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Principles of Hotel Management

Nguyễn Gia Hào

Academic year: 2023

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Neoclassicists see organization as a combination of formal and informal forms of organization. The principles of hotel management, which derive from the behavior of the individual and the influence of the informal group. Unlike classical or behavioral approaches, modern theory adopts a realist view of organizational principles.

Open system refers to an exchange relationship of the organization with the environment and its severely dominant influence. The internal environment means the environment composed of the conditions and forces within the organization. The auditing process remains the same regardless of the activity involved or the location in the organization.

In other words, the control system should be a joint effort between the manager and his subordinates.


Thus, the behavior and actions of subordinates can be controlled by the exemplary behavior of the leader. They therefore indicate the depth of the problem and suggest ways to eliminate/solve the problem. The conclusions drawn from such comparison and analysis are used to monitor the company's financial performance.

It can reveal the extent to which established policies, procedures, rules, work standards and methods have been followed in the day-to-day operation of the organization. It is a technique of identifying the number of units of a product that must be sold in order to generate enough revenue to cover costs. Thus, it is a technique of finding a break-even point where total costs equal total revenue.

Therefore, in this technique the profit of the organization is not taken in absolute terms, but is considered in terms of capital employed. Managers compare the rate of return between two or more periods of the organization or two or more other organizations and try to reach a certain conclusion. Management auditing is a systematic technique of evaluating the work and effectiveness of an organization's management.

It also collects information through questionnaires that are distributed to the organization's members and clients or customers. Managers use this information for planning, decision-making, and for controlling the activities of the organization. Therefore, the manager must justify his entire budget based on the facts of the prevailing situations.

Thus, PERT does not help in planning the schedule of a project, but also helps managers to monitor and control the progress of the project, identify possible obstacles and shift resources as needed to keep the project on schedule. But in modern times, it is difficult to do so because a number of people are preoccupied with the performance of a single job.



In the promotion of tourism, from all the components of the tourism industry, the accommodation sector is thus the most important segment. Accommodation is a very important part of tourism infrastructure and the expansion of tourism inevitably leads to the development of accommodation. According to the World Tourism Organization's Report on 'Accommodation Sector Development', tourist accommodation is used to refer to establishments operated for the short-term accommodation of guests, with or without service, against payment and at fixed rates.

After the arrival of Christianity, it was the church that came to the aid of travelers. The evolution of the railway system in the eighteenth century greatly influenced the quality and quantity of accommodation used in conjunction with travel. Principles of hotel management and was limited to a fraction of the wealthy segment of the population in any country.

Inns and similar establishments along major highways and in major cities grew to become the hallmark of lodging for travelers. Substantial hotel development thus anticipated the volume and type of traffic that only railroads could bring. This may refer to the physical facilities, food and other services of the institution, various amenities provided, etc.

In the African region, accommodation facilities are concentrated in the northern part of the continent. All of the above factors seem to have affected the structure of the hotel industry as a whole. Origin: The hotel industry is, perhaps, one of the oldest commercial endeavors in the world.

The advent of the Industrial Revolution in England brought ideas and progress to lodging. The real growth of the modern hotel industry took place in the US, beginning with the opening of the City Hotel in New York in 1794.


Most of the new hotels built according to standards set by the government are automatically included in the approved list. The foreign tourists stay in hotels for about 70% of the time of their stay in the country. From the table it could be seen that the number of rooms in 5 star hotels increased faster than that of the other classes of hotels, followed by 3, 2 and 4 star hotels.

It would be in the interest of the hostels if this could be accelerated. At this stage it would be interesting to study the user pattern of the different classes of hotels. Hence the need for more of these hotels. over 30% of the hotel rooms are in the luxury hotels.

This partly explains the fact that almost 50% of approved hotels in the region are not yet classified. The relative position of the four cities in terms of non-approved hotels is more or less the same. In case of southern region, 29% approved hotels and 9% unapproved hotels are in Madras.

In other words, 13% of approved hotels in India and 40% of approved hotels in the southern region are in Tamil Nadu. The size of the hotel depends on a host of factors such as location, class and ownership of the hotel etc. It can be seen that out of 28 unclassified hotels in the northern region, only 2 are in Delhi.

Functional quality, on the other hand, represents the service process or the expressive performance of the service. The first relates to the special attributes that serve to define the nature of the service.


Direction is the interpersonal aspect of management that deals directly with influencing, guiding, supervising and motivating the subordinates for the achievement of the predetermined goals. A manager must perform these functions in the organization, regardless of the level of the manager or the goal of the organization. Principles of Hotel Management and responsibility are some of the important principles that help to decide proper delegation of authority.

In the field of management, some of the important techniques related to budgeting, costing, planning and controlling are part of a management theory. The number of management levels increases as the size of the company and the workforce increases. Management is a social process involving responsibility for the effective and economic planning and regulation of the operation of an enterprise in fulfillment of a particular purpose or task.”.

It helps predict what will happen in the future, which will affect the operation of the business. According to Peter Drucker, "Management is the decisive factor in economic and social development." The development of accounting is practically dependent on the quality of management. This will not obscure the qualitative difference between the details of the task and a focus on its coordination.

The worker's reference frame overrides the reference frame of each individual worker whose task is specified. The task principles of hotel management that encourage the detailed recognition of a part of the task in the individual employee necessarily separate coordination from performance. By specifying the details, management can ensure replication of best practices on the shop floor.

Although there are clearly limits to the usefulness of the distinction, it is nevertheless critical to the management of complex activities, especially when they are combined (as in the modern complex organization of different specialties, products, or task areas). True management by exception and true policy direction are now possible, only because management is no longer entirely absorbed in the details of the task itself.

Principles of Hotel Management Koontz, "Leadership is the art or process of influencing people so that they will willingly and enthusiastically strive toward the achievement of group goals." Thus, leadership is the process and art of influencing people's behavior, attitudes, activities to work willingly and enthusiastically towards the achievement of group goals. Barnard has very rightly stated that "Leadership is the quality of behavior of individuals by which they guide people or their activities." Peter Drucker has very aptly observed, “Leadership has little to do with leadership qualities and even less to do with 'charisma'.

Leadership is the ability to influence the behavior of people to work willingly to achieve some common goal. Therefore, the art of leadership is practiced and applied according to the demands of the situation. Based on power, a person is in a position to influence the behavior of members of his group.

Scope The scope of leadership is narrower. The scope of management is wider than that of management. Thus, an effective leader guides and inspires or motivates his group members to work willingly for the achievement of goals. According to Terry, “Leadership drives that of a person. the will to do' and transforms lukewarm desires for achievement into burning passions for successful achievement.

Principles of Hotel Management A good leader constantly tries to develop team spirit among his group members/followers. According to Newstorm and Keith Davis, "Leadership is the catalyst that turns potential into reality". He conveys the views and problems of his group members to the competent authorities and tries to convince them.

He also protects the interests of his group members from any outside challenge and threat. Albanese has stated that "leadership is necessary in organizations to create work environments that are productive and fulfilling for people".


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