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The Content of Folk Songs is Positive

Dalam dokumen The Buyi folk song in Guizhou Province, China (Halaman 114-117)

Chapter VI The Change in the Contemporary Status of Buyi Folk Song in Guizhou Province,

1. The Content of Folk Songs is Positive

The Buyi people have always used singing to express their thoughts and feelings. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Buyi people, like the people of other nationalities, became the masters of the country, and their days became happier. Even during the ten-year turmoil of the "Cultural Revolution", they could feel the heat and light of the sun through the clouds. The content of folk songs has undergone fundamental changes with the development of the times. The Buyi people have stood in the position of masters of society and nature to sing their lives and express their ideals and desires.

In the traditional Buyi society, the main content of Buyi folk songs is to reflect the hard life and hard struggle, and expose and criticize the greed and brutality of the reactionary rulers. Even those works that extol the heroes of the people, praise the local customs, sing steadfast love, and express the yearning for freedom and happiness, are often shrouded in the shadow of the real life of suffering. After the founding of New China, the brilliance of the party's ethnic policy illuminated the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau with overlapping mountains, and also clarified the hearts of the Buyi people. With the help of folk songs, the broad masses enthusiastically praised the great party, praised Chairman Mao, the leader of the people of all ethnic groups, praised the unity and friendship of the big family of the motherland, and praised the new life in the Buyi area. Although there are still rapids and rapids on the way forward, the Buyi people still feel the happiness of a new life and see a brighter future. Therefore, the folk songs are always filled with praise and passion for the light.

103 1.1 Praise the party and socialism

Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China, and without the Communist Party, there would be no standing up and liberation of the Buyi people. The Buyi people often sing passionately, sing the great party, sing the great motherland, and sing the great achievements of socialist construction with each passing day. These odes from the depths of the heart, like thousands of gorgeous mountain flowers, exude a strange fragrance in the literary garden of the socialist motherland.

Before liberation, in the darkness before dawn, the Buyi people tribe eagerly hoped that the Communist Party and the People’s Army would rescue them from the arduous suffering, and when they broke free from the shackles under the leadership of the Party, what was it like? Joy and joy.

Many Buyi folk songs in the early days of liberation vividly demonstrated the passion of the Buyi people towards the party. For example, "Osmanthus Growing in The Rocks", which is popular in southern Qiannan, sings like this: "Osmanthus growing in the rocks, Osmanthus must wait for the fairy godmother to come, and the osmanthus must wait for the fairy godmother to arrive, and the flowers will bloom only when the fairy godmother arrive." "Nobleman" is used to compare the party and the people's army, and "Osmanthus" is used to compare the true feelings of the Buyi people. The main melody is changed and repeated and chanted, it vividly expresses the Buyi people's longing for the people's army under the leadership of the party and the excitement and joy after the arrival of the savior.

For generations, the Buyi people have mainly lived on farming. In the past, they had overcome all obstacles, and the fields they had worked so hard to cultivate were all taken over by the reactionary rulers. Returning the land has become the long-cherished wish of the Buyi people, and it can only be achieved by overthrowing the ruler under the leadership of the Communist Party (Guizhou Academy of Social Sciences, 1983). Therefore, the successful completion of the land reform has made the Buyi people more support the Communist Party and love the socialist motherland more. There are also many Buyi folk songs singing the land reform, especially affectionate.

As the cause of socialist construction continues to achieve new victories, the material life of the Buyi people is also constantly improving. The elderly who have experienced human suffering often remember bitterness and sweetness. The seedlings are warmed by straw, and the bitterness of

104 being bitten by mosquitoes due to the lack of mosquito nets in summer tells future generations that they will always follow the Communist Party. Folk songs of this kind often become vivid teaching materials for the revolutionary ideological education of young people.

1.2 Sing a New Life

The sunshine of the Communist Party has dispelled the haze for thousands of years, illuminating the mountain villages of the Buyi people, and fundamental changes have taken place in the lives of the Buyi people. Therefore, folk songs that express new life are an important content of Buyi folk songs in contemporary society.

In 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China decided to shift the focus of the work of the whole party and the attention of the people of the whole country to the socialist modernization drive, and proposed the task of reform and opening up. Emphasize the need to fully promote democracy and develop the social economy.

With the implementation of the ethnic policy and the literature and art policy step by step, the rural economic policy has mobilized the socialist enthusiasm of the majority of Buyi cadres and the masses. The Buyi people’s mood is happier than ever. Their simple class sentiment in the early days of liberation has now risen to another revolutionary consciousness of consciously building socialism under the leadership of the party. For example, the song "Golden Autumn Is Coming"

expresses the firm belief and joy of the Buyi people.

1.3 Sing about Marriage and Love in the New Era

After liberation, the social system has undergone fundamental changes. The Buyi people have gained political and economic freedom, and their concepts of marriage and love have also changed accordingly. Especially after the "Marriage Law" was promulgated, the feudal marriage system that cruelly persecuted the people was abolished, and the freedom of love and marriage of young men and women was guaranteed by law. In the new era, the majority of young people have created a number of love songs with characteristics of the times. , Showing the new style of the love life of young Buyi men and women in the new era. This kind of songs sang the equality of men and women and the freedom of marriage, liberating the majority of young men and women from the fetters of thousands of years of feudal marriage. The freedom of love and the autonomy of marriage have been guaranteed by law. They proudly sang free marriage with confidence: "Peach blossoms, plum blossoms, sister's husband is like a branch of flowers, not for your parents, but you

105 like him."

Dalam dokumen The Buyi folk song in Guizhou Province, China (Halaman 114-117)