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Кокшетау (2)2 УДК 699.81 ББК 68 C 23 C 23 Сборник материалов X Международного научного семинара- конференции «Пожарная безопасность в условиях современности»


Academic year: 2023

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Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan THE USE OF MOBILE CHECKPOINTS. In some parts of the city, deep landslides were formed in the form of cracks reaching 1 m wide and 5 m deep. The town of Tekeli, which was directly in the epicentral zone of the earthquake, was the hardest hit.

The connectivity index characterizes that the structure of the management system for earthquake mitigation at critical infrastructure facilities is interconnected. The index of inequality in the distribution of links revealed an underutilization of the structure's possibilities to achieve maximum connectivity. The degree of centralization of the structure is 0.46 (average), which is lower than the indicator of absolute centralization equal to one.

The diameter of the structure showed that many elements are interconnected by direct connections, which is why there are information delays in the system. This numerically increases the complexity of the system structure, but this happens only by increasing the number of paths from the input elements to the output. Committee on Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan [Electronic resource] // Official website of the Committee on Emergency Situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan [website].

Construction norms and rules: standards for the design of protective structures of civil protection / Gosstroy USSR.


Однако значение показателя ADI в период 2006-2019 гг. не позволило сделать прогноз для оценки деятельности Федеральной пограничной службы при МЧС России. Ретроспектива итогов деятельности Главного управления МЧС России по Красноярскому краю // Молодые ученые в решении актуальных проблем безопасности: Сборник материалов X Всероссийской научно-практической конференции, 28 мая 2021 г., Ретроспектива итогов работы Главного управления МЧС России по Республике Алтай // Молодые ученые в решении актуальных проблем безопасности: Сборник материалов X Всероссийской научно-практической конференции, 28 мая 2021 г.,

Национальный план развития Республики Казахстан до 2025 года, утвержденный Указом Президента Республики Казахстан от 26 февраля 2021 года № 521 [1], требует на всех уровнях образования организовать процесс обучения населения базовые и практические цифровые навыки, в основе которых лежит интегрированная система цифровизации образовательного процесса в целом. При этом часть статей Закона РК «Об образовании» [2] и приказов МЧС РК от 19 августа 2021 года. По официальным данным, 10 сотрудников МЧС получили ранения различной степени тяжести, в том числе огнестрельные ранения, также повреждено 29 единиц пожарно-спасательной техники, в том числе сожжено 5 автоцистерн [2].


2020 жылы Х нысаны толық емес көлемде ЖЗ қызметінің орындалуы туралы есеп берді (есептің 15 пунктінің 9-ы орындалды). Жүйелі және кешенді әдісті қолдана отырып, ірі құрылыс жобаларын жүзеге асыру //. Конференция материалдары Құрылыс – өмір сүру ортасын жобалау. Ресей Төтенше жағдайлар министрлігінің құралдары мен құралдарымен әлеуметтік-экономикалық жүйедегі өрт қауіпті оқиғаларды басқару міндеттерін шешу //. SV бірінші президенті атындағы Ұлттық қорғаныс университетінің Әскери ғылыми-зерттеу орталығының қару-жарақ және әскери техника ғылыми-зерттеу институтының инженерлік-техникалық бөлімінің ғылыми-зерттеу қызметінің бастығы.

ON THE ISSUE OF IMPROVING THE INFORMATION SECURITY SYSTEM IN THE ANALYTICAL'S LOCAL NETWORK. Currently, on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan there are military testing sites, which are intended not only for large-scale exercises of all types and branches of military units and other military formations, but also for testing samples of weapons and equipment produced by enterprises of the Defense Industrial Complex. In this regard, there is an urgent task to create an analytical center for testing weapons and equipment, with an information control system and equipped with all necessary technical means, which will provide information on a comprehensive assessment of the tactical and technical parameters and characteristics of tested samples of weapons and equipment in conditions close to combat and in different natural and climatic conditions. At the same time, during the development process, a number of requirements are imposed on the information system with regard to its attributes, properties and qualities.

At the same time, special requirements are set for the construction of the information security system of the local computer network, where the information system will work. The lack of a modern, properly constructed security system can lead to the leakage and loss of important information, which in turn will lead to the vulnerability of the state's national interests. Thus, information is the most important strategic resource of the state, which is interested in its security.

In this regard, the improvement of the information security system in the local area network (LAN) is extremely relevant today. Threat to information security is a potential violation of the most important qualitative characteristics (properties) of information during its processing by technical means: confidentiality, integrity, availability [2]. Threats to information security do not manifest themselves independently, but through possible interactions with the weakest links of the protection system, i.e. through vulnerability factors [3].

To solve this problem, during the construction of the protection system and after its implementation, information security specialists must regularly analyze and synthesize news related to attacks on information, identify new threats, assess risks and consequences. The security policy is based on risk analysis - the process of identifying threats to the security of the system and its individual components, determining their characteristics and potential damage. One of the main tasks is to build information security and protect information within the LAN from unauthorized attacks.

Normative actions help to build a system of information protection in the information system at the highest level, which facilitates the analysis and selection or development of the necessary means of protection, since they contain the most optimal classification of possible channels of leakage and attack, and also have a number of recommendations for choosing the most optimal protection for many different situations. Information stored and processed on a LAN can be of high value to organizations and the use of others is harmful to the interests of the state. Information protection within a company network is one of the most important tasks to be solved when building information security in a company.

Энергетическая стратегия России до 2030 года и Генеральный план объектов электроэнергетики России до 2021 года с учетом перспективы до 2030 года.


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