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Экономика знаний Финляндии: уроки и опыт для других стран


Academic year: 2023

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Teaching foreign culture uses as a press method, as more dynamic authentic material promotes contact with culture, with process that exists in the given society. Social-economic and spiritual-cultural peculiarities of the Turkish society (X-XIV cc), have influenced the development and formation of national pedagogy and psychology, they have become an agenda in forming the basis of the modern psychopedagogical science. The article considers the state and directions of the use of computer technology in moral and aesthetic education when conducting integrated lessons in school.

Modern system of formation conditions should activation theoretical and practical studies of the pedagogical conditions of using information technology for the decision of the problems in moral aesthetic education schoolchild. In article are considered details of the problems on lines of the equation and inequality of the course of the algebra 8-9 classes, intended for the learning training mathematical modelling.

Элементы инноваЦиЙ в обуЧении Физике в Школе и вузе In the article «Elements of innovation in physics teaching at schools and higher education institutions». In a given article, scientific works of various researchers in the field of pedagogy are considered, a technique under preparation of future teachers of computer science with the use of information-communication technologies (ICT). In the given work as an object of research are students from KU, where motivation of the teaching of students in HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTE was investigated and its influence on preparation of highly qualified experts.

This article addresses the issues of projecting the process formation of computer and information students' competence in the professional training. The article reveals the support of each element and their importance in the students' process formation in the. In this article, the possibility of youth non-governmental organizations in the realization of the interests of the youth in the social activity is analyzed.

Youth NGOs are considered as a small social identity and being one of the youth social institutions can increase the effectiveness of the social and pedagogical process, giving the possibility of self-realization in the process of socio-constructive activity. The analysis and study of monuments and sites of modern architecture and design is the starting point for understanding the objective nature of the principles of composition. The legal concept of the oath, its use in the sphere of international theory and practice is examined in the article.

The given article deals with the existence problem of textual gap in the literary translation and the ways to overcome or mitigate it, because the work of art plays a big role in the process of intercultural communication.

Филология Филология

At the time when Ospan-Hoja was in the service of the emir of Samarkand, he could not forget that Timur had once destroyed his house and taken his grandfather prisoner. Juchi was born from Borteh-Fudzhin from relatives of Konurat and he was married to Konurat women. In the article, criticism and the literary-aesthetic approach to the book "From Epic to Epic" by academician M.

Өйткені ол 1894 жылы дүниеге келген, 14-15 жасынан бастап өлең жазып, елге танылып, Диваевтың фольклорлық экспедициясына қатысып, Ташкентке жетіп, «Жас Алаш» газетіне қол жеткізіп, Мағжанға тәнті болған. өлеңдері, ал Ілияс Снорбек Дүйсеновтің сөзімен айтсақ, «кейбір идеологиялық бояуларды жұқтырған», «елге оралған, «Тілші» газетінің шығуына үлес қосқан, Жетісудың оқу-ағарту майданына белсене қатысып, алған атақ, Ілияс Жансүгіровтің таптық көзқарасы бойынша ілу орнына, оны біліммен толықтыру үшін Мәскеудегі Коммунистік журналистика институтында оқып, бакалавр дәрежесін ғана алған ағайынның айтқанын түсінуге болады. жобасында оның өлеңдерін «өте әдемі, орташа және төмен» деп бағалап, Ілиясты қолына қалам алуға мәжбүр етті.Тарихи тақырып, тарихи бөрі жанры және олардың туыстас қырғыз әдебиетіндегі дамуы мәселелері. осы мақалада анықталған. Бұл мақала мәтін түрлеріне қатысты лингвистикалық параметрлер туралы, функционалдық-стилистикалық параметрлерді және функциялық-прагматикалық параметрлерді қалыптастыру туралы.

Kekilbayev's research object is devoted to the publicist speeches and the articles, which fully and completely describe his views on the literary works and the modern literary process, in addition to his early fiction productions. The analysis of the writer's novels reveals a correlation between an author and a hero as one from the point of view of narration and also the different types of narration used in the text structure. The article is devoted to the conception of the proverbial space of pharemilogical units as a variety of cognitive representation knowledge about the world.

Изучение пословиц, пословиц, поверий, загадок с позиций когнитивной лингвистики позволяет рассматривать их как когнитивную структуру пословичного пространства. Цель автора – показать на материале К.Мухамеджанова процесс трансформации и «переплавления» литературных жанров в жанр киноистории. Рассматриваемая тематическая группа тюркизмов широко функционирует в газетных статьях и демонстрирует не только языковые, но и социокультурные аспекты жизни данного региона. . особая коммуникативная среда, формирующаяся на протяжении многих поколений в условиях контакта билингвизма, образует контактное поле между языками и культурами.

This article discusses the great skill of the writer Z. Šaškin in creating female images. It reveals his contribution to the research of ancient Turkic monuments, languages, including Turkic dialects and languages ​​that are little studied (Komul dialect, Lobnor language). Mal's main contribution is defined by his creation of ancient Turkic Orkhon texts, linguistic analysis of literary examples of Orkhon monuments, the coinage of S.

A Turkologist is characterized as an academic scientist whose mental-psychic intentions are not openly expressed, but his multifaceted scientific-research activity reveals him. ДвустоРонниЙ и РегиональныйЙ аспекты сотРуДниЧества The given article describes the features, characteristics and development of relations between Japan and the People's Republic of China in the XXI.

N. ZholdASbekoVA

And today, the principles of rationalist or traditional components, once laid in the foundations of the political system, form a complex system of diversity and versatility. With the entry into new phases of social and state development, man was inseparably connected with the need for the continuous formation and operation of the political system. These ancient Greek philosophers and thinkers Plato and Aristotle viewed the political system as the construction of systems and structures of an ideal state [2, 96].

According to their point of view, which later became the basis for all their subsequent works in this field, the state is the most important institution of the political system. On the one hand, the state is an important institution of the political system and on the other hand, with its presence, the state creates space for the functioning of the political system. Only in the middle of the twentieth century, the concept of "political system" received a thorough study and wide spread [4, 67], which was created by the logical development of political science, leading to the urgency to describe the political life of system positions. .

Kaplan, the political system is seen as a "collection of variable units, which are related to each other by one or more functions" [1, 107]. The first researchers of the political system who see it through the prism of an ideal state policy, built the principle of its idealization and unification [7, 69]. Western political scientists continued in the theoretical direction to study a unified model of ideal political system construction and development.

By building an integrated system with specific criteria, they did not reject the diversity of the political system. Tsygankov believes that "the political system of society is a holistic, fluid group of political institutions, principles, standards, tools, methods that ensure the functioning of political power" [12, 49]. Today, the complexity, scope and functioning of the presentation of the political system in any society is characterized by a large number of structural elements.

The multidimensional and multi-layered structure of the political system generates diversity in its functioning and development. As political history shows, the limit of the functionality of the political system is a very current state of it. The existing political system in the state is an equally important part for the mental perception of the society, the political culture.

Әлеуметтану соЦиология

На основе последних достижений науки делается научный вывод о значении эмоций в донесении сообщения до потребителя, о факторах воздействия СМИ на аудиторию СМИ на примере телевидения. Статья посвящена первым номерам газет и журналов, которые выявили проблемы в правовой сфере. Вместе они повлияли на создание новых выпусков - "Зан газета", "Юридическая газета" (Юридическая газета) и другие. С момента обретения независимости Казахстан встал на путь построения правового государства, создания правовой системы, которая соответствовала бы основным принципам демократического государства, эффективно регулирующей все процессы, происходящие в обществе. Одной из действенных мер на этом пути стало принятие 28 января 1993 года Верховным Советом двенадцатого созыва первой Конституции независимого Казахстана, завершившей формирование де-юре суверенитета республики.


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Челябинск, Россия; Радченко Татьяна Александровна, жаратылыстану ғылымдарының магистрі, А.Байтұрсынов атындағы Қостанай өңірлік университетінің «Физика, математика және цифрлық