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(Issue 4, Oct) Harbouring Healthcare @IITH


Academic year: 2023

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Dr. Patel's laboratory is now engaged in research to better understand the molecular mechanisms of these diseases. It is very difficult to determine the presence of most DNA damages in the DNA.

Figure 1: Potential mechanisms of triclosan induced neurotoxicity in developing zebrafish embryos.
Figure 1: Potential mechanisms of triclosan induced neurotoxicity in developing zebrafish embryos.

Research Dairy

NAS Lab IITH- Dept. of BME

This difference in the size of the nanoparticles resulted in different colors that allow the cancerous sample to be detected. This technique does not require pretreatment of the sample, nor does it require equipment or medical knowledge for analysis.

Smart and Noninvasive Combinational Therapies for Cancer

BH-HIFU has been shown to cause the immune system to 'wake up' and respond against tumors (Fig.4). Monotherapy failed to treat these tumors, but the combination of BH-HIFU and immunotherapy worked well.

Figure 4: HIFU generates an immune response that could help the body fight the tumor. From:
Figure 4: HIFU generates an immune response that could help the body fight the tumor. From:

3D Bio-printing of Tissues and Organs

Vascular stiffness is a known marker of cardiovascular health, and increased vascular stiffness will lead to increased wall stress. This can lead to damage to the elastic elements of blood vessels and accelerate the degeneration of arteries that would otherwise occur due to aging.

Sweet path to hard vessels

Very interestingly, we found that increased blood glucose levels after glucose ingestion led to increased vascular stiffness. Abnormal increases in vascular stiffness could potentially lead to higher cyclic stress in blood vessels after a meal and have the potential to accelerate vascular damage.

Building Virtual Patients in-silico

Over the past two decades, there has been an increasing trend in consumption of fast food and sugar-sweetened beverages (fruit juices and drinks, carbonated drinks, energy drinks) among Indian children. To the extent possible, avoid the consumption of JUNCS foods and beverages by all children and adolescents.

Doctor Dairy

In view of the easy availability and increasing trend of consumption of fast food and sugar-sweetened beverages (juices and drinks, sodas, energy drinks) among Indian children, and their association with increased obesity and non-communicable diseases associated transmissible, a new acronym. Otherwise, limit consumption of JUNCS foods at home/out and suggest no more than one serving per week; that serve no more than 50% of the total daily energy intake for that age.


The World Health Organization has said that children under the age of five do not need to wear masks if they are infected for "source control". If you have pre-existing medical conditions: Continue taking your medication and do not change your treatment plan without consulting your doctor.

Stay healthy and protected during this current pandemic

However, infants and children with certain underlying medical conditions may be at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19. COVID-19 and Pregnancy: Based on what we know at this time, pregnant women are at higher risk of severe illness from COVID-19 compared to non-pregnant women.

Student Dairy

Fluorescence anisotropy in deciphering biophysical properties of membranes and proteins

It is global, not only in the sense of its spread, but also on an individual level where it globally or comprehensively affects all aspects of our lives, regardless of whether we have the disease or not. In the new normal, we are trying to get used to and accept the COVID-19 precautions.

Life on campus before and after COVID-19

As students, we are all doing our best to adapt to the new norms and understand the need to do so. Also, in trying to coexist with the new norms, we are also focused towards the goal for which we are all here, ie.

Enhanced bioactivity of hydroxyapatite with iron oxide nanoparticles for theranostics

In our recently published study on the doping of iron oxide nanoparticles with hydroxyapatite (10.1016/j.ceramint), we have reported the accelerated synthesis of nanomagnetic hydroxyapatite (nMHAp) in simulated body fluid, which is one of the novel methods so far. By comparing amino acid sequences and analyzing the docking and simulation results of TRs from different parasitic organisms against Auranofin, we have mapped the binding site of the drug and proposed the plausible mechanism of transfer of Au, which provides a basis for understanding the formation of metal-coordinated adducts ( 5). designed some of the Auranofin analogs, which showed better results in silico compared to the parent molecule, Auranofin, which can be optimized and tested in the future as potential drugs against TRs (5).

Turning the untapped stones of the repurposed drug Auranofin

Self-management among patients with Type II diabetes

It also focused on understanding discrepancies in patients', carers' and doctors' views of the disease and treatment, implying a need to focus on communication interventions to improve day-to-day diabetes management.

Parental stress among couples when the woman has chronic kidney disease (CKD)

Psycho-oncology in India

The multifaceted aspect of health: A biopsychosocial approach

Cultural contexts of health-seeking

Proteins are manufactured in the cell through a series of events, from DNA to messenger RNA (mRNA) and to protein. Mechanistically, m6A is added to the GGACU consensus sequence in the mRNA, which is usually found near splice sites in the mRNA. So the m6A reader, along with other accessory proteins, helps cleave specific factors to include or exclude a piece of sequence in the mRNA, generating different isoforms.

Tackeling Cancer at Molecular Level

My journey in the field of architecture and design starts from College of Engineering and Technology, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. At one such facility, I met Nibedit Dey, and this led to the development of IBrum Technologies, a start-up that caters to health and sustainable products. Our system can be of great help in quarantine centers, clinics, nursing homes for COVID-19 where the viral load in the air is very high and will make it relatively safe for healthcare workers to provide care appropriate for patients.

IIT Hyderabad – A cradle for young start-ups

I joined IIT Hyderabad way back in July 2017 and since then I have had an incredible journey of research, product development and a start-up. Swatchh Air, Bio-Bricks and Face Shield are three of our projects that were selected and it led to the development of the prototypes. The outside of the wall will be whitewashed up to a height of 5 feet to protect the Bio-Bricks from rain.

Figure 14: Working Metholody and concept behind Swatchh Air
Figure 14: Working Metholody and concept behind Swatchh Air

Incubatee Dairy

We are living in a world where allopathic antimicrobial drugs are ruling the healthcare system given the increasing incidence of infections. Although allopathic antimicrobial drugs have been shown to provide some pharmacological action, they are associated with drug resistance and side effects. Ancient Indian Ayurveda has an abundance of antimicrobial drugs that can help cure and alleviate most less resistant infections.

Amicrobe Herboceuticals - Therapy by nature

With the fundamental skill of observation and the knowledge and skills acquired during the fellowship, the fellows identified a huge number of problems in the healthcare ecosystem. Through the biodesign process, the fellows were able to identify their main needs, which were reconfirmed in clinical settings and also with invited experts. The company was incubated under CfHE and was founded by Habib Ali and Sreehari KG.

Figure 22: Proposed Solution by Amicrobe Herboceuticals
Figure 22: Proposed Solution by Amicrobe Herboceuticals

Be able with BeAble

Stroke is considered to be one of the leading causes of disability in India and worldwide. Using ArmAble, patients engaged in therapy for a longer period of time and performed more repetitions. With continuous mentoring and support from CfHE, BeAble Health was able to identify a strong need and conceptualize an appropriate solution.

During this fellowship, we underwent intense clinical immersion and understood the healthcare needs of today's society. It is believed that parenthood is one of the greatest joys in the world, and every new parent wants nothing more than a healthy baby. We use unobtrusive wireless wearable sensors and networks, analytical algorithms and big data as tools to provide continuous, high-resolution monitoring and preventative care for every patient in the hospital and at home - ensuring that no stone is left unturned to prevent any form of prevent mortality and morbidity, especially at the bottom of the pyramid.

Figure 26: Team HeaMac during field exploration, understanding the problem Statement
Figure 26: Team HeaMac during field exploration, understanding the problem Statement

Adore the gift of Parenthood by Nemocare

NemoCare Wellness aims to end all preventable newborn and maternal deaths in the developing world by building innovative, affordable, accessible and highly accurate monitoring solutions for the emerging markets. Worldwide, three million babies die every year in the first month of life, and 98% of these deaths occur in developing countries. Nemocare sees the huge potential in this area as the market size for baby monitor equipment for India alone is $1.2 billion.

Figure 28: Team Nemocare at an exhibition demonstrating the product and concept.
Figure 28: Team Nemocare at an exhibition demonstrating the product and concept.

Alumnus Diary

Cherish the Campus Life

The small size of the batch for masters and its relations with Japan made me join IITH. We worked on DNA repair and I learned all the molecular biology, from bacterial culture to gene cloning and protein expression in the lab. The campus and its always flexible always trying to get the latest of the things, technology, buildings are the best part of it.

Enjoy your life to the fullest

Or email me at Insti ID es16btech11012@iith.ac.in or akshitakamsali@gmail.com. I enjoyed most of the subjects taught at IITH as the courses are diverse and research oriented. Therefore, we did not have the opportunity to have practical experience with most of the experiments.

Looking at research-oriented Curriculum, come to IITH

I would like that MSc program should be changed for Department of Biotechnology and include wet and dry lab experience for students because students will represent IITH, Department of Biotechnology in future and should be taught best. I joined IITH because of the interdisciplinary environment provided to the students, it was a very enriching experience as the courses included undergraduate, masters and PhD students which helped me gather so much knowledge and perception. Also, because of the interdisciplinary environment IITH provides, I can think outside the box and identify problems in my research more effectively than my colleagues.

Keep working hard towards your goals with a determined mindset

I enjoyed bio-nanotechnology and tissue engineering the most as the courses were very well designed to help us improve our creative and innovative thinking. We were motivated to put forward our own ideas and design projects in a team that helped me understand how to come up with ideas and plan projects. My education at IITH enhanced my creative skills and helped me to think and work independently during my PhD. I learned some of the most important aspects of life that I happen to use/remember until now.

Pain is temporary but CGPA is permanent

IIT Hyderabad was only 2 years old so there wasn't much data available at that time, so the decision was entirely made by the founding team. The excitement of the new IIT with fresh faces made me join the then emerging IIT Hyderabad. Most exciting, however, was Clinical Healthcare, where field visits took place to understand medical needs from both a physician and consumer perspective.

Stay true to yourself, explore different opportunities

The least enjoyable subject would be Applied Mathematics, which had a very small impact on my studies. Had also been part of several cultural and hostel teams helping and volunteering for workshops and public events. The motivation of faculty advisors (Harikrishnan N. Unni and Subha N Rath) also played a major role.

Campus Corner

IIT Gandhinagar, in collaboration with IISC Bangalore & IIT Hyderabad has organized a two-day webinar on. IIT Hyderabad in joint collaboration with NRDC & NITIE organized a unique webinar on 'Intellectual Property &. This program is conducted by Art of Living in collaboration with AICTE (All India Council of Technical Education) at IIT Hyderabad.

IITH in News

IITH’s Bank of Knowledge

Before joining IITH, he worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Physics, University of Cincinnati. Prior to that he was a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of Chicago, USA. He joined IIT Hyderabad in the year of 2015 as a Junior Engineer (Electrical) and was promoted to Assistant Engineer (Electrical) in 2020 after 5 years of service at IITH.

Moments of Pride


Figure 1: Potential mechanisms of triclosan induced neurotoxicity in developing zebrafish embryos.
Figure 2: Schematic showing the colorimetric  detection of cervical cancer using “C-ColAur”
Figure 3: HIFU can noninvasively treat tumors inside the body using ultrasound energy (nonionizing radiation), and lead to tumor regression and cure.
Figure 4: HIFU generates an immune response that could help the body fight the tumor. From:


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He has worked as Brain Korean 21 BK21 Research Professor at the Department of Environmental Engineering and Biotechnology, Myongji University, South Korea and Co- researcher in Energy