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Хабаршысы Вестник Bulletin


Academic year: 2023

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Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Prof., Academy of Justice under the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. The analysis shows bold steps to enter the top 30 developed countries and create our own model of the rule of law through democratic reforms as a result of constitutional reforms in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Doctor of Legal Sciences, Professor at the Department of Theory and History of the State and Law, L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.

Понятие и сущность преступности мигрантов

E. Mammadov

Kazakh National University Al-Farabi, Almaty, Kazakhstan Concept and entity of migrant crime. The global phenomena of the contemporary world are associated with the rise of migratory processes. In this regard, it is necessary to conduct a timely criminological analysis of crimes committed by migrants.

Судебная практика защиты экологических прав в гражданском судопроизводстве

Mukasheva, S. Ibrayev

This article deals with case law issues for the protection of environmental rights. The analysis of court cases is done and the main circle of claims that generate disputes in the field of environmental protection and use is revealed. The conclusions of the article are reduced to the creation of environmental courts in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which will consider cases related to any violation of environmental legislation, land, water and other legislation in the field of environmental use and protection.

Doctoral student of the Department of Civil Law, Labor and Environment, Faculty of Law of L.N. With the advent of the Internet, e-commerce has begun to develop worldwide. With the development of market relations, the Internet has actively entered the daily life of mankind, creating a number of conveniences and benefits.

Now, any consumer who is anywhere in the world can interact with the participants of other trading activities to conduct trade. Therefore, it should be noted that currently, electronic commerce is important, which, with the development of the Internet and other information and telecommunication networks, has gained a wide scope. There are a number of reasons for this: firstly, e-commerce is convenient for both the seller and the buyer, that is, there is.

² Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.

The essence of electronic commerce and electronic transactions

The research materials are scientific works of scientists, regulatory documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan;. According to the definition of the organization of economic cooperation and development,. "electronic commerce is the entirety of any commercial transactions implemented using computer and telecommunications equipment." The ways of expressing the will of the entities concluding the transaction are called forms of transaction.

Transactions and electronic transactions must be aimed at achieving a legal purpose in the form of the creation, modification or termination of civil rights and obligations. Sign of the direction of action to achieve a specific legal result, inherent in the transaction, allows you to distinguish the transaction from the violation or causing harm. The fourth sign of the transaction is specifically aimed at the creation, modification and termination of civil relations, that is, the transaction has a directed focus.

This distinguishes the transaction from legal acts in which the will of the person is not specifically aimed at the occurrence of legal consequences. All this is intended to replace the direct contact of the seller with the consumer. The results of problems concerning the essence of electronic commerce and the analysis of electronic transactions can be applied to the study of “civil law”.

Sixth, it is determined that the characteristics of the transaction are inherent in electronic transactions.

Особенности международно-правового режима контроля за ракетными технологиями 1

Гумилева, Нур-Султан, Казахстан (E-mail: ¹ a.solntsew@gmail.com, ² gul.serikkyzy@mail.ru, ³ rozaakshalova@mail.ru). Он стремится ограничить распространение ракет, беспилотных летательных аппаратов и систем доставки, способных нести полезную нагрузку массой не менее 500 кг на расстояние не менее 300 км. Следует отметить, что такие параметры были выбраны потому, что 500 кг — это масса относительно простого оружия, а 300 км — стратегическое расстояние в районах, где считалось вероятным применение ядерного оружия.

The massive development of missile systems and related technologies in the last decade of the 20th century led to a collective effort to contain them. And so, by the end of the 90s of the twentieth century, missile proliferation had again become an important issue on the international security agenda, while the effectiveness of the missile technology control regime had noticeably declined. This article discusses in detail the existing legal regime for missile technology control, its achievements, advantages and disadvantages.

This topic is very topical due to the danger of proliferation of nuclear weapons, missiles and missile technologies, especially in light of the constant terrorist attacks around the world. The missile technology control regime is taking small steps towards missile non-proliferation and we can see that most countries are committed to the idea of ​​missile non-proliferation; the regulatory aspects of the missile technology control regime are increasing. Key words: international legal regime, missile technology, missile technology control regime (MTCR), peaceful use of missile potential, fight against missile proliferation.

Master of Law, Chief Specialist, Nur-Sultan Tax Administration, Republic Street, 52, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.

Порядок и пределы действия международного права на территориях некоторых стран-участников ЕАЭС 1

Федеральный закон от 15 июля 1995 г. "О международных договорах Российской Федерации" в пункте 3 статьи 5 предусматривает: "Положения официально опубликованных международных договоров Российской Федерации, не требующие для исполнения опубликования внутренних актов, действительны непосредственно на территории Российской Федерации. URL: http://www.un.org/ru/documents/decl_conv/conventions/law_treaties.shtml (по состоянию на 5 марта 2020 г.). Действие и применение норм международного права в правовой системе Российской Федерации: монография (Норма, Москва, 2017).

Международное право в правовой системе государства // Белорусский журнал международного права и международных отношений. Некоторые теоретические и практические аспекты реализации норм международного права в Республике Беларусь: Актуальные проблемы международного публичного и международного частного права: сборник научных трудов. международного публичного права и международного частного права: сборник научных трудов. Гумилева, г. Нур-Султан, Казахстан. Порядок и пределы применения норм международного права.

Effect of international law as the law that regulates relations between subjects of international law, applies to the entire territory of the states that have adopted its norms. Therefore, in international law, questions regarding the conditions and procedure for the application of international law on the territory of a state, as well as issues regarding the application of international norms in cases of their conflict with national legislation, have not lost their relevance. The article analyzes the legislation of some EAEU member states, which regulate the procedure and limits of application of norms of international law in their territories.

Keywords: international law, correlation of international and national law, international treaties, Constitution, legislation of EAEU Member States.

Актуальность определения подсудности

R. Balabiev

The article deals with the essence and content of the activities of the administrative courts, the legal regulation of matters of a public law nature in the national legislation compared to the legal provision of the above-mentioned Institute abroad, as well as legal support of the competence of the administrative court of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the law. The paper examines the possibility of applying the practical experience of foreign countries and CIS states in building the legislative framework for the implementation of national procedural legislation in the courts to decide cases of a public law nature that differ in content, subjective composition and order of processing. In modern realities, there is an increasing need to distinguish the jurisdiction of the administrative court from other courts in the legal system of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which in turn will contribute to the separation of administrative procedures as an independent form of justice, as well as the formation of administrative justice.

К вопросу о междисциплинарном подходе как способе совершенствования правового регулирования государ-

Pravoprimetel'naya praktika Rossel'khoznadzora v oblasti veterinarii (overview by subjects of the Russian Federation), Agrarnyj vestnik Urala [Practice of enforcement of Rosselkhoznadzor in the field of veterinary medicine (review for subjects of the Russian Federation), Agrarny bulletin of Ural. The site of Upravleniya Rossel'hoznadzor by Saratov region [Preliminary results of the activities of the Administration of Rosselkhoznadzor for the Saratov region in the field of veterinary control for 12 months in 2019. 203 "On the strategy of development of the information society in the Russian Federation. for 2017-2030].

490 «O razvitii iskusstvennogo intellekta v Rossijskoj Federacii» [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 10, 2019 No. Submission of articles to the scientific publication agency means that the authors agree to the right of the publisher, L.N. The article exceeding this volume will be accepted for publication in exceptional cases by special decision of the editorial board of the journal.

The text of the article begins with IRSTI (International Rubric of Scientific and Technical Information, defined by the link http://grnti.ru/), then followed by the Initials and Surname of the author(s);. Tables are included directly in the text of the article; it should be numbered and accompanied by a reference to them in the text of the article. The bibliography should contain only those sources (numbered according to the order of citation or according to the order of the English alphabet), which are referred to in the text of the article.

Then a combination of English and transliterated parts (http://translit-online.ru/) of the references should be given list and information about the authors (scientific degree, office address, telephone, e-mail - in Kazakh, Russian and English).


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