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Exploring The Impact of Social Dating Applications on Relationships During the Covid-19 Pandemic Among Young Adults

1.8 Conceptual Definition Used in Research

1.8.2 Relationship

31 A relationship is defined as the ability to interact effectively with diverse others in various situations (Trask, 2011). It forms the essence of personality and contributes to the individual’s wellbeing. A relationship is also a process that can be improved in times through self-knowledge.

Throughout the process of interacting, individuals can improve their day-to-day relations with those people with whom they spend a considerable amount of time but who are often not acknowledged as playing an essential role in determining personal satisfaction and happiness.

Every individual forms a blueprint for future relationships through human interactions. These interactions are influenced by cultural processes and norms in tangible and intangible ways (Trask, 2011).

As advancements in technology accelerate at ever-increasing speeds, access to new types of relationships are growing (Yan & Neal, 2006). For instance, now, individuals can form relationships through various platforms without even meeting in person. This new type of relationship is terrific but is also a complex process as it will likely push an individual into unfamiliar settings to encounter potential partners (Relationships, 2009). However, every relationship goes through ups and downs and they all take work, commitment, and a willingness to adapt and change with others (Robinson, 2018). Hence it is essential to share a common goal to maintain a healthy relationship.

32 1.8.3 Young Adults

Young adults are conceived as transitory between childhood and adulthood (Weiler et al., 2021). According to the Youth Societies and Youth Development Act 688 (2019), the age for young adults is defined for those aged between 18 to 30. In human development literature, young people aged 18 to 25 are labelled as emerging adults (Porto & Xiao, 2021). However, young adults form a crucial part of society. They have to take care of the welfare of their elders and act as role models to those younger than them. The individuals in this stage of life may establish independence from parents and learn to function more autonomously and as mature adults (Kharbanda & Mohan, 2021).

Despite this change, young adulthood is still considered as the end of the growing process, and youth is described as a stage in the process of becoming an adult, which justifies unequal treatment in terms of social authority and recognition (Jones, 2009). As it is a vital phase for self- identity building, there are still people who are curious about numerous subjects. The rise of social media aids in the construction of young adults' identities. Identity exploration focuses on love, career, and worldviews in emerging adulthood, and it plays an important part in moulding their self-beliefs and perceptions (Villanti et al., 2017). As a result, during this developmental era, young people' behaviour reflects long-term decisions and ideals.

33 1.8.4 Social Media

The term "social media" is frequently used to describe new types of media that encourage interactive engagement (Manning, 2014). It is one kind of website that can let the users communicate, share their opinion, collect and share information with others in an invisible way (Kietzmann et al., 2011). Social media is also a communication channel for people to have a platform to communicate with each other in terms of giving their content and collaborating with people through the internet (Rouse, 2019). With the emergence of digital and mobile technologies, large-scale contact became easier than ever before for individuals; as a result, a new media age was formed, with interactivity at the centre of new media functions (Manning, 2014).

The one-time use social media for various leisure activities and news information, whereas the latter use it for communication purposes (Kim, 2015). People nowadays do not see the distinction between virtual and actual friends as long as they feel supported and part of a community of like-minded people, therefore social media platforms are valuable. Furthermore, it helps to strengthen relationships by sharing major life events in the form of status updates, images, and other media, reinforcing their in-person interactions at the same time. Social media not only facilitates human interaction, but it also influences and defines our relationships (Aichner, 2021).

Hence, users can start a relationship by reducing unnecessary discomfort when facing strangers, especially introverts.

34 1.9 Summary

Based on chapter one, researchers did mention the background of the study, which enabled a better understanding towards the research topic. With the transformation in the dating world, people start to move to online dating applications to look for their future partner instead of using the traditional face-to-face method especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. This chapter has shown that the usage of Tinder and Baituljannah are rising rapidly during the Covid-19 pandemic. Hence with the problem statement, research objectives, and research questions stated, this research is trying to explore the impact of social dating application on relationships during Covid-19 pandemic among young adults.



35 2.0 Introduction

In this literature review, the researchers will discuss the previous study of dating apps, and the evolution of dating applications in Malaysia. Furthermore, this chapter will discuss the specifics of Tinder and Baituljannah, as well as the differences between them. And finally, the discussion of Uses and Gratification Theory, its application, and the conceptual framework in this research will be presented.