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Academic year: 2023

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Prof., Academy of Law at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan (Philosophy). - President of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sydykov Ye.B. Kazakhstan) Responsible editor (history) Zhanbossinova A.S., Doctor of Historical Science, Prof.,. The first issue reveals the mysteries of the ancient history of Kazakhstan, also visualizes the history of urban space.

This article explores some visual narratives of the architectural landscape of the city of Alma-Ata (modern Almaty). The article tries to describe the two main architectural narratives of the city of Almaty (the style of the Stalinist Empire and Soviet modernism) and their projections in the space of historical memory, as well as the relationship of these narratives with the respective ideologies (the imperial geopolitical ambitions of the USSR in the post-war period and the ideology of modernism of the 60s-80s).

A. Amanzholova

Keywords: USSR; RSFSR; nationalities policy; Nationalities Department of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee; Nation building; Soviet federalism; autonomies; administration. Transcript of the meeting of the secretaries of party organizations in the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) on the «Bolshevization of national cadres». 7 Etnicheskiy i religioznuy factoru v formirovanii i evolutsii rossiyskogo gosudarstva [Ethnic and religious factors in the formation and evolution of the Russian state / Ed.

Шокпартас – новый энеолитический памятник Центральной Сарыарки

In the cultural layer of the settlement, shelled stone tools and several fragments of pottery with a Neolithic appearance were found together with Sargary tools. The stone industry of the Eneolithic period is represented by 526 objects, among which there are cores, bifaces, flakes and scrapers. Akisheva [Materials of the international archaeological scientific conference dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh archaeologist K.A.

Kazakh nomads: the road to socialism

The authority of the nomadic elite allowed them to be elected to aulsov and volispolkom. As a result of forced communalization, auls competed for a place in the sun when they became part of the collective farm. The passive part of the poor people called the active group traitors (pro-Soviet power).

In addition, they were entitled to part of the property that the bay was left with after the confiscation. The involvement of poor people in the politics of confiscation of the bay masked the usual mercantile sentiments. During the reduction of the Soviet apparatus, they were purged from the collective farms, persecuted and fined.

They wanted to convince Bays that the policy of the Soviet authorities was really directed against them. The OGP materials contain data on people who emigrated in the 1930s. This information was kept secret until recently in the archives of the President of Kazakhstan.

In the same manner as the report of the border detachment, the comment of F.I.

Памятники археологии как исторический источник

Здесь, одновременно касаясь значения и интерпретации термина «археология» в контексте темы раздела, хотелось бы отметить, что на рубеже XIX и XX вв., несмотря на некоторые расхождения в предмете и объекте. исследований сформировалось представление об археологии как науке, изучающей историю человечества по материальным останкам, появляются многие научные общества и археологические организации [3, с. Если в начале своего развития археологическое источниковедение носило чисто материально-повествовательный характер и было временем сбора практического материала, то в XIX - начале XX в. Не менее важными в выдвижении археологии под видом науки, изучающей историю из материальных источников, являются работы таких выдающихся ученых русской науки XVIII - первой половины XX века, как Александр Сергеевич Лаппо-Данилевский, Борис Владимирович Фармаковский. , Василий. Алексеевич Городцов, Алексей Сергеевич Уваров, Артемий Владимирович Арциховский, Владислав Иосифович Равдоникас, Михаил Илларионович Артамонов и многие другие.

As we know, the material objects of the past are the most important sources of historical science. In the reality of today, a revision of the prevailing views and perspectives in the understanding of material evidence as a historical source is necessary. It is more than obvious that it is necessary to start with the historiography of the issue.

On the renaming of the Institute for the History of Material Culture to the Institute of Archeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1959. Scientific employee of the Department of Research Work of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve Museum «Berel», Zhambyl village, Katon district -Karagay, East Kazakhstan region, Kazakhstan. The Agony of Socialism: Kazakh Memoirs of the Soviet Past Paperback (Asia Research Associates, Los Angeles p.).

The authors describe the contributions of academics as Doctor of Philosophy, professor, academician of the National А.Ч. Abdildin and the Doctor of Philosophy, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, writer Garifolla Esim. The article summarizes some results of the activities of the Department of Philosophy, active since the foundation of L.N.

Заңгер С. Қадырбаевтың қоғамдық және құқықтық қызметі

1917 жылдың 10 наурызынан бастап жер-жерлерде, округтерде, болыстарда, ауылдарда бұрынғы сәтсіз үкіметтің орнына жаңа уақытша үкімет орындары құрылады. 1917 жылдан кейінгі кестеде: «1917 жылдың наурыз-шілде айларында Орынборда Торғай облыстық азаматтық атқару комитетінің мүшесі болдым» 3201 іс, 1 тізім, 1541 ҚР ОММ 38-39 беттерінде және түсіндіремін. Сонымен қатар, ол жоғарыда аталған құжатта 1917 жылдың қарашасынан 1919 жылға дейін Торғайдағы Аляска ордасының әскери бөлімінде болғанын, екі жыл ұлттық мемлекет құруда белсенді жетекші болғанын ашық жазған. Аляска Ордасының арасында.

And this is no coincidence, as at that time the traditional way of life of the Kazakh people was undergoing changes. A review of the scientific literature was made for a more detailed study of the topic of the socio-political life and activities of Seidazym Kadyrbayev. The results of the analysis reveal facts from the life of Seidazym Kadyrbayev that have been unknown to the public.

It was also revealed that friendship with Kazakh intelligence was the basis for its further development and cooperation with political forces aimed at protecting the political and civil interests of the people at the beginning of the XX century, during the revival of political activities in the empire. Kadyrbayev's role as an active member of the political organization «Alash-Orda» and his ability to advance in the legal field, to be a competent and qualified employee, despite the lack of special legal knowledge. Seidazym Kadyrbayev contributed to the legal protection of the illiterate population by translating various laws from Russian into Kazakh and adapting them to the Kazakh way of life.

Sailaubai Yerlan Yernazarovich - Director of the research institute "Abai Academy", associate professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, candidate of historical sciences.

Город и интеллигенция рубежа XIX–XX вв

Zh. Sultangazy

Summary. The formation and development of the intelligentsia as a political and creative force could not exist without the influence of the urban environment. This article will shed light on the historiographical situation in this direction from the point of view of the development of urban issues. The article tries to analyze the phenomenon of the mutual influence of the city and the Kazakh intelligentsia at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries using the principles of historiographical generalization.

The activities of the national intelligentsia are associated not only with creativity, but mainly with public activity, and determined the development of Kazakhstan in a conceptual framework. Today, Kazakh historiography is represented by separate studies on the history of the city, the intelligentsia, the Cossacks and the merchants. The use of the historical-comparative method revealed differences in the development of Kazakh historiography.

A comprehensive study of the urban environment in the historical context allows us to understand the nature of the changes in which society and the state existed, as well as the motives and aspirations of Kazakh intellectuals. Keywords: Kazakh historiography; Russian historiography, national intelligentsia; activities of the national intelligentsia, city; urban environment; urban space, public activity, urban history, everyday history. Na primere gorodov Kaluga, Elec, [The life of the urban population of the middle zone of the RSFSR in the past and present.

The role of intellectuals in the development of the socio-cultural space of the provincial towns of Western Siberia in the second half of the 19th century.

Академик салған ақиқи жол

Many important issues and problems related to the future of the nation are primarily raised and analyzed by representatives of the intellectuals, including those in the university classrooms. Philosophy is of great importance to the thinking culture of modern humanity, the formation of a critical attitude to the social face of the country, contributing to the expansion of the spiritual outlook of students and the development of national consciousness, the spiritual revival of the nation. Philosophy, one of the leading disciplines in the social sciences and humanities studied in higher and professional schools, has contributed to the development of young students from the first days of our University through the staff of the Chair.

The Chair of Philosophy of the Faculty of Social Sciences employs three academics from the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Abdildin J.M., Garifolla Esim, Nurmanbetova D.N. In addition, about two dozen doctors and science candidates work at the chair, demonstrating the great potential and professional skills of the staff. Currently, the Department of Philosophy is headed by Doctor of Philosophy Professor Kulshat Agibaevna Medeuova.

This article will talk about the work of the teaching staff of the Department of Philosophy and about new beginnings and the importance of the activities of academician, thinker, writer, teacher and public figure, Doctor of Philosophy, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan Garifola Yesim. It must be said that from the moment of his arrival at the chair of philosophy after working in the Senate, Garifollah Yesim was able to structure and systematize his creative search and ideas, which he had pondered all his life, developed a philosophical concept "Zhaksy Kazak". , directly related to the national idea «Mangilik El». This concept presents the essence of the category «Zhaksy-Kazak», viewed from the image position and seven stages of its performance.

Sarkulova Manifа Stabolovna – Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy of the L.


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