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ISSN 2305-9397 ________________________________________________________________

Scientific and practical journal of Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University

Published kuarterly since 2005

Science and education

№ 2 (71) 2023



Chief Editor

Nametov A. M., Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Chairman of the board - rector

Editorial team

Şämşіdіn Ä.S., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Brem Gottfried, Doctor Medicinae Veterinariae, Professor

Saljnikov Elmira, Ph.D

Baimukanov D.A., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of NАS of the RK

Nasiyev B.N., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of NАS of the RK

Rakhimgaliyeva S.Zh., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor

Kosilov B.I., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Bozymov K.K., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Isbekov K.B., Candidate of Biological Sciences

Stekolnikov A., Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the RAAS

Radoiicic Bilyana, Ph.D, Professor

Sapanov M.K., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Krasnyanskiy M.N., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Montayev S.A., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Chibilev A.A., Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor, Academician of RAS

Almagambetova M.Zh., Candidate of Engineering Sciences Abdybekova A.M., Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Iskhan K.Zh., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor

Semenov V.G., Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Yuldashbaev Yu.A., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor

Alpeisov Sh.A., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Bugai D.E., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor Ismakov R.A., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

Sermyagin A.A. Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Kazambaeva A.M., Candidate of Economic Sciences

© Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University

2023 ж.




UDC 638.1:636.082.13. DOI 10.56339/2305-9397-2023-2-3-10 IRSTI 68.39.43; 68.39.13; 68.39.19; 68.39.17

Toktarov N. Z., the main author, candidate in Technical Sciences, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Engineering of Kazakhstan, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7589-5580.

«East-Kazakhstan Agricultural Research Station» LLP, Opytnoe Pole Village, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 070512, Kazakhstan, tok_b@mail.ru, vkniish@mail.ru.

Cherepanova I. G., bachelor, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4672-3330.

«East-Kazakhstan Agricultural Research Station» LLP, Opytnoe Pole Village, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 070512, Kazakhstan, ira_irina86@bk.ru.

Kairgalieva G. Z., master of Biological Sciences, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6941-4805.

NJSC «West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University named after Zhangir Khan», 51 St. Zhangir Khan, Uralsk, 090009, Kazakhstan, kairgalieva_guldana@mail.ru.

Kaisenova B. T., bachelor, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8874-1887.

«East-Kazakhstan Agricultural Research Station» LLP, Opytnoe Pole Village, Ust-Kamenogorsk, 070512, Kazakhstan, bee_lab@mail.ru.

Ostroverkhova N. V., doctor of Biological Sciences, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9837-4905

«National Research Tomsk State University», Tomsk, Lenin Ave., 36, 634050 Russia, nvostrov@mail.ru



Beekeeping is an important branch of agriculture, which consists of breeding bee families to produce honey, wax, and other bee products, as well as the use of bees for pollination of crops. It receives well-deserved attention from the population in Kazakhstan.

East Kazakhstan is engaged in beekeeping in a vast area stretching over two thousand kilometers in the Altai Region of Kazakhstan. The efficiency of beehives depends on many factors - natural and climatic conditions, condition of honey grounds and location of apiaries, strength and health of beehives, their breed, and, certainly, on the qualification and diligence of the beekeeper.

According to the results of the spring and autumn inspections of the bee colonies we studied the basic characteristics such as winter-hardiness, productivity, and resistance to diseases. By measuring morphometric and exterior features the natural affiliation of the beehives were determined. The main indicator of breed affiliation is the color of bee body, proboscis length, wing structure and behavior of the family. According to the laboratory analyses, the data on the breed affiliation of bees were clarified. Separate bee distribution outposts of the Apis mellifera mellifera with clear signs of compliance have been identified in several households in the Katon-Karagai National Nature Park.

Key words: beekeeping, breed, bees, research, indicators, results.


The diversity of honeybees is of broad scientific interest. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis based on classical morphometry.

Numerous studies by both domestic [1-3] and foreign scientists [4-14] have been devoted to the development and problems of beekeeping on a scientific basis, e.g., genotyping by sequencing (GBS) was used to determine the morphometric identity of the Apis mellifera scutellata and Apis mellifera capensis native to the Republic of South Africa (RSA) [15]. Scientists at Aksum University (Ethiopia) and Hohenheim University (Germany) studied populations of Ethiopian honey bees (Apis mellifera) by conducting a comprehensive analysis based on classical morphometry and the nuclear marker r7- frag, revealing a relatively low tendency for genetic differentiation [16].



As a result of morphological studies of honey bees in Kazakhstan (Aktobe and West Kazakhstan Regions) using the methods of F. Ruttner and generally accepted evaluation of morphometric features, bees of three classes of morphotypes were identified: 1R, 2R, O (O dark, O gray), two groups: corresponding to the standard of the Apis mellifera mellifera subspecies and partially corresponding [2].

Beekeeping in East Kazakhstan is practiced in a vast area stretching over two thousand kilometers of the Altai Region of Kazakhstan. The landscape is diverse, from semi-deserts to steppe, foothills, mountains, and high-mountain glaciers.

The local flora is varied, with many of them being good melliferous plants. In addition, large areas are annually sown with entomophilic crops - sunflower, buckwheat, rape, melilot, sainfoin, etc.

Therefore, beekeeping has developed in this region, and about three-quarters of all honey in the country, up to 4 thousand tons annually, is produced here. The main volume of honey is obtained in small and medium-sized commercial apiaries with a number of bees up to 300 - 500 families [1].

The productivity of beehives depends on many factors - natural and climatic conditions, the state of honey grounds and location of apiaries, the strength and health of beehives, their breed, and, of course, primarily on the skills and diligence of the beekeeper.

The Beekeeping Department of the "East Kazakhstan Agricultural Research Station" LLP conducts comprehensive research on ways and opportunities to increase honey production in the country. Annual training courses seminars and webinars for beekeepers are held in winter.

Recommendations on various topics of beekeeping, treatment and prevention of diseases are published.

Materials and Methods.

During 2021 - 2022, in order to study the general state and breed of bees, employees of the

"East-Kazakhstan Agricultural Research Station" LLP and the Republican Chamber of Beekeeping conducted expeditionary surveys of apiaries of East Kazakhstan and Abay Regions. By results of spring and autumn inspections of beehives, we studied the main characteristics - winter hardiness, productivity, and resistance to diseases. Samples of bees from each apiary are sent to the laboratories of the "East-Kazakhstan Agricultural Research Station" LLP.

By measuring morphometric and exterior traits, the natural affiliation of beehives is determined [18, 17]. Purebred bees are determined by their body coloring, honey printing, and their behavior when opening the nest and examining the honeycomb [19, 20]. To clarify the purity of individual bee families, bee samples are taken and the proboscis length and wing cubital index are measured in the laboratory, determining their compliance with the zoned breed according to the "Instruction for the Boning of Bee Families".

Preparations for Measuring Exterior Traits.

A strip of glycerol is placed on the slide. Tweezers separate the front right wing and place it on the slide; 15-20 wings are placed next to each other and covered with a coverslip. For isolation of mouth parts (proboscis), tweezers separate the head from the thorax and placed on the slide with the occipital part to the top. Use a preparatory needle to press on the occipital opening and locate where the base of the mouth apparatus is attached to the head. Forceps are used to grasp the chin and mandibular pendants and separate them from the head. The proboscis is placed on a slide with tweezers on a drop of glycerol, spread all parts with a needle, and covered with a coverslip.

Proboscis measurement, Cubital Index and Discoidal Displacement Determination.

Measurements are made with a binocular microscope MBS-1, 2, 10 and an eyepiece- micrometer, which is an eyepiece in which a round glass plate is inserted, on which a scale of 100 divisions is marked.

Proboscis length is an exact quantitative characteristic of the trait which is obtained by adding the three mentioned measurements (mm) according to the following formula:

Proboscis length = a+b+c, where measurements a, b, and c, give the proboscis length in total.

The specimen is placed on the microscope slide under the eyepiece-micrometer. Then, determine how many divisions of the eyepiece-micrometer cover distances a, b, and c.

Cubital Index.

The specimen with wings is placed on the microscope slide under the ocular micrometer.

Measurement of cubital cell on sides "A" and "B" of the third cubital cell of the fore wing is made.



Then determine the ratio of the length of vein "A" to the length of vein "B" in a % ratio using the formula: Cubital index = a/bx100%.

Discoidal Displacement.

Discoidal displacement is determined by Götze. The winged specimen is placed on the microscope slide under the eyepiece-micrometer. The scale with the eyepiece-micrometer divisions is stopped from one corner to the other corner of the radial cell. The perpendicular line of the counting scale must pass through the intersection of the longest vein of the cubital cell. If the perpendicular line passes through point E, it indicates a neutral (zero) discoidal displacement, if point E appears to the right side of the perpendicular line, it indicates a positive (+) discoidal displacement, and if point E appears to the left side of the line, it indicates a negative (-) discoidal displacement.

Preparation of Samples for Morphometric Analysis of Bee Wings (MORPHO-XL).

Tweezers separate the front right wing and put 50-60 wings on tape placed next to each other and covered with a second layer of tape, the sample is signed. Then the sample is scanned, dotted, and loaded into the MORPHO-XL program, after which the result of the morphometric analysis of the family is output.

All results obtained during the tests are entered into the laboratory log table and filed.

Program for Morphometric Analysis of Bee Wings (MORPHOXL).

Tweezers separate the anterior right wing and place 40-60 wings on the scotch tape next to each other and cover it with a second layer of scotch tape. Then the specimen is scanned, arranging the cardinal points. Digitization of the wing images is performed using the summary software tpsDig2 and uploaded to the MORPHO-XL program, after which the result of morphometric analysis of the family is output.

25-30 bees were sampled from each beehive. The morphometric parameters were studied in the laboratory using the Alpatov Method and the modern digitization method (Table 1). These methods allow us to reduce the analysis time by 5-6 times and increase the accuracy of measurements.

Table 1 - Scale of the Standard Class of Breeding Bee Families.

Breed Coloring Proboscis Length (mm) Discoidal


Cubital Index Weight (mg) Width of the third tergite Bee behavior

+ - 0

When opening the nest When examini ng

Apis mellif era mellif



gray 6.0-6.4 4 and less 74 and more 25 and less

60-65 110

4.8-5.2 Moderately aggressive

Hanging in clusters (leaving the honeycomb) Apis

mellif era carpat



6.4-6.8 90 and less - 10 and less

45-60 105



Staying on the honeycomb

Research Results.

According to the data of spring and fall apiary inspections, the main indicators of efficiency, winter hardiness, resistance to diseases, and other economic attributes were determined.

According to the data of laboratory tests, we obtained more accurate data on the breed of bees.

2481 samples were taken and analyzed from 12 farms; thereby 2481 bees were collected from 85 beehive families from the forest, forest-steppe and steppe zone, East Kazakhstan and Abay Regions of East Kazakhstan. The results of the measurements of the samples of multifactorial morphometric analysis are shown in Table 2 [20].



Table 2 - Morphometric Evaluation of the Breed Composition of Bees in Commercial Farms.

Proboscis Length


Cubital Index (%)


Displacement (%) The Third

Tergite Width Body Coloration

+ - 0

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Glubokovsky District

“Paseka” Farm

6.6 55.1 89 10 4.9 grey

6.7 54.3 90 10 4.8 grey

6.6 55.2 96 4 4.7 grey

7.0 54.3 88 12 4.5 grey

6.9 54.6 91 10 4.6 grey

6.6 56.6 93 7 4.8 grey

6.5 52.8 90 10 4.6 grey

«East Kazakhstan Agricultural Research Station» LLP

6.7 53.3 90 10 4.6 grey

6.6 54.2 92 8 4.6 grey

6.5 53.3 92 8 4.7 grey

6.4 53.6 97 12 4.6 grey

6.6 54.3 91 10 4.6 grey

6.6 54.1 90 10 4.5 grey

6.8 52.3 91 10 4.6 grey

6.6 55.4 90 10 4.6 grey

6.4 53.4 92 7 4.9 grey

6.5 51.5 87 13 4.6 grey

“Dary Vosytoka” Farm

6.5 53.2 90 10 4.7 grey

6.5 51.6 91 10 4.6 grey

6.5 52.2 91 9 4.6 grey

6.5 51.5 88 10 4.6 grey

6.5 49.7 90 11 4.6 grey

6.5 49.0 88 11 4.6 grey

«A.M. Kasenov» Farm

6.5 49.5 91 9 4.6 grey

6.5 49.9 90 10 4.6 grey

6.5 49.9 88 12 4.5 grey

6.5 50.0 90 10 4.6 grey

6.5 49.2 90 10 4.6 grey

6.6 50.3 88 11 4.6 grey

6.5 51.2 90 10 4.6 grey

"Pchelnik” Farm

6.5 55.0 94 6 4.6 grey

6.5 51.7 90 10 4.6 grey

6.5 50.6 88 11 4.6 grey

6.5 52.1 91 9 4.6 grey

6.5 52.5 90 10 4.6 grey

6.5 51.1 92 7 4.6 grey



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

“Bdzhilka” Farm

6.5 51.5 96 4 4.6 grey

6.5 50.9 90 10 4.6 grey

6.5 49.9 88 11 4.6 grey

6.5 51.4 90 10 4.6 grey

6.5 51.8 92 8 4.6 grey

6.5 50.1 92 6 4.6 grey

“Vasilyiev” Farm

6.6 55.1 91 9 4.9 grey

6.7 51.3 90 10 4.8 grey

6.6 54.2 96 4 4.7 grey

7.0 54.3 95 5 4.5 grey

6.9 54.6 92 8 4.6 grey

6.0 56.6 96 7 4.8 grey

7.0 54.3 96 4 4.5 grey

6.9 54.6 90 10 4.6 grey

6.6 56.6 96 4 4.8 grey

6.5 52.8 90 10 4.6 grey

Ulan District

“Paseka»” Farm

6.5 49.5 96 4 4.6 grey

6.5 49.9 90 10 4.6 grey

6.5 49.9 88 9 4.5 grey

6.5 5.0 90 10 4.6 grey

6.5 49.2 94 6 4.6 grey

6.6 50.3 88 11 4.6 grey

6.5 51.2 90 10 4.6 grey

“Myod Altaya” Farm

6.5 51.5 90 10 4.6 grey

6.5 50.9 92 8 4.6 grey

6.5 49.9 88 11 4.6 grey

6.5 52.8 90 10 4.7 grey

6.5 52.9 96 5 4.6 grey

6.5 52.0 92 7 4.6 grey

“Gordienko” Farm

6.7 53.3 90 10 4.6 grey

6.6 54.2 92 8 4.6 grey

6.5 53.3 91 9 4.7 grey

6.4 53.6 90 10 4.6 grey

6.6 54.3 93 7 4.6 grey

6.6 54.1 95 6 4.5 grey

6.5 51.5 92 8 4.6 grey

Katon-Karagai District

“V.A. Kasenova” IE

6.1 62.2 3 83 13 4.9 dark grey

6.1 62.2 6 85 10 4.9 dark grey

6.1 62.0 7 81 11 4.9 dark grey

6.5 51.5 90 10 4.6 grey



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

6.5 51.5 90 10 4.6 grey

6.6 52.1 92 7 4.6 grey

6.1 62.0 6 83 10 4.9 dark grey

6.1 62.2 6 83 10 4.9 dark grey

6.1 62.4 7 81 11 4.9 dark grey

6.5 52.3 89 10 4.6 grey

“V.P. Klimova” IE

6.6 51.7 96 5 4.6 grey

6.5 51.2 92 8 4.6 grey

6.6 49.6 91 10 4.6 grey

According to research data, it was found that in most farms bees have signs of Apis mellifera carpatica. There is also significant traits, where the indicators of purebredness are blurred.

This is the result of uncontrolled importation of bees from different places to expand apiaries or to replenish the number of beehives after hibernation.

Separate bee distribution outposts of the Apis mellifera mellifera with clear signs of compliance have been identified in several households in the Katon-Karagai National Nature Park.

Questionnaire data describing the economic value of local bees show that in 2021-2022 there was no loss of bees during the winter and no nosema disease.

The morphometric traits of bees in different natural and climatic zones are quite diverse within the breed. The shortest probosci's bees were found in the dry-steppe and desert-steppe zone. They are characterized by the highest value of the cubital index 51.18 ± 1.8 and the length of the third tergite (2.34 ± 0.02 mm), which corresponds to the Apis mellifera mellifera. Bees of the shallow-footed zone were the longest compared to others (6.7±0.05). Bees of this group had a smaller cubital index of the right fore wing and length of the third tergite, which corresponds to the Apis mellifera carpatica.


Data on the distribution of bees of the Apis mellifera mellifera and recommendations for their maintenance and further improvement of breeding were used by us in the Project of the Secretariat of the UNDP Convention on Biodiversity of Nature on "Conservation and Restoration of Biodiversity of Pasture Resources of Rural Settlements in Katon-Karagai State National Park".

The results of the study became the basis for developing a map of breed zoning of apiaries in East Kazakhstan and Abay Regions. At the same time, recommendations to beekeepers on breeding bees of different breeds and mastering breeding and selection work were given.

Materials of the research were used in the application to the Ministry of Digital Development and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan for grant funding of the "East Kazakhstan Agricultural Research Station" LLP under the "Production Sector Consortia 1: Competence Centers"

Program on "Creation of a Scientific and Tribal Center for Beekeeping" and a positive decision was received. This grant will be implemented in 2023-2024 on the territory of East Kazakhstan Region.

The resulting products: brood female beekeepers and bee colonies of the Apis mellifera mellifera and Apis mellifera carpatica will be sold to beekeepers in the region.

The research is funded by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan ("Development of Technologies for Effective Management of the Breeding Process in Beekeeping"

PCF BR10764957).


We express our gratitude for participation and assistance in the survey of apiaries in the vast territory of two regions, managers and specialists of the Republican Chamber of Beekeeping, Katon- Karagai National Park, "Paseka", "Myod Altaiskiy", "Dary Altaya" Farms and " V.A. Kaseneva" IE.


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Ара шаруашылығы-бал, балауыз және басқа да ара шаруашылығы өнімдерін алу және араларды дақылдарды тозаңдандыру үшін пайдалану мақсатында ара колонияларын өсіруден тұратын ауыл шаруашылығының маңызды саласы. Ол Қазақстан халқының лайықты назарына ие.

Шығыс Қазақстанда ара шаруашылығымен Қазақстанның Алтай өңірінің екі мың шақырымнан астам аумағы айналысады. Өсірілетін ара колонияларының өнімділігі көптеген факторларға байланысты-табиғи-климаттық жағдайлар, бал өсімдіктерінің жағдайы және Омарталардың орналасуы, ара колонияларының күші мен денсаулығы, олардың тұқымдық құрамы және, әрине, ең алдымен омарташының біліктілігі мен еңбекқорлығына байланысты.

Ара колонияларын көктемгі және күзгі тексерудің нәтижелері бойынша негізгі сипаттамалар – қыстың төзімділігі, өнімділігі, ауруларға төзімділігі зерттелді. Морфометриялық және сыртқы белгілерді өлшеу арқылы ара колонияларының табиғи аксессуарлары анықталды. Тұқымның негізгі көрсеткіші-араның денесінің түсі, пробосканың ұзындығы, қанатының құрылымы және отбасының мінез-құлқы. Зертханалық талдаулардың деректері бойынша аралардың тұқымдық тиістілігі бойынша нақтыланған деректер алынды. Катонқарағай ұлттық табиғи паркінің аумағындағы бірнеше шаруашылықтарда сәйкестіктің айқын белгілері бар Орталық орыс тұқымының араларының таралуының жекелеген аралдары анықталды.


Пчеловодство – важная отрасль сельского хозяйства, заключающаяся в разведении пчелиных семей с целью получения меда, воска и других продуктов пчеловодства, а также использования пчел для опыления сельскохозяйственных культур. Оно пользуется заслуженным вниманием населения Казахстана.

Пчеловодством в Восточном Казахстане занимаются на обширной территории протяженностью более двух тысяч километров зоне Алтайского региона Казахстана.

Продуктивность разводимых пчелосемей зависит от многих факторов – природно- климатических условий, состояния медоносов и размещения пасек, силы и здоровья пчелосемей, их породной принадлежности и конечно, в первую очередь от квалификации и трудолюбия пчеловода. По результатам весенней и осенней ревизии пчелосемей изучены основные характеристики – зимостойкость, продуктивность, устойчивость к заболеваниям.

Путем измерений морфометрический и экстерьерных признаков определены природные принадлежности пчелосемей. Основным показателем породной принадлежности является окрас тела пчелы, длинна хоботка, строение крыла и поведение семьи. По данным лабораторных анализов получены уточненные данные по породной принадлежности пчел. Отдельные островки распространения пчел среднерусской породы с явными признаками соответствия выявлены в нескольких хозяйствах на территории Катон-Карагайского национального природного парка.

UDC 636.082/35 DOI 10.56339/2305-9397-2023-2-10-17 MRNTI 68.39.29

Karymsakov T.N., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, main author, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4398- 8840

«Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Feed Production» LLP, Almaty, 51 Zhandosova str., 050035, Kazakhstan, kartalgat@mail.ru

Torekhanov A.A., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3237-3683

«Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Feed Production» LLP, Almaty, 51 Zhandosova str., 050035, Kazakhstan, torehanov.aibyn@mail.ru

Zhumanov K.Zh., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8400-4073

«Amiran Agro» LLP, Almaty, Medeu district, 86/47 Bogenbai Batyr str., kano_zh@mail.ru Sailaubek P.J., Graduate student, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7852-1402

«Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Feed Production» LLP, Almaty, 51 Zhandosova str., 050035, Kazakhstan, kazakh_93_bbn@mail.ru





Dairy cattle breeding is a branch of the agro-industrial complex, representing a complex system of milk production, which includes a number of daily production processes. One of the stages of breeding dairy cattle is the process of monthly weighing of young animals with subsequent entry of the live weight results in their breeding certificates. Usually, the weighing of calves in farms is carried out on certain dates, but since calves are born almost every day, there is little chance that the date of their weighing coincides with their birthday. In this regard, in many cases, the actual live weight of young animals does not always correspond to the age indicated in the breeding certificates. Therefore, the article provides materials that substantiate incorrect records of breeding records, as well as suggests measures to address this issue by applying formulas that allow you to adjust the live weight of calves at certain age periods. Considering that each farm has an information and analytical system, the process of adjusting the live weight of young animals for age periods does not present difficult tasks. In addition, the adjusted live weight of young animals makes it possible to more accurately and reliably determine their breeding value, and therefore select the best individuals for herd repair.

Key words: dairy cattle breeding, young animals, age, live weight, adjustment

Introduction. One of the main ways to increase the productivity of dairy cattle is the intensive technology of directed rearing of young animals [1]. Unfortunately, this important period of animal organism development is not always given due attention. As a result, according to some estimates, dairy farms do not receive up to 25% of the production from each dairy cow [2, 3].

In addition, the targeted rearing of young animals and their proper preparation for calving are positively correlated with the duration of economic use, sometimes the determining factor of the term of economic use of cows is their age and live weight during fruitful insemination [4, 5]. The main task of proper rearing of heifers in the post-dairy period is to ensure their normal growth and development, which are determined by heredity and the environment [6, 7].

Directed rearing of young animals, preparation of heifers for calving are positively correlated with the duration of their economic use, and the beginning of the optimal period of economic use of cows depends on their age and live weight at the first fruitful insemination [8, 9].

The current situation with the cultivation of heifers for breeding purposes is their monthly weighing, according to the results of which the technology of maintenance and feeding diet are adjusted, which on the one hand is a justified measure [10, 11]. On the other hand, monthly weighing of calves is not entirely acceptable from an economic point of view, since calves at the time of weighing lose up to 50% of their daily weight gain associated with stress [12, 13, 14]. Let's say that 500 heads are weighed on a dairy farm every month. at the time of weighing, each calf has a shortage in weight gain of about 400 gr., in total, we get that for one overweight the farm loses 200 kg of live weight, and if this livestock is weighed every month, then for the year the total loss of live weight will be 2.4 tons. Considering that the price for young animals during breeding is determined by live weight, then on average the farm loses 2.4 million tenge, or about 6.0 thousand US dollars, taking into account the price of 1000 tenge per 1 kg of live weight.

Therefore, taking into account the fact that the monthly transfer of calves leads to the loss of certain financial resources, it is proposed to carry out the transfer of young animals quarterly, by groups of animals, when their average age will be 6,9,12, and 15 months.

The rationale for the beginning of weighing calves from the age of 6 months is that in dairy cattle breeding, young animals are subject to appraisal valuation after they reach this nominal age. The body of a nine-month-old calf has a state of transition to puberty and its weight during this period can change both positively and negatively, therefore, weight control of calves at this age is an important breeding indicator [15,16].

In many farms, the live weight of calves at 12 months of age is 65-70% of the weight of an adult cow, so some heifers are already subject to insemination during this period. According to economic accounting, sufficient profitability of milk production is achieved if the average age of the animal at



the first hotel is no more than 24 months, hence it follows that the control and final weighing of young animals should be carried out at 15 months.

In addition, the very procedure for evaluating young animals to a certain appraisal valuation class depends on the compliance of their live weight to the breed standard at certain age periods.

However, it is quite rare that the date of the transfer coincides with the birthday of the animals, so incorrect records are often kept in the journals of the rearing of young animals.

In this regard, the aim of the work is to develop effective methods for accurately determining the live weight of young animals at certain age periods by using special formulas.

Material and research methods. The research work was based on the materials of the journal of the cultivation of young Holstein black-and-white breed contained in the dairy complex of Amiran LLP, located in the Almaty region. Scientific and production experience was carried out using generally accepted methods [17, p. 195]. The organization and norms of feeding calves were complete and corresponded to the needs of dairy animals of the productivity of the corresponding ages [18, p. 242].

Results and their discussion. In accordance with the by-laws of the Law "On Livestock Breeding" [19], the evaluation of young animals is carried out according to the Instructions for the bonification of dairy and dairy-meat cattle breeds, which specifies the breed standards for live weight, the gradation of which is distributed by month. From the point of view of determining the breeding value of heifers, such a gradation is not entirely convenient due to the fact that calves are weighed at a certain period, and since calves are born almost every day, there is little chance that the date of their weighing coincides with their birthday [20]. In this regard, in many cases, the actual live weight of young animals in the breeding records does not always correspond to the specified age.

Let's assume that the exact age of the heifer at the time of weighing was 10 months and 15 days, it turns out that its live weight can be compared with the breed standard for both 10 and 11-month-old animals. Suppose that the average daily weight gain of a heifer was at the level of 800 g, then the difference in live weight, taking into account 15 days, will be 12 kg.

Thus, if such an animal is compared with the minimum requirements of a bonus of 11 months, then the score is artificially underestimated, if the age indicator of 10 months is taken into account, then it is overestimated.

Within the framework of these designated issues, the age and live weight of young animals were analyzed in Amiran LLP, where 600 dairy cows are kept and 1-3 calves are born daily at the enterprise. 3 heifers born in the month of January in the interval of 10 days were selected for research (Table 1).

Table 1 – Indicators of live weight of heifers at birth and at 6 months of age.

Date of birth Birth weight, kg

Weighing date 10.07.2015 age at weighing,


age at weighing,


live weight,


average daily increase, gr

05.01.2015 37 6 186 185 822

15.01.2015 40 6 176 179 772

25.01.2015 41 6 166 161 667

Analysis of the data obtained showed that since the animals were born in January, at the time of weighing they were kept in a group where the average age of calves was 6 months. Thus, regardless of the date of birth, a certain actual live weight is recorded in the individual cards of each animal, as a weight at 6 months of age.

When studying the live weight of heifers in days, it turned out that the actual age of the first animal was 6 days more than the 6-month indicator (180 days), and the second and third heifers, on the contrary, were 4 and 14 days less. It follows that in the practice of breeding livestock, it makes sense to adjust the live weight of calves for exactly 6 months, or 180 days, according to the formula:

180day =𝑊−𝑊𝑏𝑁 ∗ 180 + 𝑊𝑏, where:

180 day – adjusted live weight for 180 days;


13 W – live weight at weighing;

Wb – live weight at birth;

N – the number of days from birth to the weighing date.

Thus, taking into account the above formula, it is possible to adjust the live weight of calves for a certain age, in our case for 180 days (Table 2).

Table 2 – Live weight indicators of heifers, adjusted for 180 days

Date of birth

Live weight at birth,


Weighing date 10.07.2015

Economic calculation Adjusted calculation age at

weighing, months.

live weight,


average daily increase,


age at weighing,


average daily increase, gr

live weight

, kg

05.01.2015 37 6 185 822 186 796 180

15.01.2015 40 6 179 772 176 790 182

25.01.2015 41 6 161 667 166 723 171

Having the actual data of the average daily weight gain from birth to the weighing date, it can be hypothetically assumed that the live weight indicators of heifers in exactly 180 days (6 months) would differ from the household ones by 5 kg for the first heifer and by 3 and 10 kg, respectively, for the second and third.

The initial error in determining the live weight of heifers subsequently affects the rest of the age periods, which ultimately completely distorts the real situation with the indicators of the average live weight of both individual groups of animals and the population as a whole.

In our studies, based on the data of zootechnical accounting, the next re-weighing of calves was carried out on October 19, 2015, i.e. 3 months later. Over the past period, according to economic accounting, control animals have gained weight from 74 to 80 kg (Table 3).

Table 3 – Indicators of live weight of calves according to economic accounting at 6 and 9 months of age

Date of birth

Live weight Age at the time of weighing,


Number of days between


Absolute gain, kg

Average daily increase, g in 6 months


9 months.


05.01.2015 185 265 287 101 80 792

15.01.2015 179 253 277 101 74 732

25.01.2015 161 240 267 101 79 782

If we consider the indicators of calves at 6 and 9 months, then in absolute terms their live weight for 3 months increased by 80 kg in the first, 74 in the second and 79 in the third heifers and amounted, respectively, to 265, 253 and 240 kg. These indicators were subsequently recorded in the breeding cards of heifers. However, at the time of the next weighing, the age of the first heifer was 287 days (or 9 months 17 days), the second 277 days (9 months and 7 days) and the third 267 (or 8 months 27 days). As a result, it was stated that some inaccuracies in the age were formed in the breeding records and in the live mass of chicks.

In this regard, in order to avoid errors in breeding records, it is also proposed to adjust the live weight of calves for 270 days, or for 9 months. according to the following formula:

𝑊₂₇₀ =𝑊𝑙−𝑊𝑝𝑁 ∗ 90 + 𝑊₁₈₀, where:

W270 – live weight, adjusted for 270 days;


14 Wl – live weight on the date of the last weighing;

Wp – live weight on the date of the previous weighing;

N – number of days between weighings;

М180 – live weight, adjusted for 180 days.

When adjusting the live weight for 270 days, it was found that the absolute increase in the live weight of heifers was on average 9 kg lower than with economic accounting (Table 4).

Table 4 – Adjusted heifers for 270 days live weight index of heifers

Date of birth

On economic accounting By adjusted accounting

live weight age at the time of weighi

ng, days

numb er of days betwe en weigh


absolute increase

absolute increase

live weight in 180 days.

live weight

270 days.

in 6 months (10.07.15)

9 months.


05.01.2015 185 265 287 101 80 71 180 256

15.01.2015 179 253 277 101 74 65 182 245

25.01.2015 161 240 267 101 79 70 171 231

Adjusting the live weight for 270 days shows that if the actual weighing of heifers coincided with their birthday at exactly 9 months, then their live weight would differ from the economic accounting by 9.8 and 9 kg, respectively.

Thus, the difference in live weight of several kilograms of heifers can directly affect the assessment of breeding value in comparison with the herd or population.

In this regard, for a more accurate determination of the live weight of calves by age periods, it is proposed to adjust the live weight for 180, 270, 365 and 450 days.

At the same time, the live weight adjustment of heifers for 365 and 450 days should be carried out according to the following formulas:

𝑊₃₆₅ =𝑊𝑙−𝑊𝑝𝑁 ∗ 90 + 𝑊₂₇₀, where:

W365 – adjusted live weight for 365 days;

Wl – live weight on the date of the last weighing;

Wp – live weight on the date of the previous weighing;

N – number of days between weighings;

W270 – adjusted live weight for 270 days.

𝑊₄₅₀ =𝑊𝑙−𝑊𝑝𝑁 ∗ 90 + 𝑊₃₆₅, where:

W450 – adjusted live weight for 450 days;

Wl – live weight on the date of the last weighing;

Wp – live weight on the date of the previous weighing;

N – number of days between weighings;

W365 – adjusted live weight for 365 days

Taking into account the above, it is proposed to change the approaches to determining the live weight of heifers by adjusting for the age that is necessary for their selection and further breeding use.

Thus, the conducted studies on the correction of the live weight of calves have shown the relevance of applying the above formulas in practice.

Table 5 shows the results of studies obtained during the processing of materials of all young animals of Amiran LLP.



Table 5 – The difference between the actual and adjusted live weight of heifers in different age periods Age Form of accounting for

weighing Middle age X±x Difference

6 months or 180 days household 166 151±3,81

adjusted 180 162± 2,2 11

9 months or 270 days household 257 229±4,56

adjusted 270 234±3,48 5

12 months. or 365 days

household 344 355±5,5

adjusted 365 365±4,75 10

15 months. or 450 days

household 438 439±6,91

adjusted 450 445±6,2 6

From the materials of the table it can be seen that there is a significant difference between the actual and adjusted live weight of heifers in all age periods. So, if we consider the exact age of the animals when weighing them at 6 months. then it averaged 166 days, which is 12 days less than the full indicator, i.e. 180 days. Therefore, when entering breeding records, in column 6 months. the live weight of calves is artificially lowered by 11 kg.

Thus, the developed formulas for adjusting the live weight of heifers for 180,270,365 and 450 days give grounds to more accurately determine the live weight of heifers in specific age periods.

For weighing at certain age periods, a convenient scheme for the formation of groups has been developed, which allows quarterly reweighing of young animals in such a way that each animal would fall into one of the proposed schemes for adjusting the live weight for a certain age.

For these purposes, the company proposes to form 4 groups of calves with an interval of birth dates of 3 months, with an average age at the time of weighing 180,270,365 and 450 days (Table 6).

Table 6 – Scheme of formation of groups of calves for their weighing Groups per

year Dates of birth

Average age at weighing

180 270 365 450

months of weighing (1st decade)

I 16.11-15.02 VII X I IV

II 16.02-15.05 X I IV VII

III 16.4-15.08 I IV VII X

IV 16.06-15.11 IV VII X I

From the data in the table it can be seen that the correct organization of the formation of groups of young animals allows for the re-weighing of calves 4 times a year, while the average age of the animals will correspond to their inclusion in the processing when adjusting the live weight in certain age periods.


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Сүтті бағыттағы ірі қара мал шаруашылығы- агроөнеркәсіп кешеннің күнделікті бірқатар өндірістік процестерді қамтитын, сүт өндірудің күрделі жүйесін білдіретін саласы. Сүтті бағыттағы ірі қара малды өсіру кезеңдеріндегі үрдістердің бірі, малды ай сайын өлшеу, содан кейін тірі салмақтың нәтижелерін олардың асыл тұқымды куәліктеріне толтыру. Әдетте, шаруа қожалықтарындағы бұзаулардың салмақтарын өлшеу, белгілі бір күндерде жүзеге асырылады, бірақ, сиырлар күн сайын дерлік төлдейтіндіктен, бұзауларды өлшеген күні олардың туған күнімен сәйкес келу мүмкіндігі аз. Осыған байланысты, көптеген жағдайларда жас малдардың нақты тірі салмағы, әрдайым асыл тұқымды куәліктерде көрсетілген жасқа сәйкес келе бермейді. Сондықтан мақалада асыл тұқымды есепке алудың дұрыс емес жазбалары негізделетін материалдар келтіріледі, сондай-ақ белгілі бір жас кезеңдерінде бұзаулардың тірі салмағын түзетуге мүмкіндік беретін формулаларды қолдану арқылы осы мәселені шешу бойынша шаралар ұсынылады. Әр шаруашылықта ақпараттық-аналитикалық жүйе жұмыс істейтінін ескере отырып, жас малдардың тірі салмағын жас кезеңдеріне түзету процесі күрделі жұмыс туғызбайды. Сонымен қатар, жас малдардың түзетілген тірі салмағы олардың асыл тұқымды құндылығын дәлірек және сенімді түрде анықтауға, яғни табындарды толтыру үшін ең жақсы малдарды таңдауға мүмкіндік береді.


Молочное скотоводство - отрасль агропромышленного комплекса, представляющая сложную систему производства молока, включающая в себя ряд ежедневных производственных процессов. Одним из этапов разведения молочного скота, является процесс ежемесячного взвешивания молодняка с последующим занесением результатов живой массы в их племенные свидетельства. Обычно, перевеска телят в хозяйствах проводится в определенные даты, но поскольку телята рождаются практически каждый день, то остаётся мало шансов, что дата их взвешивания совпадает с днём их рождения. В этой связи, во многих случаях, фактическая живая масса молодняка не всегда соответствует возрасту, указанных в племенных свидетельствах. Поэтому в статье приводятся материалы, где обосновываются некорректные записи племенного учета, а так же предлагаются меры по решению данного вопроса путем применения формул, позволяющие корректировать живую массу телят в определённые возрастные периоды. Учитывая что в каждом хозяйстве функционирует информационно-аналитическая система, процесс корректировки живой массы молодняка на возрастные периоды не представляет сложных задач. Кроме того, скорректированная живая масса молодняка позволяет более точно и достоверно определять их племенную ценность, а следовательно отбирать лучших особей для ремонта стада.

UDC 637.5.04. / 07:637.54 DOI 10.56339/2305-9397-2023-2-17-24 IRSTI: 65.59.03

Abylgazinova A.T., candidate of Agricultural Sciences, main author, https://orcid.org/0000-0002- 1562-2123

LLP «Scientific and production center of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine», Astana, st. Kenesary 40, 010000, Kazakhstan, a.abylgazinova@list.ru

Orazov A.Zh., candidate of Technical Sciences, https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2191-1295

NJSC «Zhangir khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University», Uralsk, st. Zhangir khan 51, 090009, Kazakhstan, orazov_ayan@mail.ru

Stathopoulos C., professor Ph.D, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9241-7580

«Czech University of Life Sciences Prague», Praha-Suchdol, st. Kamýcká 129, 16500, Czech Republic, stathopoulos@af.czu.cz

Nugmanov K.S., master student, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8458-5063

NJSC «Zhangir khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University», Uralsk, st. Zhangir khan 51, 090009, Kazakhstan, kaisar-n@mail.ru

Zaidullina A.S., master student, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2379-737X



NJSC «Zhangir khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian and Technical University», Uralsk, st. Zhangir khan 51, 090009, Kazakhstan, aru.zaydulla@bk.ru



Analyzing the current state of poultry meat production and processing in the countries of the world, we can say that the world poultry market is growing rapidly and only expanding in the future.

Poultry products in the country are part of the world market, while also developing its domestic market, the last five years have seen an increase in domestic poultry meat production by 18%. When implementing the state policy in the sphere of healthy nutrition it is important not only to work on increasing the volume of production but also to ensure its safety in the production of products.

The article reflects the results of research on the evaluation of organoleptic characteristics and determination of toxicological, radiological, and microbiological safety of poultry meat producers in the West Kazakhstan region. Frozen poultry carcasses of the first grade, obtained from local chain supermarkets and grocery stores were used for research. Microbiological examination of poultry meat of three samples showed that mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms did not exceed the permitted amount, and pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonella and listeria, were not detected. According to the results of the organoleptic analysis, samples № 2 and № 3 received high scores, so they were classified as fresh products, and sample № 1 as products of doubtful freshness.

According to the results of the determination of toxic elements and radionuclides, the content of mercury, cadmium, lead, arsenic, cesium, and strontium in the samples did not exceed the maximum allowable amounts. Based on the results of the research, further research will identify critical control points in the poultry carcass processing enterprises to ensure the quality and safety of the products will be developed a recommendation for the implementation of the HACCP system.

Key words: poultry meat, primary processing, quality, product safety.

Introduction. Over the past two decades, the volume of poultry meat production in the world has tripled, and its consumption has doubled, reaching from 12 kg to 25 kg, which is explained by the biological characteristics of the poultry organism, which allow obtaining a sufficient amount of product in a short period to ensure profitability of production [1].

In the country, as a result of the economic reforms of the 90s, there was a steady decline in poultry meat production due to insufficient reserves for the development of production, and therefore today the demand for poultry meat is met by imports [2, 3]. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, in recent years, the demand for poultry meat in all regions of the country has increased, and the volume of poultry meat production has increased by 18% in five years [4].

Meat products in general are a high-quality dietary source of trace elements important for health promotion and disease prevention, the most common of which include: vitamin B12, selenium, zinc, niacin, phosphorus and especially iron. It should be noted that the levels of each of the listed nutrients vary significantly depending on the type of animals and their feeding regime [5]. In terms of chemical composition and qualitative properties, poultry meat meets the requirements for dietary products, and the absence of collagen and elastin in proteins determines its good digestibility and high nutritional value, which occupies a particularly important place in the preparation of dietary food [6].

In the implementation of the state policy in the field of healthy nutrition, it is important not only to increase production volumes, but also to work to ensure its safety in the production of products. The issue of providing the population with safe and high-quality food is one of the priority tasks facing society. This task concerns both veterinary and sanitary services, as well as producers of raw materials, components, finished products, packaging materials, as well as the scientific community engaged in research in the field of agriculture and food [7].

Bacterial contamination of food products in general, in particular poultry products, is the main and biggest problem of poultry farming, since poultry meat and its products are a favorable environment for the development of many saprophytic and pathogenic microorganisms, which is explained by the high nutritional value of meat, a large amount of moisture and relative proximity to a


Table 1 - Scale of the Standard Class of Breeding Bee Families.
Table 2 - Morphometric Evaluation of the Breed Composition of Bees in Commercial Farms
Table 1 – Indicators of live weight of heifers at birth and at 6 months of age.
Table 3 – Indicators of live weight of calves according to economic accounting at 6 and 9 months of  age


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