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BECTHLIK - Физико-математические науки


Academic year: 2023

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Candidate of Economic Sciences, Mathematics and Informatics, Candidate of Economic Sciences, St. Almaty Branch The author offers an economic-mathematical model that allows finding the conditions that determine the optimal volume of production in two sectors of the economy. In this article (inverse) the problem of determining the right side of the parabolic equation is considered.

The analysis is made of the inverse problems with constant coefficients of the parabolic equation by Fourier's method.

1 қосымша I текті шекаралық шарты мынадай

Қарастырылған әдісті қолдану нәтижесінде кері есептердің әртүрлі түрлері I ретті интегралдық теңдеулерді, яғни дұрыс емес есептер алды. Бұл тапсырманы ерекше жағдайларда ғана спектрлік әдіспен шешуге болатыны анықталды. Бұдан Fn табу керек.. белгісіз Fn коэффициентін табу үшін теңдеу шығара алмадық. 2 ерекше жағдай.

12 теңдеуін аламыз. Бұл теңдеу қанағаттандырылады, егер

16 қатарлары түрінде жазып аламыз. Мұндағы,

УДК 517.926

При постановке обратных задач магнитотеллурического зондирования (МТЗ) важную роль играет выбор математической модели структуры земной среды и естественного электромагнитного поля. В данной работе приведены результаты исследования некоторых возможных постановок обратных задач МТС для неоднородных наклонно падающих плоских волн. При сделанных предположениях относительно функций i, i1,2 задача определения параметра  в случае среды с анизотропией вида (17) имеет не более одного решения при высоких частотах  и при низких частоты, если   0.

Задание коэффициента отражения одной из поляризаций при двух значениях параметра

Maukeev, S.Tamayev, Zh.А.Tokibetov The Kazakh citizen named al-Farabi1,2,3,4, Almaty, Kazakhstan ON A MEASURE OF A SYSTEM OF EQUATIONS,. A solution of the system of Euler equations associated with the Bernoulli integral satisfying certain conditions on the boundary is found in a semi-infinite layer. Key words: equation for the state of motion of substances, plane-parallel motions, incompressible fluid, potential of the force field, Bernoulli integral.

Используя начальные условия (7) и применяя арккосинус и синус преобразований Фурье [3], (13) и (14) для определения B1, B2, получаем систему уравнений.


The main topic of this article is the study of the similarity concept of Jonsson's theories. One of the interesting moments of this work is that the presented examples of similarity are considered in different signatures. In the framework of the classification of Jonsson's theories, the concept of similarity in the language of the semantic triple of Jonsson's theory was considered.

A description of the syntactic and semantic similarity of the perfect fragments of the Jonsson subsets of the semantic model of the Jonsson existential-primary convex theory is obtained.

Әрбір бульдік алгебрада кейбір абельдік группаларды интерпретациялауға болады

Индуктивті теория (EP) T экзистенциалды архетип деп аталады, егер оның алгебралық архетипі және APT ET , APT – T теориясының алгебралық архетиптерінің жиынтығы. T-теориясы толық Джонсон теориясы және Fr( делік. A1 және A2 жиындарының сәйкесінше A1) және Fr(A2 ) фрагменттері, мұнда A1 және eA2 T-теориясындағы семантикалық модельдің Джонсон ішкі жиындары болып табылады. Fr(A1) және Fr(A2) фрагменттері -толық Джонсон теориясы 1) Fr(A1) және Fr(A2) фрагменттері J – Джонсон теориясы үшін синтаксистік жағынан ұқсас [10];.

11].𝑇 йонсондық теорияcының кез келген толық экзистенцианальды сөйлемдері үшін келесі шарттар эквивалентті

Fn((Fr(A1))*)- әрбір n үшін Fn((Fr(A1))*)- изоморфты болғандықтан және теорема мен 3, 4 деректерінің шарты бойынша бұл изоморфизм барлық ішкі алгебрада жалғасады. . Моноидтың S көпбұрышы деп тек бір орындық функциясы бар құрылымды айтамыз A;f:S , яғни. и) fe(a)=a,aA, мұндағы e – моноидтың бірлігі -S;.

10]. Келесі қасиеттер және ұғымдар семантикалық болып табылады

For this, the principle of dynamic programming and the solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation are applied. In the paper, inverse problems for the stochastic differential equation of the Merton problem with the Wiener process [5] are investigated numerically. Inverse problems consist of determining the function on the right (control function) [6]. The constraint Z(t)0 is necessary to exclude the situation when the investor becomes bankrupt and his debt is refinanced by further loans. The investor invests the fraction of (t) of total wealth held in stock, and the remaining part of.

This means that by small variations of the parameter  significant changes are made in the solution of the direct problem.

Figure 1.The mathematical expectation for the parameters:
Figure 1.The mathematical expectation for the parameters:

УДК 519.63

  • Statement of the problem
  • The formal asymptotic behavior in the low-frequency range Following [2]1, we take asymptotic ansatzes

The relation (1.6) of the spectral parameters rewrites the sequence (1.7) into an unbounded monotonic increasing sequence of Steklov eigenvalues ​​(1.1). V1 and its derivatives are provided, for example, by the general results of the theory of elliptic boundary value problems in domains with angular and canonical points [3], [4]. In the framework of the method of matched asymptotic expansions, we integrate as outer expansions and construct the following inner expansion in uniformly spaced coordinates.

1 NazarovS.А.Concentration of trapped modes in problems of the linearized theory of water waves //Mat.

УДК 378+517.9

On Coefficients in the Asymptotics of Solutions of Elliptic Limit Value Problems in a Domain of Conical Points / Math. The report discusses the scientific and methodological aspects of the formation of students' interdisciplinary scientific knowledge while learning inverse problems for differential equations.

УДК 519.6

Construction of a mathematical model for tuberculosis transmission in highly endemic regions of the Asia-Pacific. Development of the decision support system to control a procedure of financial investment, Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies. In this paper I want to consider the educational significance of the Sundial in mathematics education from several points of view: the improvement of geometry education, the development of mathematical modeling as a Mathematical Development Model and the interrelationship between mathematics and science.

The educational significance of the sundial and examples of teaching mathematical modeling, Beitraege zum Mathematikunterricht.

Fig.5  Fig.6 The work of student
Fig.5 Fig.6 The work of student

УДК 519.62/64

ON THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE CONVERGENCE VALUE ESTIMATION OF THE FIXABLE ZONE METHOD FOR NONLINEAR LIMIT VALUE. The article deals with the problem of solving the approximation of the system of Cauchy-Kovalevskaya equations. A priori estimates are obtained and a generalized solution of the problem using Galerkin's uniqueness method is proved.

One of the problems of computational mathematics is to create effective numerical algorithms for solving nonlinear boundary value problems of mathematical physics in complex domains (with curvilinear boundaries). For example, the finite element method, the method of limit integral equations and the method of fictitious domains. For example, the method of fictional areas allows to significantly increase the degree of automation of programming, which greatly facilitates the transition from one application task to another.

These technological factors of the method of fictitious areas in combination with the method of finite differences are especially valuable when creating the functional filling of application packages. This article is devoted to studying some properties of the solution of problems in the method of fictitious domains for nonlinear elliptic equations.

D если x


МРНТИ 14:25,07

This article discusses the importance of the new education reform in our country and its implementation in schools. Above all, physics lessons in English encourage students to expand their vocabulary, make new discoveries, and carry out various observations and experiments. We also explain to students that they must use the acquired knowledge to meet their daily needs.

The main thing is that the student will have a vocabulary of English speaking skills, his speaking skills will be created. Solid state physics problem solving is built using Einstein, Debye, Gamma functions using computer. The article describes some of the tasks of pedagogical measurements that we encounter in the practice of universities.

Описание задач и возможных методов их решения важны с точки зрения их обобщения и включения в содержание дисциплин бакалавриата и магистратуры. Приведены примеры формулирования научной темы по актуальной проблеме и новой дисциплине, относящейся к педагогическим измерениям для уровня магистра. Специалисты по образовательным измерениям из многих стран объединены в Международную ассоциацию по оценке образования (МАГАТЭ, www.iaea.info).

Ежегодно МАГАТЭ проводит научные конференции, на которых собираются ведущие специалисты из разных стран для обсуждения актуальных проблем промышленности (www.iaea2018.org). Рассмотрим основные направления работы единого портала интернет-тестирования в сфере образования www.i-exam.ru, существующего в России.

ГРНТИ 14.27.09

The organization and implementation of such classes in history, literature, biology, and physics have made particular progress. This situation develops mainly because the teacher does not have special training in the field of substantive use of the potential of the city's socio-cultural environment. When setting the objectives of the informatics lesson in the museum, the teacher relied on the existing knowledge of schoolchildren, interesting facts about the museum object and other facts.

The teacher adhered to the structure of the material, providing an opportunity to remember the basic idea of ​​​​the lesson. In the context of the digitization of the education system, approaches to teaching computer science, including computer graphics, are undergoing significant changes. As part of the work, the authors are trying to determine the principles of the organization of digital portfolios.

The article considers the model of digitalization of the university - as the basis for the digital transformation of the university. Keywords: digitization, digital transformation of the university, big data, digital analytics, augmented and virtual reality. In the organization of research activities, the function of the teacher changes: he ceases to be the main source of information for students and becomes the organizer of their own cognitive activity.

The main goal of scientific research activity (SRA) is self-realization of the student's personality on the basis of the acquired research skills. Rules for the teacher's work with students in the study The famous specialist in "research training" D. The wording of the theme reflects the coexistence in science of already known and not yet explored, i.e. the process of developing scientific knowledge.

This is a kind of problem carrier that research is directed towards.


Figure 1.The mathematical expectation for the parameters:
Fig.5  Fig.6 The work of student


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