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The Care of the Self and Post-truth Politics The practices under mathesis that include Seneca’s ascent

The emancipatory goal in the practice of parrhesia strives toward a transformation. Its goal is to free the individual being spoken to from his or her dependency on the discourse given by the flatterer and allow the possibility of a transformation to an autonomous self. Through parrhesia, the speaker remedies the misrepresentation of the self to the self that occurs by being targeted by flattery. Philosophical speaking frees the self and others from a state of dependency.

As with philosophical listening, philosophical reading, and philosophical writing, what is spoken of is to be viewed as prescribed actions or principles of behavior. Hence, there is again a sense of responsibility involved toward the self and others when one speaks philosophically.

VI. The Care of the Self and Post-truth Politics

placement of the flatterer. By being able to engage with the text or what is heard, or what is spoken of in terms of prescribed actions and principles of behavior, the self can test its acceptability and reflect on how it affects the self’s process of formation or re-formation.

The dynamic nature of forming or re-forming the self severs the hold of the post-truth attitude. The self does not attain a “full, perfect, and complete relationship of oneself to oneself”73 on a fixed point. It is a moving target and is not finished once attained. Freedom from the push and pull of misinformation and disinformation necessitates continuous work. Just like the never-ending waves that push and pull, indefatigable effort is needed to swim and cut across the waves.


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