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Academic year: 2023

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EXTRALINGUISTIC FACTORS IN THE DYNAMICS OF KAZAKHAN IN CHINA (RULE ON WORK IN THE FIELD OF LANGUAGE AND WRITING). In this article, the author highlights the points made in the position, discusses the implementation of concrete examples. The article is devoted to the semantic and stylistic peculiarities of English individualized personal names.

This article considers print language as an object of research in Kazakh linguistics. The linguistic view of the world is related to the orientation of a person's values ​​in the surrounding life. These features make printed language periodically attractive factual material for linguistic research.

Contradiction as one of the most important thought operations plays an important role in world categorization and conceptualization. One of the main problems of European culture is the best use of time. Thus, in the interaction of linguistic and non-linguistic factors, the inference potential of the inference units increases.

Қытай иероглифтеріне қатысты зерттеулер

According to the gender studies, the first steps of Chinese language research appeared a little later. Written features of the Chinese language considered as Chinese "hieroglyph" are not comparable to writings of other languages ​​​​of the world, the peculiar form of the language is deeper, historically and culturally rich. Many scholars have researched deepening and cultural information about Chinese characters with the female grapheme.

Қытайда қытай тіліндегі гендерлік айырмашылықтарды зерттеу 1970 жылдардың аяғы мен 1980 жылдардың басында басталды.

Фонетика бағытындағы зерттеулер

Лексика бағытындағы зерттеулер

贱妾、内人、内子” және некедегі ерлі-зайыптылар арасындағы бағыныңқы-доминанттық қатынасты түсіндіретін басқа атаулар.

Грамматика бағытындағы зерттеулер

Phrasal verbs are one of the most difficult moments in the study of the English language. Using phrasal verbs helps to avoid regular expressions and helps to make the language more "alive". This article deals with aspects related to a historical rise of English phrasal verbs and deals with definitions and classifications of phrasal verbs.

The number of phrasal verbs is increasing day by day, and with it the more frequent use. Phrasal verbs, which are often used in colloquial speech, have already passed into the language of the media, business and economics, and even replaced some combinations of synonyms of simple verbs. According to Jane Povey, author of the book Speak English Correctly, phrasal verbs are a syntactic and semantic unit.

Phrasal verbs can be found in the English text of every style and genre, but the main area of ​​use is still spoken language. Prepositional verbs are immediately distinguishable from phrasal verbs in terms of movement, as prepositions cannot move behind their objects. Many of the root verbs for phrasal verbs are monosyllabic and are often verbs of motion, affect, give, be, or do.

A few examples listed below show that there are many common phrasal verbs whose parent verbs are of Germanic origin. Examples (6, 7 and 8) show, however, that superordinate verbs for phrasal verbs are not limited to Germanic roots. The particles that form phrasal verbs are homophones with the English class of prepositions (although not all English prepositions are reduplicated as particles).

In summary, we can say that phrasal verbs are an integral part of the vocabulary of the English language. However, it should be noted that many of the phrasal verbs are part of slang, colloquialism or vulgarity, so you should be extremely careful with unfamiliar phrasal verbs, and in case of doubt refer to the dictionary.



The article is devoted to the analysis of the creative work of the prominent English writer William Golding. Despite the fact that most of Golding's novels depict similar themes, they are essentially different. In English literary studies, the study of the author's work was divided into three phases, which were the most discussed parts of the author's creative biography.

The author studies the artistic features of the translations and compares the poems in the three languages ​​and notes all the nuances of the translation. When dealing with irony and its stylistic applications in an artistic text, it is important to analyze the linguistic aspects of the expression of ironic meaning in the text. Because the lexical, phraseological and syntactic capabilities of language perform ironic relations to reality by expressing thought and word games.

Key words: irony, author's style, idea, assessment category, aesthetic awareness, language of the work, author's narrative. Key words: semiotics, interpretation, structural elements, constants, the last supper, the mythological prototype, the materialized shrine, verbalization of the mental. In his work "Shyngyrau" A.Kekilbayev took place in accordance with the realities of the composition.

The author wanted to show life philosophy and mythical aspects in the work and at the beginning of the composition tried to lead to the reader's thoughts. А.Кекілбаевтын «Шынырау» пovеcіный жoғaлу-қaйta тaбыcу хronotoбы Энцептынны (шыІңarмаы да) еckе aлуымен бactaлadы. In this aspect, M.Auezov always looks into the depths of the person's soul and was able to elevate the psychological process in the consciousness and actions of his characters to the classic model in national artistic prose.

As a result, the work of the great artist became the property not only of the Kazakh people, but of all mankind. The article analyzes contemporary views of the author and spiritual values ​​of humanity in the stories of M.Auezov.


The material of this article reflects the professional direction of teaching non-philology students in the Russian language based on the texts of the scientific style of speech as a way of forming their professional and verbal competences. The article provides an overview of theoretical information that reflects information about genres of scientific text and types of its processing. Classification of types of summaries proposed by Russian (N.I. Kolesnikova, M.S. Korneeva, etc.) and foreign researchers (S.Ranganathan, Hiroyama Kenzo, B.Weyli, etc.).

The basic principle of innovative technologies is student-centered education, which is based on the formation of communicative and professional competence, creative activity of the student. Audience proficiency at multiple levels contributes to the development and improvement of additional skills and competencies. It is the word that determines the possibility of realizing the highest level of mental activity-logical understanding and generalization.

It is well known that the text shows the different types of meaning of the word - experienced, learned conceptual and associative, while in the context there is an additional reassessment of the word with a more specific account of its environment. Any type of text compression begins with ―careful reading of the text and highlighting key words and sentences. Keywords lay in the student's mind the idea of ​​texts of a special kind at all levels of the concept.

And this is only possible if a reading person keeps a visual, sound and repeating image of the word in the long-term memory (and also if a sentence with this structure is made by a student himself). Reading contributes to the formation of a special kind of space: from the first acquaintance to the final analysis of the text being read – gradually filled with the development of specific skills and abilities as their complexity. At the same time, focusing on the meaning is an educational task of the teacher.

Solving problem tasks encourages creative execution of written statements, processing and transfer of information obtained from the text. Interactively, it is aimed at a wider interaction of students with the teacher, with each other through the content of the studied subject, the tasks that need to be solved.



When giving the stylistic meaning of the source text, the translator must follow the same principle - to recreate the same impression in the translation as the original text could leave [1, 10]. The function of alliteration in both languages ​​coincides - in this function, alliteration is one of the basic means of poetic speech. The third function of alliteration in the English language - to attract the reader's attention - is often used in the names of literary works, newspaper headlines, and often in articles.

The use of such pairs is traditional for all styles of the English language, including business style. He insists that the guys in the white hats take control of the saloon before he leaves town. In the last paragraph of the article, the elements of a metaphor are partially repeated: but all this is a little more complicated than "leaving the salon".

In this case, all elements of the developed (unwrapped) metaphor may be kept in translation [5]. Actualization of the passive form often occurs during translation of political literature, but it is not as colorful as in translations of fiction. The expressiveness and emphasis created by the passive form of the verb that had been formed as a result.

This paper examines the main communicative genre of political Internet discourse, which is the headline as political website. Following the given example, the authors provide the detailed analysis of the translation from English to Russian. The purpose of the article is to consider and identify the linguistic features of the translation of the political texts posted on the web.

Based on the results obtained from the analysis of the translation of political texts, the authors came to a certain conclusion. Due to its peculiarities, the translation of poems has always belonged to a special category of translation and requires special attention from the translator.


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С.2 1 Қорқыт Ата атындағы Қызылорда мемлекеттік университеті, Қызылорда, Қазақстан 2Абай атындағы Қазақ ұлттық педагогикалық университеті, Алматы, Қазақстан ҚАЗІРГІ ҚАЗАҚ