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In the example, the farmer's independent variable is plowing/no plowing, and her dependent variable is amount of soil loss. Except for plowing, the farmer will keep everything the same for both fields: the type of crop, amount of water and fertilizer, and slope and direction of the field. By controlling these factors, the farmer changes only the plowing variable, so she can see the impact of that one variable on soil loss.

The farmer estimates that at the end of the growing season, only about half as much soil was lost from the unplowed field as from the plowed field.

Fill in the Blank

Critical Writing

Earth Science and Its Branches

True or False

Critical Reading

Multiple Choice


Fill in the Blank

Critical Writing


2 MS Studying Earth’s Surface Worksheets

Chapter Outline

  • Introduction to Earth’s Surface
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Modeling Earth’s Surface
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Topographic Maps
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Using Satellites and Computers
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing

Introduction to the Earth's Surface www.ck12.org Pieces of rock carried by wind and moving water are eventually deposited elsewhere. A Mercator projection accurately represents the Earth's surface within about 15 degrees north and south of the equator. Modeling the equator of the earth's www.ck12.org surface, the more out of shape it stretches.

What type of map would you use if you wanted to represent a small part of the Earth's surface very accurately? If the earth's surface is represented by a two-dimensional map, why must the map be a projection. The receiver must use signals from at least four different GPS satellites to accurately determine its location on the Earth's surface.

To use GPS to find your location on the Earth's surface, you need radio signals from at least one.

3 MS Earth’s Minerals Worksheets

  • Minerals
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Identification of Minerals
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Formation of Minerals
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Mining and Using Minerals
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing

Minerals are solids formed by natural processes that occur on or below the Earth's surface. However, when the water of a solution evaporates, the dissolved elements it contains are left behind to form a solid mineral deposit. The amount of minerals remaining after the water evaporates is the same as the amount that was originally dissolved in the water before it evaporated.

Mineral Formation www.ck12.org magma and hot water can hold more dissolved particles than cold water. When minerals are deposited in open spaces in rocks, large mineral crystals grow to form deposits called geodes. The particles in the solution are so small that they will not come out of the solution even when you dissolve the solution.

Mining and use of minerals www.ck12.org stone and extracted from the mine via the tunnels.

4 MS Rocks Worksheets

  • Types of Rocks
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Igneous Rocks
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Sedimentary Rocks
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Metamorphic Rocks
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing

Sedimentary rocks that form when sediments are compressed and cemented together are called clastic sedimentary rocks. Sedimentary rocks that form when chemicals are leached out of water are called chemical sedimentary rocks.

5 MS Earth’s Energy Worksheets

  • Earth’s Energy
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Nonrenewable Energy Resource
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Lesson : Renewable Energy Resources
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing

Burning fossil fuels also releases large amounts of pollution into the air and releases the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide. The sun will continue to shine for billions of years, so solar energy will not run out, no matter how much we use. Describe how you use energy throughout a typical day, and identify the sources of the energy you use.

In fact, oil-based fuels provide about 90 percent of the energy used for transportation around the world. Nowadays we are starting to use solar energy to generate electricity in solar power plants. The energy dissipated by the heated fluid is used to drive a turbine and generate electricity.

In addition to generating electricity in solar power stations, solar energy is also used for other purposes. If we could harness these, which of the following energy sources could provide all the energy needed by people around the world for billions of years?

6 MS Plate Tectonics Worksheets

  • Inside Earth
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Continental Drift
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Seafloor Spreading
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Theory of Plate Tectonics
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing

Plate tectonics is the theory that the lithosphere is divided into plates that move across the Earth's surface. Wegener found rocks of the same type and age on both sides of the Atlantic. Earth's magnetic north pole is near the geographic north pole, and its magnetic south pole is near the geographic south pole.

Like a compass, some rocks contain tiny "magnets." As lava cools on Earth's surface, tiny iron-rich magnetite crystals form and align with Earth's magnetic field. However, scientists have discovered that some magnetite crystals do not indicate the actual location of the Earth's north magnetic pole, but other locations. An echo sounder with just one beam can create a three-dimensional map of the ocean floor.

A mid-ocean ridge runs east to west through the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Instead, they traveled to the bottom of the ocean and provided data that could be used to map the ocean floor. Scientists were surprised to learn that there are long, continuous ridges of great mountains in the middle of the oceans.

For example, a mid-ocean ridge runs roughly north-south through the center of the Atlantic Ocean.


  • Stress in Earth’s Crust
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Nature of Earthquakes
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Measuring and Predicting Earthquakes
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Staying Safe in Earthquakes
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing

Initially, seismologists could only assess what people felt and saw, such as the degree of damage to buildings caused by an earthquake. Damage from an earthquake is affected by many things besides the energy released during the earthquake. Describe the difference in magnitude between a magnitude 3 earthquake and a magnitude 9 earthquake on the Richter scale.

When the focus of an earthquake is close to the surface, the largest waves recorded on a seismogram are a. An earthquake of magnitude 5 on the Richter scale releases _________ times as much energy as an earthquake of magnitude of 4. Explain how you can use information from three seismograph stations to locate the epicenter of an earthquake.

If you are inside when an earthquake hits, get under a sturdy table or desk. If you are outside when an earthquake hits, you should run to an open area away from buildings and power lines. It is no surprise that the magnitude of the earthquake affects how much damage is caused by an earthquake.

We call smaller seismic waves that occur after the main seismic waves of an earthquake.

8 MS Volcanoes Worksheets

  • Volcanic Activity
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Volcanic Eruptions
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Types of Volcanoes
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Igneous Landforms and Geothermal Activ- ity
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing

As tectonic plates move away from each other at a divergent plate boundary, they create deep cracks, or fissures, in the crust. Hot rock fragments, called pyroclasts, fly up into the air at very high speeds and cool in the atmosphere. A hot spring forms where a crack in the ground allows hot water to reach the surface.

9 MS Weathering and Formation of Soil Worksheets

  • S OILS
  • Weathering
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Soils
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing

Mechanical weathering breaks rocks into smaller pieces called sediments, but does not change their chemical composition. One of the most important is water, which can slowly dissolve many types of rock. Precipitation is an important factor in soil formation because it influences the rate of weathering.

Temperature is an important factor in soil formation because the rate of chemical weathering increases at higher temperatures. Plants and other living things in the soil also grow and multiply faster in areas with higher temperatures.

10 MS Erosion and Deposition Worksheets

  • Erosion and Deposition by Flowing Water
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Erosion and Deposition by Waves
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Erosion and Deposition by Wind
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Erosion and Deposition by Glaciers
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Erosion and Deposition by Gravity
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing

Faster flowing water has more energy, so it can carry larger particles and a greater amount of particles. Erosion and Deposition by Running Water www.ck12.org Compare and contrast the erosion caused by a steep mountain stream with the erosion caused by a river flowing over nearly flat land. Wave Erosion and Deposition www.ck12.org What is longshore drift, why does it happen, and how can it be prevented.

The continuous movement of sand over the dune causes the dune to move over the ground. Wind Erosion and Deposition www.ck12.org Relate the size of sediments to the way wind transports them. Erosion and Deposition by Glaciers www.ck12.org Compare and contrast continental and valley glaciers.

11 MS Evidence About Earth’s Past Worksheets

  • Fossils
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Relative Ages of Rock
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Absolute Ages of Rocks
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing

More than one type of index fossil provides stronger evidence that the rock layers are of the same age. Another disadvantage of carbon-14 dating is that it can only be used for remains of once-living things. How can the amount of carbon-14 left in an organism's remains be used to determine when it died.

12 MS Earth’s History Worksheets

  • The Origin of Earth
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Early Earth
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • History of Earth’s Life Forms
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing

After the sun formed, material at similar distances from the sun collided to form each of the a. At least five times in Earth's history, all the continents have come together to form a single supercontinent. The great increase in life diversity at the beginning of the Paleozoic is known as the.

History of Earth's Life Forms www.ck12.org Describe the causes and consequences of mass extinctions.

13 MS Fresh Water Worksheets

  • Water on Earth
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Surface Water
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing
    • Groundwater
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing

The water cycle is the movement of water through the oceans, atmosphere, land and living things. If the air is cold, water can freeze and fall as snow, sleet or hail. Water is one of the few substances that exists on Earth in all three states of matter.

A wetland is an area that is covered with water all or part of the year or at least has very wet soil. They differ in how wet they are and how long they are soaked in water during the year. The closer the aquifer is to the surface, the easier it is to get water because the wells don't have to be that deep.

This is a major agricultural area and most of the water is used to irrigate crops.

14 MS Earth’s Oceans Worksheets

  • Introduction to the Oceans
  • True or False
  • Critical Reading
  • Multiple Choice
  • Matching
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Critical Writing

Living things need nutrients, so the distance from the shore also affects the number of organisms living in the water. There are three main ocean zones based on distance from shore: the intertidal zone, the neritic zone, and the oceanic zone. The neritic zone lies above the continental shelf, where the water is not very deep.


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It invites us to see ourselves in the crust of the earth: clay’s physical origin links to the geologic environment, and the vessel’s form evokes the human body itself, and human