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Хабаршысы Bulletin Вестник


Academic year: 2023

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Г. ). Биология фәннәре докторы, проф., NAS RK академик, Аль-Фараби, Казахстан Милли Университеты, Алматы (Казахстан). Гумилов ENU, Нур-Солтан (Казахстан) Моше Саги кандидаты, проф.

Abstract: This paper examines the lichen species of the Akmola region, including Burabay State National Park, and their biological and ecological characteristics. The distribution of lichens on the territory of the Burabay State National Natural Park is due to many factors, including the degree of air pollution. Epiphytic, epileptic, epilating lichens are found on the territory of Burabay State National Park.

In addition to the diversity of ecotopic lichens in Burabay National Park, there are differences in their ecological growth rate and the national park's distribution rate. Candidate of biological sciences, Associate Professor, Department of General Biology, Kabanbay batyr avenue 8 Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.

Мплекулясные птнпвы сака легких, вызванных садпнпм

I. Bersimbay

Lung cancer is the most common form of malignant neoplasia and is one of the leading causes of cancer death. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking. Radon exposure leads to the death of cells of the bronchial epithelium of the lungs, which is associated with the release of a large amount of mitochondrial DNA.

Freely circulating mitochondrial DNA upon activation of the Nf-kb signaling pathway mediates the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines, and as a result of this activation, inflammation develops, which is one of the key factors in lung cancer oncogenesis. This short review analyzes the molecular mechanisms of lung cancer associated with the carcinogenic effect of radon based on the analysis of the fc mtDNA level, the profile of the tissue-specific microRNA fraction, the level and spectrum of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Obstructive pulmonary disease in smokers and never-smokers: further insights into patient-related approach to understanding lung cancer, J Thorac Dis 11(Suppl 9), S1310-S1312(2019).

Association of polymorphism TP53 Arg72Pro with radon-induced lung cancer in the Kazakh population, Vavilovskii Zhurnal Genetiki i Selektsii. Gumilyov Eirasian National University, Head of the Department of General Biology and Genomics, 2 Satpayev St., Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.

Improvement of pomegranate (punica granatum l.) to cold resistant through in vitro mutation

Optimization was performed on nodal segments by MS and WPM in test tubes with the addition of NAA 1 mg/l, BAP 1 mg/l, adenine 40 mg/l, charcoal 200 mg/l, ascorbic acid 150 mg/l. One-month callus-forming nodal segments were transferred in vitro to a complete MS culture medium in petri dishes supplemented with NAA 0.46 mg/l, BAP 2 mg/l, adenine sulfate 16 mg/l, silver nitrate 4 mg/l , ascorbic acid 150 mg/l. On the nutrient medium MS with half the salt concentration activated carbon 500 mg/l, adenine sulfate 16 mg/l, silver nitrate 4 mg/l, ascorbic acid 75 mg/l.

Анардың түйіндік сегменттерінен каллус түзілудің ең жоғары көрсеткіші Ақдона сортында 85%, қазақ анар сортында ең азы 62,5% алынды. Бір айда анардың түйіндік сегменттерінде массивті каллус түзілуі алынды (1-сурет). Жамбакин атындағы өсімдіктер биологиясы және биотехнологиясы институты, Алматы, Қазақстан Суыққа төзімді анар (Punica granatum L.) тұқымдарының мутагенез арқылы генерациясы.

Research Associate of the Laboratory of Breeding and Biotechnology, Master of Biotechnology, Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology. Research Associate of the Laboratory of Breeding and Biotechnology, Master of Biology, Institute of Plant Biology and Biotechnology.

Table 1 Callusogenesis from nodal segments of pomegranate
Table 1 Callusogenesis from nodal segments of pomegranate

Влияние вируса картофеля PVS 0 как фактора биотического стресса у растений сибирских сортов

Effect of the potato virus PVS0 as a biotic stress factor in plants of Siberian potato varieties (Solanum tuberosum L) on the content of soluble peroxidase enzymes. The goal of the work is to study the levels of the antioxidant enzyme peroxidase in response to the effect of the viral infection PVS, the least studied and widespread infection in Western Siberia. Accumulation of reactive oxygen species and homeostasis are involved in plant immunity against an opportunistic fungal pathogen, Journal of Plant Physiology.

Effects of 3-methylthiopropionic acid (MTPA) phytotoxin produced by Rhizoctoniasolani on reactive oxygen species (ROS) metabolism of potato plants, Advances in Agricultural Science. Health care of the imported potato samples in the Republic of North Macedonia, Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences. Wide variation of potato virus S (PVS) revealed by analysis of viral sequences amplified by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction, Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology.

Next Generation Sequencing Platforms for Potato Virus Hunting, Control and Detection, African Journal of Bacteriological Research. Emergence of common and Andean strains of potato virus S infecting potato in the eastern region of Kazakhstan, Plant Disease. Jinghui Wang, Fanye Meng, Ruhao Chen, Jun Liu, Xianzhou Nie, Bihua Nie RT– PCR differentiation, molecular and pathological characterization of Andean and common potato virus S strains in potato in China, Plant Disease.

Song, G., Wu, JY, Xie, Y., Liu, Y., Qian, YJ, Zhou, XP, and Wu, JX Monoclonal antibody-based serological assays for the detection of potato virus S in potato plants Journal of Zhejiang University – SCIENCE B. The biology and phylogenetics of potato virus S isolates from the Andean region of South America. Complete genome sequence of the first Andean strain of potato virus S from Brazil and evidence for recombination between PVS strains.

The simultaneous differentiation of Potato virus Y strains including the newly described strain PVYNTN- NW by multiplex PCR assay, J. Occurrence of the Andean strain of Potato virus S in imported potato material and its effect on potato cultivars. Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Biotechnology, Public Catering Technology and Commodity Science, Omsk State Technical University, Omsk, Russia.

Сирек және жойылып бара жатқан Іле (Berberis iliensis) және Қарқаралы (Berberis karkaralensis) бөріқарақаты



Білім министрлігінің қаржылық қолдауымен IRN BR05236334 «Биологиялық әртүрлілікті сақтау және биотехнологияның ресурстық базасын ұсыну үшін микроорганизмдердің биобанкін, жасуша мәдениетін, геномдық және гендік инженерия материалдарын құру» ғылыми-техникалық бағдарламасы аясында 2018-2020 жж. және Қазақстан Республикасының ғылымы «Биологиялық алуантүрлілік «Сақтау үшін сирек кездесетін және жойылып бара жатқан өсімдіктер түрлерінің жасушалары мен ұлпаларының in vitro коллекциясын құру» жобасы бойынша Berberis vulgaris және оның белсенді компоненті, берберин: антиоксиданттар, антиацетилхолинестераза, антидиабетикалық және ісікке қарсы әсерлер // J. Cistus clusii Dunal, Италиядағы жойылып кету қаупі төнген өсімдіктің in vitro таралуы // In Vitro Cell.Dev.Biol.

Использование метода культивирования in vitro для сохранения некоторых редких исчезающих видов известковых растений Саратовской области // Сарат. 3 Республиканское государственное предприятие «Мангышлакский экспериментальный ботанический сад» ЦС МОН РК, Актау, Казахстан Оптимизация условий культивирования in vitro редких и исчезающих видов барбариса. Настоящая работа посвящена изучению оптимизации условий культивирования редких и исчезающих видов барбариса илийского и барбариса каркаралинского в условиях in vitro.

3 RSE «Mangyshlak Experimental Botanical Garden» KN MES RK, Aktau, Kazakhstan Optimization of in vitro cultivation conditions for rare and endangered species of. This work is devoted to the optimization study of the cultivation conditions for a rare and endangered species of Ili berberis and Karkaralinsky berberis in vitro. In vitro biological evaluation of Berberis vulgaris and its active ingredient, berberine: antioxidant, antiacetylcholinesterase, antidiabetic and anticancer effects, J.

Технология микроклонального размножения хризантемы в условиях in vitro // Молодой ученый. Использование метода культивирования in vitro для сохранения некоторых редких исчезающих видов известковых растений Саратовской области. Сарат. Оптимизация условий культивирования in vitro ягодных и декоративных культур // Вестник.

Researcher of the Laboratory of Biotechnology and Plant Breeding, National Center of Biotechnology, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan. Head of the scientific department of the RSI «Charyn State National Park, Almaty region», Kazakhstan. Candidate Biological Sciences, General Director of the RSE «Mangyshlak Experimental Botanical Garden», Aktau, Kazakhstan.

Computer analysis of the antineoplastic activity of betulin derivatives

АО «Банк Центр Кредит»

Submission of articles to the Scientific Publications Office signifies the consent of the authors to the publisher, L.N. The article that exceeds this volume is accepted for publication in special cases after a special decision by the journal's editors. Conclusion and the main results of the study can be presented in a small section «Conclusion».

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О нормах производных функций с нулевыми значениями заданного множества линейных функционалов и их использовании в трансверсальных задачах // Функциональные пространства и теория приближения функций: Тезисы докладов Международной конференции, посвященной. Функциональные пространства и теория приближения функций: Тезисы докладов международной конференции, посвященной 110-летию со дня рождения академика С.М. Если источник имеет официальный перевод и также опубликован на английском языке, сочетание английской и транслитерированной частей списка литературы должно указывать на официальный английский перевод. Капсидный белок (CP) P41 необходим для образования вириона и обеспечивает передачу вируса на большие расстояния. Основной текст статьи должен быть разделен на четко обозначенные и пронумерованные части (подразделы).

1. Introduction should provide the rationale of the study and its relation to other works in the same scope. 2 Abimuldina ST, Sydykova GE, Orazbaeva LA Operation and development of sugar production infrastructure// Innovation in the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan: Mater. 2 Abimuldina ST, Sydykova GE, Orazbaeva LA Operation and development of sugar production infrastructure, Innovation in the agricultural sector of Kazakhstan: Mater.


Figure 2.  Regeneration from the callus of a pomegranate stalkImprovement of pomegranate (punica granatum l.) to cold resistant through...
Figure 1. Regeneration of the garnet callus on the nodal segment
Table 1 Callusogenesis from nodal segments of pomegranate
Table 2 Surviving garnet callus (%) after treatment with EMS mutagen in various concentrations The  name  of  the


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Raymundo1,** 1Institute of Biological Sciences, University of the Philippines Los Baños, College, Laguna 4031, Philippines 2Institute of Plant Breeding, University of the Philippines