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100 4.2.6 Capturing of orders

Four participants used Appesterix for capturing orders.

Interviewee 3 stated: “works fine but still a room for improvement, if they can have a zero stock capture, if they can open that option for us, it could be great because we feel disadvantaged compared to T.” (Interviewee 3).

Interviewee 7 described Appesterix as having the ability to “synchronise, select store, open it and start the call and start capturing orders per vendor, one vendor at a time.

Once done. Close call and synchronise and wait for SAP numbers” (Interviewee 7).

Participants were asked to describe the effectiveness of the system.

Interviewee 3 outlined: “yes it does perform accordingly but sometimes it gives wrong figures so you have to double check for yourself” (Interviewee 3).

Interviewee 7 agreed: “yes because it’s a live system, however it is only live if you synchronise it, if only they can have an open order option that communicates that there is no stock but still be able to capture that order that is going to stay on the system to wait for stock” (Interviewee 7).

With regard to the capturing of orders, participants from the T3 sales department have suggested an improvement in the functions performed by Appesterix. That function would be able to notify the rep whether there is stock or not while they are busy capturing the order. It will also allow them to capture the order even if there is no stock and then reserve it for when the stock becomes available.


Figure 14: Gender of participants for the Finance Department.

Figure 15: Race of participants for the Finance Department.


Figure 16: Education level of participants for the Finance Department.

Figure 17: Occupation/ Title of participants for the Finance Department.

103 4.3.1 Authorisation

Various responses were noted among all (3/3) participants of the finance department when asked if they required authorisation.

Interviewee 8 said: “there are plenty of times that I need authorisation, so we have a process that we work according to, so if a request comes and it’s out of line of the process then I need authorisation. An example of that would be when a COD customer or a new customer asks for their first order to be released provided the payment would be done before the stock is offloaded at the customer’s place” (Interviewee 8).

Interviewee 9 admitted: “mostly I use my own discretion to perform certain functions because I know my customers and have a relationship with them” (Interviewee 9).

While Interviewee 10 explained: “yes, I can make some decisions on my own but if the value is too high or is an emergency in a sense that the customer has paid but not reflecting on the system yet, I need to get authorisation to release that order. But smaller amounts I can use my own discretion to action whatever function” (Interviewee 10).

Most participants' responses have mentioned that they do not often need authorisation in performing certain functions in the processing of the order such as the release of orders before payment is made or before the payment is reflected in the bank account. However, they are instances where they need authorisation to perform certain functions, for example, if the amount of the order is too high e.g. over half a million order. This is because this can pose a serious high in case the customer does not pay the amount of the order as promised.


4.3.2 Individual Factors Affecting their Tasks: Follow Up

Two out of the three participants (66%) linked their issues/glitches/challenges in carrying out their functions in the order on the system, to awaiting the relevant authorisation.

Interviewee 8 emphasised: “I would say now and again when I cannot get hold of someone to authorise something then it’s just a constant follow up process but there is a second or third person that can assist. Now and again, I think when I have to do something that is not according to the process and I need authorisation” (Interviewee 8).

The remaining participant (33%) linked their issue to having to follow-up.

Interviewee 9 considered: “T3 stores are really a pain, because I have to follow up and their phones aren’t working” (Interviewee 9).

Most participants have emphasised the follow up of a key person responsible for authorising certain key functions in the order for them to be able to perform those functions in the order while it is on the system. This eliminates further delays in the processing of the order.

4.3.3 Key Strategies for Improvement

Participants were then questioned about what they thought were suitable strategies to overcome those challenges. The answers were diverse with one participant being uncertain, one believing in improving interdepartmental collaboration and the final participant recommending augmented training.

Interviewee 8 revealed: “I wish I knew; we’ve been trying different systems since I started with DSA, I wish they could just find a system that really works for everybody

(Interviewee 8).

Interviewee 9 advocated: “if finance and sales departments’ management can work together and find common ground” (Interviewee 9).


Interviewee 10 expressed: “proper training for everyone and that everyone should know what their role is, for example I know that in Durban, there is a truck that goes out once a week to midlands if you miss that delivery that stock is only going to go next week. I think from the start everyone should know that delivery is once a week and therefore push the order through, there is always time to block the order if the customer didn’t pay.

Everyone needs to make sure there is enough stock and payment done on time to prevent customers from missing deliveries” (Interviewee 10).

The participants have suggested that there should be proper training to upskill the employees to be familiar with the order processing system at DSA. There is also a need for collaboration especially between the finance and sales departments.

4.3.4 Interdepartmental Communication

Participant responses differed when asked whether collaborative efforts exist between their department and other departments working on the same order on the system. The responses ranged from yes to no to highlighting COVID-19 as a disturbance.

Interviewee 8 supported: “Yes I think so because the sales, warehouse and finance work with the same order and it flows through the departments, so I would say we share information” (Interviewee 8).

Interviewee 9 disagreed: “there is no collaboration because finance follow their own SOP [standard operating procedure] and sales department is also following their SOP

(Interviewee 9).

Interviewee 10 clarified: “the challenge we have at the moment is COVID-19 and that most people are already at home and we have to rely on email, we don’t have all the contact numbers so we have to wait for responses via email” (Interviewee 10).


With regards to collaboration, the participants differed because of the challenges that came with COVID-19. Participants had different views as some have said yes and some said no, when there were asked about the collaboration and information sharing.