to join words or sentence.

8) Interjection is a word which expresses some sudden feeling.



Based on the above explanation, the researcher will be focused on noun especially in the name of thing in the school and the name of public places. Noun is a word used as the name a person, place, and thing, an idea or quality of mind is defined as noun. Then, Collins Cobuild says that noun is used to identify a person or thing. So, noun is a word used to identify the name a person, place and thing.

From the statements above, the researcher concluded that noun is a word that used to name of things, such as person, place or things.

1) Kinds of Nouns.

Kinds of noun divided into four, those are:

a) Proper Noun

Proper noun is words which begin capital letters and are not at the beginning of sentences is often the names of people, place, or institution. Proper nouns also called proper names are nouns representing unique entities. Example: London, Indonesia, China, Malang, Surabaya, Medan, Zahra, and Akbar, etc.

b) Common Noun

Common noun is noun which states in general cognition.

Example: Car, book, radio, man, woman, mountain, sea, etc.

c) Collective Nouns

Collective noun is the name of collection of things or persons.

Example: audience, committee, class, crew, crowd, enemy, faculty, family, flock, folk, government, group, herd, jury, majority, minority, nation, orchestra, press, public, team.


d) Material Noun.

Material noun is noun which states matter or essence whatever something made, example:

i. This table is made of wood ii. That temple was built of marble 2) Types of Nouns.

Types of noun divided into two kinds.

a) Countable Noun.

Countable nouns are things we can count. Example: umbrella, apple, radio, bus, truck, piano, cat, foot, boy and girl.

b) Uncountable Noun.

Uncountable nouns are things we cannot count. They have no plural. Example: sand, sugar, rice, oil, tea, coffee, milk, water, sugar, etc.

3) Form of Nouns a) Concrete Noun

A concrete noun is a word for a physical object that can be perceived by the senses- we can see, touch, smell the object (flower, girl).

b) Abstract Noun

An abstract noun is a word for a concept- it is an idea that exists in our minds only (beauty, justice, mankind).

4) Numbers of Nouns a) Singular Noun.



Singular noun is a single word. A noun that denotes one person or thing, is said to be in the Singular Number; as, boy, girl, cow, bird, tree, book, etc.

b) Plural Noun.

Plural noun is a word which points objects more than one person or thing, for example, boys, girls, cows, birds, tress, books, etc.

From the four kinds of noun above, the researcher only focuses on two kinds of noun, countable and uncountable noun. Countable noun is the name of a thing that can be counted or divided into singular and plural and it names anything (anyone) that can be counted. While uncountable noun, is the name of a thing that can’t be counted or divided into singular or plural.

It means uncountable noun is a noun which does have a plural form, and which refers to something that can’t be counted.

d. Teaching Vocabulary

Brown (2001, p. 18) states teaching is defined as showing or helping someone tolearn how to do something, giving instruction, guiding innthe study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or understand. Based on explanation, teaching vocabulary is an activity where the teacher gives the students knowledge about vocabulary and how to use it in daily life. Teaching


vocabulary is not easy to do. Teaching vocabulary deals with knowing meaning from the words.

In teaching vocabulary, the teacher have responsibility to make the students‟ successful in their teaching. Theteacher should teach the material that suitable with thestudents need by using the appropriate strategy, media,technique, etc, and use them to achieve the goal.

Teaching through media is a variation a lesson and increase students‟

motivation. By using media, the teacher could create a good atmosphere in the classroom, so that the students did not tense to learn sometimes, students did not realize that they are learning, it means that they could be increase their vocabulary mastery. Thornbury (2002, p.13) states that without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed.

It means that in teaching vocabulary the teacher have to know how to teach students in order to make the students able to remember the vocabulary. They should be more creative in teaching vocabulary and they must be able to know what the media should be and suitable with their lesson.

e. Parts of Speech

English grammar books usually concern about 8 Parts of Speech.

There are Nouns, Pronouns, Adjectives, Adverbs, Verbs, Conjunctions, Prepositions, and Interjections. If we do not know what part of speech a word is, we are more likely to use it incorrectly. This is especially true with words which part of speech can be more than one. Here,



Nunan (2003, p. 67) focus primarily on vocabulary of any language, including English vocabulary, consists of those parts of speech.

1) A noun is a word (other than a pronoun) that represent any of a class of people, places, or things (common noun), or to name a particular one of these (proper noun). For example:

Person – Nicholas Place – countryside Thing – pen

Idea – equality Animal – kangaroo Quality – wseventh Activity – supervision

2) A pronoun is a word that is used as a substitution for a noun or noun phrase (e.g., I, you) which is called pronoun antecedent or something mentioned elsewhere in the discourse (e.g., she, it, this).

For example: Mira wondered whether she should go to the party.

―Mira is the antecedent of the pronoun ―she

3) An adjective is words that modifies or describes other word like a noun or a pronoun. For example: nice, delicious, happy, fast.

4) An adverb is words that is used to change, modify or qualify a verb, another adverb, or an adjective. For example: nicely, happily, fast.


5) A verb is action words in a sentence that describe what the subject is doing or a word that expresses action or existence. For example:

run, study, go.

6) A conjunction is one of part of speech that connects words, phrases, or clauses. To remember it, it can be concluded as ―The fanboys (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).

7) A preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words within a sentence. For example: upon, under, over, up, in, out.

8) Interjections is a word that express emotion or surprise. For example: Wow! Ouch! Help! Super!

Based on the explanation above, the writer will be focused on noun especially in the name of thing in the school and the name of public places. Dhaksin (2003, p. 6) noun is a word used as the name a person, place, and thing, an idea or quality of mind is defined as noun.

Cobuild (2003, p. 5) adds that noun is used to identify a person or thing. So, noun is a word used to identify the name a person, place and thing.

2. Word Wall Strategy

a. Definition of Word Wall Strategy

Cronsberry (2004, p 3) states that a Word Wall is a group of words that are displayed on a wall, bulletin board, chalkboard, or whiteboard in the classroom. Callela (2001, p. 3) states that Word



Wall is an organized collection of words written in large print and displayed in an area of the classroom where it can be easily seen.

Jackson and Narvaez (2013, p.49) Interactive Word Walls are an effective teaching strategy. They support the development of scientific thinking; build academic vocabulary; and reinforce important patterns while providing an overview of each lesson, and upon completion, an overview of the unit as well. Interactive word walls are useful to students not only in unifying related terms and concepts, but also in helping students visualize connections between vocabulary, inquiry experiments, their own interests, and experiences.

A word wall is a list of words that are related to each other in some ways. Word Wall are used as a tool to teach a language concept.

Often, they are displayed in large letters on the wall and used in joint class exercises, but the list of wall words printed in smaller words can be used for various teaching exercises. Word Wall has become a popular tool to teach literacy strategies in today's classrooms. Teachers display selected words on a wall or bulletin board and use them as the basis of word identification study. It means the technique direct students’ attention to the words on the wall during lessons, in this way the students saw the progress in developing their reviewed of vocabulary and have a reference point when working on other vocabulary building activities.


According to Allen (2007, p.120) in book of “Inside Words:

Tools for Teaching Academic Vocabulary” Word Walls can work in a variety of ways to support reading, writing, and talk in classrooms.

Allen (2007, p.70) states “Word Walls were absolutely essential in our classrooms, because teacher and students worked together in texts through your shard and reading when students encounter unfamiliar words, and when we build concept-related words or topical categories, we need to have the words in full view so that the student can see them and use them in reviews their writing”. Other definition of the Word Wall is a categorical listing of words that have been taught in the classroom and displayed on the wall. Students can then refer to reviews these words during direct instruction or throughout the day.

This is in line with Cronsberry (2004, p.58) who said that Word Wall can be help students to build work, and explain ideas through oral communication. Additionally, when students use the Word Wall, they become more conscious of words and definitions. It also helps students become aware of vocabulary in the world around them. Regarding to the definition above, Word Wall is a systematically organized collection of words displayed in large letters on a wall or other large display place in the classroom. It is a tool to use, not just display. It is not enough to simply have a word wall in the classroom.



b. The Importance of Using Word Wall Strategy

According to Callela (2001, p.34) Word Walls provided students with easy access to words they need to know during activities, there are some point of the important of using Word Walls in teaching vocabulary included the following:

1) Provides a visual for students that help them to remember words.

2) Serves as an important tool for help students learn to read.

3) Foster students’ independence.

4) Promotes reading and writing.

c. The Procedure of Word Wall Strategy

According to Cronsberry (2004, p.3) a Word Wall Strategy are a group of words that are displayed on a wall, bulletin board, chalkboard, or whiteboard in a classroom. The words are printed in a large font so that the students are easily visible from all their seating areas. To implementation a Word Wall Strategy in teaching English vocabulary there are some procedures and its procedures has divided into some steps activities. The first activities prepare by the teacher while the teacher teaching the topic. The teacher explains the topic about descriptive text by using Word Wall Strategy as follows. The steps of using Word Wall strategy by Jackson (2013, p.90). To build the vocabulary by using Word Wall Technique, we can follow some of the steps below.


Step 1: Planning the Word Wall

Determine vocabulary needs, purposeful planning provides opportunities to plan instructional activities that focus on core science ideas, performance expectations, and vocabulary with fidelity-all while heeding district guidelines. First, we distinguish between familiar (prior knowledge) and new vocabulary. We determine familiar vocabulary by looking at the previous grade level science standards.

Vocabulary words that students learned in prior grades and may have forgotten are considered familiar vocabulary, and they will be direct taught. New vocabulary is introduced through inquiry and targeted during classroom explanations and discussion and posted on the Word Wall.

Step 2: Create a Student Worksheet

After identify vocabulary and sketch the interactive Word Wall, we prepare a student worksheet that mirrors our sketch. Students are given copies of the organizer worksheet that they complete as the Word Wall is constructed during the unit.

Step 3: Place the Word Wall

Once we have selected vocabulary, have an idea of how specific concepts are linked, sketched the Word Wall, and prepared the student organizer worksheet, we are ready to place the word wall frame in our classroom. Wall space and room arrangements often determine the configuration and placement of word walls.



Step 4: Build the Wall in Class

Once the Word Wall is placed, we are ready to build the wall with our students. We like to plan and structure instruction around the construction of the Word Wall. We strategically introduce target vocabulary and highlight connections to previously established words or concepts during instruction. When asked to explain their Word Wall, students eagerly share what elements they contributed and explain the inquiry experience that the wall When asked to explain their Word Wall, students eagerly share what elements they contributed and explain the inquiry experience that the wall represents.

Step 5: Complete Student Record Sheet and Word Wall Together Student organizer worksheets mirror the Word Wall. As the Word Wall sections are completed, students fill in corresponding sections of their organizer.

d. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Word Wall

There are some advantages of using Word Wall in teaching vocabulary, Word Walls provided students with easy access to words they need to know during activities. Other advantages a Word Wall serves a variety of purposes, included the following:

1) Provides a visual for students that help them to remember words.

2) Serves as an important tool for helping students learn to read.

3) Foster student independence.

4) Promotes reading and writing.


The disadvantages of using Word Wall technique are:

1) Require time to develop

2) Require equipment to reproduce.

3) There were sometimes viewed as busy work.

To overcome the disadvantages above the teacher will prepare the material and Word Wall well, gave explanation how to make it clearly and manage the class effectively.

B. Relevant Research

The researcher found other previous studies related to this investigation, there are some relevant studies done in different contexts as follows :

The First Study is conducted by Siska (2011) about the influence of using Word Wall toward students’ vocabulary mastery at MTS Al-Furqan Dumai. She found that the use of Word Wall based on the observation is good.

It had supported the students in learning activities including writing, reading and speaking, attract students’ attention in mastering vocabulary and makes classroom’s atmosphere more interesting. Based on the result of test items, it is found that the students’ score of experiment class was higher than control class.

The second research was presented by Dewi (2012). She conducted a study about improving students’ vocabulary mastery through Word Wall, class action research on the first grade students of SMPN 2 Tuntang in Academic Year 2012/2013. The aim of the this research is to find whether Word Wall



can improve students vocabulary and make students interest in in teaching learning process by word wall strategy. The research use classroom action research as method of this research. The research also use pre-test and post test in teaching learning process. The result of her research is that the use of Word Wall Strategy can improve the student vocabulary. It can be showed by the score that get and also she can change their comprehension that looked better.

The third researcher was Resi Novalia about using Word Wall media to help improve the vocabulary achievement of the second year students of SMP Negeri 5 Tapung Hilir”. The word wall media is very supportive in learning vocabulary so that students are more interested in learning English.

This study conducted using Classroom Action Reserach (CAR) to improve students’ vocabulary achievement the second year students of SMPN 5 Tapung Hilir. This research wa conducted in two test in four meeting in teaching and learning. This research conducted a whether the Word Wall Media can to improve the students’ vocabulary achievement. The result of mean score in pre-test is 66,83 mean scores in post-test is 69,16 and mean scores in post-test is 76,66. The result of this research proved that the word walls media can to improve students’ vocabulary achievement.

The last research conducted by Sarina (2020) about the effect of using Word Wall Strategy toward students’ vocabulary mastery on descriptive text at SMP Hayati Dumai. The results of data analysis show that the average score of students taught before using the Word Wall Strategy is 50.60, while the


scores of students taught after using the Word Wall Strategy get an average of 76.80 where Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. Thus, the researcher concluded that there were significant differences before and after teaching using the Word Wall Strategy on seventh grade students at SMP Hayati Dumai.

The similarity between the researchers above and this research is the aim of the study, to increase students' vocabulary by using Word Wall in vocabulary learning. The difference between this study and previous research is that the research location where the school used for research has never used Word Wall in teaching vocabulary, teachers only teach using conventional methods in the form of lectures guided by textbooks. And this research serves as a complement to previous research which states that wordwalls have a positive effect on vocabulary learning and are able to improve students' vocabulary mastery, especially in seventh grade. So, the researcher will test whether Word Wall can have a positive effect or not in vocabulary learning.

C. Operational Concept

Operational concept which is used to avoid misunderstanding and misinterpreting in scientific study, therefore, there are two variables that are used in this research, using Word Wall Strategy as independent variable (x) and vocabulary mastery (y) as dependent variable.

1. The indicators of Word Wall Strategy (Variable X) as follows:

According to (Erin, 2011), there are some indicators from the Word Wall Strategy to improve students’ vocabulary mastery:

a. Put the words where all students can see them to make them more



visible. To help readers identify between terms that are easily confused, they should be written in huge black characters on a variety of background colors.

b. Words that appear on the Word Wall should be selective chosen by teachers. Include familiar words that students use the most frequently in their writing.

The characteristic of Word Wall according to Brabham & Villaume (2001), every teacher is different when deciding on how to display, arrange, and use Word Wall in the classroom, but there are some common characteristics:

a. Every word lists is suitable for classroom and is composed of developmentally appropriate words.

b. Words are chosen to serve particular educational objectives.

c. Collections are cumulative; as new words are added, the familiar ones are kept in mind.

d. Activities and discussions centered around Word Wall offer conversational frameworks that organize how students learn, process, and apply words.

e. Wall writing acts as a temporary visual aid for kids to read independently.

The researcher uses several steps in teaching vocabulary by using Word Wall According to Jennifer Cronsberry (2008, p.3):


Steps 1: Brainstrom a list of words

a. Teacher gives the text to students to read and understand the text.

b. Students select vocabulary from the text and sketch a concept map or make brainstorm a list of word.

c. After reading the text and select vocabulary students make a vocabulary planning document to ensure that vocabulary selection is focused and systematic.

Steps 2: Prepare and build a Word Wall

a. Teacher chooses the appropriate place or wall to build the Word Wall.

Students build the word walls during the class. In this activity students can use cardboard to build their word walls frame, it is to help theme creative and motivate their interest.

b. After they finish, teacher ask the students to discuss their Word Wall.

Give them a chance to explain the new vocabulary they got from the text.

Steps 3: Review Words

a. Multiple exposures to new words are keys to understanding the nuances of a word’s meaning. Review words and continually use them in new and varied contexts. After doing the activity, teacher asks the students to read, understand the meaning and analyze words by words and how many words that they are remember.

2. The Indicators of Vocabulary Mastery (variable Y) as follows:

After students complete the Word Wall project, students are given



the opportunity to present and discuss their work. After completing the activity students are expected to understand, analyze and master most of the word for word of text they are working on. To measure the average level of students' mastery of vocabulary obtained from the texts they worked on, the researchers gave a multiple choice test. Where the indicators are measured according to the VII grade SMP syllabus guide and theory by Ur (1996).

Based on the syllabus, in the linguistic element section of the text, there is a special subject matter for measured descriptive text vocabulary, namely, students are expected to understand and master pronouns, adjectives, verbs, nouns, and adjectives. In accordance with the main material, the researcher adapts the indicators that must be measured in this study based on the theory of UR (1996).

a. Students are expected to be able to locate the word's reference.

b. Students are expected to be able to choose words carefully (Aspects of Meaning the Word)

c. Students are expected to be able to use word grammatically.

d. Students are expected to be able to identify a linguistics component (especially pronoun, verb, and adjective)

D. Assumption and Hypothesis 1. Assumption

In this research, the writer assumes that Word Wall Strategy can improve students’ vocabulary mastery.


2. Hypothesis

Based on assumption above, hypothesis of this study can forwarded as follows:

Ho : There is no significant difference of using Word Wall Strategy to improve students’ vocabulary mastery at the seventh grade student of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut.

Ha : There is a significant difference of using Word Wall Strategy to improve students’ vocabulary mastery the seventh grade student of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut.



A. Research Design

This research used a quantitative method with quasi-experimental design. The quantitative method is numerical research data and is statistically analyzed to look for answers from the formulation of the research problem (Creswell, 2018). In this research, the researcher used a quasi experimental method, to identify the effectiveness of using Word Wall Strategy on students vocabulary achievement. Creswell (2008, p.330) states that quasi-experiment is experimental situation in which the writer assigns participants to groups, but not randomly.

Furthermore, Gay and Airasian (2000, p.394) state that quasi- experimental design is used when the writer keeps the students in existing classroom intact and the entire classrooms are assigned to treatments. In addition, Mujis (2004, p.26) state that educational interventions in schools are typically evaluated using quasi experimental designs. It was an appropriate one to this research in order to know the significant effect of using Word Wall Strategy toward students’ vocabulary mastery at MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut.

Therefore, the writer determine that research was a quasi-experimental research, especially non-equivalent control group design. It was structured like a pretest-posttest randomized experiment, but it lacks the key feature of the


random assignment. In the non-equivalent control group design, we most often used intact groups that we tought are similar as the treatment and control groups. It was also supported by Campbell and Stanley (2000, p. 67) state that non-equivalent control group design involves an experimental group and a control group both given a pretest and a posttest, but in which the control group and the experimental group do not have pre-experimental sampling equivalence.

Table III.1

Nonequivalent Control Group Design

Pre-test Treatment Post-test Difference

Experimental Group Y O Y Pre-Y – Post

Control Group Y Y Pre- Y – Post-Y

In conducting this research, the researcher used pretest and post-test to both groups, conducted experimental treatment activities with the experimental group only. The pre-test used to measure the students’

vocabulary mastery before used Word Wall Strategy and to know how large the significant effect of Word Wall Strategy. So, it compared with post-test to find out the significant effect of Word Wall Strategy itself.

B. Time and Location of the Research

This research was done for eight meetings (6 meetings for treatments and 2 meeting for pretest and posttest), it was started for 22 September 2022 until Oktober. This research was conducted at the seventh grade students of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut, located in Pangkalan Bunut, Pelalawan Regency.



C. Subject and Object of the Research

Subject of this research was the seventh grade students of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut. The object of this research was the effect of using Word Wall Strategy toward students’ vocabulary mastery.

D. Population and Sample of the Research 1. The Population of the Research

According to Sugiyono (2019, p.61), the population is a generalization area consisting of objects/subjects that has certain qualities and characteristics. Kadir (2019, p.118) says, population is the set of all individuals who can provide data and information for a study. The population of this research was the seventh grade students of MTs Al Hamidiyah Pangkalan Bunut. The population was 66 students, that consists of 3 classes sorted by ranking from the highest score to the lowest score in the previous semester.

Table III.2 The Total Population

No. Class Total

1. VII A 22

2. VII B 22

3. VII C 22

Total 66

2. Sample of the Research

The sample was a portion taken from the entire object studied and was considered to represent the entire population. The sampling technique in this study was purposive sampling. The reason for used the purposive


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