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Academic year: 2023



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Ajay Ray

Department of Industrial Engg.& Management,

Takshshila Institute of Engineering & Technology Jabalpur (M.P.) Prof. Alok Agrawal

Department of Mechanical Engineering,

Takshshila Institute of Engineering & Technology Jabalpur (M.P.)

Abstract - The principle purpose of this study is to identify The Problems and Issues Faced by Working Women in Hospital Industries. Since 1970s, the women roles in Indian society are continuously changing. The attitudes of the society are changing, though slowly. The function of women begins within multiple roles simultaneously, operating in the family domains as a mother, spouse and housekeeper, as well as maintaining full-time employment at their work in outside the home. Thus, women are participating in almost all spheres of the economic activity. From city to village, it can be seen that number of women workers and entrepreneurs contributing towards the national income of the country.

Professional women in India are still doing three jobs- office, housework and child care.

Instead of getting credit for the additional burden, this is used for discrediting women as being less committed than men. Working women face domestic problems as well as official matters. In their homes they have to clean the house, cook, and care for their children with family members while when outside they face sexual harassment, transportation problems, Some time they have no control on utilization of their salaries.

Hospital care work as health and cleaning work is mainly performed by women in India. In hospitals women‟s have to work at morning as well as in night shift. There are few studied are available where research has been done related to problems and issues faced by working women in hospital industries. For research work we have divided two groups of hospitals in which first group is we named as hospital a include child specialist, child care and hospital b include brain treatment, bones treatment, all types of diseases.


Some of the major challenges include safe transportation, flexible working hours, night shifts, socio-cultural factors and sexual harassment.

1.1 Leadership style

One such difficulty is the belief that men and women have different leadership styles. Leadership styles attributed to women are believed to reduce their effectiveness in the workplace.

Specifically, women are thought to be more people-oriented in their leadership style and men more task-oriented. The people-oriented leadership style of women is viewed as less likely to inspire productivity among workers [13]. The proportion of women attending college, matriculating from graduate schools, and obtaining doctorate degrees has increased dramatically. No longer are women associated with low expectations both in education and the workforce. Women now seek and obtain the highest leadership

roles in education, professions, and business. For many women, in addition to the roles they hold in their companies, they remain the primary caretakers for their families. As the time constraints and demands of a job become more important upon, promotion forces many women to choose between family and career.

Conversely, many women have voluntarily left their jobs due to family decisions [3].

A good leader is said to use communication as a tool in order to be successful. This in volveslistening, inviting people to talk, conducting dialogue and discussion with co-workers, and communicating through cross-groups composed of both employees and civilians that have a range of competences, as well as passing on relevant information to co- workers. Communication is closely linked to the notion of realizing that the leader does not possess all types of competence or the answers him or herself. Instead, he or she has to be able to pinpoint where


such competence can be found within the working group [7].

Fig-1.1 leadership styles generally attributed to men and women[25]

1.2 Why Study Women Separately The so-called gender paradox in health, i.e. that women are considered to require more health care and report more sickness than men. Al though some progress has been made in the last few years, women’s work-related health problems are still not the subject of mainstream occupational health research;

in fact they are almost “invisible.” In this introductory chapter we will explain why we think that these issues are important, not only for women, but also for the health field as a whole [1]. The present social structure reflects the changes that have come through changing frame of time. The economic pressures of inflation, influence of the women’s movement and the psychological need to develop one’s

„self identity‟ are encouraging the women to take a more active role outside the home to pursue full time careers. This shift from private to public domain gives an impression that women have finally liberated from shackles of patriarchal norms. However, a closer look at the scenario makes us realize that working women face new set of problems involving both family and profession. [19]

2 LITERATUREREVIEW 2.1 Work-Family Conflict 2.1.1Kapur(1974)

Kapur (1974) indicated that women who choose to combine marriage with career face almost a situation of normlessness and they hardly know how to apportion time and resources between these two major responsibilities. This makes tfhem experience great conflict, tension and strain.

2.1.2 Paterson (1978)

Paterson (1978) confirmed that the job taken by women created more conflicting situations for them due to dual role played and inability to tolerate the whole burden.

2.1.3 Holahan and Gilbert (1979) Holahan and Gilbert (1979) also reported that women who assumed home roles (e.g. wife, mother and a home maker) and non home roles (e.g. employee) frequently experienced conflict between competing role demands. Conflicts were considered likely when women perceived their home and career roles as highly desirable but mutually exclusive.

2.1.4 Demo et al.,(1987)

Children can sense their mother’s unhappiness and may become unhappy themselves. It is found that there is a reciprocal relationship between the psychological well-being of parents and their children.

2.1.5 Sekaran (1984) & Ramu (1989) Most studies on work-family role conflict in India have been conducted within the second line of research mentioned above.

These studies have indicated that the division of work and family roles along traditional lines continues to exist for working men and women even in dual career and dual earner families

2.1.6 Greenhaus & Beutell (1985)

Greenhaus & Beutell, 1985 conceptualized work-family conflict as a type of inter-role conflict where both work and family issues exertpressuresonan individual, creating a conflict where compliance with some set of pressures (family matters) increases the difficulty of complying with the other set of pressures (work matters).

2.1.7 Kellyand Voydan off(1985,p368) Kelly and Voydan off (1985, p 368) propose an inductive model of work- family role strain that acknowledges

“multiple levels of social structure and process”. According to the model, work- family role strain is the result of the combined influence of demands and coping resources derived from individual,


3 OBJECTIVE OF THE RESEARCH 3.1 Statement of Problem

The principle purpose of this study is to identify The Problems and Issues Faced by Working Women in Hospital Industries. Women are not seen with suspicious eyes as before; she is more liberated now and can lead a peaceful family life and support it economically as well. Women have become equal participants in many respects at all levels of society. The future would see more women venturing into areas traditionally dominated by men.

3.1.1 Terms of Reference

1. To study the problems and issues faced by working women in hospital industries.

2. To conduct a survey based empirical study to:-

3. Assess safe and adequate environment for women in hospitals.

4. Investigate and examine all matters relating to the safeguards provided for women during working in hospitals.

5. Investigate Effective implementation of those safeguards which are necessary for improving the working conditions.

3.2 Objective

The main aim of this research is to Problems And Issues Faced By Working Women In Hospital Industries. The specific objectives are;

1. Find out the various research works that have been done in the area of Problems and Issues Faced By Working Women In Hospital Industries.

2. Research work split the aria of research by dividing the hospitals in two groups (child care hospitals and multi specialty hospitals) and find out the problems and issues are changing or not according to the group of hospitals.

3. To determine top 5 Problems and Issues Faced by Working Women in child care hospitals and multi specialty hospitals.

4. To find out possible solutions that could help working women to over come the problems and issues that

they face because of working in hospitals


The type of research used for study is descriptive research. It includes facts, findings and enquiries of different kind.

The major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it exists at present.

Primary Data

Primary data means the first through a hand data collected by the researcher is called primary data. Primary data is obtained through questionnaire, observation, direct communication with respondents and personal interviews.

Secondary Data

Secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone else and which have already been passed through statistical process. The secondary data were collected from following source Journal, Text books, Internet, University library

Period of Study

The study about Problems and Issues Faced By Working Women In Hospital Industries.

In Jabalpur districts covers a period of five months that is from June 2015-November 2015.


5.1 Not Happy with Working Time (V1)

The researcher gathered all data on problems and issues faced by working women’s for variable not happy with working time according to the Likert scale. Figure 5.1.1 indicates that only three components which are 3, 4 and 5 are obtained from employee’s response according to the variable not happy with working time and there is no response for components 1 & 2. Result indicates that highest response from employees is strongly agree (5) to the cause of problems and issues faced by working women’s in hospitals.


3 4

4 19

5 94



Table-5.1.1 Not Happy With Working Time(V1)

Figure-5.1.1 Not happy with working time(V1)


6.1.1 Average rating scale for problems and issues faced by working women’s in HOSPITAL A according to all variables which is based on likert scale indicates that the 5 responses from employees and here we are considering the 5 higher mean values, which can be majorly considered as an most impactful variables for problems & issues for women’s in hospital type A, top 5 variables are

1. Not satisfied with your pay (V9) 2. Not happy with working time (V1) 3. Less time for family due to job (V17)

4. Not happy with job security (V22) 5. Insecurity in hospital (V10)

6.1 Average rating scale for problems and issues faced by working women’s in HOSPITAL B according to all variables which is based on likert scale indicates that the 5 responses from employees and here we are considering the 5 higher mean values, which can be majorly considered as an most impactful variables for problems & issues for women’s in hospital type B, top 5 variables are

1. Less time for family due to job (V17) 2. Not satisfied with your pay(V9)

3. Impact on health due to work in hospital (V4)

4. Not happy with working time(V1) 5. In security in hospital (V10)

6.2 Suggestions

1. Most of the respondents feel that they are not able to balance work and personal obligations. In this direction there is a need for creating conducive atmosphere by the hospital

problem can be solved. It is also important that these women working in hospitals also should try to manage to the extent possible. The constraints will be everywhere;

however at individual level also they should try to manage the situation.

In short there is a need for effort from both ends, so that an amicable solution can be possible.

2. Working hours should not exceed 8 hours in hospitals for women working in hospitals. There should be rotation of staff for every 8 hours.

Whenever time spent is more than 8 hours in that case the efficiency of the staff will be affected and especially in hospital profession where this staffs dealing with patients are expected to give best of services to the extent possible. Long working hour is not in the interest of the profession and patients in general.

3. The provision should be created in hospitals for the stress relief. This will definitely reduce the feeling of reluctance or fatigue due to office work pressure.

4. Family support is must. The members of the family should also understand/realize the pressure of the women working in hospitals. The family members should extend full support. This will lead to contribute the morale of the staff very high and able to deliver the services efficiently and effectively.

5. The nature of job in the women working in hospitals is such that it is very difficult to get time to attend social functions. However this cannot be ground for excuse. For these purpose hospitals authorities should understand the importance of this and accordingly by making some alternative arrangements, the staff should be allowed to attend the social functions, otherwise these section of the society will be sidelined from the society.


The top management of hospitals should aim at restructuring its policies whereby they can create a favorable working environment. The findings of the study


reveal that most of the women working in hospitals were dissatisfied with pay, working time, Less time for family due to job, Not happy with job security, Insecurity in hospital, job security, Impact on health due to work in hospital.

Dissatisfaction among women working in hospitals can be reduced by improving the quality of work life by providing an attractive system of rewards and recognition of good work and improving the working environment.


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