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Mineral water is so called since it contains added minerals which are good for health. There are two types: still and sparkling.


1. What are the steps of tea production?

2. What is withering?

It is a process used to reduce moisture in tea leaves. The tea is laid on a wire mesh and air is passed through the tea to remove the moisture from it uniformly. This process takes approximately 12–17 hrs.

3. What is oxidation or fermenting?

The enzyme in the tea leaf comes in contact with air and the oxidation process begins which creates flavour, colour and strength in the tea. The ideal temperature for fermentation is 26°C and it takes about ½ hour to 2 hours for completion of the process. During the process the tea leaves change colour from green to light brown to deep brown.

4. What are the various types of tea?

The most common varieties of tea are: Black tea: Long withering, then cut, rolled fully, oxidized then dried.

Green tea: Short withering, steaming or pan frying then rolling and shaping.

Oolong tea: Short withering with shaking or rolling in baskets to bruise the leaf edges, short oxidation.

White tea: Withered and then dried.

5. What is CTC?

CTC stands for Cut, Tear and Curl. In this process leaves are cut into a uniform shape by a machine and then torn and curled, hence the name.

6. How is tea graded?

Tea is broadly graded into three different categories: whole leaf, broken leaf, fannings and dust.

7. What are ‘tisanes’?

Tisanes are herbal infusions or fruit flavoured teas, mainly consumed as health drinks and for medicinal properties. Tisanes do not contain caffeine and should be made in china pots and served without milk. Some examples are: Herbal: Camomille, Peppermint, Mint Fruit: Cherry, Lemon, Black currant, Orange

8. Name some special blends of teas.

Some of the special blends of tea are: Assam, Darjeeling, Earl Grey, Lapsang Souchong, Rose and Orange Pekoe.

9. What are the common degrees of roasting of coffee beans?

Light or pale roasting: Roasted to a light colour to preserve the delicate flavour.

Medium roasting: Gives a strong flavour and medium colour for a well defined character.

Full roasting: Roasted to give a dark colour and bitter flavour.

10. What are various methods of making coffee?

Instant: This is the easiest and quickest method of making coffee. It is made by mixing soluble coffee solids with boiling water.

Jug method: A measured quantity of coarsely ground coffee is placed in a sauce pan or jug and boiling water is added. It is allowed to stand for few minutes to extract the flavour and strength and then strained and served.

Plunger or cafetiére: This is an infusion method which ensures that the flavour and aroma of coffee is preserved. Boiling water is added to ground coffee, the mixture is stirred and then placed with the plunger unit and lid in position.

Espresso: This method involves passing steam through the finely ground coffee and infusing it under pressure. Each portion of the coffee is prepared individually. When it is served black it is called espresso.Cappuccino is made with an espresso machine and milk under pressure is added to it, to give a milky creamy frothy crest.

Percolator: This method is mostly used in homes, rather than commercially. A set quantity of ground coffee beans is placed in a percolator, which is filled with water. When the water reaches boiling point it percolates the coffee grounds, extracting the full flavour, colour and strength.

Filter: Boiling water is poured into a container with a finely meshed bottom which stands on a cup/pot. The container has the required quantity of ground coffee; as the infusion takes place the coffee liquid falls in to the cup/pot and filter paper is used to avoid the grounds passing into the lower cup.

Turkish or Egyptian: The coffee and water are boiled together then sugar is added but not stirred as stirring would disturb the sediments. The coffee prepared is strong, dark and sweet.

Decaffeinated: It is made from coffee beans from which the caffeine has been extracted.

11. Name some speciality coffees.

Some of the speciality coffees are Irish coffee, Highland coffee, Russian coffee, Jamaican coffee, Café Royale and Caribbean coffee.

12. What is a still room?

A still room is the section of a kitchen in which breakfast items such as coffee, tea, milk based drinks, and toast are prepared.

13. Name some brands of mineral water, and give their type and country

of origin.

Evian, Perrier, Vichy: From France. Evian is still while Perrier and Vichy are sparkling.

Appollinaris: Sparkling from Germany Abbey Well: Still from England Himalayan: Still from India


Andrews, S., Text Book of Food and Beverage Management, First Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2008

Brown, G. & Hepner, K., The Waiter’s Handbook, Second Edition, Hospitality Press Pvt Ltd, Australia, 2000

Lillicrap, D. & Cousins, J. Food and Beverage Service, Eighth Edition, Book Power, London, 2010

Singaravelavan, R., Food and Beverage Service, First Edition, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2011