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74 5.4 Recommendations

There are some recommendations for future researchers who might be interested in this similar topic. First and foremost, since the limitation in this research is due to the research method being solely limited to only qualitative methods, it resulted in data outcomes that are not so suitable in terms of defining them for the whole young adult population of Malaysia. As a recommendation, it is suggested that a mixed method in research could be implemented next time instead of just a qualitative method. By implementing both methods, the researchers could gain the benefits of both. Benefits from the qualitative method helps researchers to gain more constructing answers and responses from their respondents, while quantitative helps reach a larger amount of audience, while seemingly helping increase the level of accuracy in the research.

Secondly, in order to tackle the issue with the ever-changing trend and improvement in technology, future researchers should pay attention to the latest trend and modify their research questions accordingly to be as relevant as possible. Because outdated data is not very accurate and proceeding with such outdated data might result in a waste of time and resources.

75 The findings of the data were collected through qualitative data collection methods by using semi-structured interviews. The study explored four elements of fake news on social media and how these elements of fake news on social media persuades young adults to believe in it during COVID-19 pandemic. From the research outcome, it showed that the four elements of fake news on social media that lead young adults to believe in it are “interaction of social media users”, “visibility”, “content”, and “influencer”.


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