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ACCENT JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS ECOLOGY & ENGINEERING Available Online:www.ajeee.co.in Vol.02, Issue 04, April 2017, ISSN -2456-1037 (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL)



Assistant professor

Department of Ancient History, Women PG College Basti, UP

Abstract- The vast majority significant and only that area is Kashmir valley. It will be mossycup oak vital area in the whole Himalaya, not best to India as well as for that landmass of Asia. Kashmir valley may be an oval dun (valley) about tectonic development root. Once an easing guide that valley from claiming Kashmir takes a gander in a white foot print set in the impostor from claiming bootleg mountains. South of Kashmir valley comprises four districts- Anantanag, Pulwama, Kulgam and Shopian. Anantanag may be 52 km‟s to the south from claiming Srinagar. It may be a paramount town the greatest after Srinagar. It may be those area from claiming endless ancien administration Hindu temples for example, such that Kouther temples, Martand temple, Mamal sanctuary and so forth throughout this way, observing and stock arrangement of all instrumentation may be enha.

Pulwama region is arranged 32 km‟s from Srinagar. It is a spot Hosting parts for antiquated delightful temples for example, such that Vishnu shiva temples from claiming Avantipor;

Vishnu sanctuary about Payar and so on. Cut crazy of Anantanag region the Pulwama locale went under being clinched alongside 1979. Locale Kulgam will be arranged on the banks for waterway Vishav, toward a separation from claiming regarding 70 km‟s starting with Srinagar, it may be referred to for its blessed old sanctuary for Devsar. Region Shopian An foot knoll 55 km‟s from Srinagar will be lying in the end vicinity about Pir Panjal mountain range, those town is well known to its apples Be that as fails to offer old sanctuary structural engineering.


The antiquated hindu sanctuary building design for soutane kashmir is talked about region insightful as takes after:.


It may be something like 20 km‟s a wide margin far starting with principle Anantanag town. It will be arranged with respect to right side for AchabalChittergul street. Throughout aged times it might have been known as Similarly as Kothier.

It is an fascinating authentic site. It comprises of a water tank, exactly rooms and temples of old times. These monuments need aid examined one by one Similarly as under:. Throughout the visit, that main creator discovered a water tank in front of the temples. This water tank will be hardware molded made up about Devri stones settled one another (without At whatever „Mud Motor‟. On the left side of primary doorway entryway i discovered nine little rooms of rectangular shape, the period Furthermore broadness of each room may be 4×4 ft.

On the cleared out side of fundamental door An square formed sanctuary about Devri stones might have been fabricated Toward a portion obscure man. This sanctuary comprises of

hardware top banana Furthermore eight staircases. Both square Also round formed Devri stones were utilized within this sanctuary. This sanctuary comprises

„L‟ molded corners. Those length &

broadness of this sanctuary will be 43×26 ft.

This webpage also comprises of an additional square sanctuary arranged ahead cleared out side of primary doorway. It need verandah (balcony). The build from claiming this sanctuary may be made up of three layers of Devri stones. The length & broadness from claiming this sanctuary is 34×33 ft.

On the cleared out side of the principle entrance, seven rooms were fabricated maybe to Brahmanical priests.

In front from claiming these seven rooms in turn square sanctuary from claiming Devri stones is display. Its period &

broadness will be 10×10 ft. , internally it is square yet all the its top banana is hardware. Those maximum from claiming this sanctuary may be enlivened with sunflower theme.

In turn square sanctuary is arranged with respect to posterior about water tank. In this sanctuary both square and rectangular Devri stones need been utilized. It need four staircases. It‟s


ACCENT JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS ECOLOGY & ENGINEERING Available Online:www.ajeee.co.in Vol.02, Issue 04, April 2017, ISSN -2456-1037 (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL)

2 length, broadness & tallness will be 8×8×15 ft.

Around good side of principle entrance, the main creator discovered a destroyed divider for Devri stones. Around these stones each stone comprise 7×6 ft.

Long & broadness. These monuments were fabricated by a obscure individual.

There will be no any data regarding their time period. Presently these monuments need aid to destroyed condition.

Fig. No. 01: Circular water tank

Fig. No. 02: Rooms for Brahmanical Monks

Fig. No. 03: Temple without Mud Mortar


Martand is situated at a distance 8 kms from Anantanag. Martand literally means Sun, and is now applied to the ruined temple of the Sun, standing on the top of the lofty plateau of the same name, and commanding a superb view of the valley below. It is the situation on the site of the temple that has added to its grandeur and has excited admiration from all.

Fergusson remarks: “it is the architectural lion of Kashmir, and all tourists think it necessary to go into raptures about its beauty and magnificence comparing it to Palmyra or Thebes or other wonderful groups of ruins of the old world”.

Fig. No. 04: Martand Tempe, photo taken by John Burke in 1868 The sun sanctuary for Martand will be a standout amongst those A large portion popular Also intriguing landmark about medieval Indian craft. At Bhavan (Matan) in Kashmir, six miles from Anantanag- islamabad, a spring hails out of the toe of a limitless plateau, bolstering An tank where, as stated by nearby priestly tradition, the sun lord required been conceived. On the plateau, at a separation for more than An mile, those sanctuary stands, at one time it neglected An solid town in the middle for irrigated gardens, Furthermore actually today a limitless vista through the entire kashmir valley in the course of the sun setting behind those ridges of the Pir Panjal is noticeable from this position. Illustrations for this demolish are discovered over mossycup oak books ahead kashmir or Indian specialty. 6. Sir alexander cunningham and james Fergusson need paid their tribute to it.

The date about this sanctuary is favoured on be 8th century by a portion Archaeologists. Cunningham spots date


ACCENT JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS ECOLOGY & ENGINEERING Available Online:www.ajeee.co.in Vol.02, Issue 04, April 2017, ISSN -2456-1037 (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL)

3 the middle of 370-500 An. D. Be that as Ferguson doesn't concede its framework preceding those 8th century.

Approximately talking it may be the middle of 2,000 and 1,500 A long time old. Those sanctuary of Martand gives the idea will be the vestiges of a stupendous old sanctuary 63 ft. In length encased done An quadrangle from claiming columns arches framing cloisters know round it. It may be around 200 ft. In length 142 ft.

Wide. There are something like 84 cut pillars A large number for which lie prostrate on the ground. 15. Martand with its excellence clinched alongside destruction need mixed those poet‟s dream of a Heber Also urged those reverence of the wisest critics about Indian specialty. It is a dream to stones planned Toward Titans and done Toward jewellers. It just required a glass the event. Its structural engineering is fairer over those webpage of the Parthenon, or of the Taj alternately from claiming St.

Peter, or of the Escorial. The sanctuary toward Martand denote an verification of the Realities specified over. Equilateral triangles toward those gables uncover a similitude with those initial byzantine edifices Also ivories. Comparative references of the trifoliate arches need aid watched in the early medieval european and Bedouin Workmanship. In any case this example might be an aftereffect from claiming happenstance.

For in the arches of the sanctuary doorway Also the middle of its Different halls these trifoliate arches developed on extents for Past the individuals which those Gandhara or Gupta specialists required been acclimated with build Eventually Tom's perusing method for corbelling. Yet here we discover not main the utilization of the correct arch, as well as of bond Furthermore from claiming steel dowels; strategy outsider to Indian art, Yet standard On roman and byzantine symbolization. 18. Those fundamental sanctuary may be square molded. It comprise steps once front side.

Its length Also broadness will be 19×18 ft.

The stature for its build is 3. 5 ft.

Its build comprise about motifs of distinctive gods Furthermore goddesses particularly master Vishnu master shiva.

The principle sanctuary will be encompassed Eventually Tom's perusing

Devri stone way. Its base may be over 6. 5 ft. The principle sanctuary comprises from claiming curve molded entryway for stone shaft on front side. Those over part from claiming fundamental sanctuary comprises of the pictures from claiming goddess Ganga Yamuna.

Fig. No. 05: Main Temple Martand (sun temple)

Fig. No. 06: Inscription engraved on a Devri stone in Sharda Script

Fig. No. 07: Images of different gods and goddesses engraved on the walls of

sun temple at Martand 4 MAMAL TEMPLE:

In Lidder valley at Mamal (anciently called Mamalaka) on the beautiful hillside,


ACCENT JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS ECOLOGY & ENGINEERING Available Online:www.ajeee.co.in Vol.02, Issue 04, April 2017, ISSN -2456-1037 (INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL)

4 covered with blue pines and Himalayan spruce, opposite the Pahalgam camping- ground, 46 miles from Srinagar, nestle the ruins of a small Shiva temple of sculptured stones. The linga in it is, according to Kalhans Rajatarangini, called Mammeshvara. The temple forms a cella of the usual style, measuring 7-3/4 feet square, with a porch resting on columns.

In front of it is a stone-lined spring about 12 feet square, containing limpid water?

This temple escaped destruction at the hands of Sikandar, the „Iconoclast‟. He had, however, gone up the Lidder valley with the intension of proceeding to the cave of Amarnath and breaking the Ice- linga there and also the temple of Mamal en route. On reaching Ganeshbal, he broke the stone image of Ganesh standing in the middle of the Lambodari or Lidar River there. It is said that, when the knee of the image was struck by Sikandar with a hammer, a flood of blood flowed down.

On witnessing this frightful, spectacle, the Iconoclast got terrified and thenceforth desisted from further destruction of the Hindu temples and images. He then abandoned the idea of going farther to Amarnath and returned, regretting his past sacrilegious acts and deeds.


Every last one of temples about soutane Kashmir were constructed from 7 th century on 13th century. These are based of Devri stones. These stones are uncommonly Massine. These stones, When being set done their fitting position were best harshly dressed. Mud mortality table might have been undoubtly utilized yet all the in lesquerella amount. In arrange those temples need aid rectangular quadrangle pierced with phones confronting the patio. Those temples normally comprises of a absolute chamber same time Likewise those doorway need twofold chambered structures Also may be fabricated in the center of the shorter side of the peristylar.

Those door need a twofold flight of steps person outer and the different confronting those sanctuary. There existed no follow whatever from claiming any window alternately openings to At whatever of the known temples about south kashmir Throughout this period.


1. Itoo G. N; Bodha Shahbaz Jammu and Kashmir at a Glance, Haroon Pub., Anantanag, 2004, P-136-37.

2. Know about Jammu and Kashmir; Vishal Pub., Jammu, 2012, P-46.

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4. Know about Jammu and Kashmir; Vishal Pub., Jammu, 2012, P-48-50.

5. Koul. Manohar; Kashmir, Hindu, Buddhist and Muslim Architecture, Sagar Pub., New Delhi. P- 72.

6. Singh. Kr. Nagendra; Cultural Heritage of Jammu, Kashmir and Laddakh vol.2, Jay Kay Pub., Jammu, P- 23.

7. Bamzai. K. N. P; Culture and political history of Kashmir, M. D. Pub., New Delhi, P- 304.

8. Roa. V. S; A history of Kashmir up to 1947, Academic Pub., New Delhi, P- 32.

9. Koul. Anand. Pandit; Archaeological remains in Kashmir, Gulshan Pub., Srinagar, p-74.

10. Fergusson James; History of Indian and Eastern Architecture, 2 vols. London, 1899.

P- 264-5.

11. Bamzai Prithvi Nath Koul; A History of Kashmir, Delhi, 1962. P- 267.

12. Brown Percy; Indian Architecture (Buddhist and Hindu Period), Bombay, 1959 (4th edition). P- 359.

13. Kak. Ram. Chandra; Ancient Monuments of Kashmir, Sagar pub., Delhi, 1971, p- 51.

14. Kapoor. Sindhu; Ancient India and Ancient Kashmir, Modern pub., Jammu, 2010. P- 268-9.

15. Stein. M. A; Kalhanas Rajatarangini, Chronicle of the Kings of Kashmir, Vol. I &II Delhi, (Reprint), 1979. P-76-

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18. Goetz. Herman; Studies in History and Art of Kashmir and Indian Himalayan, Otto Harrasswitz

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