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5. Conclusions

It felt like hell getting into a car which smelled like rotten crab.

It was impressive for me to read the story in which trout thought a fake bait would be real, and they bit it.

I was impressed with the story in which local people reclaim a person from alcohol- ism. (Translated into English by the author)

The variety of feelings and thoughts in the above arise from the rich cultural content itself of the country. With regard to the first of the above comments, eleven students made a similar comment and seemed to have had more impact from the story or enjoy reading it.

Regarding the story of Florida, one student commented like this: In English study real overseas experiences are easy to understand and learn. This comment gives the teacher more courage and motivation to teach English using this kind of content based on a true story containing an actual experience.

© 2019 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/

by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Author details Koji Uenishi

Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education, Hiroshima University, Japan

*Address all correspondence to: uenishi@hiroshima-u.ac.jp 3. I became keen to study English more.

4. I want to read English sentences more.

5. English will be useful for me in the future.

6. I became keen to develop comprehensive English ability better.

7. It was fun to read this textbook.

8. I find reading about overseas experiences interesting.

9. I felt learning vocabulary is difficult.

10. The textbo ok content is interesting.

Do you think English Questions were effective to understand the passages?

11. The vocabulary section was helpful.

12. The listening section was helpful.

13. The reading comprehension was helpful.

14. The speaking section (fill-in-the-blanks type) was helpful.

15. Please freely describe your feelings and thoughts about any particularly impressive or interesting content in this unit.

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Factors Affecting the Utilization and Adoption of Technology in Education

Aliyu Mustapha, Abdulkadir Mohammed,

Abdullahi Raji Egigogo, Abdullahi Abubakar Kutiriko and Ahmed Haruna Dokoro


Education is vital in any type of society for the conservation of lives of its associ- ates and the preservation of the public formation. The rationale of this chapter is not only to reveal the role of technology in education but also to reveal the factors affecting the proper utilization and adoption of technology in education. Prior studies carried out by researchers confirm that technology utilization and adoption in education undeniably helps teachers and learners in the teaching and learning process. This chapter serves as a stepping stone to support teachers to do better in utilizing and adopting technology in education to a certain extent as an alternative of overlooking their thoughts, efforts and desires in blindly trying to vie with the swift change of technology in education in this epoch. Hence, this chapter discusses technology in education, the roles of technology in education, factors associated with technology utilization and adoption in education and the factors that limit the proper utilization and adoption of technology in education.

Keywords: adoption, education, technology, utilization

1. Introduction

The world today is going computerized; virtually everything today is automated from manual business to e-business, from manual banking to e-banking. Even the education system is also experiencing the effect of technology. Today, the admission process into tertiary institutions is now done electronically. This is to mention but few groundbreakings into the world of technology today. Technology has come to help a man in his strenuous tasks by automating the head-aching process originally done manually by man. Equally, due to the vast role played by the technology in education in making teaching and learning uncomplicated, its significance is gradu- ally raising in the education sector because as technology steps forward, the benefits it put forward for learners in all facet of education. According to [1], the utilization of technology in learning has get to staggering levels. Subsequently, the significant statistics are as follows:

1. 89 and 60% of conventional and private universities offer online courses respectively.

2. 50% of college presidents envisage that in the next decade, a good number students will have taken courses online.

3. 62% of college presidents also forecast that in the next decade, more than half of the textbooks used will be digital.

4. 57% of college graduates have used a Smartphone, tablet or laptop to some degree during classroom instruction. Even though, most institutions do not have clear policies regarding the use of such gadgets; for most institutions, it is up to the teacher to manage such uses.

As new cohorts of people are exposed to highly developed technologies, applica- tions in educational settings also grow. This flow of technology necessitates com- petent and talented teachers so as to sustain this emergent demand in technology.

Thus, this chapter looks at the factors affecting the utilization and adoption of technology in education.

Dalam dokumen 12.2% 171000 190M TOP 1% 154 6300 (Halaman 66-71)