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Case Study of Hybrid Learning at Kindergarten in UAE


Academic year: 2023

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The author, whose copyright is declared on the title page of the work, has granted the British University in Dubai the right to loan his research work to users of its library and to make partial or single copies for teaching and research use. The author has also given the university permission to store or make a digital copy for similar use and for the purpose of digital preservation of the work.


  • Statement of the Problem
  • Conceptual/Theoretical Framework
  • Purpose
  • Research Questions
  • Significance of the Study
  • Definition of Terms

In a hybrid learning environment, students are simultaneously exposed to both face-to-face and online classes (Raes et al. 2020, p. 269). Hybrid learning is one of the approaches used across countries to guarantee students' continuous education.


What is Hybrid Learning?

Because of these three factors, the impact of hybrid education on student performance is evaluated. Students with different learning disabilities and preferences may benefit from using hybrid education.

Hybrid Learning versus. Traditional Activities

Since the introduction of online education, research has been conducted on the impact of this type of education on student success. Despite the vast amount of research comparing online and conventional classrooms, few researchers have examined the effects of hybrid education on student achievement.

Hybrid Instruction in Different Academic Levels

Compared to regular programs offered the previous year, the success rate of students in hybrid courses increased from 12% to 23%. Only the help-seeking technique was associated with higher scores in both sections of students in the hybrid group.

Hybrid Instruction versus. Online-only Instruction

According to the results of the evaluations, students' grades were not affected by any of the teaching methods. WebCT was used only to transmit course material and facilitate class discussions, similar to the hybrid method. Hybrid classrooms have been shown to be more beneficial to student learning than online programs, according to the study's findings.

Although the length of regular instruction in the two hybrid courses differed, both reported similar amounts of knowledge covered, highlighting the importance of classroom experience. According to this qualitative research, motivation and leadership skills may have a greater effect on student achievement than the way the material is delivered. According to the results of both previous studies, hybrid teaching is superior to purely online courses in terms of student achievement.

When comparing hybrid courses to online courses, the majority of research found that online instruction was either more effective at increasing achievement or there was no difference between the two methods.

Significance of Hybrid Teaching

Blended Learning

Blended learning gives conventional classroom instruction its full potential, giving students the opportunity to connect with their instructors and therefore be influenced by their personalities, behaviors, and value systems in the process. Teachers and students are able to get quick feedback, which in turn helps in the teaching and learning process. It doesn't matter where you are in the world if you can participate in a virtual classroom meeting with other students and your teacher.

Unlike regular classrooms, educational blogs offer students a forum to showcase their creativity and receive constructive criticism, helping them develop their skills both in and out of the classroom. In addition, educational blogs are a great forum for discussing important topics outside the curriculum, such as drug abuse, delinquency, and other issues affecting young people. By using video conferencing, everyone in the meeting is connected through different programs like Skype, Google Talk, etc.

To benefit from specialists in the course topic they are studying, students can quickly access lectures from leading academics in many subjects on youtube.com.

Difference between Blended and Hybrid Learning

As part of their education, students who participate in blended learning learn how to use the latest technological advances. A person's ability to empathize with others and make wise decisions is one of life's most important skills. On the other hand, due to the more asynchronous nature of the blended learning approach, these techniques are used less often.

The complex and challenging nature of the transition from school to work is at the heart of these changes (Tynjälä et al., 2003). The use of the term "learning environment" to describe a space larger than the classroom in which learning takes place has increased. What's more, it also includes the socio-cultural context in which such behaviors take place." Several different meanings of the term learning environment can be found in the literature.

On the other side of the spectrum, learning takes place in real contexts and is described as being part of a professional community (Sfard, 1998).

Hybrid Learning Environment

  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Hybrid Learning

The idea of ​​a hybrid learning environment may benefit from additional research, previous research has shown. Therefore, they are less likely to become inactive and distance themselves from the situation as a benefit of hybrid learning (Stewart 2008). According to some experts, hybrid learning is the merging of face-to-face education with free or paid online education.

As a result, they advocated a hybrid learning paradigm that combines face-to-face instruction with online instruction. In recent years, we have encountered the same problem: it is difficult to manage the balance between face-to-face and online learning on hybrid learning. When a student's expectations are aligned with the goals of a hybrid learning program, it can be disseminated to students.

The fourth step is to make an assessment of hybrid learning components according to a scientific proportion.

Hybrid Learning: Challenges and Opportunities

Hybrid courses in Educational Technology and Technology Integration in Curriculum have shown that face-to-face learning is the most effective way of learning. For both the online and face-to-face aspects of the program, students are held to the same standard of accountability. Those students who come to a hybrid or hybrid class hoping for a typical classroom experience may be let down or discouraged by what they find.

However, if you are an instructor who is not on board with online learning, you may be able to see some of its benefits through the lens of a blended course delivery model. Hybrid learning offers a unique chance to bridge generations, providing the face-to-face contact that Baby Boomers demand, the freedom favored by Gen-Xers, and the connection and sense of community needed by Net Geners ( Hartman 2005, p. 6.10). It is possible for instructors using such methods, while still retaining the greatest aspects of face-to-face instruction, to create learning environments that are both engaging and supportive (Corcoran, 2009).

Not only can all of these things be accomplished effectively in a blended learning environment, some can be accomplished more effectively than in a typical face-to-face classroom.



KG students, they are children and they cannot focus and stay for a long time in front of the screen. If the school follows the group scenario “ They mean that the school divides the students into 2 groups and each group only participates in 2 days in school and 3 three days of distance learning online. They get bored quickly and they don't want to stay long in front of the screen.

Focus and encourage students to read more and improve students' reading skills by creating a competition between students. I want the ministry of education to focus more on reading and writing skills to develop students' skills. Despite this result, students' communication and problem-solving skills remained to be demonstrated.

When the students entered the second semester, where teaching now took place face-to-face, came


Students' attitudes and emotional states were also studied in the field of e-education and/or face-to-face learning. According to some research, students are dissatisfied with online education and prefer traditional, personal instruction. Fear, anger, and feelings of helplessness are common reactions among students who are used to in-person classes but have now switched to an online format.

Students, who are the intended audience for the training, have no voice in determining the relative merits of online versus face-to-face instruction. Study participants reported lack of contact and socialization as the primary disadvantages of e-learning compared to face-to-face learning. Facing the reality that face-to-face learning will never completely disappear, but can be supplemented by e-learning, is critical for students.

As a final point of reference, one thing is certain: face-to-face contact is a necessary part of the educational process.


Students and school systems benefit from hybrid learning because it allows them to access more affordable online courses. Hybrid learning is favored by 94% of instructors if they have access to appropriate hybrid teaching tools, a curriculum and community engagement. A case study of a Texas school system found that instructors were better able to notice if a student was failing in class thanks to hybrid learning.

For students who study from home but want to make use of personal learning resources, hybrid learning has several disadvantages that cannot be avoided. Students who prefer a personalized hybrid learning opportunity outweigh the disadvantages of a blended or hybrid education model. As a result, students can study at their own pace or according to their own schedule and there are also more learning options for students to choose from in a hybrid learning model.

Hybrid learning will play a bigger role in education in the future than just traditional lectures.


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