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Academic year: 2023

Membagikan "КЕРУЕН"


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MATYZHANOV Kenzhekhan Islamzhanovich, doctor of philology, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Director General of the Institute of Literature and Art named after MO Auezov (Almaty, Kazakhstan). OMAROV Bauyrzhan Zhumakhanovich, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, President's Advisor of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan). BAZARBAYEVA Zeynep Muslimovna, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Chief Researcher of the Akhmet Baitursynov Institute of Linguistics (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

ZHOLDASBEKOVA Bayan Omirbekovna, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Dean of the Philological Faculty of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan) BAGNO Vsevolod, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (St. Petersburg, Russia). NEGIMOV Serik Nygmetollayevich, Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Department of Kazakh Literature at L.Gumilev Eurasian National University (Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan). ANANYEVA Svetlana Viktorovna, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor, chief researcher at the M.O.Auezov Institute of Literature and Art (Almaty, Kazakhstan).

TEMIRBOLAT Alua Berikbayevna, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of Kazakh Literature and Literary Theory of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Auezov Institute of Literature and Art (Almaty, Kazakhstan) KYDYR Torali Edilbay, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Principal Investigator of the.

Құрметті оқырмандар, әріптестер, достар!

Dear readers, colleagues, associates, friends!

Korabai M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art

The author's relationship with the people of the Great Steppe, which began in childhood, was subsequently expanded. The quality of the translations is high, as they are all done from the original language. The article defines the image of a defender-hero in the historical epic of the Kazakh people.

However, according to the main purpose and theme of the epic, we have noticed that the "protector-hero". The scientist clarifies the features of historical poems as a genre and chronologically analyzes the works of historical poems. Heroes who protected people from colonial aggression - Defenders of Central Asia from invaders.

As a result, during the last 300 years since the XI century, there have been many historical events in the history of the Kazakh nation. The brightest examples of the Kazakh epic have become an integral part of world culture. None of the researchers of folk art of the Kazakh people ignored this outstanding artistic phenomenon.

In the history of the Kazakh people in the XVIII century there were fierce battles for the fate of the Kazakh Khanate. His activity is based on the idea of ​​unity, the history of the country's history. The hero and the prominent person turned the conspiracy of the Kazakhs into a civil war.

His wealth given to his people is reflected in the blood of the ancestors with the blood of his father. It is known that the war between the Dzhungars and the Kazakh Khanate ended with the victory of the Kazakhs in the third quarter of the XVIII century. The nature of the song belonging to the historical epic genre of Kazakh folklore that we have discussed is different.

During the research, the following conclusions about the nature of the historical poem, based on historical events in Kazakhstan, were summarized. And geographical summaries are more commonly referred to as the historical events of the historical event.

Стихотворные размеры в сборнике «Гусляр» Янки Купалы

Стихотворные размеры в сборнике «Шляхам жыцця» («Дорогой жизни») Янки Купалы

  • Aleychenko Belarusian State University
  • M.Mursalimova doctoral student of the Kazakh national University named after Al-Farabi

Алейченко атындағы Беларусь мемлекеттік университеті, Минск, Беларусь Электрондық поштасы: yuliya.aleychenko@mail.ru ЯНКА КУПАЛА ПОЭЗИЯСЫ ҚАЗАН ТӨҢКЕРІСІНІҢ КЕЗЕҢІНЕ ДЕЙІН. Аннотация: Мақалада Янка Купаланың қазанға дейінгі кезеңді кешенді көп өлшемді көзқараста верификациялауын зерттеу қарастырылған. Статистикалық және салыстырмалы-типологиялық әдістердің көмегімен «Жалейка», «Гусляр», «Сляшам жицциа» кітаптарының ритмикалық-метрикалық ерекшеліктері туралы объективті мәліметтер алынып, ақынның шығармашылық мұрасының эволюциясы қадағаланады.

It deals with the ways of establishing syllabic and accentual verse principles in Belarusian poetry of the early twentieth century by Yanka Kupala, as well as the objective laws of the organic synthesis of syllabic-tonic and tonic verse systems. Research prepares material for the creation of guide poetic dimensions of the creative heritage of the poet, theoretical and practical course on Yanka Kupala's versification, in the same way as a relevant monographic studies. The interpretive function of translation as a reflection of an individual translation image of the world.

The aitys of the famous aqyn (poet) Sarbas Maikotuly have gradually been forgotten because no one collected and recorded them in time. However, documents had been preserved of such aitys as: “Aitys between Zhambyl and Sarbas”, “aitys between Katagan and Sarbas”, “aitys of the girl-aqyn Ozipa of the Argyn tribe and aqyn Kozha, Sarbas, Kulmambet and Suyunbay” and were available. today in the Manuscript Fund of the M. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art and in the Fund for Rare Manuscripts of the Central Scientific Library.

Sarbas Maikotuly was a disciple of the famous akyn-zhyrau from the Dzhetysu region, judge speaker Kaban (Kablis) Asanuly, and a follower of Suyunbai and had many times competed in the art of improvisation with such akyns as Maykot, Kulmambet, Baktybai, Zhambyl, Orakbai, Boltirik, Tilemis. The article discusses the issues raised by Zhambyl and Sarbas during their time: the social status of the people, customs and traditions, social inequality in society and the relationship between rich and poor. In the article, the author also scientifically analyzes the data on Domalak Ana's genealogy, mentioned in aitys.

М.О. Әуезов атындағы Әдебиет және өнер институты, ғылыми қызметкер, гуманитарлық ғылымдар магистрі, Алматы, Қазақстан E-mail: kultegin94@mail.ru ТҮРІК-ҚАЗАҚ МИФОЛОГИЯСЫНДАҒЫ ORCID АРТТЫ ӘЛЕМІ МЕН АРТТЫ ӘЛЕМ ЖӘНЕ ОНЫҢ ТҰРҒЫНДАРЫ ТҮРІК-ҚАЗАҚ МИФОЛОГИЯСЫНДА: САТТЫҚ ЖӘНЕ ТҰРЫСТЫҚ. СЫЗЫҚ ТЕҢДЕРІ. Ғылыми қызметкер өнертану магистрі, Алматы, Қазақстан E-mail: kultegin94@mail.ru ТҮРІК-ҚАЗАҚ МИФОЛОГИЯСЫНДАҒЫ АРТТЫ ӘЛЕМ ЖӘНЕ ОНЫҢ ТІРШІЛІКТІ ЖАСАУЫ: ДҮНИЕМЕН ҮЙЛЕСТІК ЖӘНЕ ОНЫҢ МИФОЛОГИЯСЫ. Мақалада келтірілген түрік-қазақ және бірқатар мифологиялық материалдар негізінде мифтік қаһармандардың бөлінуінің жер асты әлемі мен жер асты жаратылысы, әруақтардың бөлінуі әлем мысалдарымен салыстырылады.

Their interconnections and characteristics, historical phases, similarity and correlation of plots in the network of heroes are taken into scientific comparative, historical and comparative research. Lower spirits, the underworld and its life, ancient mythological ideas related to life after life are characteristic of all the nations of the world, but comparative theoretical studies, which were studied in close cooperation, are still insignificant.


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Әуезов атындағы Әдебиет және өнер институтының жетекші ғылыми қызметкері Алматы, Қазақстан Профиль сілтемесі: https://www.scopus.com/results/