• Tidak ada hasil yang ditemukan

Chapter 4: Discussion

4.7 Conclusion

It has taken decades to make significant progress in our knowledge of the psycho-social components that may contribute to the emergence of problematic social

media use (Silvia & Vanessa, 2020). Young adults with high levels of FOMO are more prone to use social media and cell phones excessively, which might cause them to stop interacting with their face - to - face partners (Roberts & David, 2016).

In summary, by using a multiple mediation approach, the current study adds to the body of literature by offering a comprehensive explanation of how problematic social media use might affect young adults' life satisfaction. The findings demonstrated a negative relationship between problematic social media use and young adults' satisfaction with their lives. Studies on the relationship between problematic social media use and young adults' life satisfaction revealed that phubbing behaviour and fear of missing out might both independently mediate this relationship. Moreover, the association between problematic social media use and young adults' life satisfaction might be sequentially mediated by phubbing behaviour and fear of missing out.


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