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Хабаршысы Вестник Bulletin - Enu


Academic year: 2023

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Based on the analysis of the National Bureau of Kazakhstan in 2020, the share of citizens who expressed confidence in anti-corruption. At the initial stage, due to corruption in Kazakhstan: and its impact on the economic development of the country.

The new EU Strategy for CA (2019): two players, one goal

This unity among EU members is something The new EU Strategy for CA (2019): two players, one goal. In this 2016 document, Mogherini underlines that one of the main interests of the EU in Central Asia is to promote security there to generate stability in the European environment.

Қазақ және түрік тілдеріндегі төл сөздер арқылы жасалған дипломатиялық терминдер

The work analyzes the semantics and lexical composition of diplomatic terms in Kazakh and Turkish languages. The study of diplomatic terms for the Kazakh and Turkic languages ​​is an important and urgent issue in terminology.

6-36 Aylık Çocuklarda Edim Bilim Gelişimi

Vildan Öncül eminim çünkü A ve K'nin tek kelime döneminde kendilerine bakan kişilerin değişmesiyle sözleri ve eylemleri değişti ve A'nın babaannesi dua etti dua etti. Çocukların dil öncesi ve tek kelime döneminde kendilerini ifade etme biçimleri genellikle jest ve taklit şeklinde olurken, iki kelime döneminde kendilerini cümlelerle ifade etmeye başlamaları Uzuner'in görüşleri doğrultusunda; ancak A'nın sözlü iletişimi artarken bu ifadelerini jest ve mimiklerle de zenginleştirdiği, K'nin mimik ve mimiklere daha fazla ağırlık vererek kelime üretmekten kaçındığı görülmüştür.

Основные тренды работы с казахской диаспорой за рубежом

МРНТИ 11.25.42

Непризнанные государства как фактор мировой политики

Zozulya Tamara Nikolaevna – Corresponding author, Candidate of Historical Sciences Professor of the Department of Management and Political Science, S. Altybassarova Meiramgul Armianovna – Candidate of Political Sciences, Professor of the Department of Management and Political Sciences, S.

Феномен растущей популярности партии

Альтернатива для Германии» в современной Европе

The Courage to Stand Up for Germany: For European Diversity: The Alternative for Germany Party Program for the European Parliament Elections. The article examines the rise of the Alternative for Germany (AFD) party from its creation in 2012 to a sharp rise in popularity in the parliamentary elections in 2017. The article concludes that Euroscepticism has become one of the components of the party's broad populist platform as has developed AFD.

AfD Party Votes for German Exit Campaign from EU Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/. Ibragimova Gulnara Eralievna - Corresponding Author, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of International Relations Department, L.

Фактор политического лидера в формировании международного имиджа Казахстана

In the process of improving the positive experience of state building and strengthening the country's competitiveness, the modern image of the Republic of Kazakhstan has been formed. The article examines the role of the subjective factor - the factor of the political leader - in the context of the formation of the international image of Kazakhstan. Nazarbayev is evaluated and analyzed in the process of positioning the country in the international arena.

Kenzhalina Gulsum Zhumabayevna - Master's Degree in History, Senior Lecturer of the Department of International Relations at L.N. Akhmetzhanova Leila Kamidullaevna - Corresponding author, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of International Relations at L.N.

A cultural study on the themes of «hunger» and «poverty» in Turkish proverbs

The proverbs on hunger

  • The proverbs describe the situation of a hungry person
  • The proverbs describe how a hungry person may act to save himself
  • The proverbs state how to deal with the hungry person

A hungry person thinks only of satisfying his hunger, and he cannot think of anything else. In this proverb, the condition of a hungry person is explained with a comparison that a hungry person likes a child who cannot think of right time or wrong time. They covered the hungry person with nine blankets; he still couldn't fall asleep.”.

What is stated in this proverb is that a hungry person may try inappropriate attitudes and he may try to pass any kind of barrier to satisfy his demand. When there is a hungry person with you, you should not talk about food and wealth.

The proverbs about poverty

  • The proverbs describe the state of poverty
  • The proverbs describe poverty in comparing richness
  • The proverbs advice to poor

Объем взаимной торговли товарами между государствами-членами Евразийского экономического союза (далее ЕАЭС) за январь-ноябрь 2019 года составил 61 млрд долларов. 2019 Статистика Евразийского экономического союза [Электронный ресурс].-2019.- URL:http://. В статье дан краткий анализ развития евразийской интеграции и Евразийского экономического союза за истекший пятилетний период развития.

Statistika Evrazijskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza [Om resultaterne af udenrigshandel med varer fra den eurasiske økonomiske union januar – december 2019. Ob itogah vzaimnoj torgovli tovarami Evrazijskogo ekonomicheskogo soyuza janvar'–dekabr' 2019 goda muta Statistika Evrazijskogo soyuza ekonomiche i varer fra den eurasiske økonomiske union januar – december 2019.

Проекты северных потоков в контексте сотрудничества России и Евросоюза в газовой сфере

The question of the foreign policy positioning of small countries (on the example of the relations of the Republic of Belarus with the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China). Hedging strategy is one of three choices of foreign policy strategies from small countries to great powers in our unstable and rapidly changing world. In essence, hedging is one of the interesting foreign policy strategies of small countries.

The year 2010 was very important in the development of relations between these two countries. In the same year, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus and the Chinese CAMC Engineering Corporation (CAMCE) agreed to cooperate on the creation of a China-Belarus Industrial Park on the territory of Belarus [35].

Table 1 “Overlook on the theory of small states’
Table 1 “Overlook on the theory of small states’

Корейский постмодернизм и поэтика рассказа


This article discusses the features of Korean postmodernism and the resulting poetics of contemporary Korean storytelling. The purpose of the research is to identify the main directions of the development of Korean postmodernism. The scientific and practical importance of the study lies in determining the main directions of the influence of Korean postmodernism on the poetics of the story.

The research methodology is based on a systematic approach to the analysis of the research object. The practical importance of the study lies in the fact that it expands knowledge in this area and its results can be used for further research.

Сопоставительный анализ кыргызских, турецких и русских фразеологических выражений

Сопоставительный анализ пословиц и поговорок кыргызского,

  • Родство
  • Коллективизм (соборность)
  • Красноречие
  • Труд
  • Терпение, сдержанность

Бер элин неси иде, ике элин сеси; Таш дивар түгел (таш стена түгел); Күп кырмыскалар дөяләрне үтерәләр (күп кырмыскалар хәтта дөяләрне дә үтерәләр); Суммадан артмагыз (ташлар күләмгә ташланмыйлар). Сез милектә ярлы булсагыз да, сөйләмдә ярлы булмагыз (байлыгыгыз аз булса да, сөйләмегез начар булмасын); Күзләрең яңгыраса да, сүзләрең кырыс булмасын Яхшы сөйләү яхшы һәм тыңла; Кызыл сөйләм кызыл һәм тыңла; Инҗир суы сүзен әйтегез (сүзләрне уйлап); Söz sözле алана, кулагина калана (аны тыңлаган кеше белән сөйләшегез); Матур сүз тимер ишекне ача. Аз сүзләр, сөйләмдә тыюлык өч телдә дә уңай бәяләнә: Аз сөйләш, күбрәк тыңла / Азрак сөйләш, күбрәк тыңла, аз сөйлә, күбрәк эшлә; Уйна һәм сөйләш, уйла һәм сөйләш / Сөйлә һәм сөйләш; Чок конучанч чок янилир (күп сөйләшегез, күп югалыгыз);.

Оозуна аалы жетпегэн – осел (кто не умеет держать язык за зубами, тот дурак); Көп соз - кёмүр, аз соз - алтын (красноречие тупит человека, как уголь, молчание ценится, как золото) / сöз гюмюссе, сюкют алтындыр/ речь - серебро, а молчание - золото; Söz var iş bitirir, söz var baş eğdirir (слова могут закончить дело, слова могут вызвать привыкание). Пословицы и поговорки призывают к осторожности со словами: ооз - ооздон чыкканча соз адамдын кулу, ооздон чыккандан киин адам создун кулу болота (слово повинуется тебе, пока не скажешь, слову повинуешься, когда скажешь); Оозунан жангилган турбайт, бутунан жангилган турат (Ошибающийся в речи не встанет, а оступившийся встанет); Söz var iş bitirir, söz var baş eğdirir (слова могут закончить дело, слова могут сломить вас); Слово не воробей, улетит - не поймаешь; Не дай слово, будь сильным, а дай, держись;


The research is carried out on the material of phraseological expressions of communicative nature - proverbs and sayings of Kyrgyz, Turkish and Russian languages, which will be subjected to comparative analysis to identify similarities and differences in the perception of the world, the definition of national character , national and cultural values ​​of these ethnic groups. The number and quality of phraseological expressions, which reflect a positive or negative assessment of the concepts presented for analysis, can be considered as an indicator of acceptance in Ч.Т. Key words: phraseological expressions, proverbs, sayings, national character, value, linguistic image of the world, thinking, linguistic culture.

Lingvisticcheskij enciklopedicheskij slovar' (LES) [Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary (LES) ] Available at: https://slovar.cc/rus/lingvist/1466659.html [in Russian]. Sydykova Cholpon Tulegabylovna – Ph.D., Associate Professor of Simultaneous Interpretation Department of Kyrgyz-Turkish University «Manas», Associate Professor, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.

Создание Нового банка развития как интегрирующего механизма стран БРИКС

МРНТИ 27.25.1901

Межгосударственные аспекты национальной безопасности в контексте внешней политики

The authors of the article briefly analyze the foreign policy activity of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Islamic Republic of Iran in terms of an adequate response to modern national security challenges. Modern challenges of national security and foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan](Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana p.) [in Russian]. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On National Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan «(with amendments and additions from No.

Tyulyubayeva Akmaral Ualikhanovna - Corresponding author, senior lecturer of the International Relations Department of the L.N. Turkhanova Aigerim Zholtaevna - candidate of political science, associate professor of the Department of International Relations in the L.N.

Саяси коммуникацияны зерттеудің теориялық-методологиялық негіздері

Uali, A. Gabdulina

It also focuses on the relevance and importance of political communication and public awareness today. It should be emphasized that influence mechanisms can also be used for the benefit of the subject. The influence of political communication on the development of society and the mechanisms for its optimal use remain scientifically important today.

Keywords: Political communication, mass media, public opinion, political technologies, political leader, image of a political leader. Gabdulina Bagysh Akhmetovna – Corresponding author, Candidate of History, Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, L.N.

Жаһандану жағдайындағы ұлттық бірегейлік пен

Сейфуллин атындағы Қазақ ауылшаруашылық университеті, Нұр-Сұлтан, Қазақстан (E-mail: sheryazdang@gmail.com1, khorlanabdildina@gmail.com2).

Қазақстанның ұлттық мүдделері турасындағы мәселелер

The article discusses issues of national identity and the uniqueness of the cultural code of the Kazakh people in the context of globalization. The full name of the organization, city, country (if the authors work in different organizations, put the same icon next to the name of the author and the corresponding organization). Information about the financial support for the article is given on the first page in the form of a footnote.

The reference to the book in the body of the article must be accompanied by an indication of the pages used (eg [1, р. 45]). Articles with positive reviews are submitted to the journal's editorial boards for discussion and approval for publication.


Table 1 “Overlook on the theory of small states’
Figure 1: “Belarus Foreign Policy indices 2011-2018” [23]


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Гумилев атындағы Еуразия ұлттық университеті, Астана, Қазақстан *Корреспонденция үшін автор: gulbanu.elmaganbetova.95@mail.ru Әлемдік экономикалық қатынастардағы беталыстар және